Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1949)
' — /4. L, Tv !•' [' * ~ir-J I m.:- J ■ ' :1«V Rfi | schedule, | hasbeen ball Sta |f M 528 y*r on tn« pHSHiinK 0 J ninil, , ^ total o( ami 701 ffl a 6t the ■JeJ„ out in the itself fij b«‘cn challi and 298 th|U with LonKhorha haVa a yifjdi—926 by Jrrbund the air label, j m I rSiif ■ Ah for deta make] They trail the jnce and have —exactly ^66 collecliad aith lountars., Marty Agifie . laced therr Jo ifenaively ivc play, the Southwest y ielded 1494' yards more than A4M has] its own offensive ’ll individualists (have m Doe hifrh in the Ca. nutrkWoff the'Aggies’ p li T m %, ■r i il led with 820. 1 ,—| ! 1 1 “V 1 ,—T an average yaixlage of 36.6. Lary’a boantctjl A fat 41.6 yards per try. OtriMtaiMfn Sixth John Christensen runs sixth with the lead in iter of turns a lion ] R T US, 1949 - Page 5 pint returners. Proc- is the leader with re- thati have averaged 20.2 K' llo SSlElsrrSK! William Garner. Kish grid team guard from Wa^o, will be playing against some of his old running mates when the Fish meet the Baylor Cubk here to* morrOw night. He was first string guard on) Waco’s state champion high school grid team last fall. J *»- I.C- perfoi mere’I columns. Such are Bob Smith, leading Conference grjound gainir; YAlh Ui er; Don Nichole i er and John (JhrisUnsen, ^ .man, i k: i : • ’T [.■{Smith Leads uonterence gipuna ry, top Cadet punt- s, best Aggie )ass- 'hristensen, ^safetyf The hiajvjtly worn cleats;of Bob Smiths have left their impression on 326 yards i or gridiron turf. Thi means that Bob is thl leading con ference gainer. Muscles Campbell of Arkapsas ii right on Smith’: heels—orte yaifd behind. Briisin Bob has run upj and down the fobt- ball field than three timed while playing [in four contests Bears, Raiders Clash Saturday In West Texas ! Waco, Oct. 12 (Sjil.)—Bay lor’s undef eated Bears will take to the air Friday morn ing for, Lubbock where they will face the Texas Tech Red! 2i« yard Raiders in the Honvetcoroing tilt 1 (tlwH. -k r'l ; Coach Boh Woodruffs team, playing flawless ball Saturday de- {feated the j Aifkanpas Razorhacks 38-18 and fro at the top of the co:/.erenee and sectional stand ings In the Southwest! - The Bruins came out of the Ar- iiansas tilt with many bruises tausod by the rugged! but excep tionally clean game. Trainer Del- ((mar Brown indicated Monday that Jhe thought all would he ready for j Saturday s jjaiuc wilti thf* cxccptioti of first string tackled, [Wesley Rob-i ri u .i in , erts and Steve Dowden. [■ ' NOW York, 0(it. 12 ( claimed by Johnson of Baylor. Griffin, also of Baylor, is in the number five spot with a 13.6. Then, d||j in the six slot and leading four :;§• other listed stalwarts, is the 13.2 If® percentage of John Christensen. Strange as it may seem, the Cadefci do not place a soul on the ■ pass receiving list, regardless of j their creditable passing achieve- [ ments, | ^1 i TCD’s Bailey {has snagged 20 Berry [Balls for [a total of 257 yards to lead this department. Pioctcr of Texas is second with 13 |nasse<i caught and 219 yards col lected, George ! Boal, the other TCU end who worked himself up from i be third string since spring, is third with 14 passes caught ana 196 yurds picked ; up. I : Smith 3rd in Scoring Don Nicholas, senior quarter back, is [near the top in the passe* completed percentages; Doak l|Valk+ er of SMU is t» e only one who sUr- passes pim. .Lindy Berry' o; tho Homed is leading the 1 in net, passing! yards. Berry has heaved the pigiskin for *o4 yards; Paul Caanphellj Texas, 48S; Rice’£ Tobin Rote, 330; Adrian Bu^-k of Baylor, ;308; RMU’s Walker with 282 and then i Don Nicholas with In thie punting parade-..VCU’I Wilde Idadnithe field With hn avei^ 37.8 yai , Rice aWd ^Agjl’a Yale w^t age of 42.7 iier trj’. Walker, SMli and Hiijkckr ofi TCU each .average J': Then coriies wyftt of because SMU has played only two HA "games, r | ]i ' As:|f<W leading scorers, Bob Smith! is tied for| third with three otherj contestants- Randall Clay is. leading thia division with a total of if pblnts.j j Clay has 6 touchdowns and 16 conversions. He and Walker are the oply main string backs in the league who double as conversion- ists. This, of course, is of great as sistance to them; while competing for storing honors. Logue of Ar kansas is second with , 5 touch down^. • Then come* .Smith with four. Doak Waljker, the leading scorejr of '48 hasn't received an adequate chance to boost himself ' rA Harry Stiteler To ——■—--—Toniffht it 7:30. the fourth mectim emus, icsj; ling On ♦K :[ Tonight at 7:30, the Club meeti in the Assembly Another varied program Coach Harry Stiteler will give! will be upon the Aggie* thi* from TCU m Ft. Worth Saturday,^ ’ll "'"I M {A k,t of the QuarterbitA Tennis co with six hard of the six me :isivc defeats inued Monday tches. Four hes were de- r hile two were iard fought to the last min- jte. [ T. E yets, UnJ by Marshall Ruth- erfoiy and Richard Moiris, downed B. Field in a orte-way match. C Infantry whitewashed G Aii Force by a thref-nothing score. E Field stomped !B Infantry with Red Wright and! Cecil Lewis lead ing the victory. In a tight battle E Infantry and f;D tap for topig] rtets- tea gain prljees wlll be awafdtd to 11 people; who wbn last week’s Quartcrhapk Club, guessimj: /roq. u*st. I • /I • i To wind up tonight* program, movies ofi tie A&M-L8U game b Baton Rouge wdll be shown wit! Stiteler doing the narration, i dll be awarded \o the Frizes B AF defeated Infantiy down- f ed the Senior Company despite stellar play by , Boh Thomas and David Stiles. The strongest [contested match of , /■< the day was between B Enginedra kfp and F Flight. After a long hard ' battle, B Engineers won led bj j*)j a strong team of Leo McCann and |;|| Pate and Jim iry™ itstanding for the ‘ " i .! Walter A. 4. (Jim) Dugas, 205-pound junior guard from Port Arthur, frtade all-diet riel, all-tale and all-southern teams u h'le playing high school football. Rltdng fast as a lineman, he will he flght- ing for a first string berth he.vt year.’. ! Pish Gridders Meet . ^ip Joe Burdett Storrie were losers. ' t ^ On the basketball courts, a ?i v , strong Army Security team led by i.fl Hul. (Hands) Hqrton hiu.| Fish Har- “ old Smith downed D Vets 18-10 with tricky ball handling, i B Cavalry defeated B Athletics in a tight garde, 11-7. A QMC edged bv B Coast 14-12, led by Carl, Neil. j, I i E Flight edged by A Chem War fare 15-14 but due to an ineligible player E Flight-Warf disqurflified, givi.fg thr, win the CWS. the tout git Smilihwwl ■ tonight. Head Hia talk expactod person* that lumtkl .tit esse* oq gammi in whichi Cnnfmvnco team* piny #d last Sitiirdalyj John F Biichanan, Box 16113, (jollagc Station; Mrs. ilrr, Box 7g(l .1 Co U|gv Station | Rob- #rt L - ■HH Sta t ion, B. Neal, (Box 5i tionj-Ted Means. 104 S. Po! College Station; Ralph L • Mmi Odell Friz- utionji 509, Ci , YMfJ. Oil, Collegi stai. College YMf A: E. I I iii rLiv: -i. ii every winner cpr- !.| ■ ■ , |M is the first^woniali in this year’s con- ■ Hill, bruising fullback on the F sh grid squad’s start- • > orte Fish mor- Hill hails from Hal ing lineup, is expected tp/be orte of the .tdg guns for the against tie Baylor Clubs tomor row nigh lingaij. ~r Notre Dame, Army ^ m Grab Lead in Poll CubsThprsdayNight . . It—NotTe Dame ia! the top college Woodruff was vfery [pleased with | football team, the experts decided Monday in the second As- jiinc Bears performance last week, | s0c j atc j p res8 nation-tvide poll of the season. Jnit was quick to warn of overcon- ^ t th f.vhtinp-Irish landed the No 1 snot bv onlv weeK ^ L,oacnes; Marion pugn and MUton Ko .saff-ivas agaiimt TCU, “Woodruff last week’s leader—Michig?n-irit ^— > commented; "Apd of; course, it will a 21-tw7[. (upisdt i Saturday(.a|; Anh -4 }>*' f • j»> Stm&tikiliffa as plane. The Baylor line was more Michi|pran, which received; 34 first- than the schcjol song against the {place vdtes a week ago, didn’t get Hogs, playing magnificient ball a single ^one this time, ibtjjt ; tl|e | throughout the contest. From end sports editor! and sportscasters to end there'weefe outstanding men still thought enough of the Wolvef- •>'; every—position." lines to jgive them enough other '— : 'p-! { ballots { ti>[ land them in ytHie to{p ■ ‘ • ■■ ' ir ^ 10—in seventh place, to he fxact; Notre Dame which brusjieq aside Purdue Saturday, 34 to 1^, [toj ro- ww -a jrtr k i main among the undefegted and HaVPTIT Ail \ \ I unt ’ e< ^’ co !* lart ‘d Hrst-place votes long time! ifu And the TCU Horned Frogs will j be lemombering that it has been : tea,.._ . -, T , r —. Tl .—,, just thatrlrmg since they wpn -a | lane, Mijinescta, and North Caro home game when they play {hot t! Hii^, renijained right in that drdei io the'Texas Aggie,sl’on Saturday again.; I j rcu $ horned Frogs Slated To Be ’49 Big Guns The Aggie accent will not be on numbers when the Cadet Fish tackle the Baylor Cubs under the Kyle Field arcs Thurs day nig&t starting at 7:30 p. m^ Last week. Coaches’ Marion Pugh and Milton Routt . ded 82 Aggie Fish gridme their team trimmed Weathejrfordt Junior College, 28^13. ;{ M j It’;i likely that only 25 or (M of 1 the top-drawer performers oil the Aggie Fish Roster 1 will * get| into the Thursday night fracas. The Cubs were the only team to defeat A&M’s 1948 freshman toam, and the 1949 Aggie Fish would like to wiii this ope. Baylor’s first year tyam jdrop- Dame and Army again have two of the best backjs in the nation. A _ big reason why! Notre Dame will _ and a [tot^l iof 1,4891points.! score almost at |vill is Emil (Red) T ■ ^ 1 Aniny, Which was seventh in the f^o. A Wg W* tor Amy is Ar- n» rt j * no |]i WII L ricr ht behind with ^ oI(i Daliffa, tho Cadet T quarter- New York, Oft. 12—<)P>-Early ^ jtf( openeri ^ to tCU’s season indicatiojis arc the Notre freshmen, but in halfback Donald ■Home Since i first-place biiJloLs, as 172 isports Fort Worth, Octi 12—Seven ; "ritei-s ahd broadcasters took patt hundred and twenty - eight days, just three days shy of in poll. [Ojnly 80 voted labt because of primary interest- lose the iclc a full two years—that is a ! the National land American Lei Carpenter and guard Charles Athey, the Cubs showed a pair of performers who will give any team trouble. • Athey is the big boy who made , most 1948 all-state high teams as hark. Both are in their last season. ! a member of Waco’s state champ- To say that 5itko is the most • j ons< When the Aggies’ bulk ozing experiehded cotegian performing 1 ”’ 1 '"- - '»«<»-. today would b; an understate ment. This is his seventh season pennant wfndupa Khe 00 ^ 1 rnTpUyed^t ■ ! Great Likes, Stj. Mary’s pre-flight Walter Hill, a 212-pqunder from a th iihoult u l' Ballinger, tries to go through played Great Lakes, Sti j [ and Norman, Ojda, wet-i—Oklahoma, ft It Wf» Sitkp’s forward pass ucs, and the World Series. The thjrd, fouijth, fifth and sixt jams last “ adium here. | ]\ newteomer to tlhc fop ten i: fit was against the Aggies, oh Kentucky, which jupiped [from fif Oct. 18, 1947, that ti c Frogs ,wop tejertthij place eighth affor hand their-last home gam-. ing Geoifgia p 25-tO-O shellacking Since that time, TC J has dropped five games and tied two in Fort Worth, -tosing all four home games last fall gnd having :o come from behind to: .tie Qklahi ma A this fall’s home opeicr. On the basis of (he respective records tlitis far tifs -fall, the .Frogs have",every right, to hope that thi- Aggies w||l once ' again ia provide the fodder for serving up a victory fi-ast to tne home folks. TCU come* into the t [victories, one tie and it. credit while Texas one victory against ante with two (hie di-roiit to Saturday. Cdlifornii miovpd yj from tertth tb ninth, trading plac' os with Routbern Mkhodistl whirl waH jdle! last wijek.! ’ ! ! Tho tojam was; Ixiunciri from th» leading |ten,-f Southtj-rn California Th<* Trojans, wrho'tteil Ohio Stat-e 13. iS, fifll frorji {eighth fo twelfth On thy basis of thsit tie game the expejrts eiamt' rethai kubly rids- in bnflotlng pn Ohio {State and th< Trojans.; Ohio Plate got 1506 poiati to retaiij«loventh plgice, Where t-Hd; \&M has only j wore i feck ijr^. atji|l rMht bjuhlirti "of J6fr In favor 4- Forest Fires Hit By Postal Office three defeats.! name Southern Cnliforni* with 18 - J ' points. {All of the] the exception of Mild jbjtrtiten land untied. Athey’s jibsition, it something to tsee. Carpenter was quite ja back for Houston’s Milby. . Ray Graves of StephenvilleL Con-- nie Jlagouirk of New London; Ray- catch that enajbled Great Lakes mond Haas of Kingsville anil Hill to beat Notre Dame. 19-14, in art due to open in the baqkfield i the last minute of their 1913 ! for the Aggie Fish.; Grave^, Hans j game. It was the only game , and Hill each scored- touchdownb Frank Leahy's (team lost that sea- j in the Weatherford game. Darrow Hooper of Fort Worth, ' who engineered one Aggitj Fish j 'll I against A Coadt to win 19-12 on excellent play by the Arronson hers. / | v.T 1 Fish Thursday Aini^h, a»h * -•"-■iBear CuWW| Brothers. 1 ' IF OF Will 1 IVPr is A Infantry led bv Green stomped 1*7 **« Vg v v*! B Transportation! by a 34-6 score. A Composite won over B Vet, 12- 7. { / ‘ :f': ■■ rH One of the toughest games of the day [was between A Field and H FligJit. H Flight, led by Bob Mil ter and Butch Bed sole; took tho decision 23-17 after a hard fought jjamje. Schedule For Thursday Basketball—Nort Military Team vs. Team Court 16 Mite hell 4 . Puryea 15 ! 3 Milner TCWV 1 17 Waltojn 2. iw*. Bov '4815. College 'Station; lh.V t liMTt College Station; vi^. City Nat’l. [Bank Bldgi, Rrjan; and Ray N. Williams, Box :512, College Station. ' [j About 260 entries were turned In to the Quarterback contest this week; and 11 {persons, those named ibovf, gueaabd every winner cpr- •rtrtly.-i j' Mrk. Ftaaidr =tb Win a prize TOj [ 1 I'lf • I V. e i Thy .wiimeiJs named above will [be dwarddd a |>ri*e by one ; teria; J. J, Pqtcre Music Co., Cbar-, :lie Terreli of 'ihe Triangle Drive ; Inn,; Cl R. Giif|K»er of Grieiser’s Kleciric Co., Joe Faulk of Lack's Auto Supply; W. S D. Clothiers, Travis B. Bryan of the Pirn Nat tioiuil Bnjnk, The Parker-Astin Hardware Ca, Charlie Cade of The Efrynn Motoi] f.’p!, and Tho Battal- iottif j .1 j The contest continues again this wedf wiijh {the'; sponsors nkme<l above again! offering 11 free prizes to the lli.wdbndk'' 11 , Tb frntlej-.'! pefsons should; fliif 5out.;tbe nbtn- blank on’.-i Quai-terbifek {Oh#) page, or optaitl bnejfrom onie’/if the sponsors, Tbe enf.ry;hliiri|k should be filled lioui .with guessrij a * fo ihe score* and winrjerd next 8i|t9|fMn* gaitws in \ which [Southwest Comer- Wacq, Time 5:16 6:15 5:16 5:15 m son. That is a .625 uvetude against ond points. {All pf; {the { top ten, wjtl oh of tic Frogs. i»hc exceptiotj of Mi{hignn| urj! un . V' \ A now postal cafncellatibn di- to he usad on mail; going througl tho College Station postoffiee hi been announced by T.„ O. Waltotii postmaater. _j The slbgan on the new die reads, “Remember—Ohly You Cpn Pre vent Forest Fire*” It is intended to help publicize thtf.'apjbeal made to all Texans to aid in protecting the state’s timber resources from forest fires. ‘ 's’* -j! '• ’* ist year 38 cities including 3ton and Daillas used the can cellation dies. This year, 44 addi* .wij Las .Oiis tional cities have been added to the list including Austin, College Station, and Lufkip. 1 ‘f, 4; r 6. North Carolina; (Si) fan 1 , u uokj 9. Califomiu f 85 $T T The toLd vplje wrjjthi i>ointa fig red on la 10-9l8*7-6i-j6.4.8.2-l basi (first-pioeo vojoa id pafcntheiii) 1. Notj-c Dn*nic IjlT)...4,48» 2. Army (68;) L.iu.4 ..1,45' 3. Oklrthoma .(28) [ji.:..-. J.20 i 4.- Tulane (Ijjlp;l.. [ rl.T) :U)5 S. Minnesota (6) !, 9( ) 10. Southern ^letbodlet (1) 841 i The second tert—il, 01no Stab , 206; 1’4 Southeni California, 181; 13, U. jC. L. Ud if; J4. Com'eB, 98; 15,[ Pittsliirgh. |65;! 16, Texaf, 63; Villaiwva,|43; 18f Njivg, 36)Ti), Michigan State, 30;; atld 20, ar d Baylof, votes— Penns; PW dfriul c Senice, A&M College System, has Gcoi authorized the Uae jof tjhe special J m<)u cuua’liug die bearing the slogan. ;e The- Postoffiee; Department in cooperation with the Texas Forest \ lege System, has ejof ipg V M l. -r Ml Othefs •m’<jiring -Louisiana y 1 or moJc “i ^ - Sitko, through only five, eight. chaiTfeS throbgb the line like a bull. The 180-pounder from Fort Wayne, Iml., js calledj “Six-yard Sitgo,” nr good {reason. In the last three sH'rtsoms at Notre Dame he h*s carried the 24.'!t times for 1514 yards, an average gain of 6.2 yards. In the Irish qpaner this season he tallied three of sever touchdowns against Indiana. He made 64 yardr in eight tries against the Boosters, though he hud switched from half- buck to the i fullback spot. Galina hud u big hand in Army’s unbeaten record last season, his Second ns Cadet quarterback.; Tho six, tivn 190-pound athlete, also a West Point letter winner in base ball and basketball, comes from Donorji, Pa., the same town that gave Stan Musial to the world Sam Moses. 220 lb. tackle from Lockhart, is one of the most out standing jopliomorc linemen to play for .V&M this year. He was a .standout at the position on the Fish team last year -alqa Ag Fencers Down ! Jengals at LSD , The Texas A,ggto Fencing Team 'tame through with all wins in its intorsectional meet with the newly organized LSU swordsmen, Satur day evening in Baton Rouge. Ihvited up for an exhibition irt the afternoon, the Aggies put on „ aKnj , a good intrasquad show .as Mistrot, j onoR ]^ jd th at he would'start!' defeated Fails fob m fioth foil and | Milbv sexton and Conpie Wright at ! saber. Fails eked out a 3-2 win L nds . Rjol^rt Mehaffey and Chareh La over Wilson m epee. k . s Moak at taekles; Milton Lorf. In interasquad competition, Mis- and ill Aihey at gua^ !trot,; Fails, Wilson, and Ragusa co, center; Claud Kii wept the roundk for the Aggies and * ' ~ came home wiijh'a clean slate. The LSU fehcers with members ! ^ oun g. fullback, from Madaglsi-nr Island, France, Istanbul and Louisiana are attempt ing to get fencing recognized fn the Southwestern Conference us it is in the Southwest ; .»f» i | Oct. 12 (Spl.)—The; Baylor (jubn, eager; to break into the win cohimn. will in vade Aggieland Thursday night to display their warea against Ijhe Texas A&M Fish. The Cubs lost tl^eir openeij three wee is ago. 1 | J Taking Ihe road for the second time, the jCuhs should be m bet^ tor phyj;Tu! condition ithaif they were in when they met the "Wogsi Quarterly ik Claud Kincannon, who was suffering with a shoulder in( jury at ihe time of the opener will be )aek to strengthen the Cub aerja; attack. Although Kin- cannon tja v action in the final per iod, his {assing was considerably hamjierod by the injury, In tnc | intervening weeks the Cubs hay4 shown iinprm ; ement ac. cording Coach Pete Jones, bui ; .; t the powie 1 is concentrated in th4 backfield enejn teams play, Entries should hi turrted in! toj Battalion 8ports 1 Deiik by 6 pi [ni;! Friday. • All gudssiii! iWotild be written on [| the'[entry hljuik# on the games in KANSAS fw TEAAH TECH terbaek j )on CarpenjLer and Bobo i Patton, halfbacks and Luthoy! X I' ! ■ < fry Jack Sisr I ! ;Ken Recjs, Fish back from Or- nnon, quar-1 aitge. is exported to be one of 4- tomorrow itWtH Wf. Fis i team’s standouts on team’s ,* against the Baylor Cutis Wr l - touchdown and kicked four extra 13 ra l r A* points in the oi>ener, also will see IO oDCUH -(wt considerable sendee for the Cadet * 1 Kish Thursday night. diiy of cutting off hia wife’ ! noae, “1 did it with the razor during un argument,” lie said; according to a statement m|»do by polire Sgt, E* Driver in magiatrute’s eburt. Mrs. Smith’s i|onditi<*n a crit ical. Smith entered drtalm)d for u liearing October 13 on u charge of causing grievous hirm. n4- T~f - ! 1' CLEANING . . . . PRESSING . L .. We Deliver - •!■ VI ii>; I!: t|' ALTERATIONS PATCHES.... ! ft brtl 1 Gate - ■ ! * j i PlJonc v W1S GIVE SAII GREEN SftUOTS Uj ' > ' • -ii " xJfi SMITH WEAVING. ••• ;j4 ^. v . ’ I - I'lj'.l- Annex Chapel Guel»t pastor at the A&M An- j ncx Chapel Sunday morning will I be Diek Ryan, second-year stud- |ent at the Austin Rhesbyterian Theological Seminary, jjceordihg Wife Loses Nose During Argument l/mdon,—t.'P>— Police thr’vurtin'• rt ‘?T mr; ^ ‘ photo printer John Smith,>, ° ( T ^ Wives Bridge Club Elects Mrs. Ward i Mm. liorniine Ward wais elected president of tne Veteran’a Wives Bridge Ciub last Thursday even ing at the club’s regular meeting in the YMCAj Other officers elected were Mrs. Dorothy Bradshaw, vice-president; Mb. Jean Rutledge, aecretory- treaxurer; Mrs. Jackjk Troiinger, reporter; and Mrs. Jan Reiman, She'll adore fee Paintiest of writingjinstrument^l. SheaffeeS CRIST Dim MKAWAY bodily / wa isfo I'AjI ' V ’’P. / j .! ■ -t L; ] j it beminury. 1 [Ho&tofnes for th« meeting were. Ryan, aukraduate of Texas Upi- Mrs. Betty Drake «nd Mre. Jose- yersity and a navy veteran, served \ phlne Atterhefy. First prize for the last stnmiKM' as assistant pastor of vrt’ning wrehtito Mrs. Lucille Hyd- the {first Presbyterian Church at s"n, wlthiMrt. Caroline McMurray McAllen. / 1 winning sreoijd. - |" 1 ■di 1 "- T 11 1 »r— '1 / J ,! rm r' North Gate •r U IN BED-GO AHEAD!” ; r wtiowm *QAK> or rm UNoatwtiTm "NOW IF YOU AAUST COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK m VJ> >\ »V- If thof gidjof Yourdreom* P'pr it drAamino of aomathlngli roolly OKcltin^i in writing Inilrto* mentj—giro h#r Sbeaff»r'« Cr«t Tuck et way ri i dointy. famirtint, colorfull And " L Hlng Coma in I '■ - whaf wondorfolwriting dependable! " our latest shipments once—smooth, ond inspect i. . 1 ' vi %#afige Store ’r V'iIV|jL. u .■fyertiii# Textu Aygiest Mam Campub -TWO ffi A.AM. AluiieK I •I n' y I N'