Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1949)
. r i ■ >- I ’ ri ■ ,i< ' ! I ; ’ i' ’ v ' » I .1' ’ f If, - 1 o . <• ‘ '•I f Erratic Off an *0n again, off again’ ! i hionora this fall. JCapable Dan aeems to be the theme songs Wilde understud ea Berry, of both the Aggies and their Pete Stout’s departure had next opponent, TCU. The out- supposedly left [the i : next opponent, TCU come of the clash in Fdrt Worth;Saturday afternoon probably will depend on which team is “on” — if they both -> are, Gus Fan is sure to one of the best games reeled in 1949. j ; jt, 4 Aggies know only too well the unpredictableness of the Maroons, butperhaps therec- Frogs shoul effortless 28-0 victory. John Mo tb the 'm Ij... I-I [ .9 : ! i .;T j ,i vacated shoes. Morton, tandn 6’ 3^, is a ' ,. e fullback TO-ppund right in- ,orton. trans- ivinior but 1220-pound stepped rij Who stana^ o’ ay, is a trans fer from his horpetown junior college in Compton, Califor nia. An e:jd at the Sunshipe State school, hells still flag ging down passes well, but now he hap an added attrac4 tipg enjemy forward 'iii r ri ofe halfback is Jack ISoSund, 6’ 2” Archer, a runner j, , | ,-~- rr r 3prinrfl ly the next week, after ( ? hio - Ariher Mtered last ield, rode up to tie the Meyer imen. Juhior co. The Okies have since contin- n 1 . sc J ) - rtsftswjae egW-j.. -*•“ ■ ■’ ■” fesswssb hit? neck. Ifickey weighs Following their tje by Pokes, the Froggies; were : ruptly dropped from the un- e beaten ranks by Arkansas, f ,1,, a, , 97.7 in thA PnrtA*^’ Oy.Srk Bill MpOlTOa earned, two Berry-led eleven mdde a mi- rS ^ nor comeback by downing In- jjiana, l|3-6, in an intersection-; al contest 3 pounds, stands 5’ 111, and ails from Parisf '! ., who has 0 letters since leav- p j -i Glancjng at the all-time lfec>i ord of the A&M-TCU riva|ryj one finds that the Cadets hold a healthy edge, 24 wins to id victories for the Frogs, while four tilts have - ended in aj deadlock. However, most of the Maroon wins came pHof 5 r k cLsr H» Bailey i *nce man, holds down the of* ’ense chores ink jserisaliotnil nner. Bailey, who lives in the Farmers from winning a Unky end|]o& idwense. Bailey 4- plays both of- ense arid defense at left end. oormain, A 195 gives way n il.Mor- another all-confer* single tussle, although there was a j single tie (in 1937 i during the j[>eriod. Since: the Todd-sparked Ag gies won. 18-7, in 1936, the -two conference rivals have split the thirteen clashes scheduled, i Each has gained six wihs with the thirteentlr tilt ending in a 7-7 tie. took both the 1947 and 194f games. j. Last fall, the Maroons poun- :led th0 Cbwtowners up and down the field for three quar ters only to lose in the final period, 14-27. Goode and Goff, aided by fine blockinj blasted the hulking, but si Purple line for 253 yart However, a spectacular kick- itum by Berry to the 33 that set up a scor ?, and a fourth quarter aerial Jece. nd Boa Is have three letters 1 I*’ < 1 ; Clarence MafiaWe is a 60+ iinute man ai one tackle nle Doti Narfell, Hubert )ff, and R/>ger McAuley dir dde time at’tlje other pbst. (arable, a 1220 - pounder, itands 6’ 2H*”i and is the shortest iiian in the group of burly tackles. ^Ie flayed for Waco High before going to [TCU. Nirreli; weighs 238. Eoff 225, en 200* >ther two: 6’ 3K:f.. McAuley i I has one letter, the others ill have two. Veteran Harold KUman.lot- terman in *46 inti ’47, heads low guards inc u<Je the othe , sfarter, Morelle Hicks, t)i;] attack ;by the same Frog th^t Lowe( anfl Shapk Bloxon. also resulted in a; tally, beat ; Hicks m scales at 200. the Cadets. \ A i ; stands 5’ ahd man Lundy Betry. a 5’ W> i; i Top center fqr t^e ” 71 7 .... ‘aixjEuha live, won albconfcrence firist team honors last fall and w|s ttvo-lcttennan f rci.m waxa off to a fast start for national hack up these bruisers, too! \id 1 Lindy Beiry, a 5’ 10|’, ' 175-pound Wichita Falla tut- 190 ; : 1 I >? f-''' }: I -■ *r~-, .irk ■ A, mm eleven individuals tyon w _ea will be.awalrded at 1 ^ __ ,i: r-i E.E.N1 ted m LEW( KALI •A*** ’ V(+ I 4 • M t •aaa«ia|i«'a»«M«aif'«< *aaa^|>»« »t 'U : • ]; • . HEfcU DAVIK k .. ■ li’l-TT**"; i44a«\aa«. H: ] •«« • **aX4Ua»#»pftii«4 UAY N. WILLIAM^....; i; Iff ... a.a »• aa a a »««f«« « • «-k»• • »*• /♦/ * a* » ft 4Ua««faacMaavajiM • ’ ' r l* ) * ** • y< • ••«•»••** m . ** ••a********* •* ••• W* 1 ■ Jr v ^rback N off ice not laU r tin e. m / : i| 7: 7'i |j ■ |i; i Aggies ;Bafe i I Althoil f<»nfen gh the official .Southwest etence Ntatistic>* have not yet been released, it la expected that IAUi Smith will be leading the conferene** ball «arriers in ptilt4Ml in rushing; thi* He piinesl ,V» yan is yards week. 2?* nnt the I-Si; Tigers Satur- n jjht In Baton Rou^e. •■I •<! - :7 he W ; • h : 1 ' ■ - -ftb-y. ■ • - Oil m 17 v-n Hi 7 i r-- r i i. t 1 ' ’ !’• ’ i (h I j : ! f . L ! ■ ri si Hi p n j r'l /(J ’ ■ . ' • ‘•f * if-" .ij. i' L if ri I I ■h r i '\ /Ail "Ki I /] J 1 1 l ! f -i . .1 Glenn Llfipnuin turadd in a stel lar performance on i a intwidy field apilnst the LSU Tijfers in Baton Rourc. He has an aver age of nearly .HO yards per kick off return. U' I I : -i- The top Aggie players of the week were selected this week hv the Sports Staff of THK, BATTAL- ION. Selections were based on statistics from the A & M i— L. S. II, Game in Baton Rouge, »Sat- urday night. j. N I .Mm t’lowers was the ontstaiu ini' defensive »ian for the A*- tfies in I heir (pime with the LSI] « Mentals In Baton Rouge. Froi^i hi-. linel*acker spot, Flower* ap- f-iiml to (a* in on nearly every Ijo kie of the Bengal ball « > ai'- rh-rs. , | •; | J ■111 t acaiil 14* the all-won] er ehoiej-s for jfuard when tie relit ^rkt -k-aion ends In \e\ H-1 He J: : U, H .O ; !Ji i i .1 Quarterback . ' i Club /f 3 W j Assembly Quarterback Club Sj^n I :y : ■ j 11- I ■ Tonight 4 7:‘l0 p.m. See Movie —! of Complete Game Between L. S. U. & ,.! j . Texas A* & M. Ployrcl last Saturday Nighl in Baton Rouge, I>a. U'SpeaM- COA^H 11; : ' HARRY i ST1TELER 1" •j' 1 ' TR W IS ItRY.iS, .lit. r talk about AAM’s r the . . 7. will chances for the remainder of the season as we go into the j conference pliy next Satur- m:' Coach Stitelcr will narrate during the showing of the 'iiwHe, i - I- r j ■' i ■Li ' // •\f I 1 II :l * J h ! J •). • .*hi i * f. Va GRIKSSKR Of Interest to the A; Station r t »r)R.. on Team r m 1 , quarterback club contest Stoic Tetn ' • * *4 •• H'4|||(m*•«»»•• !•*•••• • ggies who plan to at n above.' Asaresul !|, Leiul the Qdac ifJRtheir into i Club sponsors shown [above. As a result qf their int it’s student body, the Quarterback dub will bo able to and more prizes for it’s contest. Those shown above „ sponsors resiionsible for the increased interest inj.ihe the remaining six will be pictured next week, j ] j ‘ j I f SPONSORS 1 4\« '!< b'l & M., and speakers o tkore 7 -I •1., ■•••WWftMM IJ ■ ' 4 | r» •• • <9 •< .(iattlof . ; •- . , j' ’•f"! 'f" • f" 1 T" >l M ..t ->4 iis©‘j NAME AUORSfiti j | i; TP + 4 -il. V 1 ' I- 7 -i "t I/'-'' utslivti Spwrla Ptitk vi pcfttmwrk ■ ' t 7 ■ lkM**«4 4*l«9»4|»»«t« I,., JlfW 4 ••••if »•*•«•»•/ • 8 I • I ft., ftgllwkt *1 tta*! • •<««••***>•••••••• '• :hl V [ : JV • * i 'fir »i| ' ' : • ^ lUyftM *••>*#!••<••«* ft •••*••#•#«•• •*! M«ted bdjiw are the sponsors who huve donated this wc M* larlle Ferrcri of The Triangle Drive Inn The I ■. C. K. Grlesser of G( Joe Faulh of Uck’tt i HI : tin , 's ElectricCo. \1 ;k Club ■i Vr i - •’ Yiw»: traits V. Brjan wart' Co. Eiitvr llic Qi artcrltack (Ji 11 PRIZES FREE EVEI » »**> •'.4- lest