Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1975)
MULTIPLY . . IT EQUALS MUCH MORE T ake your next trip as a group and you’ll get MORE ' ^ of all the things you expect — economy, fun, com panionship plus MORE of things you never even dreamed of. IT DOESN’T TAKE MUCH FOR GREYHOUND TO GET YOUR GROUP IN TOUCH (ireylKHiiKl's * iniiNirn • Information available at: 823-8071 GREYHOUND BUS STATION 1300 TEXAS AVE. Greyhound A change for the better. Water Polo THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1975 Page 5 Team play needed By PAUL McGRATH Battalion Sports Writer Overall improvement is a com modity much in demand on Coach Dennis Fosdick s budget these days as his water polo team prepares to take the Mustangs of SMU tonight at 7:30. Arguments cotdd be made that improvement is unnecessary since the tankers boast an undefeated re cord through 11 games. Texas A&M STEEL-BELTED RADIAL SALE UniroYal's Tough Guy wallops steel-belted radial prices with a Tight-Fisted Sale. m m If you hate to part with your hard-earned dollars. Umroyal s Tight-Fisted Sale is for you Because you'll save money. Check our Tight-Fisted prices in the box below But don't forget - the Tough Guy is no ordinary steel-belted radial tire,. Two steel belts wall to wall It-: '-V k CT \\ \ TIGHT-FISTED SALE PRICE BR78x 13 Whitewall tubeless plus $2 16 F E T and tire OH your car Size Special Price F.E.T. DR78x14 -46.95 2 40 ER78x14 4ir§5 2 PH78x14 5l .95 2 81 GR78x 14 54.95 2 95 HH/8x 14 56.95 3 15 1 GR78x 15 56.95 3 05 HH/Bx 1 b 58.95 3 2b JR78x15 61 .95 3 44 LR78x15 65.95 3 60 Whitewall tubeless price each plus Federal Excise Tax and tire off your car. Prices available at all Uniroyal Tire & Auto Centers. Ask your Uniroyal Dealer for his complete prices. While some radials have only one narrow steel belt, the Tough Guy has two wide, tough belts of steel. Two steel belts - wall to wall. Along fw steoi wan Iowan with its double-steel-belted construction, the Tough Guy has CRF. That's the Uniroyal tread-life ingredient that actually strengthens the rubber. Strengthens the rubber-for good mileage Mileage is what the Tough Guy is all about. The 40,000-mile tire The Tough Guy is guaranteed not to wear out before 40.000 miles - that's more than four years of driving for the average car. If it should wear out. Umrbyal will replace it on a prorated charge basis So hurry 9 Buy now and get the long-mileage Tough Guy at Tight-Fisted Sale prices for good mileage r. UNIROYAL The Mileage People SIZE SPECIAL PRICE F.E.T. 155 R1 2 35.95 1.50 145 R13 36.95 1.33 155 R1 3 37.95 1.65 165 R13 41 .95 1.83 165 R14 42.95 1.94 155 R1 5 41 .95 1.82 165 R15 43.95 2.07 rnmmmbTmwwmwwmwi UNIROYAL ZETA MILEAGE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE LIMITED WARRANTY If, in normal passenger tire use, you don't get the mileage stated on the sidewall (Number after "Zeta" Thousand) or tire becomes unserviceable for any reason other than repairable road hazards (cuts, punctures, etc.), accident or gross abuse, your Uniroyal Zeta dealer will give you a credit against the purchase of a new Zeta tire of the same type. Credit will be proportionate to percentage of stated mileage you did not obtain. Credit will be applied against the Zeta guarantee Base Price (national adjustment base approximating actual proces) in effect at time of adjustment. Proportionate taxes extra and dealer may add charge for services he performs in replacing tire. Conditions of adjustment based on mileage or: owner must properly maintain tires and related vehicle conditions, bring in tires for free 6,000 mile rotations and check-ups and have guarantee booklet. UNIROYAL TIGER PAW FOUR-PLY POLYESTER CORD 78 SERIES DESIGN Size Special Price F.E.T. Size Special Price F.E.T. C 78X14 23.95 2 04 H78>. 14 30.95 2 77 E78x14 25.29 2.24 G78 15 29.95 263 F78x14 27 95 2 41 H78x15 31 .95 282 G78x14 28.95 2 55 L78x15 33.95 3 13 Whitewall tubeless price each plus Federal Excise Tax and tire off your car. PILGER TIRE AND AUTO CENTER COLLEGE STA, 400 E. UNIVERSITY DR. PH. 846-1729 846-1720 is currently 10-0-1, the only blemish being a last-second tie with Stan ford. However, Fosdick feels that the team should be playing more as a unit without excessive indi vidualism. He said that some of his players have been gunning the ball too much and that the cohesion vital to a team effort has been missing on many occasions. The Aggies will he going against SMU for the first time since the late 1940’s. The Mustang water polo squad, although containing some fine swimmers, is basically inex perienced in polo as the team was just started up again this year. The rule changes, which went into effect last week, will be a factor in the contest as Texas A&M has the greatest amount of playing experi ence under the new regulations. Fosdick said he woidd probably play his starting unit only a small portion of the game because of colds and to give experience to other per- Joggers run for United Fund Participants in Brazos Valley Jog gers Club events Saturday at Kyle Field will be running for a cause — the United Fund. Mike Christiansen, BVJC presi dent, announced that all entry fees collected Saturday will be matched by a donation from the club, with the total to be distributed between the College Station and Bryan- Brazos County fund-raising drives. The Saturday outing will be high lighted by the second annual BVJC One-Hour Run Championships at 9:15 a.m. All persons finishing the endurance-type event will be pre sented certificates. Entry fees for BVJC events are 25 cents for members and 50 cents for non-members. Annual member ships are $3 for individuals and $5 for families. Additional information may be obtained from Christiansen at 846-1346. sonnel. Freshman Bill Yates, a team leader in scoring and assists, said the team was a little confused at first by the new rules, but now thinks “they’re better. Before, live per sonal fouls and you were out.” The new guidelines call for unlimited fouls except in special cases. “We’ve got the capability to play well as a team, but we haven’t had enough time playing together, ’ said Yates. He added that the recent California trip would help the Ag gies. “The caliber of water polo in California is so much higher than it is here.” “Anything we played out there is better than what we get here, of fered Jim Yates, the older of the two brothers. “There were some good teams, such as Berkeley and Stan ford, but we thought we would win it. Yates is referring to winning the tourney’s college division title, which the Aggies did. Other Aggies had their views of the new rules. "I like them. The\ make for a more aggressive style of play, said Don Reeser, team assist leader. “It lets you play the game. T learned a lot, said Doug Adamson. “I hadn t played them be fore, but I like them. The game goes a lot faster. The team with the ex perience will kill the one who doesn’t. Fortunately for us we had a hunch of guys who had played them (under the new rules) during the summer. “We re a swimming team and that makes a lot of difference, said Adamson. "Any team who tries to swim with us we 11 just blow away. “We re swimmers as well as water polo players, said Reeser. "The others were just water polo play ers. Stanford tried to swim with A&M, a game the Ags feel the\ should have won. Aggie soph Boh Leland beat the Golden Bears top swimmer in the sprint three times, the onb one in the tourney to do so even once. The man Leland out- stroked was Dave Fairbanks, who finished second in the NCAA in the 50-yard freestyle. After the varsity match, the Aggie frosh take on St. Mark’s University. The fish are coached by former Aggie star, Larry Schueckler. Both contests will be in P. L. Downs Natatorium. INTRAMURALS TODAY’S GAMES MUitary: 1-1 vs Sq. 2, 5:10, K-l; Sq. 6vsC-l, 5:10, D-l; A-l vs W-Band, 6:10, D-2; D-l vs Sq. 11, 5:10, D-3; Sq. 10vsB-l, 5:10, D-4; F-2 vs F-l, 5:10, D-5; D-2 vs Sq. 9, 5:10, D-6; Sq. 13 vs M-l, 5:10, ETV. Independent: Madisonville vs Forestry, 6:10, D-l; Briarwood East vs Los Cabrones, 6:10, ETV; Ar madillos vs Muff Drivers, 6:10, D-3; Buzzards vs Dexter Jets No. 1, 6:10, D-5; Rag Knots vs Craig’s Cocks, 6.10, D-6. Recreation: Ag. Eco. vs War Chic kens, 5:10, D-2; Crocker vs Floun ders, 5:10, K-2; Fayette vs Puryear, 6:10, K-2. Women: Mosher vs Krueger, 6:10, ACROSS FROM A&M Located in the new 707 Texas Complex 846-6933 THE NEWEST, MOST UNIQUE HAIR-STYLING EMPORIUM FOR GUYS & GALS. We’re not freaky, spaced out or cheap! JUST TERRIFIC! H-l; BSU No. 1 vs BAG, 6:10, H-2; Hughes I vs Fowler, 5:10, H-2. FLAG FOOTBALL Military: N-l vs C-2, 20-12; E-2 vs H-2, 27-19. Fish: H-2 vs S-2, 5:10, D-2; C-l vs Sq. 15, 5:10, D-4; S q. 3 vs Sq. 2, 14-6; E-2 vs C-2, 5:10, D-l; Sq. 9 vs L-2, 7-0. Independent: Gallopping Ghost vs IEEE, 8-6; Oak Forest vs Geol. Grads, 33-6, Gator Hawks vs Re bels, 27-0; Vet I vs BSU No. 2, 31-0. Co-Rec: Slip Slides vs Ranglewood, 25-7; A. Outcast vs Plantation Oaks, 14-13. Women: Scandia vs Spence, 14-0; Zeta Tan Alpha, W-l Fish, 1-0; Cinder s Gang vs Country Place, 164). Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jeweiry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE 'Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Armed Forces Health Care DEDICATED TO HEALTH CARE AND THE PEOPLE WHO PRACTICE IT Armed Forces Scholarships P.O. Box AF Z-CN-105 "~j Peoria. IL 61614 Yes. I am interested in Armed Forces Heolth Professions Schc ;holorship opportunities. I understand there is no obligation. 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