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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1950)
\ i 3} T City Of College Station Official NVmipaper Nation’s Top Collegiate Daily NAS \m Survey Number J49 Volume 4U ip Cup Presented to Rice, TCU Close Second Tkt 1944 &0 Southw*«t Con- Ark«nM» w4» )•« with 11 polnta t«wwr» Sponomnnahip Trophy Point* nr* aw«i W on U» U- ****^J^ ,0 Sicr Imtitut*- Satur- «m uf th^teiumbar of firH, aatawS ( -4ny •flcrntMtn at tha- annual non aid thml piaca *ot«a whioh rarH ftranca tracA mnat m Austin arltool mnivaa. A firat plar* vo4a | Sm# M th* fl«*M of navan trhoulu WaOla a *«'honl a ith fiva points ‘ with 115 pomu Thn Owl* b^n A second plana vuta m wartlt tkPMrl ly »ba4ad M-caml pla<r TCI whirk points and on* point ia u«anM 5od lOd point a' Biivtoi- plati-d third *‘ ,r tljird plerv »ot»-. *IW 73 point*, Houtharn Math«Mli<«i Sixty «n balloU wnra dt*tr|huto(l fourth with 71 pomf* aa«l AAal ,4> th# ronfo<%n4w hthajia «a<l effi- droppad from fir«t to fifth plara n o i ’* wrra <<una- 1 with 63 points platad and rrturned Toitoa Univaraily piprad mith » th» voting with tM point* and Awards Merits Ceremony Held C iVi ilr * r H BUSHED IV TUB LSTOtEST OF A CBSATEM ABM COUJXK l Ainr^ind)TEXAt, MONDAY. MAY js. 1960 ■ If ^ 1 T . Price Five T :vr A A* ifllJtv B’ Engineers, ‘A’ Air Force Take Top Parent’s Day A war i* H ANN J()N I S Doyla R Avant was (ivrn a sahar, ( adat (arporal Enr W C^irtaon morad ( avalry , Cadet Captain praaented by the Ta*a» Itapertmant j by the |rdrrata.i A 4 M Mother * « harlo* H Modtsett. Army Secur yaatanddy ra- R,*rrYa Officer* Association The Club* of Ttxa* Ha wa* rhoaai ity Afancy; Cadet Colonel Prank l (iwirja r award i* ftvan aoch year to the the mort ouUtandm* sophomor* A (Island. ( hamical Corpa. Co- tha Actual uaitiundinir cpdat officer iv ravw on tha P*.» , aM.^I Tr^h, hjthaak Determination to me«*t ob jectiwa arxi willm^nr^u* to work hard for worthwhile thinfta \my% off in the profea- aumal world l , rtwkien< F C. Roltan apid at th«- firat annual Award* and Merits (Vmvocatton Sunday Raying tribute to « few of tho»* Who have won scholastic racu^m t t»on at AliW i* th*- purpose of the racopnition program Button *aMi Parent* and puesl* waP-hed ** j 175 studant* who have *ho«n out •tandmc *ahola*tu achievement* war* reCofnued Awant* to nnd« r^nuiUHte *tu dont* m the school* of Af-rtru) i tuia. Art* and S-ieiicas. Enfihear i Accepts Tom Kuhenk, preaidant-oloct of the Rico StiMleot Asaot iatiop. re- i reived the trophy for h» orhooi j Ben Hammond, ret inn* chairmen' »f the hWC Sportsmanship Com mittee, who i* also from Rice, | ■ wade the presentation Hr wps as- ; •isted by Lloyd Hand nawly.ale*H- | ••d president of the Univenrfty of Tela* «tudent IkhIv l At * meeting of the CAPtWiita* j onor lo pre*et.tati«n of the trophy, Mark Bentiliff, TC yell I a a d a r, | wa* elactnl rhatMtan of the <H*m mittae for the retnaimlar »f 19&V Bdl Hamilton, d*'le»at* from T* 1'. *a* elai’tail sa. ratary of the 1 committee The committee mad* plpn* Jor i (he neit presentation of thf tr<»- rhy in the («>tut* R<>wl at thy New Year’* l>av ifann Two bumne** meet inf** also were planned The JtVtobar meeting will tw at Tetas Cniversity *« h<H»l of the new chair man A spfiny meetmy in Mav w II Is- *t AdM at the time df the conference tract meet “B* Enfinaara. cwval the Cenera Mooft Trophy at the MwOtprY [lay review on i|lriU f it lo The company is rom ma hsi by Cadet Captain M A. Landry, This plague i* pres«ti|ad an nual 1 } l*i th« cadet orpamwti"" havim th* higheNt ■iverajl gen era! fating based on acadeipic pro k f cu»»cy. military profiewnry ami intramural and eitr^-ctwriHilar actirHira Fof |he sedoml consecuti?a (rear, A* 1 Ait Korea won th# i^nit The Caldwell Trophy wa* to Cadet Master Sergeant dat Col.mal Willy K BnSmann. Neuvar w»« Cotpa of Engmaar*. ( adat Colonel Hughey Lana i J T Alfrwd in the ( orp* Cadet Fj-win W awanted the Lulie Dotson, Field ArtiltolW; Ca ts given dat Colon*) Sam Ci Fata, Infantry; I> Martin The award is a watch contributed by Caldwell Jewelry Store to the outstanding junior of the Corps. Cadet Master Sergeant Wilman D Ba me* received the Daughters of the American Revolution Award of I21KJ It n given by the Texas < hapter of t^e DAR to an out- AwaM. pre**,.te*l by the lloWaton Owihhrr of ( omnmrce lll|tary ! 4 , 1 mt «t ^ " ° f .. < oiifederacy Trophy wa* present Faaay W inner Kobart MrDaaiel B Engineers, Rice Third W inner mg, ami Vetertnai v Medicine ware j Rice m the third winner pf (he preaentml b> the respective deans threevfmd gntdm trophy $.mth of each »<h.*>l i.eneral swnrd* ern Methodist Vnivemitv w$* the W^re presided over the program first winner In D*4M The follow Iprladed In the recognition were mr v«-nr AA M receive,! (he nwant marnher* of Isw Beta 1'| Fb A4M sent thre* delegates U> the Kappa Mil Ml Fta Sigms W h,. * committee meeting They were Who, Agruultural Hanoi Society Keith A'lsup, pnaident >f lh» and Ihstingwishe.l Studer t» for Studaht Senate; Lienn Kothinani everywhere At the *|>* > , ,hI (lUton Ah# fall *emaatei __ head yell Wader, and C C. Mun- Hall program Kononug n#ith*r» David Havaes riarratad and the co-edlU.r of The Ratulem invweatite ain! henedwtion were Two athcr AIM man »tter'<l*d given by Caplet l,t Col King Kg | the meeting a* observers TYiev present Aggie ger, cadet chaplain Th, una-es [ were Bill Miw*. jiiinor froip JryHii R.dlih* und Fre,1 Hall. Brvnn senug Anatin Nance Sr^ present* the Au*tia Nance Jr. Nahre lo Donald F. Mcilura, commandet ol (he Hon* \ alunteer*. The *ahre was presented is behalf af dance's 1' classmate* wattered all arvr the world Nance, run,mamirr of the K\» in 144.1. na* killed ia (he Furupean (healer of operation J H. Ste#art 41, Nande’s roommate, presented the *ahre to the former H\ romWandac* father Titlr a Surprise Says Mrs. ("ashion Hv SI /. tNNK THOM K'i Mr* M L < »*hion lo'iii Holier Motflr 1 of th* N* ai r,*> !\,d *pe rial recognition on liehalf of M,>ai* Affair* Committee This awarl is prendnted ,*arh year to the best <tnlUp( unit m the ( orp*. Cadet ('aptarn Frisl K Crothags mm- manis "A" Flight < aalet < olonel of the Corps College Honors Aggie Mothers In (riiion Hall “SvirceiiB in coltofe deimds in laryp measure on the pre paration f>arenta have Riven boya in early life " aaid Fnm- ident F Hoiton in a »i»e- < ial Cgion Hall program kom<ring 1>h tv#is Sunday morning .Mr«, M I, ( ash ion, Aggie Moth er of the Day, was introthaed by; 1 a,i«-t Col,.net of th*’ C<«-po |toyie Avant Me* ( a*hion was i kosen, _ _ _____ _____ _ Hcropiiing to Avant, on the basis of . T vi.o know h4w nice it'i"*" to bave hrr in 25 year* *#rvme to ARM son* on the campkm. nfeiteracy Trofihy wa* present ed to (adet Colonel Jimmie C Magruder He wa* chosen a* an outstanding senior cadet Oalstnndrng Sophomore A brume cup and key wa* given »* annually by the Texas Society Cadet CaRtam fieorge T. Keene of the t'n.ted State* [laughter* of (irdnance Cadet Find Li. C#gil IKI2 U> a sophopiure cadet en- H Huey 111, Mw*rterina*Wr, Ca rolled in the .School of Arts and det Mayor Robert A Flak#, Rig- Science* nei Corps; Cadet Ll. (Wlgaai Her- Fouiteen seniors, from the li. i ace R laulymon. Tmaspoftatior S Air Force ami ,-ach branch of <'orps, and ('adet Captaia Samuel the l! S Army, were given awardayH Rarnea, < uaat Artillery, from the Son* of the Amemaa Revolution The winners, are as follows Cadet Captaia Charles K lan won first prise of flM) ia the e«- drum. Air Forc^ Admimstnition, say contest aponsorml by the Ran Ca,Wt Id Colonel Robert F Antonio ARM'Hub Sf,o«d pme Mitchell, Air Force Maintenance, of |5(i went to John L. Haht of Cailet Celonel M alter M Zimmer | “V Field ArtiMery The •uhiert man, Air Force Installation; Cadet of the essays was "A Treat,w* on Lt. Cehmel John L. Taylor, Ar- the Military History of the Keige ~ .. r'~T- r I .. rri ^ (he Alamo ” I * The Houston Chamber of Coid- ' men. Military Affair* ( ommlttee * annually awards citatMig', cord* to ii th* outstanding junior at the Cadet ’) Corpa, to the outotanding junior in each regiment and to the mem- y ber* of the organUation winning the competitive military drills Individual award* went to th#Tn! kkJ Tl } li. •ration of Ai M Mothr -aturday *h, (M.l members. (luh 'Each as l'-JL ainnal ,played bv James Rollins Tessie Inspocls Sanctums; O/tines Scluntl is Different H, FMKDKNF. GRIFFIN I term Mori Inspector Member- of the uppo*!!* sex made a ma** invasion into inner itoinain* of the corps thi* week. end Dormitories got the once over from mother* and dales Hpeakfn* wlrkrtli from a wo man * pmni of view—a womaa ■who attend* a college fur wa- men—there are mam slight difference* ia the respect,*r habital* of Aggie* and fewsie* life sha 11 we nay. is Ined dif ferentli hern TV* women go 4n for ma,) color scheme* is their dorm room* but men ilown here stick to red predominant I v for >|rape* and rur- taina, with asional connerva hve blue *W( TV re are *4>me things that hold true ia a dorm on either ■ampin however For instance coke bottle* hiddon in wastebaskets. p<»tt*d hiirrie*Uy pushed mb' closet* It's quite an exjieneiice to go wandering up and down thy halls of them iw al saaduanes Rooms were o# tke up and uje *f they «tay that way all the time u* fe males cun afford to take hack (See DORM Page 4) and dad* Sumluy morning. ARM IWkl it* res|Hct* to all past a«pl mother* j '*R*, •eiving thi* honor wa* * lifg atrrpnse fo me,” *;,id Mrs ( ash | ion. “hee-gu*# I had Volunteered to ! entertain the Aggie M«4b,-r The ( tab ion family ba* played ,a t>ig Pdf-t in the hve* of main 4 Aggi. a si m* th> Casluons i .xi»,< to live I* College Station a <piar ter of ajeentury igo h w.i* at this timf her hu-l>and look ovei j his job s* \ Mi A *tcr» iai) A while orchid front the State Fadrrftmn id i*M Mothers I lab and red ro-ebud. Irom the Hraxo* (nvnli \AM Midh- erg (luh were among other *«r, prine* M r*. t ash ion received Sat. urflay. Alt a meeting of th. State Fed The special Mother'* I»n> ac tmta-i. said Avant, weps insti- tuteq in order p> ex|>reas in some you know what to U a niotFei m one lay <*ne of ihe Honor Mother'* nt,»»t meaaur< the Aggie* interesting cxt.e,,em.e* connedUd j t( , t|^ r m< „her* with college m ji> itie» wa* in work (,1s welcoming addrefa. Pres ag With the w|\e« of students Rhel H„|t„n pointed out A R M's leaire to have "those who CeTne to \ >ur own sons, a pie.,vure it i to all the IxivA i oi. rise lor to a gn-Up of w tv (hat Intel U-cmne th, Dame (job. a nai onal oigunirataia made up of tie win,- nf student/ m am \ er-it ie*. The t a*hi*n- were a hu-i grmip Naliirdnv. sfpoding eiery minute in preparatioa far the rsreatn Dai Sundai Ma-on, the yoiinge«l «on, arid Mr ( ashion *#,•?!( th* ,1m> picking flower* for the pinning and Mr* (ash ion wrestled with her rv- «pon*e for tbf *|ie, ia! program I Corpa ('hapUm Kmg Kgger. Sunday morning Thi* wa* the Tpe organ prelude and poit first Parent* Program she had at I tud# wa I So- M<»THFK, Page 41 kmw u* w> Ik,\| return home as a,, n stroR^er, wiser men.'* Pa-<eilii,g the Is nedn tie*, the NmiR'ir Cadet*, directed by Rill Turner *ang three •wlectuma Soi g* were "Jesus Hail a Moth er lake Mine" "To T hue 0 J.ofd,” and 'Hattie Hymn of th# Re| lie IIRvol Haines wa* muster 0 f cerefnonv of the program which opcrPd w ith th, Doxology itpig by the congregation und a prafet by A< yesterday's Mother'a Day Reviww*. Capt. (lark (X IrvRif a|*«4»t ' Kewewled ta tV t avalry Rquadrwu a Japanem, batW Hag, captured by him durtag^ihe I iberatma af f abaaaluaa Prisoa. Mania. Cal- •nel H. L Boat ner watrhea aa squadraa commander (advl Id. < al. tiewrge E Harria accepts the flag ( adet Captain Duane i. Strother (right) hold* the Japanese battle sword, raptured in the »ame operation, which ( aptain Irving yesterday presented ta "A" Traap Cavalry, best dnlied Cavalry troop. Viva el Toro . . . Toro, Matador on the Itall In La Hacienda Guion Hall rpuh Hi JEANNE HAITI AM kY We (latiHs We Saw, We Conqueml . . . Tessies Invade Ha Italian By JP.VNNE H VTH kW\Y Invasion of ARM « fightip' Bai- talion offme* came shortly aft«*r M p m Friday when 12 ifemmi* journalists from TSCM Hunaeamed in for the Batt Iteily Ima*-|) staff ixihanpe Haviag a bum h of "finrt-timer*'* in the Carves, many confltami paR* plants fertiliae,! with ashes and of eyes ■scyse,! on the bright lifbt* toward the door she'd ;ust lef( cigarette bulla and odds and aa<is of a campus far greater tRaa #ur Ob mi, Aggie*. *x wee, n't ciR 72 pera* in lien tan Alsu, we wi fe worn*,! about being mistaken foi matber* of Aggie* Fallow mg a quick look in on the pia*h penthouse Halt iffiev* ta (•aodwia Hall, we hist ouf seases of dtcectlon agsia hi deli- s-ound the bhak "What » thi* imilding." cnml raRprter Ellen Miller, gesturing fuse*l kY'day mgld wa* mad fun he , auae we were t rail* ported U I-iki v i**w I,in the formerly Fin f tffieos wj on the fHillas bua met| the cruel, metal wa«V l«s- ket| a* the afternoon prugresse,! Icuthci ( Inb (we h,|n,ti »h,iv HaRiworkmg Tesste repulAelh con-, half the gi. ig, ordered fin* and ven#,I in the Bnttahoiv rv* mation I the rest of ug ate feathers Ah, r,**Ri Pt give verbal Shina getii more beef Monday, played by Leonard Per- following th* xpe, tal Mother’s Day bull-slaying in tiuiun Hall Sat urday The tiattle of the hull, viewed by approximately MN) Aggies ami visitors, was presented by the Spanish ( luh and Modem Lan guage lie pH 11 merit Matador for (he ocraaion was fearless Jack Turcwtle, senior A.M major from Kingavilte. while the enraged and nimbir hull was enacted by M () Bill iugalvy, senior economic* mayor from I iberty. ( ommentary for th, battle of the I mat (Xiction <‘* r "e from terse-syieaking D this Southern rookin’’ I'anasts »* dependably M • ^ 1 *’ "rn'«r business major ( ame daylight, Saturday, re- { Hick* taiunded out s thrde-inch Dam Corpua Chriati \eille yyiumted on the alarm ImkiHex.j m„ry with chare,ml iml birch A well-organized, quick running and wo were 'Iff to a foot flatten-! mg day nf roRwring the exhdnts and slaving oyer hot typewritrrs. | By mul-momiag, of 7 a m the ramy season y» t tn mvl we -warn tiack from oip assignments ts custom has it, cer>one j mad'- remark* shosl the weather j except (littettng reparter Anne '•inghtroi whose one qaate j sounded like, ‘Squish." i*h ves, we fi11ended a cl»sa in- pare makeup, ‘onndiietpd hv RaH Si e w * o m, ;,*urnalisnt instructor. Martell S Moore, senior business mayor from Waxahacbie Actual aiayiag uf the hull took place after thrusta, parries and an evchaiige of goring* by Htfkngsiei and Turcwfte. ending with a "death blow" to the hall and "Viva's" from the audience Other number* included an ac cordion nolo by Bob Zentner. sen tor Arch mayor from Rowrna and s singer. Mrs Leon-Ortega, moth er of A M L#oR-Ortega, sopho more B A mayor from Mexico, D F Awards to ntar outstanding Spans*h Clab member* were pre- seiWed by Mr( lure and a special appreciation gift went to J. A. Moore. Hponuoring professor of the ( lab lowing eight cadets: • Cadet Master Sergeant Alice,! ' I) Martin, Cadet Corpa; Cadet Master Sergeant Herbert G. MdU. Corps Inmiw; ( adet Maatar Ber- gemnt WUman D Karnea, Infan try Hegintrnt; < adet Master Ser geant Richard M Elliott, Artillery Regiment; Cadet Master Bergwarit Dare Keelan; Air (imup; Cadet Firat Bergeant Imndon D. Wptle, Omipoaite Regiment, Tarhniaal Bergaaat G w. MaNt^m, Birth 1 Regiment Hears! Trophv TV Wilhaai Randolph Hearst Trophy, plaque and medal* goe- to members bf tbe ARM Rifle Team whi<4i places first In nfle compeUtion within the Fourth Army Area. TV wnnnerx this year tVere Clif. ford A Taylwr, Robert B. Crmaer. Duane C. Larue. George 8 Kent and RsaRan D Coal First (dace mrognition in the (Fourth,Army Intercollegiate and ( L term ho las tic nfle match went |o the fofluwmg cadeta (Tifford A Tkyloi Roland T. Zapata. Reghen D. Codk, Russell (i. Currill, William R. Green. George 8 Kent, Robert E Croa- *er, Carroll C. Taylor. Dpane C. Cnrtir and Frealay J Arheiger The above awards are presented annuaRy by Heailquartera, Fourth Army First place winner* in the Itth Air Fort*- lntrr«nHegvate and Ito- tencholaiRi, rifl# matches were Bill J H dland. Richard B Kelly Bob N Ihtbhiri*. Dale K. Keelan, Harold T C^pndler. John G. Rowe, John E I’anMlI, BHI 8. North. Mason E Randy and John H. SUitts NDTA Award* bar# late ia the aMemomi. on the •ppt-repiU’ter M anda Jean K er • rh#val wallied ia to pick up a *t«lri as*ignmenl KeeeiVinf or- det* lu i heck an "who po#red' at some military tea. she Waved her road map aad left. Fidlww- n«| after with »dk pail la haad * a* farmer * daughter .Jeaa H«)elamp. readi fur the Rairy Hm> group of event* wa* intersperae,l Lq with wimis by Master of Ceremon- ■' •e* Dave Kreager, senior econo m»cs mayor from San Angeki Two groups of musicians Ixis Caballeroa, with AI Trevino. Turley and K O. “Buckn” Wyler Jr4 ami Tex Be, k and hi* o# with Tommy Turner, Peeples, John GiRtlob Stanley dakley, Jimmy Eller, Trevino ami Buck brought song* tn Texas ami Nine Branch award* wef* Riven by the National Defense Transpor tation Association iHouston ('hap ten. They were presented to the fdHourihg ; :('mdwi Master Sergeant JarksOn L, Raley. U S Air Fored Aaaoc4- An Modal; Cadai Fii-t S. - Bill T ‘niompson, Chomiraf Corp# Numiwrs drawing of door stubs Apsonatior Medal; Cadet Staff brought Mexican pnie* valued at S#rgvanl James A M ai taker, Cwaat |10ti to lacky memhera of th* au- Artillery Association MpMI; Ca- ,« lance (Bee AWARDS. Pag# t) \ v, V M Roaming Lass-0 Reporter ww yWr. — Gathers Parent's Opinions ft m m 1^ as i jV , I Spanish style BpcaJ life came into view with Kreager took hia approving au After defen.In#- the triiod, journal- the aeon* of Franklin’s My. my. dwiice on a tnp through Texa« istw nam, id the Daily lu*# <1, but the*. Aggies can it# a mad to “La Plaza d* Tore*,” stopping Bv MIMI HH KM sophomore petroleum engineering .. .. . ,. . mayor, and this ia fhtppskinr Ope,. ILai** Day vi-1tor* here ^.qd p.^u' Day ^ ,v\ Saturday fouml ARM on its best Irehavuir. all slick*,! up ready for inspection The occasion attracted chmf deiratert Fre.ieti»- GnfTin, Betty <’haadieiUin and Lynn Skel ton G«ir eaUP-mnd awi retiiirg ••ditar in-chiefi drscovdix*,! the de- bate had la-e* frame«i to incite our frantie argument*. Newsom depribed the ftaily Lass O' * fninf page as a mete nuiRiet! Mothei'« Day dawned, a* Moth er** I lays always <k>, am) still w# had no fn»nt |»*ge »b*r> In nrdftr U< erver thi* defaalt ARM CaHege stage,! a full review of the triRps B Ann got her #to(w. but the rest of u* were aiorttfied *oct#t y( act ion ami ripped throRgh Nefter had TSCW presented a troop the rrat of the paper like a March ( review for visiting Aib*4? , gate. Meanwhile, we good nature*! i ly threw chair* and politely ent | icisad the Batt as hiring yellow i jourtialiatically. Fat ( ampheil aad I aal ia aa ”JaAg#" Otis Miller* editorial rlaa* la pick ap a few tips an evduma »riUA. Heevas I'm gniag to have te revise mv column "Huotiu' al Yaa” i« iarlwde arare sRuul rural agHcallare krrard la the “Jadge", agncallare ia here ta aiat. for an ardumm Mexican Hat iWe *' l * dn * »< by Mis* Flonla ('arthui and Ru* sell IhirnJI Rxptanatiafl of the tr* «J it ions and hi«torv of (he potnilai some of whom were gathering their firat irapreqaton* of how Aggies work and play Raia didn’t disappoint Mrs Paul ^ ,,f huM Carruth on her firat visit to ARM. She's from Harlingen, where she The cwmh araaad the few __ last chapter af the left I# right. AM Sta Mtau Hicks. Editar ia rhtef Lyaa Mhi Am Jamea, and Jaaa Rath way Ban same way, J*ha WhBaara, L 0. Tkadt, AM •ST*; MU Hat eh amp. Fat' RHea Miller YUrd raw. part la I Ah#raath>. Deaa Reed, naytua 1u»sia.f, C Mngrae. aad Charh The hark raw ia >WII4-Mt.ff w Rah Pwe# ( ws M ; Anyway now we know th# rea- *"is fur that vauant lot a< froR, the home af th* BatRidien. At , firat we dernied M a MkffratMd ezeept there were po asrmg* nr slides Bpmrts editor Nasi Thomas di#crediied a harhey fWW theoci h< pointiag oat the a ha rage at lidr marker# aad gaak. We Rever »4nit ta stapidky. far who rcmbl find a drill fW4d oa the TRGW r.mpwaT PrtifcsMir lt^ Dad TIS\ Discussion* says it hasn't rained for months i Her son Tommy Turner ta a junior ' Our alaff hiemc. planned for sunny, Ratunfev aftrrm*wi, met fiRishing ap a week-eql srar the will the predipiUma atuff cRhad Myftnii rnig BatUlwa Staff *i ram and eventual!) moved to the fixftd signature* to . peace treaty, famed Agmeland Inmdoar pmi, terpis of which called for a single graftada. The Mm woald n#w#r have nade newapwpqr (hthl. id <iR#) to stopped as M quick thinking 8 U LandwnUen and llmitraud with Am Jane# hadn't left her rata waler color#. Watch fa# it! arch deed ur# mawr ‘It #11 still looks guad." eve* te a mother who’s seen four rua- ■ecutive Parewts Dav al ARM Mrs. Ruth Adair of lumens eat ■rally like* 4AM " <wace two of her tfcree suns have atteadod ARM Her Jon Billy, a sophomore m- Eight year* ago Mr. aad Mr*. v W. O. Reewe of Houstoa, pareats of two 4AM gradestoa, made their find trip to AMietaod- Thoy’v^ come ap for FareaU’ Day ev>ry year star# tf4Z ex- \ rept dartag the war year# when the orraeiaa was lempara city diaroatiaaed They wera. visiting their third and “last" son. Alton, aophomorv ■ad #C- daatnal clucatum major. I# the twrond Adair hoy to attqml ARM The oldest hoy, Ben, tiMnaftfred at mid-semester to a school far Dr. Ralph Phelps Jr., social ethic* professor at Southwestern Rapt is* Theological Seminary, Ft Worth, will lead a discussion of race relation* problems Monday #1 7 15 p in at the Boptist Stu dent (enter Student Senator#, newly elect ed class officers. Battalion staff memhera. and campus religion• ther south in Austin council member* have been invited Mr*. Adair mentioned the me- to sit ia on the diaruaaion The asum exhibits and Industrie! *d- program to sponsored by the Bap oration workshop aa aiost loterest- Uut Student Vmon Cautvcil mg to her. Among the subject* discussed i Th# apirtt of KRapiUlity aad •ill he the Toxaa InterchalMBr fHlRdipiis an the cm«pas impress- BtwtoMt Asaoctotion’s proposal to ed Mr and Mr# (TlF Hoskins reproaentattve* from Negro 1 #md daughter Ntnai 17, also of Wayne to a business sdmihistration {iwuuting majarX Their older soak are now employ ed In Houstoa W 0. Jr., ctasa af 41, to safety engineer far Hart ford Insurance, and Rdhort G, cIm# of ’4i. to a«dpMMII jh th# offtrv eagmoor at GatM Rubber l< , «. vX* f asawsmwn a ewgumw »e uw mr ana mi lirwamMwi from Nagra'and daughter into the Aaoectottoa Umesa Their TV ARM new to D. G. Bower# who wa# in the rtoaa and hi# «|fe mad# \ Parent* Bay visit thto • Ur* Bowers mtorrat in Urn of • .ftMwudMt Thi tih£r^d£3 mind aft#, a N \ A \ T\\ w\ij\! K ’ Ju l< U'\