Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1975)
,1 if 3® «‘j 6 i THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1975 ramm to seek Bentsen’s seat By I Associated Press FIN - Lloyd Bentsen, simul- “No'ly seeking re-election as U. end of lor and the Democratic pres ally fa nomination, drew an oppo- Aggie Igdnesday in his Senate race. Litthhilip Gramm, a Texas A&M the l^sity economics professor, ganize<ieed for the Democratic tion in military— m ■ hief IJkes suandy complaints were filed ^ University Police Wed- ay and one thief apparently sweet tooth. nong the crimes was the ing of thirteen dollars of candy from a machine Harrington Building. An lanter was taken from the , the rear wheels were sto- om a bicycle by Aston, and mlator was stolen from the -uv ^ hter y Building. rOFOR.i ere was also * rejxjrt of a bt. IDJ Being hanged in front of j, 1 KMOUjer Hall. Investigation by fwe iers determined that the 'ROfAial was killed legally by No charges were filed. Al- gh blood was left on the valk. senatorial nomination and declared that Bentsen’s dual candidacy “al ready is an issue. Bentsen will be on the Texas Democratic primary ballot next May both as senatorial candidate and as a choice in the state s first presidential preference primary. Notice! WANTED — Graduate stu dents needing extra dollars. Those qualified to illustrate, re view and critique entertain ment events (e.i. movies, re staurants, plays, concerts) and books, or wanting to sell feature photos or articles are asked to apply to Sandy, special sections editor at the Battalion Office, second floor Reed McDonald Building between 6 and 11 p.m., Monday through Thurs day. WANTED — Freshmen or sophomores interested in be coming assistant to the editors for special sections, campus production desk. Applicants should come by The Battalion office, second floor of the Reed McDonald Building, between 6 and 11 p.m., Monday through Thurs day, and see.Sandy Russo, cam pus editor. i NOW OPEN l^etal Pushers 846-6713 707 TEXAS COLLEGE STATION UNIQUE GIFTS, DRIED FLOWERS AND PLANTS Sandy colored Stoneware, hand-painted with fish in briny blue. They’re dishwasher- safe. 5-piece settings . . $10.49 o, 4CENSE STICKS 88c of the e univ^ ittalior MM H up 11mports 1 pi ^ 200 Texas Ave. T'SSi, Across from El Chico 822-7600 3 to pU Idress \ •iff i;i!i I OT1C1AS DE Recipe #.00008 ELLOWi^NOW: 1. Fill a glass with nice, clean snow, j (White only, please.) JM 11 2. Add Cuervo Gold Especial. 3. See it turn yellow? 1111 4. Put a straw in and drink. ■■■p 5. If snow is unavailable, use crushed ice. Or, forget the snow, and just put a straw in the bottle. Or forget the straw and just pour some Gold in a glass. Or just have some water. Must we make all these decisions for you? 'M 1 U f you II ‘ling, annei Mexl< luprei Dallas i071 I 152-8! JOSE CUERVO*TEQUILA. 80 PROOF. I PORTED AND BOTTLED BY © 1975, HEUBLEIN, INC., HARTFORD, CONN. Gramm, 33, said that Bentsen, in his quest for national standing, had taken positions that are “out of step with the views of the people of Texas. He said Bentsen had voted to re duce the oil-depletion allowance for major petroleum companies, a con gressional decision that Gramm claims cut oil-company investments — largely in Texas — by $1.9 bill ion. “I pledge to the people of Texas that I will use my knowledge of economics, my voice, my vote, and my energy to stop the inflation. I will oppose any expansion of federal spending which exceeds the rate of growth in tax collections, Gramm said. He asserted that American his tory “reveals only one cause of infla tion: government deficit spending financed by printing money which drives the demand for goods and services up at a more rapid rate than new goods and services can be pro duced. Gramm, a frequent speaker against government regulation of oil and other industries, is well known as an advocate of free market economics — letting supply and demand operate unfettered. “By and large, federal regulation has stifled competition and has been to the detriment of the consumer, he said. Does this include laws protecting working people? he was asked. “We need to reappraise our labor laws to reappraise the extent to which we have a balance of power, he said, additing that both “big busi ness and big labor” sometimes work against the common good. As senator, he said, he woidd work to cut off federal funds for bus ing school children and for a con stitutional amendment stripping the courts of their power to order pupils to be bused. Gramm said he intends to spend the full $641,GOO allowed by federal campaign laws to “defeat Lloyd Bentsen in one of the greatest up sets in Texas history. He said he has “many friends in the oil indus- RAY B0MNSKIE BODY SHOP 409 Burnett Bryan 823-7219 FREE ESTIMATES! WE DO INSURANCE WORK TOO. MYSTERY MONEY SAVER SPECIAL 99c Monday-Friday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner V, M % | International House of Pancakes* [ fa division of International Industries, Inc FREE DESSERT WITH THIS COUPON FOR ALL DINNERS . . . ANY TIME OF THE DAY UNIVERSITY SQUARE 846-1817 :00 A.M.-1:00 A.M. SUNDAY- THURSDAY OPEN 24 HOURS FRIDAY & SATURDAY W.T.A., World Typing & Answering Services 303 ANDERSON COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 846-7779 • 779-3077 (after 5) r ^eRvicev FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF FOR ALL TYPING NEEDS ACADEMIC Research & Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations PROFESSIONAL Executive and Legal Whether you are a student or a professional; W.T.A. is always there with competitive rates. THE GREATEST SANDWICH The greatest sandwiches in the Southwest are served from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each day Monday through Friday on floor 11M, Conference Tower. The greatness of these sand wiches is no accident. There are several types of meats and you can select your choice and mix or match any three pieces for your sandwich on the bread of your choice. Two of the several types of bread are sour dough and baked fresh daily in our Duncan bakery. Further, these breads are prepared without shortening for the diet conscious guest. For the greatest taste tempting delight just make your sandwich exactly like you want it and pop it into one of the handy micro-wave ovens. This wonderful sandwich and a bowl of soup for only $1.50 plus tax will place you on cloud 11M. We agree this is a bit of a long story, but it is difficult to stop talking about our tasty sandwiches. Open Sunday 11:00 A.M* -1:30 P.M. for regular meal only. “QUALITY FIRST” try” but no specific group is bankrol ling his candidacy. He acknowledged voting for Bentsen in the 1970 Democratic primary, when Bentsen defeated incumbent Sen. Ralph Yarborough, even though Bentsen - in Gramm’s words - ran a “mud slinging cam paign.” Gramm, a Georgia native and Ph.D. graduate of the University of Georgia, said he is on a leave of absence from A&M, where he teaches courses in the theory of money and banking. He is an economic consultant on energy to the National Science Foundation and the Arms control and Disarmament Agency, consul tant on environment and taxation to the provincial government of On tario and a director of Common Sense, Inc. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must he pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication OFFICAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Smith, Evelyn Kay Degree: Ph.D. in Economics Dissertation: RELIABILITY IN THE DEMAND FOR AND SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY. Time: October 20, 1975 at 9:30 a.m. Place: Room 434-F in the Harrington Center George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College There is a niispriul in ihe l nixersit) Molor Vehicle Regulations: Item 1 under‘Othei Parking Regulations should read as lollows: 1 \ll vehicles registered In students innst he mox ed liom Parking Areas i PA IS, 50, 00, 01, 02, and PA 19 south ol Old Main Drive, loam other area In 10:00 a. in. on dav s when there is a home loothall game. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR SALE 1927 Buggati replica. Runs super. Looks fantastic. $4200. Write Steve, 9206Tooley, Houston, 77071. 23t3 Sell your used air conditioner to White s Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home appliances. VW Squareback '69, rebuilt engine, AM-FM radio, clean, $1200. VW Beetle 64, rebuilt engine. Sporty, good work car, $400. 846-3995. 19t5 BEER DRINKERS, l or Sale 16 gal Beer Ta, excellent condition, S100. 693-9932 >|>er, 22*3 ‘ Help Wanted Part time farm help needed. Farm machinery maintenance. General farm lalxir. Contact Sam F. DeStefano, Box 256, Muinford, TX. 713/279-3701 after 6:30 p.m. Jot I Dodge Tradesman van 1968, good tires, good condition, talk price. 822-1886 after 6; 822-2323 day. 15tfn Hilltop Lakes, 2 lots for sale, 1 near lake. Club and hunting privileges. 864-8338, Houston, Texas after 5:30 p.m. 21t4 WORK WANTED J Typing. Ail kinds. Lowest rates in town Pick up. dropoff, campus. 693-3512. 19*6 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 392tfit’ T&W Portable Custom Welding. Phone 693-5:'- ! FOR SALE OR RENT Typing. Experienced, but. aecnralr All kinds. 622- 0544. j|U6 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Sen ice Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-SI 11 BELAIR Mobile Home Park minutes from cam iwimm utilities, large npus ming pool, TV cable, all city lots, - ' 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn Need to buy two decent tickets for Buvlor game Call after 6 p.m. 846-3098. 20t2 FOR RENT TUNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun A Toyota # VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 846-8213 Class of’65 ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES! Orders lor Graduation Announcements will be taken beginning September 8 tlmi October 10, at the Student Finance Center Ollice, Room 217, MSG, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 to 4:00. 7tl7 PERSONALS Crush all smokes dead out. 1 bedroom furnished garage apartment. Near 29th St. and Coulter Dr. in Bryan. $135 a month. No bills paid. Available immediately. Call 822-3823 or 822- 1154, ask for Elaine or leave message. I*nrnisliccl, one bedroom apartment, S125. Available mid-October. S22-4066 . 22(5 Roommate needed. One bedroom apartment. Planta tion Oaks. Call 693-4029. 23tl MEN! — WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Foreign. No experience required. Excellentpay. Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. K-3 Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. 15.7 | " , FOR SALE STA-250 stereo receiver. Excellent FM 50W/Channel. Two months old. New, $336. Sell, $236. Two SQ Quadrophonic decoders. 846-3545 Thorens TD160C manual turntable with base and dust cover. Excellent condition, $185 or best offer. 846- 4571. 2312 ® •‘"‘UsKE? Has the following openings: Clerk Typist Secretaries plus shorthand Clerk Manager-Trainee Assistant Manager Salesman (salary plus commission) Aid-Trainee Laborers Carpenter AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center Please: help prevent forest fires. SCHOOLS 0PEN& mrn. \1R. GATTI S. Part time and full time help wanted. Applv in person between 1-5 p.m. 22t3 □RIVE CAREFULLY SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb FarmeXs Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 /-/ave you tried the hew RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS We need full-time or part-time employees to work 5 days a weak. Cashiers and counter work. 10a.m. 'til 3 p.m. lla.m.^ilSp.m. Sp.m.'tilSp.m. 5 p.m.'til 10 p.m. If you nood a job and want to work wo will arrango tba hours to fit your schadult. Must bt n#at and dapandaMt, Apply in person only, if possible 9:30 a.m. 'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is negotiable. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas Collage Station 105 Dominik G.A.F. 440 POCKET 110 CAMERA 24" 2700 South Texas Avenue