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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1949)
PjressingSi ituation. I ! i ' : • r ; - : ■ : ■ i ■ m r -i ■ '4 Problems To Vi$ '£.• BY BOB PRICE r V ■ i ' I | All done and not a single cam era broken. That'S the report from the A&M Photographic Visual Aids Laboratory to. which fell the talk of taking photographs'for the recently instituted Aggie ID cai'ds. San Angelo Club Elects Bob Sykes 1 Cl ~ 1 i . - ’ I Bob Sykes was elected to the position of president of the Sail ^ j Angelo Club at its reorganizutional meeting last Thursday eVening. Others installed to office with Mhim were Ben Siues, vicei-president; .Jimmy Harrelson, corresponding, secretary; and Carl. Black, secre tary treasurer. : The new club scribe is Dave Kreager, who now hol^s the job of reporter, and the sergeanta-at- Arms are Carl George ani flm * '.The- 1 local ' phot fortonate, howev< to processinjjr the lem I; was to] getjl pertinent; informa r ject and iriejose tj celluloid Vvripping ihi ough a pro cess known as laminating. Here, according to Aids head Howarf Be|rry *the rub taafie in. | It seems thaV the Laboratoryt a non 1 profjjt organIjtat on solely for the beliefi: of lege, found a lamina ing J- f were hot so vjicn; it came rds. The prot on the sub- ih a durable Visual is where the campus^ When tficy press they found souf produce jenough heat The laminating, process requires a temperature of 340 operating the coir press on tried the >!■ J ojm i ecord out! I that the majority )f the students are _ id Richard oughton. ~ ! The oldest club on the campus hhs launched plans for its Christ mas Dance and reception. . Pres- , i -; nqient / Sykes voiced his mbre members would dt the next meeting so for this dance may be ciftptinued. hopes that esent plans present that i ■ ' L press they found suit tha|ti it didn’t ice . , .o JJ i „ Fahrenheit ; atj JO,500 pofunds of pressure. The : group v as facSd with the problem of no hgat, no cards, so they .issued a h isjty plea to a firm ift Nefr’ York fir a hew set of heating plates. Vru|iin the week the laminating pr in full swing. f ,, As if jthis wasn’t enouifh trouble they found out' that he paper ujsed ^wls, too thin ant extreme cate had to be exercisei in treat ing the bards, f | J ■ ; ;AU 9f these difficulties have been ironed out and according to Berry, the laminating job will bJ completed i this week. ’’he cards wil go to the Regis trar for check!:ig, frojm there to tlu Dean of Mer for recording, and fh< n to tl * dis tribution. • | | : torry nfeorta of the pictures )f;the students good. A regilar identification ph Aographic u lit was used but thi background was lightened and the number was lowered to lessen thi!. “rogub’s gj llery” effect. The cards 4ill serve as posi tive identification for the owner »id Will aid "im in identifying himself immediately. that mere will be no where identifica- stablished because thje picture looks too good to be tn|e actual picture of the bearer. 4- World Is Class i | r r Dbnton, Tk*Xi !(|P>— Mow’d you like to be in a college class that listens to the World Series and gets credit for doin^ it? The world serjes was a regular clinic for one group Ipf students at North Texas State College. | They i clustered around [a radio with [pencil and shbre cards in hand, noting every hit, strike aid e vwious outfits for error. ' , |J ' U | \ tt is noj cases reported [tkn cannot be Return A&M will ha (of 12 They made up a class in sports writing and it was their (first as signment from Instructor Burnie Kee. Kee, a former Denton Rocord- Chronlcle, Dallas Times Herald and Beaumont Enterprise aP 01 ^ 8 writer, now is aj sports whiter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram- 1 A former student of North Texas State, Kee is one of five newsmen teachers instructing in the college journalism department, q j j U L 4BNER TSSt^ 'EM OJT UMOCft THE QUOTA U**j CHIEF.'7- QUOTAS •BUT THEY PEOPLE--'' ' . People Are Funny r - : r I ! r : n! ; A1 Capp voKum HOOP LAT*«-lNmHE HtLU iHAhBUNQ tLOWLY i o^jHA^rn rc pmru- diUM.UK What’s Cooking SOUTHWEST TE% Wednesday, October nj. assembly room, YidCA. [ Bowlers This Year \ BOWLING TOURNAMENT £!NTRY BLANk Name .. Address Approx. Avg. (Turn in at yMCA Bowling Alleys) Hillel Club Meets Elects Officers ' • I -Hi ,'Hr I LJ Elections were held at the first Hillel Club meeting Wednesday, October 5, to fill vacancies [in the club (offices, announced Jcshf Trie- man, i president. Hershel Malth, senioi' husinless major frrom Houston wak' (ileqted vice-president, j Secretary] for the comifig year will be Lou^s Belin sky, a sophomore petroleum-geo logical engineering student from San Antonio. Biil Klabundlel Ray Lyon, R. L. T , h " . new ^ Parliamentarian, McClure,‘Floy I Henkf Emmett ^d tneman, .s Norman Brdslah, a AGGIE PLAYERS, October 12, 7:30 p. m. Discuss tryout and s( We a strong nucleus rdturni ng bowlers from which to Build ts '49 team, accord ing to Marvin Hagemeier, team captain, j; j j Men reporting for the first prac tice were Majir Lunceford, Wally Dixon, Bfad I dimes, Harris Cox, Bubba Williatr son, A. B. Harris, LAMAR COUNTY CLUB, Wed nesday, October 12, Room 208, Academic AS CLUB, 12, 7:30 p. Wednesday, Music Hall, cial plans. 7:30 [p^ m. Building. Trant, and Ha(gemeier. the team ha: escheduled matches with all] Soi thwest Conference teams, ttageme fe'r continued, adding junior physics major front Cal^es- ton. Other officers are Louis Kaplan, a juiHoi Triemhn hnd management that lasMyear the team won four cn Kiritering major from Houston, matches'ind l($t two. Price Smith, i treasi|urer. : '( ! class of *47, i:; team sponsor. AMARILLO CLUBl Thursday night, October 13, Rooim 206, Aca demic Building. Plans for club par ty and Christmas dance will be discussed. i FAYETTE COUNtY tlLUB, Thursday, October 13. 7:30 p. m. Room 129 Academic Building. Dance plans will be j discussed. [ AVMA AUXILIARY JUNIOR 12, 7:30 p. m., Souljh Solarium, YMCA. LUFKIN CLUB, Thursday, Oct ober 13, 7:30 p. m., Room 224, Academic Building. Charter con struction, officer election, and a discussion of the Thanksgiving Dance and the organizational of the Aggie-Exfes in Lufkin will be made. BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, October 13, 7:30 p. tn„ EAST TEXAS CLUB, Wedi nesday, October 12, 7:30 p. m.. YMCA Chapel. Members who will go to the TCU game are urged to attend. BEAUMONT CLUB, Thursday, Octobeh 13, 7 p| m., Room 107, Academic Building. ABILENE ClTUB, Thursday, October, 13, after yell practice, YMCA. HJSK CLUB, Wednesday, Oct ober 12, 7:30 p> m., Room 326, Academic Building. r BELL COUNTY CLUB will not meet because of the Freshman football game. MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS’ WIVES CLUB, : Thursday, Octo ber IS^iSO p. mi, South Solarium, The Bowlind Club including the .in?! YMCa" 1 wSeUy. OctJS I () .^VACA (CLUB, Wednesday, bowling team s:ems from the games 1 12, Trieman said. At this meeting ^ ; ^„i m '’ Room committee of tie Student Memorial j reports will be given by students Center. This c les bridge and i — mmittee also hand- who attended summer camps and milliards. (conferences. j ob CAMERA CLUB, Monday, Oct ober 17. "TO m ERIENDS AMD EANS|l .IT'S MT C Senate SeatinffArrangement (Continued from Page 1) ' Mess Committee The mess committee election fal lowed a statement by Charlhs- Kirkham that all mess hall aretes should be represented onj the com mittee. Tom CalhoUn, Legett sen ator, suggested that married stu dent- should not he. named to the mess committee since they “co not enjoy” regular mess iieges. ■ rrf fiall prly. memb^ts YMCAj. Demonstrations on hair styling and make-up by Merle Nor man representative. AAM GARDEN CLUB, Friday, October 14, 3 p. in., YMCA chapel. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p-m-fi Lounge, Dorm I.j ENLISTED MEN’S WIVES CLUB, Thursday, October 13, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs. F. B. Gardinie, 422 Milner Drivfe. October social will be held. Mrs. Steve Morgan will b<! co-hostess. CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Academic Building. DEL RIO CLUB, Thursday, Oct. 13, after yell practice, Petroleum building. All sophomores interest ed should attends HILL COUNTY CLUB, Wednes- lay, Oct. 12, 7:30 p. m., Academic Building. t P. E. CLUB, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p. m., DeWare Field House. RIFLE TEAM, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. Turkey shoot triatch. Hearst Tro phy plans will be discussed. SAN ANTONIO CLUB, Thurs day, Oct. 13, after yell practice, Room 203, Academic Building. Of ficers to be elected. VETERANS WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Thursday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p. m., YMCA. WICHITA FALLS A&M CLUB, Wednesday, Ocf. 12, 7; 16 p. m., Room 208, Academic Building. Of ficers to be elected. British Situation On Food Explained E. N. Holmgreen, director of the Agriculture Foods Division of the United Kingdom, spoke to the A&M Collegiate Chapter of the Future Farmers of America at the regu lar meeting Mohday night on “The Agricultural Situation in the Brit ish Isles.” j 1 Holmgreen graduated from A&M in 1922, and later became business manager for the college. He spent three years in Europe while in the Army and one year in Greece with the E. C. A. In his address Holmgreen stated the United Kingdom has not pro duced enough food to support itself since 1880, a few scattered years excepted and that Great Britain is now the greatest import country in the world. The U. K. is now faced with the problem of changing from an industrial to a more agri cultural country because of the dollar shortaga The English peo ple must raise a large part of the agricultural products that were bought from the U. S. He explained that the only way for Britain to renew the importa tion of American agriculture pro ducts on a large scale was for Americans to a4k for products made in Britain. Correspondingly, the dol lar could be usted to buy goods from America, Holmgreen said. The, mes$ com mi were also accepted by senjate accji mation. They werte Marvin Bed , Freshman Senator, 1 Glen Dunkle, Dormitory 6; C. 0, : Smith, Dormi tory 16; and A. Gj Hul?a, Dormi tory 16. ill . T i v I 1 , ^ I *M Hospital committee members Se lected at last night’s senate meet ing were B. O. House, Dormitory 15; David Trent College View; and W. E. Forsythe, day fltudem. Members of the publicity cbm- mittee are Emmet Ingram, Wal ton Hall; Charles Kirkham, co- vice president of the senior class; and Floyd Henkj senator at large. Seating Discussed ' I Discussion of the seating assign ments at Kyle Field was beguh gf- ter Walt Zimmerman, senator at large, of the, executive committee read the committee’s report. He said that about 10,000 seats were reserved for the student body. Thjese would accomodate j alii the sirfgle students (With additional seats for 1,500 guests, and all mar ried students and ,their wives.t j The executive committee iig4 gt steel in its report that guest should be allotted 1 on a basis] of 500 for the non-military students and 1,000 for the corps. This figure was arrived at when the number of married students was. consider ed. Charles Kirkham suggested that a compromise on distribution of the seats in the arieh [behind the band might be worked but between corps and non-corps students ft>r the different football games. How ever, Bruce Thompson pointed out the confusion that would ejxist With constantly shifting seating assign ments. Joe Fuller, senator from LaW, then moved that the executive com- mittee | decide apportionment qf seats behind the band, the end zone sb- Page • |- : Pbweif of: Senatq ! I Harry. Raney, jet village, , questioned the senate’s power 1 to enforce it^ decisicj n; on the student body,: Further discussion revealed that exclusive assignment of the area fro in the 3(f to the 50 yard line to the qorpsl w 00 ^ Wby) Unpopular with a ('large number of non-military Students. Allan Eubank, together with Klen made the mo- cadet corps the and, then sug gestetd that 4iscuSsion on his mo tion, which hkd a||i'c*--^— —— J *— -opened senatf vo| ■! eady passed, | be OiPMWd ^ n j i unanimously consider the! motion. Charles Kirkham then -asked Landrum to sugn *st an equitffhle behind the r-p,-. r . ^ j r» i visjbn of the drea binq. i Landrum, iafterj hearing (discus- on : on the broblem from various i of .the ^ehate, then sug- sji . members of jwstqd that the tbp eight rlows Off the area behind the band be re served for pon-njilitary students. This! would ibclU<l|* 368 iieatk. The remaining sbats, Jwith i he I excep tion-of the band section would be reserved for (the (jadet corps. The ratio j of i?uts is apprUx^ mately three for iiop-military Jtd- dents to four for' members of the qmrw. ! iK | J . ■•. ( -i i | ' j ■ I ■ I • 1 . ■ - i 1 ' Floyd Hehk, sfenator at larg?, made a motion thejjt Landrum’s sug gestion be adopte| and that, in n( j- ditidn, the area injthe end zone be set aside for those students who did not wish to mand during the games be reserved for theim and that the remaining seats be assign- lon-military stu- utive committee. I f j: I 1 1 - 1 I be reserved for students who wisl ed to sit down during the game, and the remainder pf the student area be split in two sections drtth the non-military in the higher por tion of the stands. This motion was defeated, 18 to 16, after Kirkham suggested thpt it be tabled for further Consider ation. Ken Landrum, Doj-ml ter discussion rangements, made , the corps be assigned all (he area behind the band with the remain der of the student $ection divided, as suggested in Fuller’s motion, j This motion carried, 19 to 14.; mittee m, Dormitory 6 of the seating lade a motion mg ar- that ■ Students of that s| Committees Report II be ction. I The senate al|o heurd r sports from its standing cominitteei. Al lan Eubank [reported or the sweet heart selection committee's (.rip to Denton, and the: senate expresse<l whdlb-heartcd approval of the com mittee’s choice, j. 1 - I J A jcommilltee ti> handle arrnngj- Ser- mepts with the World Student vice Fund Was (appointed. Me berp were J. E. Montgomery, i Mijlr nter; Hall, Emmdt Ingram,! A- < Hulza, Cecil Heby, Trailer‘Are and E. E. Shern|an, Bryan Field. A motion by )Walt Zimmerman to have minute* of each senate meeting pokted j?n dormitory bul letin boards warf approved. Members: of jjhe election com mittee were put an office by accli mation of the senate. tl Roy Natjce, Moss, day studdn Mooney, Freshmtei lie: Royaltj;, Haft c|rmitory 8; Bill Senator; Mike senator; Char- Hall; and Jim Patterson, Annex senator; were the iim* 1 named tb the election com- i. l: CLA Pagq 6 WITH - WEDNEStii PITH A BATTALION CLAUUITCD WICLL-l UIL' KatM . . . M a wont pir U**«1*B Vltw [Avjt. DS ■ 2So minimum, spnc* ratn id Itflsd auction ‘ temd > the abouMI i Uw dap before (n«. 5 iER 12 1949 m hmue, OOQ r*lr- Hoe Ctebeon, derm HI, room beth. lot ,78' »tt'. Doyle Lodfery. * ReC I • FOB ) • 1 ( j.'-ffy’.' , 1 .. Mi Meeting of Aggie Players Tonight ■ | . 1 • •. ] The Aggie Players will meet tonight at 7:30 p. m. in the Music Hall, according to George Dillavou, dicertor of the group! On the agenda for the evening will be discussions of the tryouts for the forthcoming production, RUR, a drama of life in the future. Future social plans will be dis cussed also, .Dillavou continued, adding that all men interested in dramatics or in aiding the pro ductions in any way are invited, es pecially Corps men. --i : Juniors to Choose Before October 17 Junior Gates representatives should be chosen by October 17, Wilman Barnes, president of the Junior Class,. announced today. An executive council composed of representatives from each regi ment, the vetenran corp juniors, ani* the non-corp juniors, ( will for late the -corp j junior class policies. The first meeting of the cour will be held Monday night at j7 in Room 319, Dormitory 10.; f I COM! RTABLE furnluhed twroom. Jo|nlng bath, linen* furnlihed. qealr ProfeRior or graduate ft* (erred. Telephone 4*9724. •owing atloru. 11)7 Hlshland, One-half! eMth of project houeee. Phone SOU 75 ft. by 60 . ft. Bet owiier, ROYAL| portable typewriwm, from, youi exclusive authorized Royal dealer, give* you the factory guarani'-■ apeolallft—e**y term*. Machine Company, 209 North an. Late model rental!, all makoa. LY FURNISHED tNo I r College. Write pox atlon, Texas, i • FOB R ROOM fumlehefl [ he Jane Street, College ,m cS .!.• PERSONAL Intnh I 'hlii four-way Iml ■ a lovelier halr-d i, uclng Mr, ahaping i, call Mr, V Marlyy and me'hod. For r, Harley to- day. Prujltt's Beauty and Fabric Shop. Call 4-11S9. ’ | 1 . J f. ; J-L— , CUSTOMERS who like gohd candy j Tur tle* 1 jar* her* eg tin! Buy them [at the: H 14-D. . try, and buy. from a : C*v*i or iSr! I UD! arapua (Tomer today. : 41S5. .4 PINK BOClT PApTS 32-33 Watt! 33 ![; length. Davey Jpnea, Dorm ilO-326, Box ynn Bui h Main, nr Consult Pr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main ri- Bryan f Phone 2-1662 : J r SUL-ROSE LODGII NO. 1IH A.F.SA.M M Sta, ed meeting Thursday I /At Oct. ll3th at .7:00 >p.m. Ex- aminyuona in E.A. degree. Harry Boyer, W.M. N. II. Mcainnie, Sec. 144' 1 -i Lake “Services rendered always Me DONA Funeral To tifc located at I: 'i; I 406 SOUTH BRYAN AVE. ; Bryan, Texas pl c when il Novi ormangee equipped stoves Ions now k season Als» the fidierman [ will find plenty of gdjod bait. on. hand years suppl] Shrimp and and Basi r. For* gets here. of M1 n n < fat worms, are ady&rtce resi ttons of write Tobe rmangee Lake, Nc Texas.