Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1948)
Gnthor Do you, fore of Cumpui the men thnt gr Campus upi to-do In citn< Xampus Being m lion to l ilhliit BUDDY I|U round, ooftfk ow thl! whof on 6 coffefi oomttJin Corner on«n ulu >ou» piece rtf S'* tho counti is?:. jrncr, oxpcrinv with the fiew or* I ero- the >11, nory itho md tiood »re #r^p- ! i and d out theftIki strength of coffee tnogjt b^lftitoble to the colfegiate taste," paya Wayne Stark, di|>ctor of the Student Un- ion Build Stark disclosed tHo;jndwa that ' » M i ■ the new Corner i ?ffee Urti at? the Catnpus be a part? of Wp — tab Mr ride at the new UrlionlBliibing when it edj Thl UMOP for its be usd at t loiCampua Coi so; thui thb prolbnt sti rteoivU iionrio of tho t hit Mwiiioriul Studont Con The i rtf, made by th Urn Mi nitfaeti One ef the jnoet expel ibieMcpmiparable, so HftfMW and similar ms^ scattered I One 0 of the ne.. nem- toucl cobpleUly inside of the new-type 8] reloped by the Amcoin T «*> _ s ishool & Off!' • • Hi I ■ ' f 8,,p r"“ | RAiMOS 'li ' ce \ j: t i k MOlfE? J v| H : Call tp4ay about *ourj!Mj. 20% I^ATE ftEptJCnON Billie Mitcliell, ’42 STATE! FARM INk^lN'CE 1 COMP ANDES IT'; . Ph ®fp. :4 - 7 ? w -'i : Above AggiUland Pliartnocy AUTO — MFEj- f||RB -*rf- Student complot- putto now is ts cah its of funch icoln .’l& •Sffl: •“! features maiB m DAVE COS! Life around Ag| to bo pretty much ,^! L MWNUMaMaNC #W| -fir -'- T . ; i for tnftjpuupose. A th sj^t-up j consists important to the success mfing establishnu entional coffee w ise Sanborn Coffee Company patched |a representative to' the tM sc^nef to be sure thait Aggies get the tolrei is forking I in Stark to find out What[i r of i flavo r land strength : reipresenfative Aggie coffi erj The urn used in the ex r t :ot de- mpany icce af- fajj^jUie set-up consists 6f two 8 ., .1 . , ,. ' :'u- ■ ; _ Thirty! Freshmen'Report For l^infejr sotfee flavor; and strength ^ \ • ^ ‘ Wayne • tion ta the rtrintr urmtc- riment tpus •k is a (very tocjensive piece I equip- is I thei dew ope at the Campus Co|mer, pnd according to ' ' xqiuu. ■i ?».!■!■ ! ment. J i The <ofiee used in t the “ur i grind’* and is skme t ix(ure as ofidir ' '* “ .htfklil •»u Ilexclu-' sively at the present time. I . J f ■ The qpe^tion to be settlijd con cerning the coffee flavor and the strength) Will be decided by all kind* oi coffee drinkers on the capipuli 1 rohi the “tereek” type who iikjc theirs!“straight” to the boys With tjio|“all the way'' bates. -t-'—ir m. rks the cir being used for driver train- in front of the Chemistry Building. Bussell FiUpatrick of the WILLIAM P. CADE pari ing in front of the Chemistry tJuuamg- ttussen ritspa jlndustri. 1 Extension Service i. c.r. Season’s First . Sj- ms* Over thirty candidates greet Wilkins Novj 1 as basketball ’i ; the A&M campus- The foi around tjhirteen squadmen " ing the list g the list is buddy U iderland flash, reached ing 6 ft. 8 All the bbys Practice [MEN, JR. i’reshman Coach Taylor :e officially opened Paso cage mentor the 6 foot mark' ’land H h the coaching of (he pluyer* on th)i B squad, Scrimbagvi between > the two squad* will allow the coaches Coaches Irvin and . concehtrate on the All msM play the Polliwoga Of TCU ln Ft. Worth tonighu i In their three games this year the Owlets have won! two and jlost one. They beat Del Mar of Corpus Chnsti and the SMU Colts by ben- scorM/Pi3*7, tbd lost to the Texas University Shorthorns, 31 tO 21. ' | V- Clarence “Bull” Lawson, the out standing performer at the full back spot for the F»hdn the game! with the Baylor Cubs last week, re-injured his knee ip Ithe game. Three other injured players were on the practice field Monday af ternoon but weren’t ready to I mix in the rough work as yfet. Halfback . ... , . , ^ bid; cnaracterixed by a domed type <* homo from' a spendihg hU fres Um' *'" vf ■.J ru propi isioiy named - ^ Saly er !c M > , ycd for those eagerly antici] week-ends when he might home or to a place like d wh Tr “ ' Kaiy.chain, sof^t j^uchos.^and . jmc «jr‘H diveriion elsowhcn. fi« mUi irly ek-ends when tit go h land other comtorts world have been soi e ehihMKk hing is Buddy Davis tho*- who VISIT COPE’S JcONFECTIONERY ,r r : /. Atii carT{ati(5k P1M sandwiches 11 ; Next -Door to Ckmpna Theatre ;n J \ *1* J) . • t ’I P 1 ♦ L 1 1 * naatui ■ .in slfi i ODUCT8 bANDWiCHES COIFEE Si DONUTS iOnc^letf Fountain L Oillege Station reported for !e first practice session in De- ’are Field House are fresh from Texas high schools. Coach Wilkins stated that a definite schedule hag not been j worked out as' yet but a list of coming games will be announced as soon as possible. Games have Itwen arranged' with the SMU, Texas, and Rice Frosh cSgers it dates for the games have not *n set? 'I • ' ' ’ ) rl • ' )ue to the idling by thp con- Staff Editors Are Chosen for Page Mon staff appointment*; were announced Inst week by Fish Dean Reed, editor of the Freshman But- tullon. Pish Frank N. Manilas is now sports editor, and Fish George "Fig” Newton is feature editor. «>Alu>r is Fish A. C. Margbitfa. Columnists ar$ Fish Hill Thomp son, Zune Martin, and David Ricu. No msko-up editor has been se lected, but one will be appointed ference rule that freshman basket ball teams in the Southwest Con ference are limited to a twelve game slate the Talxies will prob ably be spread OutXpver a two month long season. After the rugged fir'st work out the boys seemed trt agree that they w«*re definitely Hot in ipe although they seemed to hitting the loop wjti unusual nsistantly. Coach Wilkins pects to get his large' squad irt^ perfect shape in the monthlong practice session before competi tion begins. Other outstanding school boy starts who will team with Davis in clude Richard Bentley, Harlingen; oorge Broyles, San Antonio; Joe urdett, Fort Wbrth; Bill Bybee, marilio; Bob Church, Houston f. Karl' Hollier will probably be into top condition some time j mu week. Fullback Robert ‘Buddy’ Shaef- fer is still hindered by a charley horse and will Hot Hjoin in the hard workouts until it haa been worked out. I •!:: -!|j- Outstanding center prospect Pat Diffie was on the field in football togs fo!r the first time since th* starting week of practice Monday afternoon. Diffie seriously injured his shoulder while practicing! for the, North-South ull-atar gamje in Abilene. He is a 180-pounder from Glade water. ; ■. i Halfback Glenn Lippman ! was none, the worse for wear after the nocks dished out by 'the Cubs in if efforts to stobj him or at lOaSt slow him down. The El Campo lad had to leave the game at least four umes due either jto blows he had taken or leg cramps. The Fish play the Texas Yearl,- Lamar); Bobby Farmer, Ama- in their final rillo; Bill Glover, Beaumont (Beau mont High) and Eddie Houser, Big billing, 1 ings on Ndyembcr 20 at Kyle Field game of the year. Admission rirtelpli to tho game will be given\to the! fihrim) for chlldrenvcharity. e rippled cli '! i;- ttlr—T soon. Those now aidipg in make- up are Fish A. Moreland, Jack Skiles, Fish Knivcr, and Thompson. 11*1, amy old NOTICE Schedules for All Buses To And From All f joints I CUT Tins mrt FOR YOUR REFERENCE All buses core in g into ! Bryan also make College Station, stopping only at the ~ ^TRAVEL AGjENCY N. Gate M , . ■■ ■ Several other appointments to fill some ' h*)^ positions {will be tpade ip the near future, Reed said. Many reporting jobs are sfill open, *180. 1 - I I, GREliHOUNl) 8CHRDULE GOING ! ,;Houston, Galeston, Cori)us Chrjisti, G SOUTH FOR: .. .,, . , , |i, Lake Charles, IKew, Orleans:| | •; 5:lS A- '' I : 8:50, A, 12:0>.F.: GRE HOUND SCRRDULE GOING NORTH FORt Worm, Waco,; Dallas, Abilene, El Paso: m- ! j P^- 3:4& AiM. : ' ^:55 P.M. «.i, * I '• ilia* ZZ ; 15 P.M. 1:30 P.M.' :09 P.Mi 111:20 P.M. - CORPS TRIP - (Continued from Page 3) will be good on the Saturday night “Owl,” leaving at 11:45 p.m., and on the Sunday morning “Hustler”, leaving at 8:30 ijt.m., in addition to the returning special, which leaves at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Bus transportation to the Bryan depot will be provided, Luke Har rison, dean of men at the Annex, raa] announced. .' Lt. Col. Robert L. Melcher, com mandant at the Annex, said “Last year the freshmen’s conduct on a both corps trips was exemplinary, and we hope) this year’s cla follow their pattern.” < P 1:10 P.M. K Alibe kOHEDULE FOR; Austin, San An- ie,' feiy, larlingen, Brownsville, Laredo, f A:; IS 1 MACk-S M «t, Hu tno, Mi ' Pl.P 1:1 » P KKIt {VIM.K SCHKOrUE FRO r AntWIaff Ali«e, H»rlin g cn i, Mjexico'City.’ m jAustin, San Brownsville, 14 DeLUXE CAFE 1 ' \ SERVES THE BEST IN FOOD ' j | ■ i ■ [ , | j The Bryan Home f |; i °i‘ he j) • ‘ j Texas Aggies ing of light/crisp, always fresh Morton Potato Chips.... And a glass of your favorite drink. •i! 4. — M | ji.M. Except Sunday Night — then it Gil will arrivelifcOj) MM. FOR| j.l lie. , Shrevt PR GO ACHES FORjj |.Lufkln, Crock* lllo, MadlHonVIllej Htmaereon, Paloa* II Texarkana, Sliwi • I. ; . ^ - jj ISlfflPl’f fir, . Buaee arrlvirc^; £|*oin tlijcae above p<plifta: ! t J I* fr ; . Ip IM ■ v !■ i J fi •f itf L J / / v 4-7114 I VEL : A|GENCY r-.!N.0STE ; ji , la i l L’ 7 /i / j ■\V I - h S rherc such featur is are for granted. ' | r ,| " Someone, however, has finally realized that an Agile might appreciate a few “homey” to*eh- es thrown in to couhteract hi* all too undomeaticj life. These touches are being provided in the form of dormitory lounges, about a dozen of whjch are ex* ss&r* i " •"t* Lounges are definatiely not now around here—the lirst one was ih- stalled ten years ago. However, up until now there has never been a sufficient number ; of them 6n the cami>n8. r ;i ■ | 31 The original lounge was built in Kiest Hall at the same time that building was constructed. It was furnished jointly by money left by Kiest and funds donated by the YMCA. it year ,the 'Board of Diro«- appropriated $50,000 to be used for lounge 'construction. Dorms 9 and 10 and Hart Hall were immediately equipped with a few of the luxeries qfj life. College officials 'conducted a survey last year ioj determine exactly how much and for wh*t the Aggies Used the Ibunges. The results of this survey d»sclosed the fact that students used them extensively. Entertaining guests was the primary use to which Aggies put the loqhges during the weekend, while card games Last tors cxcolle most significant, fact gam* rom the sutyey, howaver, at all of the furniture and mt in thfe rooms received: tno ,. t care from the students. Oii the basis ef these reporta, 1 the college renewed Fork on the lounges. At the present time,’ lounges in Dorm! U and 15, *nd Walton Hall are completed, those in Puryear. and Leggett Halls lack only the asphalt tile floor built s, and two more/are being in-Dorms 5. Shd 6. >• ! . . U i j t > 1 . ■ ■' j • , About one-third of the furniture for these projects has already ar rived on the campus, and the rest itmn the next ig to G. G. W dent .activities. is ex iected with T few White, actitities. The schemes, furnishing details, weeks), accordin director of stu color 14 by Mrs. for an -Dhl*. ftir 98 IPMPV.'Ui until m furnishing home f quote and and entCri .families apd •-fr ^ !uT7r hiV MEXICAN FOOpi ' OU;B SPEC IA LT Ik’ Kelley’s Coffee Shod ■ -f \ j; I • f fli i ' j ■ "GOOD TQOD—THAT’S ALL f ■ , Ralph Suty—Owner 'jl; _ FOR FALL (HECK-IF General Auto Repair T Work Guaranteed i'j’t I’ ! ; - jl M«k* Thanligiv'mq w*A-»nd lomtlhlng ash•-iptelol Pionsir'i Gif, convmlsnt fliqhli to 21 by Sou1hw*i»orn elh»», with oieollont oonnocHoni out woitpnd north, |o i4^^*t4-h ir offleaforah^*Mndfof*». «oon«r, havo moro fun ond «i Chsek with your local Pioncar o' ||| ; Si xj GAS . : ' 1" HENRY’S AUTO .* REPAIR Hiway 6 South Ph. 2-8768 !' I, '-V' li !' I j 1 ' i ■ 'r- A ■ r-' -iJ/kj ■ if* ■ mm '1 'it, 4. PimEER/jltMue^ FLYING PASSENGERS'MflifPARtft POST'CARGO X. Mm n l'- y t- CLEANING - PRESSING ALTERATIONS 1} ! AT THEIR BEST - AT CAMPUS CLEANERS Oyer The Exchange Store i. * SPAL ..U’v : -"rl I . mm 1924 MICRUpAM REDGWtiSE PUT OH TD6TBAU^ GREATEST OKB-AtAM C’EMOMSTUA.TlON.rf HE CARRlSp THEBAIJ. RVC TOOCtoOWN?/ -TOwin* titriHST TWELVE AURUT&SV' ’if ; • ■? THiBnawr INAMCIU GRIDIRON C eowi games 1.. • /i ■y ■■■■]' T iip * 1 IX - - "X f \ ■ ■f/y' ' uLr ■/i : ; i: T X I , 1 C P F0 re work rist and Eect,'; “J.™ t and fumi ation is . mount fig commodatli to would nor. thO 49 r he loungi from 8 a; m. . day, will bo ith a touclj of add an | ,oa, site H 'll (•«/ •l.l T” 4-1 ■I ' | j .1 I : v ; •Top Lea * ’C iif\ , Its :tinir 'Coats i jjj_ ■ ! 4 Blight Sweat* i« i ■: . vi Fort ters olored kilns alker e Oxford* liii •j.. HAL Bl 212 N. .wMr l • u • '■ . ’ p . • , If tmii ajlflthwuto m v j| -SIM IERS ■ a 11 : i >,!• i, • li'l , 1 !! I •J 1 I ^ ■I 1 V-