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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1949)
'p' ■ j r '■ V ^ “ m A ; i "'• ■ V: "/• : T ' \ Mi ■frr, Tj /f' 4 K>’‘ i : ' >/: / - | . ; ■ , ■ ■ ! ' TT^ j j * * Battalto m PUBLISHED Hi TUt OF A GREATER ARM COLLEGE / y. 4 / - ;• M ll ■ f 1 I . 11^ ! r 1 I • „j iii/ il | -fjr -f» iv ’ '/ru' tWA'i’ wr /IfV r ; : :i ti : I i /. u ■X 44 ih HCho|)l Id«n butlyi muriif) r -!: All vets, who rtitulc! feoyej- cembe pus a]} ry L. ^office. •v- have Bryan Since tioiifl housi: applic ters” ai qW qoa: four ft pirtitl aife equ one 8pp< "IS, The ie.j ia ir.ortth far $ furnl»he< . ture p chnirH J itles. m v The arc non-vet | ml ! i| || "(Tf ■ il' ! (of 5 classification, a book sale to^be held In the near iiriti^h before De- 1 t Senate To inal Meeting T ! I • ; , r mnte will holt) ltd final nu'ctlnjc of thla ftt 7 In Hbinu Hall, (’ImrloH Kirkhnm,pm- H unnownciKl. Thin limil m««ti{nrof tho full ji'ti will bo urecedotl by n banquet at which Will have tnolf wlvca an gueat* am) anvoral ,Vo been Invited. M 1 Hemline the mrontln will lx* A report from 1 tho Hcholnrshlp Oortl* mittee. Bert Hitebrter, commlttM chairman, will submit the commit* tee's recommendations for a stu* dent body sponsored scholarship. At the Inst Senate meeting, held earlier this month, the Senate vot* ed to postpone final decision on the scholarship plan until the last meeting. However, the Senate did vote to establish a Scholarship Fund with the first money Into the fund being money gained during ters Id To 14 ! tments 15 married jieeit offered cam- pccovding to Jkir- thje housing n applicants lavtments at 250 applica- _ ‘ived by the d | Boyer. These offered quar- achelor Ofli« : Field. These niy by twenty- divided by semi- rej* rooms which h ^electricity and injthe living room Outlet, ntji rent for $12 xes furnished future by the Exchange Store The Senate will vote upon wheth er A&M is to enter the TexasTn- tereollegiate Student’s Association, a regional association of student governments. Dan Davis, Student Senator from the Annex, was elec ted vice-president of the TISA at their organizational i meeting held April 23 in Denton. The TISA will become an official organization cer when two-thirds of the twenty- Oiree schoois present at the orga nizational meeting ratify the con stitution. North Texas, TSCW, and Baylor are among schools who have already ratified the constitution. All standing committees of the Senate will submit a report to bq read before the Senate of their , activities this year and their rec- ddmUor^’fuS ° mmendationR for committe< * next itelfuite with four. f 1 1^ All M|d»i SVedlti * uf dol II featuta Id includes util* tmgtov apartmenU h4th veteran and )Jfi jjtudonta, Boyer wsmen i m featl utmou M Pur miw roe hi i for surtimqi*!! trlbut sf rei envek pes, ments for each 4f thi Thej list eludes i J. lery; 3. P Tim Vord Cushi ig, i fi Bee C. C M Walk sir, and Eert nute Pick Frei corps ! G, Iliad M ve volvmtwred t camp report* dion will moat n. in the lounge 0. C. M unroe, The BtttUlloa meeting, Mun* to outline' plans i coverage, i dla* fpi ns and stamped . ikjl! make arranges jinditg Battalions to campi. ‘ . . ptans I rail for publl- ‘ k 'i Battalion three fining the sum- P«r will be pub- mcliy, Wednesday, correspondents In- (panning, field artil- coast artillery; hers; and Frank * I .> quartermaster; cavalry; Lamar at Brooks Field; air force at Cha- ^i, transportation tl, ordnance; |L. Q. Holldbrandt, hriiky security agen- LahdrUm cy; C. E. Or and Ralppj warfar Th« J mekir longe r thi n concluded. 4 aid. signal corpa; ’[infeld, chemical year. There are eight standing committees and four Student Life Committee members elected by tho Senate ' bringing membership of the Senate to 42. In addition to those regular positions numerous temporary cqmfnlttees have been Appointed, Several of these tern* pqrtry committees will submit re* ports also In order that committees next year will have something to go by, Kirkhnm said, ; A sort of "cnrelnker" Senate will President F, C. Bolton buys the first block of tickets for a Cancer Fond Variety Show which is being written, sponsored, produced and directed by nine-year-old Richard Reiser of College Sta tion. Richard has been given free use of the by owner Ben Ferguson for the morning production. Richard’s class- the third grade of Consolidated School the cast of the show whose aim is to ey for the current Cancer Fund Drive. Mayor Gives Corhmendation / function this summer to humllo any student governh ‘ rl ... ovornmont buiins* that might arise,.Ain example oi tho summertime duties of the Sen ate Is nsslstlaif the planning and present at Ion of the lentertnlmnent program enrHed on nt the drove, Members of this year's Senate will work with Keith Allstip, election Little Man With Big Ideas To Give Cancer Fund Show committee cltalrmnm next fall to conduct elections fol* next year's Senate positions from dormitories and housing areas. The elections will bo held early in October l)l»turl>ed by reports that Ura- sos County was not doing so well on raising Its quota In the Cancer Fund Drive, Richard Reiser de cided to do something about It, lie rented a theatre, organised ami dl* reeled a group of amateurs for a snappy variety show, and launched a tlCKOt-selllng campaign that pro mises to boost j tho county's cancer funds appreciably. Richard Is nine years old today. He Is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Ray mond Reiser of College Station. His father Is n research professor In the Department of Biochemistry ami Nutrition, <- The cast, publicity and sales or- local civic dubs, enlisting their support. .) The whole thing started two weeks ago, when the diminutive youngster with his hig Ideas de cided to raise money fur the rearer Fund, He pruposillloaed Hen Ferguson to rent liiim his CantpuN Theatre for the per- formnnee, ami did such an ex cellent Job (hat he aeeutled the theatre rtoit-free. In order to Interest the beat talent in ap pearing nit his show he nijranged to have the performance broad cast over WTAW. Monday ho launched Ids sales campaign, with groups of! young- stem offering Bryan and College efforts of Richard and his group and calling on all citliens of the municipality to aupport the ram- Mgn. S' I • Thu show will bo staged Hatur* day morning at ten, The mayor's proclnmnilon readst ’"Whereas, rancor Is one of the most dreaded of scourges, taking the lives of thousnmls of Americans dally, nnd "Whereas, the united effort of nil cltliena to comhAt this dread disease Is a "must" In the very llfo of our nation, nnd "Whereas, funds with which to conduct menrch to control and 11 bo hold early In October. gnnizntion as well ns the other stem ohvhuk m,>«n nuui vuuvkv — - ... ,, , • Bob Smith, secretary of the Sen- gVoups necessary to make such a Station merchants blocks olf tickets miminatc this disease ate needed, e, Will 0 read the Senate a, com- community drive function are which they! could distribute on n mendation addressed to the Stw- drawn largely from his own third complimentary basis to thejchildren of their customers. j President F. C. Bolton; led off this campaign by buying ihe first dent Body from the Council of the grade group at; Consolidated School Association of Former Students just off the campus. for A&M’s winning Southwest Con- Richard wrote his own Script, j , ferenee Sportsmanship Award this planned the show and is directing block of tickets from Rlchimj early year. (the cast in regular rehearsals. In Monday, j /. Presentation of Senate Keys is addition, ho has made his own ar- Mayor Ernest Langford of the pending their arrival from the fac- rangements, and is even taking a City of College Station ihas is- tory. little time off to make talks at 1 sued a proclamation praising the ~ i \ :■ , h , 4^” ! .1 r 1 Krueger Award Winner Named ■r ■ ' “ ;■ ■ 4T“ - / ■ ' “1 f To Receive Highest Honors ! James Leslie Live man, senior biology major from Junction, has been named winner of four awards to be presented at the June 3 com mencement program, according to an announcement today from the school of Arts and Sciences. The awards, include a Certificate Knieger Award, m the T< of Merit fx-om the Texas Academy of Science, the Distinguished Hon or Award from the Schbol of Arts and Sciences, a graduate scholar ship to do graduate work Ngt the California Institute of Technology. He is the current recipient ofMo His activities for contributions to the Collegiate Academy of Science, an undergradUatie orga nization sponsored by thi* Texas Academy of Science, hate been outstanding. j For example, he represented the Texas Collegiate Academy at the sAmerican Association fori the Ad va; nnd "Whereas, the citizens of the United States have taken it upon themselves to raise said funds, therefore, "I, Ernest Langford, mayor of the City of College Station, Texas,' do hereby proclaim the days of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of the last week of May, A. D. 1949, as Can cer Researclx Fund Day's in the City of College Station, and "Call upon all citizens to aid and abet the efforts of Mr. Rich ard Reiser and his co-workers in their efforts to raise funds for this research program. . "Mr. Reiser and his associates are now planning and are in the progress of staging a show at the Campus Theater Saturday, May 28, at 10 a.m. This is a voluntary act on the part; of said Richard Reiser and his co-Workers for the public good. It behooves each and every one of us as citizens of College Station to get behind this move. "Therefore, I, as mayor, com mend this praiseworthy act on the pax-t of these children of our com- 'Once. place her 1947, The Kr member e la co-author of jibo first and hi« co-worker* to make of er presented in! the Bi* thi* a successful undertaking. "Signed, till* the twenty-third day of May, in the Year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Forty Nine. ologlral Science* section; at the meeting heli| in Austin lr| Decern- rtiege^award got* to tho of the Junior vIas is* who ha* mode a hixh arimlAatle roe* ord and I* rUaamed a senior for the fall Nemeater of llM, Tho roeipiont mual hive, dutink throe prevluua yearn, earned ajupmul- mutely f MO a year toward achnol expense* through almlei at the railage, It la | an atmnnl award of I It I* made available by 0. C, Krue ger and W. II. Xniege Krueger of Bon was one of three grad< 4 „ r.) Karl Wyler, George WUlman, Edwardst>n. Llnaeil James, amt -reaiuxt Ml Antonio. Llverman was one of throe grail* untlng senior* to bo selecited for the Distinguished Hottdr Award, He has taken a lending nnrt In, activities on the campus.'lie been a student assistant in the ology Department for two year*, n member of the .Student Art* and Sciences Council, the Scholarship Honor Society and a member of tho Open House Committee, which showed thousands of/Visitors the workings of the department* of the College on May 7, His work In the Biology Department display wu given high praise. Llverman is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. John A- Llverman of Junc tion. He is married and the father of a two-year old daughter. Krnrat Langford, Mayor, City of Collfga Hlatiun, Texas" 1 ‘iMMMMMaainMHMaiai wKammmmaammm \ Silver Taps For Brown Tonight Mllvrr Tap* wttl bo held to night at lOiM fur Mamm H. /Hrown, Junior vet medlotno student from WlehlU Fallai who died yeatorday aftomoon a* a result of Injuries received la a motorcycle accident Sat urday afternooa. A Brown was driviag down Coulter Drive In Bryan when his motorcycle struck a patch of loooe gravel and went out of control. Ho waa thrown Into a ditch and •artouMy injured. He wan taken to the College Hospital, but nevar regained consclousneM. The body waa taken to his Battalion Su Is Announc Bill HilllnMloy, Mrtrviu Brown nml Clay* Holph will hotul Out Aummor BnOhllon Hon Mtftff ltd ttnnouncwl mnnntfcr of ntudeni nu llll ouncwl todny by Kolnml Blnri ttudcnt publlentloiw. BIlHngalpy, who itlotiR with Clnfk Mun* Architect Cent ' P Number Winners Anno Top three winners have been announced ture department’s compel it lop among third y< design a new building for the Byyan New$. Wilson of San Antonio and Bob Stinson ap< both of Dallais. , J ' k ] ■; i 1 J ft" —H—In announclnj Ii i I, il Town Hall WiU Feature Varied Program in Fall By GEORGE CHARLTON Entertainment to please long hairs and short hairs a- like will be featured in next year’.q Town Hall program. The list of entertainment in cludes such musical artists as Burl Ives, Jacques Abrams, Josephus Szegetti, and the Robert Shaw Chorale and Or chestra. A popular name band which ha* not been chosen will tw included In the program. Contrasting In style, a symphony orchestra will also bo selected to round ogt tho schedule of entertainment. Hurl lv*s, "Wayfarln* k ar" of stage and screen will the 1949*8(1 season up 97. lye'* folk song* h IM tho 1949-8(1 se*son 97. lye'* folk Mtngj bran *n authentic exp thi* land nnd It* prapl Frequently rafetrod llo ni the greatest ballad singer of nil times Ives has Iwon iwntly feat tired Ir thn To My Hunrt. the 90th Centui Grass of Wyoming." (I In ney Film r'Ho Dear " lie nlso played In ntiy tho WiU Disney Flfn plhshd the 20th Century Fox movie', "tlreon Second on the Town Hall; pro* gram will bo tho Robert Show Chorale and Orchestra oh Novem ber 9. Shaw and. his work with choral groups was featured in the December 25th issue of the "Sat urday Evening Post" 114 tb' 1 * ducted glee clubs for Fml War ing and has nlso done work for Billy Rose’s Aquacade. Shaw is recognized by many as the greatest choral conductor in the United States. Jaques Abrams, pianist from Houston, will appear on the Jan uary C program^, Abrams is past winner of tho andual Federation of Music Clubs contests and of the Schubert Memorial Award. He has appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, the NBC Symphony, the St. Louis Symphony, and the Chica go Symphony Orchestra. Joseph Szegetti, violinist of na tion-wide fame, will appear on March 14. Szegetti has been ac claimed by critics as second only to Fritz Kriealer as master of the violin. Announcement will be made lat er in the summer of the name band and the symphony selected for '' j'T# i McCarley First In Judging jConMt Jack It. MeCatiev of D*nlran, flrat nUra In thr annltomora , V Judging Hold Hhwr* day in the Dully llushandry Imml urarlng Jih I point a mil nf u E®»r»fr Orr und (1.0. Britm r**|M won fir* dulr don C. McCutchi stnxctor, said tj made no commi new plant, blit waa undertaken dents a definite for study. , Before beginning t ing, the 21 menace along with M weeks visiting o] er plants and meats and i visited the San] thq Austin A both regarded lisher Walter the,type plant* new building pal ■ Five weeks project, including; Ing tiipc. A great study went into work, McCutchhpa to inspection of and paper used m paper. Dlstnm’e [ meat* wow* mu* and the cletmuu unit. Writers, ra)l wera (|ue*tlono<r efficient nlaceidb chines and desg The wlnnln customary spaces, a nhotq 01 space fur Job u in office suppllesi Avnnmr building Is Ins said. Judging done by a lecture facult Kream Officers | f The Kream ^nd( ted officers f<t w at its meeting Tuk New officera c dent. Bill Hog president, J'unjjPijjf] tion; secretarj*, etteville; trei Dumas; reporter. College Statiot t si R. F. Beachbcttml If ripaff y Bing lliiop of Tho Bnttullon nhxt ,’ulljvt* wJIiorfopjThk flnit l»Ut Will not bo In nchooJ wm ioi, T' : 1 Wpltl will bo ccwHlItom for 4h (iummer aemesten*. |Qth«l!ilUff positions aunmincrtl I'm .4 hnrles Ktrklmm, wire edl- Ir, ahi t Travis Brock, sports edl- F‘ '• inr [i,. 11... '■'» ; A Hm j, of stuff writers. Includes -acour. Frank Welch, An- I Davi and David Haines. [Thq,: uill stniff la ns yet incom- letc, Bing solid, and anyone ^/ho ' inks re can write, qr wants to te, ! for The Battalion should tact Bing ih his office, in noom , Goodwin Hall. / / * Sumrher publication of the Bait ml be three day* a week, Bing Ided, |une three days a week iigtld yitt probably begin ipi bf .ikTir One of 11 Soldier” wil|! . Prodm jointly di eretta will b r rti t The contest Darnell of tfpartmenL I. W, Rural ^ _ same department Judged tho ran test. Winners e warded gold nrletors of I’ll Co,, Canady's Winners of tbr contest ill lough-Dansby nky Park, Jeweler. Reese President OfHort Tb« Horti tad Joel Ray ture student dent of the school-year at of the current ! 1 d \j Ai yk i; eeting Bight. Sewer Laid fo fl The roeont laying on I from we Mei was to install main, which about half-wi The tile lint MtHUt«n hire will he mrv( in« at (ht> tiq 'H M itnar, A mil Iiy fr ■gutiallyl oTnU'r, lloThi Inch tile tdpoi Suspension date for this 4emes- ris Batt will be Friday, May 97, (■said;!! H • All the summer editors have had 'qua experience on the Batt. Wiley, a senior journalism *rom Waxahachie, has been tig editor Und wtre editor during Ms two years on the staff. Browjn has been on the Batt for a y, dr as staff writer and make up miuL Ho is a Management ma jor from Edinburg. Selph has bran a staf]! Writer and copy reader during .his year qn the staff and 1 was ed tor of tho Little Batt dur ing his, freshman year. Ho hr an architecture major from A* ou,l *' on - Kirill mm, who has boeh an edi torial \yriter for a year, 1* a senior manugx went major fn>m Cleburne. Bx*oc1: has been a sports writer for a ; ear nnd is an Agriculture Adminiit^tlon major from Belton. Current plans call for a four rage Battalion on Monday, amt WodnoSday, and ft six page edition on Friday, Ring concluded. Lothrqp Will Talk To (Xiemical ('.laas Dr* Viiiran C, Lutlirap, ittobtbarj of the staff nf Arthur I). Llttbv. Inc, win address the A AM sralliMi of the jAmoriran (Ihemlral Hralsty Itt the (edlura room uf tjne Chsmlk- try Rulhliintf, tonight nt fl, accord ing to F] W. Jensen, section se«|e- tary,. [ Dr. Mthtbp I* nn nlumnus of Harvaxtl iUniversity, where he ro- reived ItlS A. B. in 1998, A.M. In 1935, dnd his Ph.D. In 1997. Dr. Lathrol) Is u member of! tho Amer ican C! ictnlcnl Society, tho Ameri can Aqwfcltttlw tbe Advance* lonce, and other profes- I in honm- members at the |A mont o stonal Organizations. Dr. taftthron will discuss "Cpn- and Performance of High Explos|vi|s.” , Ther n • vill be an informal dlnmjr of the speaker for section and thoir wives at 8.‘8C tgieland Inn. j / ^ t Fish & Eledti -Jtobert F,. vllle was nar Fish and 0*1 uual picnic T. D. Carrol, June. A Other of James E. Vc nt from l s< ay ior from Haven, wa* «©< cultural Council. ■‘A.;/: i'/ ■ ,:i,| 1/ P and (fejorge Dillavou, the op- A rchestra and costumes \udit ' King parts parts >ifi bo held June 8 and 9 ,(!te wit! Audi fill Team e! Soldier’ of nll time, "The Chocolate ;he Grclv^ this summer. Cadets and the Aggie Players - for approximately 97 singihel parts and 82 orchestral ink< , respect vely at 7:30 ih the Music ill. Anyone, whether he bo stu- iot, u eligible to parti* n| tho production. Girls in will be ri'cruit Hall, dent * ripute the cas local Ml recruited from 'or the summer. Chocolate i. uSMKt on nord Ijihaw'H brilliant ‘ » i*'Ai Utont honw for tl rirajfT’i iti" Mruclttfo Mtlrr«ali ramsdy, "Arms and the Man" c|0N«dy Yollowa ih« Inal* dluallon*, and Original story Ihojii' llttA off* Wi'n tWMftv *01 the twrah Nad diiught loves Who h eoun Blit Burner! etudi tho ting imgagviurat bo* conflicting armitHi. I* the Wautlful romantU' i.f Colonel I’nnoff, Hh# Ulus, n young BuIgMlhn Ixwomc a hero among his r'v- L ■ k ' long comes Lieutenant n young Rwlan officer, patrol and climbing into xir of Nadina. His suave ick wit, and compelling force Nudina to con* • ‘ ’I '1 l ' '* «»«*ri*«»i«*a- i Bumerti and Nadina. situations also the plot and Lful songs a ono ofithe most popular oper of all (litre. . f I !, ; 'ki i