Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1950)
u - Pr etty Of ( oil#**** Station Offirul Nh sjmjk*r Nations Top ( ollrgiaU* Daily NAM HM9 Survey NumbiT 148 V\4um( 49 H BUSHED IN THE INTEREST Of a \c*EATE* COLU-^E STATION (Afirtiui)7TEXAiir FRIDAY, MAY COUECE i950 Price: Five lull Weekend Hoard Makes Housing Plans For Next Y ear's Student Body in (K4il»r * N#»* I hr ■talrmrnl • 4* rrlraord (hi* »*niin( h> (hr lMr«<rtwr »f Is ! T^ursdsy, ut rtir l^isiur hyt»*l *••• for lhr Trts» 44M ! Houaton C«••>■» ttjMHR.) Thr H anl ari.«d b> unanimous rMpsrinf for thr rrtum of j vou- after i-onMidrrMi|| a rr^urt by ffrahnirn to W* m»in l >4lrs.' ram it* Studrnt l<ifr ( amnuttr*- TWr trm. Thr artn>n a ** takrn in a Hoard wrrr in tlir housinir of atu »i<rnal novting of th* Board, (hsta and pnAisioua for th«- rn ri PM IN Saptrit brr, th* H.osrtl «f , Uhrerinr* of th» 4AM Coilrgr ^f Irxaa today anrK*tin< ••d rhanpra in Wr pfVti «»f op*-nitiiai of thr l oilt-fr ^*•••••*(1 to improvr (tud'-nt living condition* and sirvngthrri tbr mil Itarj program within its cad**! *y* ( ommittrr had madr an exhaustive ntudv uf dudriit Itfr at thr (’uikgr, bnlding a number of mertinga on thr f'impu* and ihtrrvtraing f«irm rr studrnta, studrnU, and admin ist rative offirrrs I’viaripai chaiige* >>rderrd by thr forfement oT regulation* in thr dwrtnitwnr* ncrupted by member* of the forpa of (!ad*-ts They aere designed primarily to mntml hat ing, whn-h has be« n a maioi prob Irm of (fcirmitory life at the t'ol lege for many year*, pnrtuulariy when frenhiurn were hnuaed on li)r maan campus. Km the past f<>ui year*, as a result of the poetwar oven rwwduiR, flash men hate been housed m an Annex at lh< Hi van 4ir Field, eleven tiile* from Uih rampu* This Anne* is nosed tfi June nrat all dor- mm . . L-. Army the Hi bring mitmy *tu«l* nt* will live on th*- main i‘ampus next year. >epaiate heunin^ a mas on the rampu* wer* *ntabliah«d for fresh men *tudent% m*-nih> rs of th« (atrySi of I mhtr who *n in the thr**e upper rlasst-s tad civilian student* Ihaeiplme * ail dorsmtonet is th*- lesuonaihilit) of the I lean of M< n, who stidbers directly to the President on dl matter* of student life. V isitors See Corps, Dorms und Exhibits The ('oniniiirHinnt of ( oh-l#. thi >agh th. Dean of M* n, is re spuntuhk r fol ih. .-nfoMte nmnt of ("ollvjg* '•*gW iaAmn* in th ('•rp# of ('fid* t.x ljh« < ad* l < orpa ut present rvpr ‘■f nt* aptHTu ximagely 111- of the AAM studei d htsiy Immediately after the v*ai th«- «i v ilian i*■ limn *f the NUMh •nt h*#!) was h«»'i of « he whole and thi* p* r celi'ag* bus d>-c lined :»* v fieran atudent* ha v* gr.tduatevi in Oil IV-W# mg numher* TV < "omii iai«t;<iit of i 1# (apt. (lark O Irxlag ‘Cl Captain Inin* Vi ill (Will Hy R\Y WILLIAMB 4AM puffs out its chest Sunday for its most appreciative audience - Mom and I tad - Severs! thoussnd proud psrsnt* will *hsrr in the pnde as Aggie cadets and scholars reap recogni tion for job* well ilone. Parents l»ay will *urt Sunday I when the Corps, their families and guests eat breakfast in Imncan Hall at 7 ,ttl a in From there on, the achedule for the day I* filled with special events Flowers will be pinned on the I cadet* at the first formation of I the day («*m|>siiy commanders I of sward* will be presented i mother* or girl* will pin the tra-1 unit* ami individuals ! ditionsl flower on the «a*iet» in j Award* include the (seorpr j the name of their own Mother'* F Moore Trophy, the Hup»- ut girt* Following this, outstanding soph omore of the Unit will tie reeognited and presented with a special key The men in the units will then get a chance to honor thsir com ma niter as they present the tra ditional appreciation gifts to the ICO Award* for military achieve | ment ami excellence wifi be given when the (pdet Corps moves off for the traditional FarenCs Way j review Award 1‘resrnt alios At this review an impreasive list to llcrlrund Appointed J«|) Ha«. Saber |) ean ( ,f Basic Unit Mr*. M I t a*ho.n who Ha* been named 4ggte Mslher wf (he 4 ear, w> shown in I he renter ut this ”M" I or in si ton Ur* ( ash toa ha* two *onw es- roiled in 4AM. tary. M L < a- Aka is tka wile of \ M( 4 Havre Mr*. U . L (.«i*v|iion *■ i Aggie Honor Mother of Day l set I to Being Proxy Mom to to assisteei iii tin- i nf .r< ein* nt of rygiihitiotu* b\ c«*uiis« llor* em ployed by the * oBeg' In e.u h | nulitaiv dortniUoy a cadet w th the fark of Majm or ;iInim will h* ilpp*Nnte*| a* s*tiior offuei He wiilb* r-apMiiaihU for • nfori>-im nt I of (Adlegi regulation* in hi* dot wvtmv and will Is on tin * olWge l‘re*ident-elect M.T Harrin* l*»n will meet with each of I he fiHir cla»*e* next •r*l' lo ev plant the newW annoiwued hwit* ink plan* for the comm* *ckool year. He will meet with (he 'enrol ( U*« Mondar at 4 lo p m in Ike \s**mkli llati 1 he Junmr (law will meet luewiai al H:I*• p.m in the V-semhlv Hall ano (he SophnNMirr I las* al 4.I& p m M«>dne*da» in the A»*emhi> Hall. t meet lag of the Freshman Class will also he ra|l*-d next week The lime and place will he annonnchd laler, sacordlny to word from (he dean's offire. Ivision If) of bo past ini oo ployi ha« Ii'e,| <n tn*' ci Hv w a ' f cosunr 44M pais «(► re*|»ect* to all past ami present Aggie mothers Sunday by urogy Receiving full honor* on behalf of M ms everywh* re w ill he the fpfsi Aggie Honor Muther : of the day Mr* M I Cnshion The folks who chose this Cidlege Station mother and housewife for the honor can baidC to- questioNed concerning their choice She well fill* the Job And she’, been filling it right ' hare at Afgieland since she armed a quarter of • renturi ago H wa* then that her husband. YMCA Sec retary M. 1 Caahion, c**k over his present yk> It naturally follcrwvsJ that the Cgahior family was to play a btg part in the live* of many Ag giea through th# year* Mkile pinch hilling a* Mom for generaln»n* of home **ck hors, she# also fuawd time ta raise a prett v impressive pair #f 4AM men herself Holh are presently • enrailed here. Jimmy, the eldoat, ha* mmle him arlf pretty well known amund the stab* fht his grid iron feata with the Mamon osl WkiU; He w as a j aualferhpck on the Aggie foothail team. He graduates next month. Mason the yoangest gnn. show. r romiae of foikxnng i* Jimmy's MiUrteBS lie entered here last fall as « fresh mo i after budding up quite a prg skm reputation for himaelf on the l(iral A AM Conaoli dated High Sch*M»l team Mrs fashion was one of th* early nxeasber* of the Kratos CcrglF ty A4M Mother* Club, the organ! ■gtion which nominated her for Motker*f the Fhgy. Khe ha* served a* ckairmas of all the vgrtoua com no Urea of thst club. .* In 1*44 ah* was vim- president of the club, thwn r*«se b> the rank if prepnlcnt the following year. A year later she wa* electrd atate fjftA vtee president of the Jttate federation of AAM Mother'* Club* tfd served in l*MN as state treaau - efdf ttmt organ nation During th* war she was aatr*> neaa for the AAM Htud**nt Wive* Club. icax) ill much religious work Jane Whkeler Williams. Chair 1 man of thf local Mothers t’lubf* comrkittee for Mother of the Day,» said in her letter of nomination “Ypu may nut find Mr*. ( ash lan's same in the headhaew wf the newapagbr, but she is a head liner junt tbf same, fwr she head* the line af lho»* who serve ymir sm) and mrwr Hagh Mark has said that the art raf happier*, i, t« he fwund IN service tn other*, and if hi* statement he true, then Mi, < ashiun »h«»wId hr «uprrmr h kappy." The Honor Agg.. M other of the DaV will In- presented ^iwwiii) by t'alet ( olonrl nf the Corps Ihiyh- Avgnt at the speiial (imon Hall jiri^rani hvrtionng Mothers sod pa> roll In of tk> l olleg*- h, dn dormitories In tin fivilinn dormilom-a »lu d* nt house n psterw w II c.mfmue to b* r>-K|epi*(hlc to tivv lie,in of Min for eixfvi center it nf Cothg* regulations .***(1 to h< paid h\ the College Th»S *v*t*ni ha# hr-en us* d satisfactdrilv in civilian 4oi Imtorie, at tbi Coll, g, f«u ih» past fmir years. All freahnwti ‘rill be h.uis.-d m dormitorm* **4 aside for us* of the College’* p. w Basic (liVlsiivn They will reci |\r military training sod will live mu'oinpatiY unit* All (See HottklSt., lag. dl Captgil 1 'lark <> Irving '4 r . ‘2nd Armongd Division, hurt Hmdi, will) pnsertl a captured Japan.-we battle flag offlrfr’a salw-r to th* AAM t'avglr* Squadron Sunday after noon §e will b* acting uq h»-half of the tiffni r> and men of the Ist Cavalry Division Th* fwo gifts have t*> the Cm-ali> Squadron hy Major tteneraf Hohart K (.ay, coatniand t'g gegi ial of the 1st Cav v'wion atnch i* statiMhed rn The avgalrl is a token of tl teem a»d gratitude" "f th* for the pant and futuiv <* fvers Iktini \AM Th» flag at one time ns* over the J.iaari*-*.' internment 'dri p at Santo Tomas Tniveraity m Wamla It w a# * auturvsl h\ element# of the 1st Car airy Ihviaton which tiber- iitysi ABied pnaoner# from thr ramp wN I'eM 1 I t*4 f THr I«.pt ure of Santo Thcrgps cul minateJ an mivarvee of UlA miles | m Av fiours through enemr held territory M ir*- than .I.Tou giviluin intei ION'S w> rr freed by rlien of the 2nd Shnadron, kth Cavalfk, 1st i avail# Ihiisuih The**- wage the j first .An w-ncan troops to •*«4c r the Chil ppt ne capital after thrwsi year* of Japgia-**' occupation Whi|| al AAM ( apt Irvigg was a me njber of |) Troop He left schiHil in Ihorruber. 1^42, t® go on Net I vs duty After basic tlbming and oMirer’s candidate *rhm>l, he was «p,ign.ii first to the ll.ltk Cavalin arwl then to the 1st (aval-* ry Division He parti, i pm ted in the Vsdthem New f.iiinea, Admiralty Island, U-yte ami Luaon campaigng He has b*Wn awarded the Silver Star, Hronut Star Purple Heart with two j<»ak l#af Clusters, Comhst Infan try Hitfge, and the Philippine Dis tihguipved Service Star John R Bertrand, who has been J serving as assistant to tbe Dean of Agriculture since 1P47, was to day named a# dean of the new basic division, which will go into operation in September In thm po sltion he will head the farulty for all freshmen students A native of P*nipa, Bertrand graduated from Texas Tech in Df40, with a degree m agricultural edu cation, look his Master c*f Science iplr Her Texas Tech, Bertrand served as a research fellow at the Cniveraity of Missouri in 1!*41 42. He joined the staff of Sam Houston State Teachers College in as an as son ate professor in sociology, and ro#e to the post of profeimor and acting dean of men at that school before resigning to come to AAM College in IS4ii as Assistant pro fesaur of rural sociology Since DMT Agricultural ||>onomie* and Ru he ha* served a* an assistant to the i include* greeting, from ral Sociology at the same *ch«K»l in 1**41 He has completed his work for a Doctor of l > hiloa«>phy degree in F.du«ational Psychology, (luid ance and Personnel Management at Cornell, and is expected to rwceive kis degree this summer Guerrero Receives r2.INN) Fellowship Eraamo T Oueitreni nf Koaen Derg s graduate student has been named to receive s $2(11X1 fellow ship for further study from the Magnolia Petroleum Company The fellowship tsiver* a 10- month perusi begmnmg next Sept ember according to announcement hy Harold Vance, head of the Pe trnleum Fngineenng l>epartment It will enable Guerrero to do research in petroleum engineering Hi# selection wa* t»a*ed on the quality of previou# graduate and undergraduate work and on his qualification# for research Hotani Iwt Fiesta ( hef Jack Hotani ha* taken a posi tion a* managet and chef of I si Fiesta Restaurant on College Ave nue, owner Omar Smith said Wed nesday dean of agriculture |>erv, dire«ting a program of guidance for student* in that achool From 1H42 to DMri Bertrand ser ved in the C S Navy, which h*- en- ! ler*-d as an Apprentice Seaman, j He was diacharged as a lieutenant after twenty <»ne month* of aervire i In the Pacific on the submarine ' “Bowfin”. His de< oratio** included th® Silver Star, Gold Star in lieu of see*nd Silver Staf, Pfealdential 1 Tnit Citation and Navy Dnit Cita-] lion. MSC Closed For Weekend The Memorial Student Center j will he closed until it is turned over to the college and wiU not be open for (lie weekend, announced H P Carney, job engineer Ihi# action wa* taken l»e<-au»e i of the final cleaning and waxing the roa tractor* have given the budding Iwforv acieptanee. There liad twen hupe* Carney ! said, the center would lie open for Opeti House and Parent's Ikiy but there was a delay in turning the building over to the college. Camay #«id ton Chamber o* ( omkieree Mili tary A(fau* Committee Award, the Trtas Department of the Re* verve *>ffk-eft» Asanciath* Award, Caldwell Trophy, the Daughter* of tbe American Revolution Igkslar ship, and the United Daughters •( the Confederacy Award Aiao included in the gTWp of awards will he the Fedeiatad AAM Mothers Chib Award, The Wil liam Kamtolph Hurst Traghir, Keys to officers on the Corwa Staff, ami to teginiental. battalion and company commanders, the I win' Huey I>®ne Scholarship, Medal ( and Award by the Son* of the American Revolution, and the award for the paper on the mili tary hiatory of the *eig* of tha .Alamo Branch Awards Branch award* will be present ed to a member of each unit, tha Dium and Bugle (.<<1.1 Key Award, Tndand Trophy, Woligra Trophy, Baker Trophy. Adcotk Trophy, the Japanew Battle PtM. Japan ese Officer* Battle Sword. Nation al Keaervr OfftcMa Award, Pis tol ami Rifle Aw art* and the Kn- - gineer's Rifle Team awaBji. Following the review, a special program honoring the mothers and fathers of AAM student* will tak# place in Guion Hall. This proftrain ml) began at M IM) a m Honor Aggie Mother of the f>%f, Mrs M L Caahion, will be intrm- 4uce*t in She *|.eci*! pn*gr«m whi*4v PiWBMimif • Bolton, music by the Singintf ( adeta, and a poem '*To Ihir Par ents" by Cadet Colonel at the Corps; Iloyle Avnnt Dorms (>i>*®i A From 11s m to 4 p In., open house will tie held in all the d«>rmi-' lories Lunch i* scheduled for 12 40 in Duncan The first in a series ®f annual award and ree<qpqtian program, will begin at 1 30 p m in Guion Hall At this program, undergrad uate Mtudents who have shown oat- standing ,.h®lastic s.hievmvent, writ be tumored Departmental Exhibits Planned For Saturday Everything finm crime detec ti.iSi to f o* #1 urm-essiag will tie shown in the departmental eghib- its of the five *< ho..I* during tipen House Day. tomorrow, Satunlay May 1.1 axhtbits will tw open from t* a rn until fi p m to allow the vtsitiag putviu lo inspect teach mg metho.!* act material accom (Jishmenta of AAM student* dur mg the rn**! year Each department ami a brie! des<T»pGon of it* beh'W under the It is l*M-*te*l exhibit l* list school in whichi Arts* and Srtemren Door of the Acailemu Huil.|inii Coffee aud Cisikm, wdl U serve*) (•eography Display* showing type* of map projerjn ns, .|i*tri hvitiwi of crops, w-eaih* r move ment* of the most recent hurfi cane on the Texa* c*»a»t. a plane tsrtum md piastu rebel mat*# will be shown m Kooln |il7 of Itw Ckermslrv Building MMlwy: Office* wdl tie open for viaiior* in H.son 2u'< of Aeademn Budding Journalism; F.xhihit* dlustrat mg work In new* writing, new* editing,, advertisiae rop. and lay- K.#im Ut of Animal Indt*itriea Hu i Id mg. Horts«-uliure Display In food pus esaiiig and canning in Agn- cultuie Engineering Iwiiiding Kxhi- bits in propagation methodM, berry varieties, seed treatments sad ef fect* #f hoi name spray* in Rooms and model faiWi layout* Display * i I*** 4*'^ * ,,, Agrirplture ,-n< .farm machinery and sprinkler dwiildigg jrigation *y*t#in, on the grounds < Tando a pe \rt; Duplay ®f ex«»t the located at the Ag rn altttral Fngm- < ic plant* and cultural practite* in eenng Building ; College l.reenhouse A liaptay of student work will be heM Ip Hoom f th. Agriculture Kagtneer inclade all ilay class work, super vi>ed practice work, adult work, and Future Farmer work, in the Agriculture engineering Build mg tgnrultural Fngineering There will Is- exhibit* of refrigeiation equipment, nltal eh-ct rifuation, 175 students, tn< I tiding memis-r* of Tau Bet* Pi, Phi Kappa Phi,' Phi Ft* Siigni*. Who’s Who, the Ag rculUiral Honor Sistety, ami the Distinguished Stui^nts will get award* m the cwremotiy Dean H*r rington will act a* master of cere monies President's Reception PrrsnMtt ami Mr# Bolton will hold open homw for tha visiting r rents at their home frupt 2 .10 to pm Concluding the full day of event*, and bringing tn pn end the All Collegt- Mcekend, WiU be a concert by the Aggie Band TV Band will present the con cert on the laxyn o(_thr President’s home between .1 15 and 4‘1I p m. Manv Aggie Mother* who have never before vwuUvd the epmpux will be Here to udiserve AAM carry out one of its finest tradHiotis Agrnnani): Exhibits in grain, cotta®, s.ul management, j£i2 cro|is, out, an# tvpog'Ot'h) will U <>|iai> . „ . „. .. _ in Homs jqj. log and 107 Af Htalagy: Kahibits by the Pte n,..,,, .. ,, Me.l Pre-fyent tbs Mt y xo dog) n * , ‘ stu.tenta taaotiimy students and MaAemattrs: Officg* on fifgt b*. terUOvigv students F.shibit* u#vpA°r of the Academic bulk ling wdl optical equipment, bacteria of an- A® visitor* • I t Her ®utstanding service t® Ag gie® has ewme th rough her ser vice aa the heapital cemasitlee •f the AAM heepital la thia ea pact I y she has keen al the he# side ®f aiaay Aggie* whea they aeeSkd a met her as*®t. Mm, Caahion la also one nf th* nSitatanAmg membe rs of her church and auiihaiy and has tpkaa th® thrax. tube mi I o*i# and other dis eases will le included l#>eatMvn. Bounva 12 2.1 24 and 2M of th® *ci^vcv- Hall Bus lives* and irrouating - A dis play of business machete* and class rtMHvi work* will V held jn lemporarv tmitding A Kimiris 15 ami 24 ( hessist r i Met bud* of < Ma*c <lrtectum, automatic titraU-r. th* Hory ^*f 'ho*pb. rua. and missel anermg student exhibits Will bv in th# Chemistry Building KpwN»V*c» charts ami test umdTTn instruction will he displayed H. freahmrnts Will be serve*I i* office I s.rated on the thml floar of the Academic Build "W hdocatsaa and Pochatagy: Of flees will be open to viaitors all day. o* the first (loot of th* Aca demic Building Kagisuht A display a# writing improvssnsuts and differ—t types of inatrucuon will ha *• thg third Medern languages: Office on first floor of the Academic Build trig open to visitors Spanish sodi crpft will alwi be shown. , Oni—Iigmahy: Office® in Ko»Ai 357 Bltaell Hall open to visitors Phv steal Fdaration (Iffu-e* and facilities ige-n to inspection PbvstrsDemonNirstion* at Atoime Energy ainl Nu*lear Phy- aWs, Siectrv.scopy light. Seeing in the Dark. Photography Arrau#- mg Motion Gyroscopes and Be Ihiv* or Not in the niysic* Build mg NHhmiI of AKrirultam AgriruHural heuevom < AtMMaty: Morie# by Marketing and Finance Club, Rural HoriW- logy Cluh ethtbtu of ‘‘Honoiugy > The Bateotc of Huamn Relation •hip*," ua tha main floor of < uah- mg Memorial ljtu-*ux^ bit to portray thr fourphaae pro gram of the vocational agricul tural tea#bar. Th* program wtl sod* snaly-ir lalxvraUity, fiwagej and |>asture in Kmima liXV-110 of the Agncultun- Building A#uial Hushandry: Displays of. 11«*ptlie» and ialmratona* m Ani mal lndu*trid* Bull.line Also) Sponsor* of l.iltle So*lhwestern ! | l.ivvWtiM k Show HincheMKir \ and Nutriliou The nutrition laboratory in the Ani- | mat Husbandry Piivilipti will in open for inapartion Exhibits Will inrlibie feevlmg tnal* showing ef fects of vitadun defniencte* on ; «mal animal* and poultry Diirr Hushandn : Displays ini pmmsrtioq. m*t»e< tarn of dairv | hams cows hulls, anti get-of- •Ire. Spring dairy show will he held in the Dgiry Hi"'»• Displays; in manufartufmg the creamery I I lahotwtory eqpipment. and dairy j ‘ product* at th# College t reamery | HMaawiagy I Displays in bee , •»d keeping and mrth»N|« of honey col- i lection, inaectd and their control, teaching mettpai* and research employed In Fhaim p Acienc* Hall Geuetirs: Dhptay* showing see era! specie* of Hptderwnrt III turn and segrugatitig plant* fnvm a! cross of bla<A hull' kaffir with mg Htiihiing Plsat Phi sndogy sad Patk®i«gv Exhibit* of rumiiMm pimit ihsea* e*. plant nutrition ilejnonptramon and effect# of length ®f d*A<m flowering tn Rmmia 21 and 22 of the SgSence Hall Poultr\ Hasbandrv: Exhibit* of chickq |M.ult* eggs and other ‘Hateri®i* sad a poultry auction in the purthwest corner nf the Ani mal Husbandry Pavilion. Mange and Forestry Exhibit* of timber stand improvemgnt. ami display of outstanding grasae* of Texas and their utilixatmn ip Ag i icultttnd Kngmeeimg Buiklmg WIMNfe Management: pigplav* of IhAr ami preserved marnmal*, neptila*. fi»h and bird* ®n third floor of the Agricultural Engi neennf building SghtNd of FatgineeHaK Aeranauliral Engineering: Dem usmtrMtMMi of air flow with smoke tuiwvel. <1. inon®tration ®f SR-4, . IcctiN exhlbA.« Polio Hospital m Dallas Designs of a natatoriuni for A4M and nn elementary school for College Sta turn on ilisplay on the fourth floor Ac»de»nic Building ( heimral Kngiaeennf: Display* of yil and ga* laboratory, unit op- eialions laboratory dye* and pia* ^ & irSXTSt: IT? 'ctfSA: roSsumLaetgra Room K ^ * l ,Vlro *^ n '!. CWil eagineering Exhibit* on i n * 1n m|r U ' ' n,f structures, highway*, construe of \ Ptrnnan MrdtdiM* tion*, hydraulics, sods materials, allurgy, machine shop gauge lalst- 1 < <>mmrntsl«r Pictures Eng neermg Sho|w Gear display St'llfMlultMl MoiulilV and Fiwault pendulum ,n Mech- ; of Cotnteentater staff anical Engineering Budding mmnhara to go Mi the yaartwok Peiroieuai Engineering labors- hags been canceled until Mondry tone* open for inspection, models night at 7 .Rl p n»„ accenting to sanitary and municipal engineer graphs, in the Civil Engineering mg, and an exhibit of aerial photo graph* in the Civil Engineering Building Engineering Drawing: Displays nf outstanding drawing from State High flrhool Drawing Contest, drawings from freshmen courses Commetcial drawing* from Amen can Industry and foreign countnaa, and display of drawing inatru- mvnts on the first floor of the Ac ademic Builgut Geology: Display* of rocks and minerals, petroleum-geology ex hi bit* of #tnjctures, maps, and mir- ropaleoatologlcal slide# tn Room 12k of the Pctroteutn Building and first and second flAors Industrial Education All Day exhibits of visual aids and projects Demonstrations of handtcrafls, amateur radio transmitting and re ceiving and visits to shops, ia Me chanical Engineering Shops Management Begin®*ring. pi®, play a of student work, time Sad motion couipment statistical qoal- strsia gauge eqgipnsent.! tty control, tool design •quipnteiM. of a Sibroaky hetdoptcr psychological teat® used by iitdus- DeasogatrsiMNi ®f a full siar model tma today, in basement and first oular jet engine and a -nodal of a floor of the Mechanical Enginaor- V-f Market engine, in th® A®nv mg Building. BxhAnt of mounted nauUcal Engineering Buildfeg. Meehankal Engineer mg Demon rumnaames from Arrhftertara: PrsaantaBOn of -t rat ions ia foundry work, rwfri piaate. LacaUoa prtaa b iunin| designs far U Sag® 1 g®raUui. aad air coadiGowag. m®t Veterinary Anatomy: Micro scopic ami gross exhibit# of ana- tmny of lonwstK animals Veterinary HarlerMiegy and Hy- |ene: Grow# ami microscopic »bec-| imen* of problem* encountered ta , meat inapeclimi, also badarta and the pathology they cause in ani mals Exhibit* of X-ray and flur* | oscope unit# Veterinary Medicine and Sur gery: Exhibit of fracture reduc tion method* Display of instru ment* and equipment Veterinary Parasitology: Exhi# IdU of animal parasite* common is Texa* aad those of public health imnoitance Veterinary Pathology: V'etenn- ary muneum will be opvm for in spection Veterinary Physiology and Phar- maeeUgy: Itemonstrationa of vit- amia dofvciencies in laboratory animals, aiao exhibits of biooal cie- cuiation ami heart action, and pharmacy a* used in the veterin ary hospital He hoot of Mttttkrv Srkxkw The School of Military Science s part in the program tor thta week end wll largely be reflected ia th* ceremonies scheduled for far rat’s Day. Departmental exh.b.i* will h® on display at Bona Hal from U a. m until 4 p. m. No DiKiniMMal Set For Tomorrow N® clause* will he dtsmiased tomorrow morjung for Open Hotmr Day. Dr. F C. Batten, president of the roilege said thia axoraiag. ‘The Kxeeotive t orn mil tee af Ike Academic ( ouncil decided not to dUMiaa ciaaaes in order that viatliag parent* and friend, may have a rnaare Is visit these se—Soaix'* he aatd. Open Hous4* Day * SciiedMl#* 9 a m Btork Judging ~ AH Pavittioa 19 a.m Hpaniah Program — OMta® Hall 1 p m.- Dawy Rkow — Dairy Rarta a p-m-T- Bagttek Speech Coa tret. YMCA 4 p.m —K. V Drill KiMhtOra -Mala (Mil Field 7 ^ -tittle Uvoateck Sh PaHMao t pax.—AH Cotlege Greet