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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1950)
y >/ Ba Italian Editorials P»««2 ^ fWDAY, MAY 12. I960 l, llolhfr, Its a (»raml Old Name Tlw word. Mather ' insf>ire« un moat .hll of us th« lenderest and moat sublime tkoughta that can be aaouani Our naem- |Nia an* fall of thtafs that Mother has for ua. or haa hrlped ua do. We go wfouffh the year aceeftting many of her fervtcea and aatrificea as things that mothers )uat do. •*+ * t But on Maher s I>ay we take account or ought to take account, o# the thing* during the past year that Mother haa done for ua. Oar memonea retch back even further and catch faint fhmpaeb of Moth er when we were just helpless children be * n f ftnded by her hand and sustained by the food she pre|»are<f Still nobody cooks • food better than Mother i , Mother s I>ay is m* an occasion for gadness but rathef a day of sober evalu ation of the love we hold f<)r her and con tribution aha haa made in our live* Few 4 Methers lime . . . JhPdukted to Mother* in All I^ands This Poetn By " l»K JOHN AMfTO.N Was ever smile ao sweet as thine On face divine* 0 Mother mine’ Waa e\er heart so free fr»»m ^uik' Or soul bereft of all things vik " Dear Mother' wert thou here tixlsy To comfort me I d feel so gay Jlwtioubt.s and fear* my < are* set free , Would fade like mist o er sunlit s* a' S*» prniMi I d be ami grateful, too. Had ! nc>r known regret nor rue For words and acts which glive thee psm When tem^ior r .use«i my passtona vain Th< »u gaveth Ijfe thou nurw^l me well » How* grand thy hojies no one may tell! Thy substance flowed that I might live Nor mortal love could e'er more give’ men do not hold their mother as an ideal of womanhood. For in their mother they see all the love and a ft action and sacrifice that has been shown them, and they ap preciate her. In a tense we are still kids, we like to show things to Mother We like for her to oorae here and nee where we go to class and to introducf her to our friend*. We are proud of our mother. When college day* have rolled through our live* and we have established homes and families, the aging Mother of ours will be flrandmotler to obr children And Grandmother will be as blindly loved as Mother was when we were children However, the preaent is upon us and Mother’s Day 1U50 is near Wherever Mother may be on this Sunday, our love will go to her and <>ur resolutions will be made to live our Uvea in a way that she wauki be proud. Mv fancy brings fond scene* to mind 1 see a face. aur|*a*inf kind A Mother s eyes none other c«d!ild Such love reveal for flesh and Wo*kJ' A love transcendent, undefiled A Mother s lx>ve for tender child’ A love till I»eath’ if that woukl bring Salvation for thine <*wn offspring! There a one I kn<*v who never knew The supreme love of Mother true But graven on her tomb I sec This simple jibrase HUE DIED FOK MU ’ Neath desert tent and palace dome, In city alum or savage home. Where'er sweet lisps of children sound, Some Mother sheds her love profound. \ For cok»r race, ami creed are one- That Home is sad where Mother's gone' Nor ciches care nor friend* ref*laoe The sanctity of Mother * face' City * States: (»l»n Without Hrsponsihiliti Our history books tell us of aa okl practice in government that m sprewdmg in Texas during this advanced enlighten ed twentieth century These ancient gov ernments relied heavily on the city-state form of construction Cities during the middle ages became |s'Wertul and rich from their rising trade and manufacturing Gradually they an nexed lands immediately surrounding their borders and after this step, annexed lands beyond those borders The end result was a wide domain ruled by the city We note the parallel between those city state ventures and the recent trend in city ex|ian*ion bv several of our Texas cities Th** Texas city-state (level.^anent if not founded ufcon military power or am bitions. we hoi**- But still city limits signs are getting pushed farther and far ther out into the nkintry now we think they are becoming ridiculously far from the citie* proper. HsJifig a< roas bald pnune or farmland w ith but a fdw houses in sight we are nrtt surprised at aH to nee a sign residwg. k CHy Limits of Houston.” or Fort W orth, or Ihillas. or even some of the ambitious smaller towns of Texas Many court figbts have been waged in recent years between small omimunities resistmg annexation by adjoining cities Most ot t hese court fights have ended in favor of the expanding cities The rewards for this annexation are in many cases, hipher taxes and the privi lege of c laiming residence m such and such a nty While ex|*anding their bor ders City fathers are reluctant to grant privilege* downtowners eryoy - adequate fire protection, water and sewage dis|M*Kal facilities, and thc»rough jada-e protection With the development of city states I in land area at least I we have another m- *Uncf of the quest for glory (don't ctties boaat erf their aiae in terms erf square mile* *j grithout ansuiription of re«(ionsi- bllitv The Battalion "Soldier Sidtemem Jimgkily (•enUenum" Liwrence Sullivan Rom, Founder of Aggie Tradiooni I *W AM W •f IWrcti I Member of The Aiaouatrd Press Gats, Music and Laughs Highlight 50 Aggie Follies if).| Ticket* I e ibUituti at k .\J reft colored t ■okl I 1 Friday % by (iKtHM.K ('MAbLTON I» Nothing Like A * no the Aggie FolUr* “There Dame “ . __ of 1910 mil aet out t« prove to night and tomorrow night begin, ning at 7 p. nt on the stage of Guion Hall for fkeshan-n Itlb Itcsk-nt on la Romb Hall High braas at WbD mil be pnrtra)«rf in the true-to- «ay be life drama. Uxlnge SHnseapeare s adage that the Different colored ticket* will be “whole world is a -tage" will be *o*d for each pertoratarKe on brought out, Wyler say*, smee any- Friday and Saturday nigh, in or immi thug can happen from the Bilk dVr that tha ticket salaa for eith- Tnd ,h*“nnr. ,«rv m * ^,1 fiaor to the botcflty Opening wi|k night will not eirrad ths skating r*' ^ ,h " ,h ' , * v*™ ,‘-r e« u.... •.» "South Pacific " aertea of unexpitted happenings upon the stag* as well aa m tin audun.« lirhel I lake, chairman .»( the rommiltee. piwats tint. , A.I stud* nt* , ■ 1! /• ■ | One skit wiM include a (Wat «f t|T r^u^sted to attend tkt FMfln*^ our ^nilora They will aatime th. ^ Kn( ^ y life of an AAM janitor, ringing „„ e h«Jn,iar. of the AU ( ..|U-gn • in the vein of the India Rhythm t jj,- Committee *a\> S \ . . . . ' This re«iu«ft was made In ortwr ^ that larwnti. and P . nda of gtu- dente may aee^ the pet foitnanoe <»n Saiuniay night, \ - - All College Day Is 21 Years Old Aaother skit roaceraing )it- terWags will .tar tW<* (oeetga piaa* tuaers tinherihg at the keyboard. 1‘rett > girl, panned on canvas backdrnpn mil be aUl- ised as set material In other nr qaences * "This is shout the biggest and most professional typ* shows the ' Hi fiKMOB < H VKI TOS ' \l! ( .dlege I IS) AA M r annual chaace to sh<i'» the of T* \as <««. tly '*nst.' it hai» to offer .youag *ven in th<- say of i»n *-du< aOon, Iwtran exactly tvonty on*- y.wr. af» Hut at that time it bad a different name m*ll a. a dif- fiTent |>ur|Kta* Pnof to the war patents and frond* of the (o|!tg> had mad*' th* n a* insl visit, lo th. campus on Mother’s Pay The program • •'ntorod around ‘the Corps 1 ad«*ts slriittwi their sluff tn-forc admr t#iif parent a. Hut sladtals and ntfidals of the ( oliege fell that there »as much more of VAM than noild he -hown is the ann*.il Mother’s Pa* program V. a , result ot this feeling Ftiginfer * 1*1 *»" inaugurated m 1929 on the Kal arda) preceding Mother’s Hay Fvevy department in th* IxkW of Kngingrnng was open tc* vio- tpr< In preparation for the eve»>t. »ve*al e>»gine«nt'g d.-jiart merits h* ! ac.piired dispiav* of products from v^r'.His rhanufsrtunng eon ryin< throughout th*- natron Oru* •If tl.e moat interesting and well, ne mem be red tlhihits va. th*- .der tl . al eot’iitenriug dispiay which ■show* 1 *! the modern marvels of sdertrMty. Kugme* rs d.siday* d tbe.r ipMchiiiciy. malgriai. ami 4ptlatlO.X uawil in the ear ous ite ■Ulnieets All in all, it wa» il*eir (Jay In .hine. Previous to tht. time th. School J. I.. RffVCS ^ins Senior 4M \uarcl i J I. Reeve, of Austin goul- uating -enmr ir the ^*hfH>i of \iterih*rv .Meriatne, ba j Keen awarded tl»c «en»««r awani h\ the WomenAuxiliary Jn thr Vmcri tan Veterinary M.dhal A«««wia |iOn The award i* in "re.ognition of tl*' vraduatingr chior who has n'ade a special o.ntntwAton whirh idvaneed th* slandieg of the Fi-h.Htl of Vetc-rieary Medicine .01 the egnapua" H.eves won th* anieghr awa»d </ I'dH. m he. (un k.r year He »a president <«f the junior chapter. A \ V A dur pig the seeon.l ..nM»«ter of his *en»*'r y*»r and 1* sermtarv of th* All Coilege !h»> Planning com mittee this ye»r While at VAM he worked Ur the flepartm* tit of I’athologi a?id Ha. tenoiogy. Phi*se.(vgv amt Pharma- <vt|"g)' and the c ottorisi .d R*- V ar. h. I almrators ! I»r J H M lltff bea*! l**|>i*rt ^ men* of Veterinary Anatomv made the p.resentate*n of the award at refertnlnies Tuesslay night of Agriculture had held * pe*. lal shows fur its departmentsiduring various Saturdays in the Spring The iiltl. A<iuthwestern W 1 ' 1 the Spring l>airy Show wer*- |wo of the edfhrr programs Ihee the departmrals kt (be Schapl of \ gru altar* < <>Whinrtl la hgie I heir open ho«se Uig« lh er dunag speeiall* de^gnal «d weekend |n the- Spriai. and 1a ike earl) tbirtres the m*»e ne nl wan initiated to htgve ,ui Vgritultuu l>k) Inchidtd in the activiticslfor an other typnal Fngmeer l>4y pro gram wa- a tea honoring ml visit ing ttareids a l.asehall mgme. a reeeplmn m the pre-identT honm and 4 Oorpa dance that jight Rut during the wai years, th* event was dmppejl becaiiae of high .net i.f tran*orfati»n and gaao line rationing It wa« nit until aftei the war that on<< again the public Could View the ScillHes which make AAV one of !*< most fully eoU!|it,ed schools of ilf> kind m th« world. In 1947 th, of K mg am Agric dtire rite program will he present ed to on* aentor Vggie and bu. data, atttiag un the stage, and to the regaiar audianre aat in the a adi itki-tom But not only tke girl* will get into the aet Muaieal parts of the program will feature au differ ent ergardfea Uona tat lading the Smgiag ••deU, the Aggie land Orchentra. ihe Anne* Dixie I-aryi Jar.z Band .rand I'ncle Fat Hamng- Un anu hit ( <>on Chasers This year's Folliea has imported a hand frogi itehind the Iron Car- tain, ’ says Bucko Wyler ckrertor Aggie Follies has ever tried to of th# nhoau Name of the orgbn- preaent,” says Wyler iiatum is Der Schumalti Sextet Tickets may pun hamul from' und 1 nesta. Wyler says that thrift, kergeants is the corps or 1* gioup came rw-enUy from the th , Htudent Activttle# office ml Russian occupied wect*»r of Berlin (.©.utwin Hall. Madeley’s Phar Bud Harlow and All the Boys mmy Black's Pharmacy, or Lipa- ' will he on hand for their fourth comb’s Pharmacy m 1 oliege Hto- ! 1 such appeeannee wnth the FoIHe* tion This year’s variety show will In Bryan ticket* are available also feature a soft shoe dancing foursome, ihc Drum and Bugle tanps, and the ASM I umtdmg As tke curtain raises on the first net. the Freshman Drill Team will proceed to stmt their staff acr.Hi# the 'ootlighta la tb* imeHght niN be the “C" rraw* Players who wiN pre- seal an srigiaal play enlMked Hat i ns*' based oa the gstogw sAMhAu LAST DAY FEAT PALACE Bryan HM)AY — HATIRDAY 1tH>AY A AATI1IDAY FIRST BI N - Features Start - I tf • i^l-4 49 - I IA - 7;M 9 40 HATYRDAV ONLY THF gineer imli*e*l t< HAHV m roMCNi aw.w Bn 1 psnas swan' PRRV1 I! FRIDAY 11 P M. )<*mt ptahuiag committe, jwarked out .htsds for the affair 4 This Isnm sh m ha.i Wa'L'il it .'4'iiiih a> a growing hnstitu t'<« It the biggest bvl lH*st up Ul thni 11me Monr pa.'git- mo.) frion^* 'd ' h* I ollege cami t.S the *'\M'tj 'hit" )-\er l«*fnre, anl exhih- It- wi n -et up b) all dc|i]WtiiieiiU on t|< uuupus. Monv («.r*'nts wer* an^ wt kho fa cilitie* nod equipmeijt ax ail aide to studenta AIM oll^e Day ha« heeome amdh*'* woripy diu.4 yar, the name of ith* an nual affair wa* again Riangiwt. this tune to Open Houle Day Ami it wa- «aid that th^t event would t* 1 th* "bigg, r amit hetter” than ever h*i0ire Ft was They re '*)*!% th*- same thing th* year w %y TH» aT DOlf •m FU S: LATWT NEWI THIS THEATRE AND Y<M " PRFTY1T TONM1HT 11:00 P M -Eeplnre 11:99 f.l*.— SI NDAT thru Tt KSDAY FIRST BI N - Bumiiy Feature Starto-*- 1 m - »•]* - S 4A 7 M» 1h «» lAOii i*o** mu«* p-nm Twass irsa\ jflK I6Y ■ BARI - ODONNlU ~nm AMA2IMO MR. X“ wig Seat*,! c set son . iva^f lutris v**c*sM *ki &C P 'rcIfCl S)i smsm US TtCfiMCOt y$r% ty tre- PRFV1 K — NAT. II P M. ■ ue* HEM'S: ( \KTl**N-NKWS DbfTiMS fU*U FYIR Ml NIC THAT CANT HE BEAT . j. . ft S really a treat! [ Buy Uvit “AGGIE HAK HYMN W> all know that H’s the | heat ia the land . J Bu buv cm now while I aih has then! on h^id mh itris Tmde with Ix>u — He’s right with JMl” c'LASg 32 4»e|jUV>tll OUTLOG/ ‘ gm 9«r* <«■* ■"cm aw nsnt NATI KIUY PKEY1 E 11 {(Ml P.M. e-Fealad* 11:39 P.M.— FIRST KI N \ QUEEN EKIDAY • NATI RDAY *<< la. Rgy mtj. I HIT HiiNi.N . . .:x •“tong rtf Wagoa Master" “Knll in Dual*’ “W agcwis Meat *i buefcanalla .Swing" Sung Kf WINS of the PPIONEERS PU S: CARTiMIN —NFMS SATI KDAY PPREYIEH AKsi Soikla^ and Monday I’ll TEU YOU ^ ABOUT 1 MRS. PARADINE ‘TM hrme her if I sna«f heertuse f am fhe /urfgc, l>til man to num, ike'k too lot r/y to ditlrmy* CHARLES LAtCHTON THE PARADINE™ A 4* (. I E Saturday EO L I. I E N — *:00 P.M The Press ia srtitled axetuaively to th* uae for repubiicatipn of all news dtopatchee eraditrd to rt or not otherwtaa cr*ditod ia the paner and local news of afwnUneoua origin ouM.ab- a4 bare i a Right* of repuhlleatioa of ail othw asmtter herein are a loo raeerved Tb# Battalion, official newspaper of the Agncuhural and Mechaakal CaUage of Texas and the of OBagt Button. Texas, ia published fie* tigwe a weoli and circulated every Monday thaougk ’ aftsrmoon, eacept during Soft days aad axaminatwn penoda Darings the summer The Bat la aubliabed tii-woakly on Monday, Woxbtoaday bod Friday. BubocrtpUon rata |C(>0 per achuol CSL. Advertising rat»a furmahed on raqueat. News pwntnbntmus mav be made by telepfcono (4 S444) or at tha editorial office. Room Ml. Jaafwm HaH ClaaaifM ids may be placed by telepboaa (4-M14) er at the Staadcat AcUvuiaa Office, Room 2U9 Goodwin Hall. Bible Verse Sturfi tr> «h*>'* thy«cif *H>mv«>d Hid'. <i*«i, a wnukman thnt ic-dcth n«>t *o iw ashamed rightly divid- ing the word of trvth If Timorth) 2 IS in \BNEK Srg M HaI the Boy in I hr B*rh Itoooi M ill Havr By Al Uw torn— let, SB Pew Tseb OSW Las Aagsto. ma Baa Prastoss BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. MUNR0E . ttaytoa U Mph • Dtom Qaatott „ — John Wh.unare. L. O. Ttodt Dean Reed. Otto Kunae Co-Editor* Managing Editor _ Feature Edlter Baarto Noma editor Editors ! 1 J Bmsm ( Today’* laaue . . - Nrws Editor 1 trail Ke*<# wporta »wv Patttrrr AW kherwathy Acitag ( epy MHor , cartis Beww*e» ... .i car tower . «M ASerwami Ksa aarwaarSt. /. Jrrrr Btoar . .,. A*uwa tear BUi tortoi Bto tore cVxmIw Hsrfes MS Maa*w Mar. * Maseasa aswpt tosPra , , Twa Intatesa. Raitotto Itostoae ttoUHr TaaewtoM Anfea llgiv. **e t**e. Ksaastk Wimpas . . . ..... towe man I » Astf (>«« ftomw OtofeUM Wanw iia«ia. | m rai snana. Bar Wtotaa*. Psausss ault * |«4Mr toapira M IMBaae Cbasto Mbawa C*» ~ v, liiilaBKak... Pttav amtof u K. caSM* Oswto XCSm/BSS?.'. .*TSL Crews * smew Jr .... .IMMs * Bato' Ownst. JHtor (tom Msa^t Jmsa. BaMb dipstotfk Isg Mtoeto. Jir*r iHae «*. t*Mh ■aajsaa. Dtoa Hess. Bame* Bapsta freak fbasHB. Is . Ch W 2 'kwriet* L\ FIESTA KEGI LAK 1HNNEKN • Chalupa • Enchilada • Tamakh • tM>|ia de Arroz • Frijolea • Toatada > • Chili • Frallnc • Drink \ LA FIESTA 24th tt N Cnllta* oot bao t Mr|* SA'D >OT> GiVf ME WOSSKO Mr* W N<t.| Lfl. 'D4A9 - BU T HTS t/ S A Q r^r iwk wr>*rv srtotoytcl \ AOV ikg) daaevEO *4Wf.r- re- ewau^e* \ *w« Mwwrv j aa*Ev oau , rnnurtjoio> eeatwen .jjm ME 2,»4UJ ME ru mam Vaui-i. a*- WCXixOA tt)VC IT TO HIM ONtv AM ^ noose maoiXM 1 jonv civtuih ■ ir 1 s*ull s *Jtf l'«£ r*\f rr J*T7> f- T *rfOf S c e* rv/S *aa/A> n^vac." av a rew HtHunrs - /a *»'*,*- *4L **U M Cgrr/nas wo *a*(.er } ■MRfwpv...* J r-j—— ff ' Cw MEX4 J -> po**f w cose a h*N| nw xj 60uLjr *#$ V W4 Pur MUd IN TM* XI s s JXV5.CS j s*» Xt IbOQM, MKAP aMNTU. 1 TTXXM-. iJOOKtN cjOOi/r^f n» rM\ <vmo (fT *.cnr4 \ aco'CNis -o .^am ow- 4 ^ LTL ARNKR I I nraay Street B> 41 c««a> T*i 4. Am 0UMPy.iixi tu*j$toNC ufeadL* k.>Kg a imtrr ul. A todttT JZ But rnAir M4 Ad PC* UEtoAli.’TM snatgr nnu. tup^ our r A HOUAJNT HOstlhoc V \ y .