Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1949)
Department. Adamsori’s sWii total of eleven mie Flowers, Syfan, and Jm major Awa :daL The Tennis, Pistol teams lettermcft. Agg-'ieil which fisiishc^ Ml recent compe membed. gwha^lng- tin; JtitifTPl Flowers, I)a|l Dallas; ;Kd Kt, , gsitef fell mu unces velt, Corpus Christr. Golf -x Travis Bryan, Jr., Battalion ■n-B Q wait a p o WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1949 —j Page 3 ck Barnett, Bryan; J iromy fey iro 8«ter- nd; Burt Sal- Henry, Ennis. a^d ranklin: >ckdale. ' [ — Wayne M. Alien, Fort Joseph S. La; Cloyde Buchanan, Dallas; H. Duval, Shreveport, La.; elius C. Duyf, Galveston; Hen ry Hilton .Bryanj George S. Kent, ' drt Worth; James A. McCulley, lexandria, La.; Hershd Shelby, Inj Antonio and Clifford Taylor; mwMim SOPHOMORE SHORTSTOPS Ntwifialurtt j ' ( ^ I ' • . X x ' /I The shortstop position is one of the key spots on o major league ball club, and five teams havo entrusted the spot to sophomores. Thest fivo playavs havo developed into impor tant cogt with their teams and appear hoadod for long Wwci ^layeti from | were unimlmn Ttxai: Agglee* baseball team slonal teams Cadets rlloUf were exs-ludoc Pitchar I Mt mmmmm third- and outsider laylor were tions. The re chosen by th<i catcherij Joht Dan Witson Jim Barpett Henry of Soi second basennat Texas, shorteto Ohio State ' K 0f -T Texas Texee; Jamel C. Pailes, Comanche; John Happ, College Station; Gus tave Mistrut, Houston and Gerald Monks, Houston. Pistol -i- J. U. Aalto, San An tonio; Allen Uunefleld, Jefferson; David Gentry, Dallas; Theodore Means, San Antonio; Octavio Quii- ichini,! Puerto Rleo; Paul SllDer, ctovi 'aul Allege Station; Edwin P. Smith, ^loreavUle and Collia Sudorman, ialveston. nent rofes* iy the Waco first if'Aggi' si “toughest pi They picked aiT the “besl pects” they a yourfe' sod Amarillo. miiliilil GET COMPLETE tjfesuo. Jte fbzei psii TopA&fccl C/6H+1 Cat Future Aggie Dad Club Still Growing Membership in the Tepaa AAM “Athletic Department Dads of fu ture Aggies Club" is still avowing, Newest member la Bill DuBose, line coach of the Texas Agfiei. A prospective 1967 Aggie tackle, weighing eight pounds and 11 oun ces, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bill DuBose last Sunday. Daughters of Aggie athletic offi cials 'are. conspicuous by their small number .‘Basketball coach Marty Karow, track mentor Frank Andetam, and end coach J. T. King and Freshman Coach Barlow Ir vin have two sons each. Athletic director Bill Carmichael, head coach Harry Stiteler, Back- field coach Dick Todd, swimming coach Art Adamson, Tennis mentor W. M. Dowell, freshman basket ball coach Taylor Wilkins, trainer Blaine Rideout and sports news di rector Dub King have one son «ch. ' | ' \ * Athletic Officials Enroute to Georgia Athletic Director Bill Carmichael tend the weekend meetings of the Southern arid Southeastern ,Conr fcrences. j The A&M officials went to the meeting by special invitations and do not plan to take part in the controversy pertaining to NCAA rules. While in the south, Carmichael will visit athletic officials on the campusos of Georgia, Georgia Tech University of Alabama, University of Florida, University of Miami And other schools. i I ? , ■ //. r 1 11 Y 1 1 4 • /’ •y YJ-ik Conference Ba »y. » ~r\ TV r.j The Batt Sports Staff voted yt terday on its selections fori 1949 All - Southwest Conjfe baseball team. Previously, the ficial statistics for all the confet, ence games had been received froi the Southwest Conference secre tary, James Stewart. The staffs selections were based on each ink dividual players batting and field ing averages ^nd on the number ol errors made. Also, each membei let the players’ performance^ a- gainst the Aggies here in College Station influence his selection to some extent. I j I Here is the Batt Sports Staffs selection: j Pitchers—Bob Frets, A&M, and Murray Wall, T« Catcher—I First hase—iTom Hamilton. Tex, Second buKf—Cotton l.indloff, A&M. Third base—-James Shafiiblln, ShorlHlop—Guy Wallace, A&M.i Fielders—Joe Ssekely, I Kd Kneuper, Texast/lind lace Moon, S&M. About a weak ago, the sport# stuff sent blanks to the sports adli- tors of the other Hopthweat Con* ference school* which particlpntcd in the confdrehce basob*U ruo«. These blanks were toj be fllletl out with the respective «lltors' cholct for the ull-jconferotico Imsobalj team and retujrned to; the Battj/'! Replies were received, from ToXj* as, SMU, and Rice. Since ArkunHas didn’t participate in the conference battle, that left only TCU and Baylor replies missidg. They must be having finals. Norris Keeler, Baseball Editor of the Rice Thresher, picked tht following for his team. [■ Pitchers—Fretz, A&M, and Wall Texas. 215 Potuideir To |:[ Enroll in A & M T. K. Niland, an outstanding 215 pound tackle from Austin H'Sh School, has informed Texas A&M athletic officials that he will enroll here in September, Niland alsb plays baseball. Catcher—Watson, Te cju First base—Haniilt* Second base—Lindl Third base—Kan*,|T| Shortstop^-Boyd, TC) Outfield—Kneuper, Witt, A&M;. and Szeke The Sports editor Campus picked the ji. Pitchers—Fretzi A Texas, |" . ; ^ ; Catcheri—Watson, fe First base—Hamilton Second base—Lindjo Third base—Salmon, ] ■ : te /te v, 1 ■/i tJi -A • * Team kAI Joe ^Hdnt, Texas. ' -Rote, SMU, Kneuper, _ Szekely,' Baylor. f«iner. Associate SportsS' * the Daily Texan, turn- . i following Ust: ] -Fretz, A&M, and Wall, ” -Watson, Texas. ase-Hamilton, Texas." base—LindlofT, A&M. ase—Shanrblin, Texas. Opf-Wallace, A&M. Devereaux, Baylor, and Kneuper, Texgt. VIRGIL STALLCUP - Reds U ROY SMALLEY Cubs A&M To Play YMI j Here In ^bollpll The Athletic Department an nounced yesterday that Texas A& M had signed a one year contract with Virginia Military Institute for a football game. The two teams will meet Here in a night game on October 14 f - 1960. This will be the first meeting {between two of the leading mili tary Schools in the country. Athletic Director Bill Carmich- If AT LAST! '/ I " I ’ ] 1/ • ( Bersonalized A&M Tanker Hand Fashioned i * ' School Colors A Symbol of Pride Wherever y . , 1 Proud Aggies “* y B,: Your Own Mug Your Name Your Class - — CONTAINER FOR TOILET ARTICLES — FUTURE — GIFT FOR MOM AND DAD — OR THAT FAVORITE OPSIX FOR YOUR PATIO. * . No Grazing Color Fast It’s Whiteware $ 4.50 per Tanker .20 per letter for name $24.00 for a eet of six er as a remembrance of the deep tnuiition of AggieUnd NORMA DEE, LTD. Mo Corona Nan ;*f: " ^ T i '• ■■ • I Antonio. M fiend k Tsxm Please fiend M*i A&R Tank tr* IQI f»Ph I ImiVlnti nyt,iitiiiiii,>itn(i O'H Nri.ttf IrOllW'S j** 1 9 I Total Airioiit ehwk nr M, 0, , • • do.*:,,mtiiooiioi,<>.?«* i m m rnmm a «■ a * a m a.a-a a a a' m t) ael stated that-the Aggies ‘fmight return^ the game in Lexington, Virginia, home of the institution, in 1962.” VMI cbmpafes favorably with Texas A&M as one of the Ihuling military schools jn the country. Locate# in Lexington, Virginia, the school has an enrollment of about 10Q0 men. The VMI team’s nickname Is the Keydsts and its colors a re Red, While, and Yellow. The school is a member iof the Southern Athletic Conference and its head football couch, Art Morton Is u graduate of LHU. This gunto will be numlHir four on the Aggies' 1950 schedule itnd takes the; place of the LSUj game. \ ; ; •’ • \ \ • | • Aggieland’49 Sport Pictures Scheduled . j ] \ | Four groups of studentis will have their pictures taken on [Thurs day, May 26, for the Aggieland 1949. i Y Spring intramural champions and all other intramural winners Who have beOn notified by Barney Welch, director of intramurals, will have their pictnres taken" at DeWare Fieldhouse- tomorrow af ternoon, . Pictures will also be taken at the same time of - the campus ■ sports organizations, such as the Tumbling, Weightlifting, Soccer, Volleyball, Softball, and Handball Clubs. The A&M pistol team will have a squad picture made &t 5 p. m. the same day at the dym. Thursday night at 7:30 pictures will be made of th* Intramural Managers and the different offi cials of the group sjt their annual barbecue at The Grove. 1 The Standings By The Associated Press AMERICAN j ' W New York 21 Philadelphia 19 Boston j i. 16 OMcafO 17 Washington ., 17 Detroit f..’: 16 Cleveland 12 St. Lotus ./....,.U 9 NATIONAL » W New Yk»rk 19 Brooklyn 18 Cincinnati 17 Philadelphia ......... 15 St, Louis l,li PHtsbi^rgh 14 Chicago 11 Jg i.'i 16 19 Pet. .677 .559 .633 .631 .600 .485 .444 .273 Pet. .606 .694 .646 .631 .484 .433 .424 .367 “Ask Me About Our v Business” J. M. Tacker i / « Dlst Mgr. ' Residence: 902 Peace St. Box 1506 College Sta. PLAN’ TO HAVE GOLD IN VOUp POCKETS ... When you have silver in your hair. National Farm Life Insurance Company RtafaM RepmentaUvc*: SAM ROUTH. Dorm 16—211 Vf. W. CLIFTON, Dorm 3—217 - x BOB QUICK. Mitchell—20 JOHN ORR, 12—119 1 —Also— AURIC t; LTI ’ R A L WORKERS MUTUAL A1 INSURANCE COMPi WORKER orro OMPANY Hank Behrman’s poor start with the Giants is^ reminiscent of h|s 1947 failure with the Pirates. As a result, Pittsburgh returned him to Brooklyn. Ray Sanders, plated on the Erfir ves inactive list With a broker, wrist, hit .329 for Hartford, Conn., last season. BOB HALL, junior the outstanding tn when he removed from 1 the record |ho] Conference meet in the record in the sure that he clea been warned that thr before the race so h< i DYERS'FUR College Station Representative Dallas, ttrned in one of he country this season Scott and Freddy Wolcott rd lay* hjirdle race at the .hsas, this year. Hall broke I it in the finals as he made and won thip race. He had e points (q his special event We can have your entire house repapered K ' •'■'! 5 j for less than a broadloom rug Would cpst you for one room. Besides * . . don’t jjou look at your walls first? - - -fgaSI'EGffiEKnn* USll BryfiR. Tfiifiifi ‘‘Nfifit to PQttt m; I’limi# 3* A IV 31 and Jm USED B WANT ' J I ' I t i The Student Senate, thro 4 . y. : i Tr Store, has made arrang used book jobber’s represt change Store; Tuesday, M ^ day June 3 to purchase ol| continued titles. TlTT . • -i : ' J ; 1 v h I | The Student Senate will rdoe ■c \ j ]/ I " T1 I IT sion on all money paid oin will apply* the commissic Senate Scholarship Fun. ' i f j T'TH ' f^ • : f K Look around your room those bid books you dori* take them to The Excha dates mentioned. In so T] 1 jl 1 , vert your unwanted bool ^ and will be helping an : ' REMEMBER Til Al^.OI Jl T Hng Post udent ■ / R 1 ' \ • jl ;4 y » . ;• . •! t / ' ; . i'I ' • b.> • i ‘•-if