Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1949)
n ; - la w t 'y* -t 81 B i ■ „ IS 'i.; ska BUY • •« # MM • aUlitMl ih lues 1K ■ r nil! ■amiiHiiiBimn l*ATMENT8 ■ Dealer” N. Main Bryan 2*1333 l : U- I . _ > I ■ i !: ; l il ■* 05/ \ - J VfaaVs Cooking IK >' i •’ ^ . -'JK AAUP CHAPTER, 7:30 p. m: Thursday, Cohfctipnco Room, YM- FT WORTH CLUB, Wednwdny. FlVE-0 CLUB, 7:20 p. m. Thors, day, Bryaft Contitry Hub. Card Party for la*t mfiotlnjc of pomei- tar. N ’ Proof that th« CardinaU made an orror in Pfllir(e IHurry Dlckaon to Ptttftburgh farn« in Dlckaon> fint ptart asrnlnrt hip farmor mato». Ho boat them 7>J. DEMAND College Repair i: i Antomottve Starter, iadf Tnno-up — Magneto Service Braner BAttary ft Electric 113 a 28th St, — Bryan ASRUSABOlfT "“SSSL? Free A&ptane Bidee m:-.-;/- v ■ f a. ' v n ; . /.A .. 71 •v. /■. ■// Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS A. P^ge4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 25,1949 — / mrn a BArrjatoN clappictrd roa aAt»—rwuM* wmwup Rat** . . . 3e a wort p*r InMitloa With a JSfl mlnttnum. Pp*** rat** la [ ClaitifIM P*otloo . . . POo p«r columa loch. P«n4 alt ctaiutflrt* with r*mit- taac* to th* Ptudant Artlvitl** Offlo*. All ad* ahmiUI b* turnrt in by 10:00 a.«n. of th* day b*for* publloatloo. TsSSSSRS^crt* n anwr&flr«VM5 anor. mot n. hm • FOR RENT • reft Rf N'T— rumiabrt hana for «umm*r. iTmim'imi aartah. POP lUtchcll, off t, Hwy. P, Bryan, ron i I-' with* HKNT-ComDl«t*ly fumlaMO bom* 1 aaraM, f*»ni Jun* I lo H*pi*mb*r 1. IH MunfUrtyn tirivr, FOR RRNT-4 room apartment with bath: ( hardwood floor*, built In fialufM mm lari* nkMifta; with rMur*. Rhooa 3*7440. i FORSAUTe FOR ftAin—KUP KarUty DavMaon 74 ov.rwa with only 0.000 mil#*. Oolnic tnl* w**k for only 1723. floe Vnupho 201—No. 3. G. & Oortis, D.&, PbuO. Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Modern Uptown Office Main at 26th over Cream land Phone 2*7089 || | ■ i| . ■ . j | . • y 4- iAMEDi USED BOOKS ill in ■ I / ' ' r . \ ■ eginnjng Tuesday, May 31, THK EXCHANGE STORE will 'fei- to buy used books which are to be used here again and which we need stock. W - : i - ' ^ r i For good used copies we will pay 50% of list price. * " ’r " -u f ' % . , . . ■' ^ould also like to call your attention to the buying of 0|ld «i$ and discontinued titles sponsored by the Student Sen- is buyer will be in your store Wednesday and will buy ediately behind all our own buyers. f \ REMEMBER THE DATES May 31 and June 1,2 and 3rd i I :i !' ' r i ' / " ■ ■ : ’ ! ' / ; ' f ! ' .| • : J The Exchange Store “*«*Tta* Trtum Afftre” _0 n. Philco r»frt*»rator t room >ul(#. air cocdUKQar. Apt. after 9{00. worn l»bon# a-P*H ar Plurdivont fre* p*** to Ci r ron bedroom bone*. «u PU*. FOR HAIX—1* *r with atlaebed Mod*! bow* Mh*d Korobll' x !♦’). Iff nlon* 173#, I** *t HOO. frailfr Alan* ISP#, I** *r »»«** f)*3, Tmll#r*Arf» I tfampUA, T II Mud) FOR HUIdW aIi rtudy l*C* Vl*w, rmikiim h I‘0i' m. Full HAlJo ai-am •inlioi, da* Mur !n»k#r, (IryAtt. FuH *All^lMO 2>door [civ»vroi*i illllMl. (4*« Aft#r bllNJ |v,m. 713-AAoulln rellfM own»r. ‘.nsr.wTfflsr*'"'’ ron xAi.i: lluor»*e«bt drawing il Ovrmtuffad rbAir; Ouiir kwlh* luiiip: de«k: and IfionoyrnMi, Call nU.r O.-W) pm. 0-7‘W, Coll*|* Vi*W, j FOR AALF>-7 ft. FrfatdMf# *7'». flofa and chair 100. ti-12^, Oollegn Vl( flea after o.oo p.m. FOR RALE—Cargo and ] camping trailer Ul*ep* four or wot carry a tool or: will trade on refrigerator or stove. LrohaW wmg, 4-71S4 tdaya).- 1 FOR S.vLE—IMP apartment six* Kel«n.t- tor refrigerator. New Unit installed last ar. Good ccodition. Price ICO. 3-fV, Collage View. FOR R.MX-19M Tudor Chevrolet, Wcytl tricycle, dinnette, living .room suite, desk and chair, evaporator fan. Apt. 32-A, Vet Village. | FOR SALE — 1947 F7*etmastrr 2-door Chevrolet car; has only 19,000 miles, ope owner. Radio, undersnat heater, de froster, bumper guard*, wheel rims, seat covers: 10-A.Vet Vllla|ge after 5 p tp. • WANTED • * WANTED—Ride-to Svmttte or'any nation enroute with married couple. Mrs. Schwarz. t-OOVt. destl- uC^U WANTED—Riders to New York, N.Y. Dorm 3, Room 111. ’ 1 | FLOWERS... | ' ® . 'I for Graduation Guests! CORSAGES.,. for the Final Ball! Let us supply you with the finest in flowers Hor the last big event of yciur student dnys!| . \ :n: f- TIR GRADUATION: ■ ! ! i , ■ . f ■:.! - i ob with q future and • | J ^ , I ’ I j j j j • • ubstantial earnings . •. be yoor opportunity to get mari—n your coUege training— believe ambition and ability Tnt determine your business and finan- progreso. I Kf want to enter a profesnoo that boa iys paid top rewards. n» want a job in a firmly estabfiabed but one in which a man with tbe ability to produce can become * or «aks manager in a ^r*** 1 * i! These opportunities await college Vbunptown Kitchen merchandising business of aupplyuif modem, steel kitchens to the notion's ««* ' for Youngstown KitdieTM has i tremendous speed. More then i million men and women who p^«*L»£ t«« 4lw» watMWtal ma| ua roe more uuonnetion Kitchens. More than omiHkm] HIRE'S WHERE YOU COME IN The Youngstown Kitchen dealers across the country need men to be trained as merchan dising experts. If you qualify, you will be asso ciated with one of these “certified” dcalers- probably in the city of your choice. Your natural ability can pay off fast. You wil receive what we believe tb be the finest aaks training available anywhere. Here’s a chance to get the land of experience and training that put many of America's top flight executives where they are today. We hum of no finer opportunity for coOeye tmbud men. OCT THE FACTS For full information, just tend us yoor name, university address, and heme address, and tall us where you would Hke to work. A poat card wifi do. Or if you prefer, write us a tetter. Your in» (jiftify u cimfidt atial.Ybu will bear f ram utntooot} • ; r. this W i . 1 ! i ft ■ evctyi i otb » beginning.' need a Youngstown 1 buy. And there mu w dwelling unit built, L; — T * S5SS »v !' j . VertF# iorgeat Mo here of Ifeet KHsheM J : . j / AGGELAND FLOrE/t SHOP North Gut** Phone 4-1312 ABNER V' : v‘ AH ISA REAL, m x .DAH V ' ■ •I' : i WHY] : mwoovr- ^AH L(TH1$ GOTTA jCOIM' RlOHT / AH T'KIES.Jt OW/. # *'i y vo; x powr t HOUtff) VJATEP X n )UD 0 jnvn ABOUT 1000 ID*. hou<«DoM gwxl*. Wnul't Ilk* la cimUnl gr»Au*lliig »*n. lur* moving la or n*ur Nf'FmMi la *<>m- W#t* 90>O lb*, minimum reaulrrt By moving vmi. H. I .aw*, fhM M3, c«ilag*, 3oto iNnry Imw|*m fre* gkow at ('am. k 'IMIUf /A'\. • Xi ; ^ Z USED CAR HEADOUARTERS GUARANTEED 1M9 MERCURY INIRDOR— Overdrive, Radio, Heater...-S2295 1949 FORD FORDO It— Radio, Heater ..J.—.— MOTHER of DnDy girl 17 m** will gliiM'i MMniniunNMi •-r, llav# I V*t Vlllng# girt arouiut mm# g»# M wcrittng or. Ilav* la yafd, Api, 4* ntrsssT “" ft' • MOVINO AND 8TO Bring your We itore on; A«B Marion 0: Pngh Wo ■ 3 bloc XT‘;.s c i 1947 FORD FORDOB— iter. Clean 1946 FORD STA' WAGON, 61895 Radio, Heater, COcma JglSBH J STATION , Heater, Radio..^1895 1942 PLYMOUTH 1TDOR .8 650 * • 1942 FORD CLUB COUPE ..? 850 1941 STUDEBAKER _$ 676 1941 FORD TUDOR -$ 790 1941 FORD OOUPfc 785 1940 FORD TUDOR 795 GUARANTEED PICKUPS & TRUCKS 1948 FORD iy 2 TON j I // 1947 FORD 2 TON 1946 DODGE PICKUP 1940 CHEVROLET PICKUP BRYAN MOTOR CO. “Your Friendly Ford Dealer” 415 N. Main Highway 0 H. PHONES 2.1383 2-1507 /, MAKE-ROOM SALE! i j[ ' 1 We’ve got a lot of new stock coining in ... so we have to make : : 2 ’ ■ i I ’l room fior it. Some things gotta go f \ • | , J i I ■ * and it’k going to be . . . • 1 Grp. DRESSES •1 Cnl DRESSES MOM • slips a» $1.98 e • ' e • • 'SHORTS. ‘HALTERS *l.#i * sw(m s|l|s|4|^» * SHORT SLEEPERS *l «l V A /. THESE ARE R1 yX i| 4| l ( /- / n >■: Vi / !/ *.v;>>t&l ; if, v' f • Now here’s the big surprise!! THIS IS ALL NEW STOCK in COTTONS. We know this all sounds unbelievable, but come on down and see for yourself! EAL BARGAINS! , j ,! : .'"i- "//I, vV ■ i. \l .1 ;!'■ , / ■ - ■ \ i The Collegiate Shop . y SaJZZn - I Bryan < l - H *) .. Jh \ V. 4. / / ’ /' l / : -N- 4 Local and Long Distance Moving J. B. BEARD 707 S. Tabor, Bryan Ph. 2-2838 ! i Rea. 4*4059 1 CBIRi Qeo, W, COLON 806 I : - p|i |mmm w Li fly Al C«p3 DsfT SOX- HE DOKfT ahothir): ^ uu-pM rr, | a btuM r> he ' s r FINAU5 —- "EH iu»iiiniiwi>m wnmiiiiiMi M 1*1111*1111*111*1 ll>N< lilMIHII ! sm w Tour BRYAN 1m lTi Lri a* repair FLOYDS : Located Dcu n DBB UNI) ROM AT ' I Lam Waah Raetlvad— Hon. 7t00 8;80 pjn. r[ Othor days 6t80 p.m. ITAftCHlNC A DRYING Facilities available ^ Voitb Gato URB , . . DIPPED UUNDBT BALK HOUR \ ■ 1 -Opan Dally 7:80 maL— la the Ume to have your, f^ler clothes cleaned ' a n de ' d and sealed In moth bag*. . S M ITH* A Phono 4*4444 i )p ranking doctors- umt nose and throat specialists iMv suggest Philip Morris in e cmin --actually suggest Philip Morris Iq of irritation due to smoking. Find out wh|it a difference it makes what a pleasure it is to smoke America’s Cigarette. Try a pack of Philip Morris ^.^TTTT J. - t-TT ro/wo rou SMOKED PH,UP MOUIS YOU'LL BE Gl RROW— X' T A-it y, , ! *;•. ■M 1 I: •' tmM r i - NO ptHER CIGARETTE THAT STATEMENT! [ /v /: t|/ /i /I . . . '* •U 'L • Xf i ] b • ..