Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1948)
’ iL ■ i- . vf r. Jt\ v r^?r -rf . : '—mL I • I. 'or i : ■: •' h- ir * !%* * T n ¥ - j -■I I'.'. i i' 7 . . l Ml ’ . ’ 1 ’ :f- j S !. ' /-! • If ' '! ■hr Mil PUBLISHEf) IN THE ALLEGE STATION < ./ 1 slangs o , I I ' i- ! ! — ... — i ' I I ■A f. i! t: a ^ 7 ! ' I . /4 7,.. 4 / t : vr ... Iff I f PI? IV i ;r I - • ': ieland), TEXAS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1948 [y^ : ..T RUMBA RAJAH CUGAT and his Cuban orchestra, \&M on Njovember end of the A&M- Kame. He trill play and a dance. If i -in 44- F * ■l 4 s Comin . Cjampus For Concert, Dance k By if. MICHALAK Afirgies dtiHf, off your clod hopper^,: trid cowboys late 6ff your spurs—Xavier Cu- gat is dopling to the c^mpm. ’ The rhuniba nimbler i« schediil- to put on a concert [in Gu on 1 at 7;i5,j November 13; after conccr; [ ne will play for the College Dhince in Sbisa Hall, jj Back in tjhe; experimental days of radio, Cugitt was the first pert on ever to plajt ai violin solo for broad- f !['• /il Eleven |A&M off now attending the nual meeting of the tl’on of Lind Grant and Universities in, ton, D. C.i A&M delegates att meeting are Chancelhr christ, President F. C. Be Charles N. i SHepardson, T. HapfciftW UwtiJR. 1 wrB . Dean P. Bj Pearson, tD|r| Me P. Trotter, J,; D. fPrewlt, rMapriwi ure an- Sr Heges ashirtg- li j if g) the 4b on- in< Dean M. Hearne, K. D 'Whltacre. i Assom: of deb iirtto jiiid will totnor- L’h UttIO fee 6ml deci 1 hCad •'W Cour W r : ■ - Lewis’ fedijdsfw riation, whicll is’ pom- flegutos . from| 4H grant colleges, will |jo ^livinleil the general hessions, the sHatc its coramittSuus, thdl dlvlHitfnl, the graduate council. ’ [ ; n The (iehejral ScsiljonH \?;U;feffln ; tomorrow itio.rning. iit .10’And '•) last until no6n, Betwcoi 1 row and Thursday, itt wl , the ntinuul neeting tvill ohld^t |are will be sepia rate miiotlngHj pf the division of agnicultmt*, divi sion of arts and science^ vision of oilgineering, thei of home eepnomibs,! and tl dl of graduate work. Each these' meetings will be dijv into- separate discusaioh • J At these idiscussidtts^ propriate subjects will, opt ami policies 4- upon. i ' 1 J A .dinnerJ for instituti is scheduled for tomovfo Electrical Si se-IVow Held On C /• j. J ■ V' 1 A short eburee for Piiblfi: Ut; ity Electrical nhetermen begafii pn the eampus thisj morning, and Will i)on- tinuc through Frifey.; |,| !l Registration was -held i Halil and those signing u course Were welcomed b; Barlow, dea|n of the Sgho' gineering.*. | ■ , The course is divided parts. One [part deals wi phase meteys and the o with) polyphase watt-hour Wei The Electrical Engineefi|njg partment and the Sbu Metermen’»| Association sponsors of the course. i,Todays drogram ihcl^d fUndamenta s of electricit; mentals of A. C. Theoryl scorn* ami (he single phujijji meter, Non inn F. Rode, j in_ the Elec-jlrical Engihec: pgrtment sAid. On the r ight of [ Navi theifc will bo a banquet Jpj S ntf 7. Admission will be VA Adjustor t< Vets Tomorrow ! Veteran students hft\ . crepancy in| their subsist may intei-vijisw W. W.-WfelY' of the > registration se(3tio|i -4 Veteran’s Ad«uiuistratlon| 1 row ft*bm 8^80 a. m. tn 4 Ip. Biszell Hall; Room 26t. Xavier’s; fend is a mixture .l— j iL-ji -titt— and good >e Cuban gopird; shakers, , American mjiss, iHe combines two to make! a f fast moving rb thm and a solid boiat chaifacterii > k! by jazz fetids. Besides His.violin playing, Cuj is known for his caricatures cartoons. I l Featured with Xavier will Jose Luisl .MonerO, Norma, Alladin. Price or the concert in Guibn |s 70 cents for students and $1 ff] non-studfets.l Dance tickets 82 stag wf : drag. r Researches k Tuesd At Agronomy Me Frederidr’t'. Dines, research! di- rector of tfe -Tex-O-Kan Flour [Mill Co. ejjpejriment farm at Ama rillo, will gddress members of the Agronomy MU . Dines will speak to the agrono mists on t| to research program be- Jing carriei) oh by pis company land, the functi m of this program in (the graih industry. ‘I , , K ’ Cnrmyaji (implmsized that tUi students ydio intend to join [the 2!lwi Agronomy Society should do so at f. the 'I'uesdfly ineeting ;So : t ", v ' iM ■•ffe w- .. ■ 'A V! fi >rva . i. 1 w I ir. ■ ■n r f.. ■ ■■ ■ $V' ^ 'I ’I: HI' il". ■ If — j;:' 1 ' m 'iji rl I" y|' i' il C lEssm 'i -1 Baty Passes ScarePorm^s Wa lker Preven ts SMU £ l By LAI y uoonwYN m There tu new rfejicct far the AggfeH In the SputhwegtAodnJ?, Ww.ft reverberating at the Hilltop School In Dallari, -J ,• The "Mighty MuaUnga’’ have ntill got DiaHt Walker and a 20-14 wtiJl reverberatir _ ’Mighty Muatangfi'’ nave stur got over Harry Stiteler’s boys but most df the 53,(j in the Cotton Bowl are convinced that’s all tl fane who »*W: iihe S a •’ye#otr' r ^ T> ‘ T ^ Entry Deadline for Battffipe Smoking Contest Set Tuesday BOBBY GOFF POWERED through tfe Mustang line for the Doak Walker (37) stands idly by. Opening up the lin* for Goff are Center Hub E Stautzenberger on the right side of the line, and Max Greiner, left, in front of tl Hillhouse, (89) is coming fn to block Walker. Vainly trying to stop Goff! are tfekles Bobby "Collier (72) and John Hamberger' (70). i—4- ; - ■, » " Aggies’ second touchdown as ills, lowCr, and Odell ree Mustangs. Andy ;' • i SMU Student Prexy Avows His Talk WaB A Little Long 6o ftorl! H. W. j r«t Ml Taylor Wilkinz, #aked that! all Vei 'trouble with their •ufeiith Woolverton ;regardlees of vloue actioii taken ncnspnolly- ( ' ; i i.■■■"' r i ; : ■' ’ ‘ • ■, ! • 1 /. • . ’• r ; A |J„ ; j . ;J ' • "li i an to hjave their pictiirel .madcTwith -tfe club for tfe 1010 Longhorn. T; ■ " The! Agronomy Society will not have Afe flub plctui ' ’ ^ day for tb) ly animup se the ne/ir fpture, Caraway said.j . re tukeh Tfes day for tfe longhorn as brevipus ly nnnounjrel, but will do so! I the hc/i ‘ ’By U. L. PILSNER . jried from club ear to cattle] truck, „ but by omi means or another, a \ J almost j did too good a job major portion of AggielarUl was siiid the tan. bespectacled young tranH|) iahu>il to ; Dallas. | man, nervously fumbling for a ci-i Things really opened up jFridny gamlto after the game. ; night with ;thi'midnight yd prac- "Settle down Joe countered his | t | co in up, esplanade in fr»nt of date, "you vo got a cigarette In; t | u , u n | 0 ri fention, The littlt sunk- your left hand and one m your 01 , ^rdeii Is just to the Smith of ln «£t l,ow ‘ the Jeffbifson Hotel, and when Ihc nervous young man was Joe ,mne i),()0f) Aggiek and Tessies the SMU "j f: cess by all concerned, except orie disgruntled motorcycle cop. Hje had been assigned the fpllow-up position behind the band, and Patterson, president of was waiting in A side street uiji- itil they jittMHcij take up ids rear position. by so hr coujd With the deadline for entrioH; only 48 hours away, plans were completed Monday for the "big gest and smokingest’’ Pipe Smok ing Contest ever sponsored by The Battalion. Entry deadline for the annual event is Wednesday afternoon at 5 p.m. All entries should' be turfed in to the Contest Editor, Battalion office in Goodwin Hall. The Con test itself is Slated to be held Wed-; n’esday at 5:.'10 p.m. in the YMCA chapel. > , "f<- i’ 1 ;! Prizes for entering the con test have mounted to include fiO , new automobile pipe racks to go along with the 150 com cob pipes that will be awarded. .Tke pipe racks are a new invention, not yet on the market, and are be ing given away free by the man ufacturer as kales promoters. One rack Will be awarded to $600 Needed |To Finish jPatranella Memorial Center Additional funds totaling 8000 are needed to complete work on' the Luke Patranella Memorial Center, W. L. Penberthy, chair man of the erection committee, announced today. j The Memorial, a recreation cen ter for the general public, will be a reinforced concrete structure 94 by 102 foot. f Penberthy said that persons in terested in rcontributirig, to |fe ! Southern Pacific Officials to Talk At A&M Tuesday Two phi sek of railroad a0coiint-| ing procedures will fe ^iiscusfed on the campus this week by feu- them Pacific Railroad officials as part of tl e panel series on rail road proUeitis, D. D. Burchard nubiic rpl* tipns chief for the pjan- iels. annou feed today. Tuesday at 7:30 p. m* in fh r Agiicultural Engineering Lectur'- (Room, G. B. HerbeitJ [Soiltferr Pacific audiitor, is scheduled to speak op "-Railroad Accounting) Practices ind Principle4. M The ac counting society is iin charge of Anangeracnts. -• [ M Thursday T. F. Jones, S P.Xvaluathn engineer and missioner. wtill talk on "Railnoad Depreciati mi Procedure and [Ac-i counting," F Student Council, who had come out i V (,|| praetjide, the garden tank n to the Aggie midnight! yell prac- f cw feet mbro. 1 tiCp to "get the boys in the spirit." [ Most residents of the hotel were "Just think" continued the [ taken nbdcic by it all. Several of gathered ill and,around it for the! fell in behind the Iiiush hoijis. just h g^nc%' ,i Mie , \S& ft ' , nn 1 ri l '' >ontilbutife to was saying to myself What a llivge, Memorial final may mall their do- snappy organization it was as 11 nations to him oV to H. L. hlkliM. ounting, . sion is plsimw'd for 11 a. in- hi Ithe YMCA C lapel for bus' fecounting feniovs. C. Burchard said. The fea- 'or 11 a. m. in the for business’ fed . M. Sim- mang, MB staff member In chalrgr of arrangiifents, invites all inter-i ested stui enlts and faculty ml*m- bers to ftttdnd, .'-n"'. . . Jones i f aV brother of D. C. Jones, ma hipatics .professor at A &M since 19p9.\ ] J Aggie Dis< liisicn t Debaters to Meet The Disruteion and bpbate Clubs are meeting at 7:3d tfeight in Room 326 Academic Buifding,! A. 1 m G. Hierth, club sponsor announced, -j Subjeet for dohi Campus Club and the Freeh: 9 sponsor antu debate fetwl and the Fn T plub will bei"Foderal Aid to\Eau- cation.” flfel Freshman Club feill feke the nffiirmntive, Hierth sa ; CAME MonHnV SO GIB Room; 32, TAT? B n To%o’ Sjovi, final eoarjmtio t’* Cooking CLUB, 7:15 p. m. ife Building. I AL • PREDENT T: ;! i. - IScSC; i shown and PI, 7 p. m;, Wed- V !clW™ Bld8 ' m 208, / ea will be ion pbiu nude, shaky student leader, “what would have happened if L would have said two more words!" “Give me one of those ciga rettes’’ his date sighed. Moanin’ Matty came within a them, hUngl out of their windows, yelling eijcburngement and trying to join in tfe yells, [ One sleepy eyed, traveling--sales man was telling his troubles the next morning, “Did I go to yell pass-completion’s breadth of gain-1 practice?” [he screamed, “Hell no, irlg several thousand disciples. And ! and with my second floor room I from the Cotton Bowl to the Cofe- didn’t have to. I wojee up just aft- erel Hill Cutoff, all of Dallas knew i er midnight and heard voices yell- the Aggies had come to town, i ing something about sawinjg var- From early Friday until late ; sify’s horns off. Then there; was a Sunday; night Big D looked like tremendous! cheer, the smashing of UMT had set in. One Elm Street glass, and I locked Up to sefe three merchant looked down into the generals in riding feots sitting in serge — colored stream of people my lavoratory yelling ‘HUmp it, and inquired “Was it an air in,va-' wetheadftj [1 think I’ll get a job sion, or did they come up the j traveling [‘in' Oklahoma.” Trinity River?” 1 But the [yell practice wak only He was closer right than he the begiiuting. The mid-morning knew. The hitchhiking methods va- parade was pronounced u suc-\ A&M-TU Fish Football Game Will benefit Crippled Children Crippled children will benefit by the proceeds frojn the said freshman football game between Texas University and a&M Dr. (i. W. Schlesselman of the Geography Department sale Thursday. The game will be held at Kyle Field Nov. 20 at 2:3Q p. m Ben Hur Temple is sponsoring 4 * 1 •— the sale ofetickets to the freshman game and is also selling advertis ing space in tfe program to! which kit 4.\ business concerns of College Sta lion have contributed liberally, Sehlesselman said. i j '\,r Dr. Schlesselman is in charge of tfe sale of advertising and tickets at College Station. \] The, proceeds will go to the Crippled- Childrton’s Clinic (if Ben Hur Temple. . • |, \ The clinic servos any crippled child regardless of color, race or creed. Treatmentflji free of charge. The only conditions for admission! of a crippkwl child to the clinic are ijat ho must bo feder 14 years of to and must be from a family that could not otherwise afford treat- Schlesselman explained. AUvShriners a t College Station and Bryan have football tickets for salh at 81.50 each, he said. concerns who have al ready contributed to the cause through tfe purchase of advertis ing space in the football program are the following: Campus Clean- ,1 A ^ v : j ' f{ M ers, (American General Life! Insur ance Copipany, Campus Theater, Shaffer Book Store, A&M Photo Shop, A&M Alteration Shoj), Hol- ick’s Boot Shop, Smith’s, Aggieland Pharmacy, Nisbet’s Cafeteria. Ag gieland Studio, Aggie Cleaners and Dyers, Zubiik and Sons, ifebyne Jeweler, Lipscomb Pharmacy, and Aggie Amusement (feb. Others wbro the Camnus Variet Store, Charfe’s Food Market, Lou- pot Trading] Pfet, Smitty’s College Irill, Aggieland Baifber Shop,, Spi- feht Coup, State Farm Insurance Comfenjr, Homer Adkins, College Station Motor Service, Wilson- Barrie Qo., Aggie Service Station, Njta’s News! Stand. Ageis Flowfe Shop, Sputlfen Engraving Co., Cd*son & Co.j AmeS Travrl Ageiicy, A&M Grill, Henry A. Miller Hard ware Cd-, fiXchafe' 1 Store. Bur gets & FUffh JLumofe Co., Ameri can National Life Southside Fbod ! Phannacy, li- G. Pharmacy, Cube Burgess Real Est Student Center. Ffed Ma’-ket;\Madeley Balfour.Black’s enper Realty Co., tete and MemC • jym Then I’m lookin’ over bj and Hecin’ another big, liicci' band Coming up behind mo, flaying the same '‘‘Aggie! \Vnr‘ Hymn." I’m goin’. ihiwiv now j to turn in my star, before! the sfe- geant pulls me for drinking; on duty." ■: I. j ' That afternoon, some of the SMU fans could have used a drihk. Midway through the third quarter several supporters of the? blue qnd red reported seeing two E ob Goode’s, two Bobby Goff’s, two Buryi Baty’s, and one man swore he saw four Jim FloWec’s. “That guy,” he said admiringly, "ik [an entire bouquet.” , j i At times it looked as thou|gh A&M was playing an eleveil man line. And then there Wasithe gin- 1 j • ral sentiment expressed h.V the SMU grandstand quarterback Who said, "Why is Matty playing Hill- house and Wright at ourj halfback positions?!” * . j Most of the rooters agreed that without the amazing Doak Walk er, there would have bedn no joy on the Hilltop Saturday .might. • Veteran SMU supporters found it hard to believe that even V.'alk- er was having rough sledd mr against the inspired Cadets. There were many attempts to explain it at the very, pleasant Sportsman ship banqpiif given the Aggies and Tessies byuhe Hilltoppgrs after . One Ife something must have bed Patranella, who died two years ago while on a trip to hfexiCo, d'a» for many years a civil); leader! in College Station. Among Jil» acttvi^i tics was a yearly Enstcl* egg. hunt for the children of College Station. Soon after Patrnhclla (tied, the fund for construction of the Me morial Centef was started. 1 "I know Luke Would have want ed it that way,” Penberthy said. "I believe evCry citizen who knew Luke will want to help make possible the completion [of this center/’ committee member Elkins said. Il ■il I iiij"' each of the first 5® entries in tfe contest. ‘ ! 1 . ' ’ -f r ) The corn cob contest[ is the only division which has a limit on the number of entries. In order to make the contest for tfe.campus corn-cob king as reprefentatiyc its possible, rules have .feen set up which will restrict entries to one candidate from each niilitary Or ganization on the campus and two candidates from eafe non-military dormitory. !:■• -ji Other classes in the contest Mn- clude one for standard pipes, large bowl pipes, and metal, radiator pipes. In addition a "roll yoUr own” contest will be staged with yed foote take-si ll that Ponies Thursday r future "g- .j . erifen to tfe Aggies ad Doak Walker « -ntUMto some. fe be exact—but w ben he had to be U 1 difference. 'or S.M.U., if jiean be said they ‘o Doak Wa fcer, and a team .. that : ni«» ^hea opportunj- coaipetition being divided into two ty krtfeks. Tfet they have much sub-classes, amateur and profes- i» qufeti mahlc. Flowers, • • 1 gtoutzenberg-r, eilis et ai got GU sidnal. / • j. ’ ./ f /ji/!', * Meanwhile, the list of “mystery” judges—that esteemed. body of Jus tice—that will goverti the contest has almost been completed and will, be announced Tuesday. Contest rules are few. Each copr testant will, at a given signal, light lighting [pipe wlH be declared the fell. Each contestant will put; the. same, will wlH be declared the nviraier. measured amount of tqbabco in his pipe before lighting it. Contestants need not puff all tfe time, but pipes must be kept,lit so thatjany time one of the judges qosireffho may request sinoke from *ny man’s pipe and qbtain Sftihe with out aid of u match. Only men ind women from A&M are oliglble i ' . ' /j. _^ Hugh R. Wood Dies In Car Accident Hughi R. Wood, senior r mnnsfi- .rnent erigineferlng studsht ! of Beau mont, was killed yesterday In an automobile accident four m l 1 i» west of Orange. , i / ( Hla wife and father were crit ically injured but his atepmothcr suffered only slight lujurlos. M Wood, an Air Corps veteran, Was reared In Corsicana by His grand mother, and his wife is also frapi there. She is employed by vne Bryan News. ■< Silver Taps will be hold tonight at 10:30. IJl'P The Doaky* W# aU ■Si! i - |T. ' Bur H [] Inty, dc add ; i Sc; llfev impfes *§£?' ■HPmu« • Nil bunch ass *4',. rjt.L : afternoon ,look]do . lit Wok a stop -Itfe ki 3* -f. by Ch Andy Hillhot so I victory j by Jtt. eeni Ag* M us tangs ,t ! smart bb- H oefeon— u footbaU in any- '1 i '•i' Johnson out of the lineup in a t him, the Ponies tered and stalled!. -Jfewa* thrawing T pdssf * ail over the lot s a whole fli»tlllh of receivort „ , And wheA a few yards flor _ first dpwn word needed, Goff and Goode were rig it there to deliver them., ■ F i/J. Anjl a slight feriod the M V ... rights and making life V secondary . «f ,■ remarkable v| psuse White i thin •prfet*'takes lim Site give due cted- t tp seven of trfetnost underrated' playefe this eoi ijferonco has seen fpDsorfe timf)— ife Aggio forward Wall. They pla) ril thl Pony line right off tluilr ^inblnM foot and if »t hadn’t feen for Wi it Injght lifcvo ijxwn stotw’- , • I 1151 ' AlJt WAN, bad momentl, the rgnv* Wnlkbr his , t lo and .loinpletely fat< to Dlc-k McKIk- naek, Matty BilllV favoritc lino bugtor, : Tin id tjaraund work .of center Hub EhIh also dolorves nicmtloh, Thei Ian iy pivotman roam ed far And q'lds on defense, buck ing u|i the lil|e s [jd coming up with H'o. pAsji inUrmpUans that helped, mightily. ']■ ,: ] ! ' ■ , fi .jThb. Mustfeg* | started out like they Were goini j to get their ex- pected [four t nichddwn victory withoUtjmuch tioiible t at all. Less than a minute iadj elapsed when Bobby Folsom ^ SMU plopped on jan Aggie furnbl son the Cadet 27 ( and; Started the Pony band wagon railing. Walk ik engineered his crew to the Agg 0,four, from where he flipped a; foi illh down pass to McKissack ip tfe : epd zone. Walk- alkoiwwell, ti different ff ff- Vr-.-*- ■ 4' - v'V » .j/i' m Ai;,! :L ■ iff. the game. One co-ed in a white sweater and fraternity pin thought have been unusu ally wrong. "I think’ she said "that Doak must have been sick.” "Y'es’’, replied A&M’s chief po litician, -Senator Charlie Kirk- ham, "but you just can’t be vac cinated against that Aggie line!” And the Aggie line saw service over the remainder of the week end. In fact, it was being exercised heavily in tfe Dallas bistros Sat urday night. Extremely pleated With the game, even though the scoreboard showed a loss, the vis iting Aggies were the 1 apex of RAlcty. A j Jj ' l One rotund c«det found a derby And a long cigar during his rounds df the Rose Room, and itiounted a Chair to do a quick [imitation of Winston Churchill. His pnruphrjaH- ing was strictly ofjf tfe!cuff, >ut pretty well summed up the week, opd. •' r i . j : f "We have fought them on the trance Co„ streets, we have fought them on ttfe gridiron, and we have fought them on the dance floor) I can of- .. feir you nothing but football, war* il tying, and beautiful women. What a wonderful way to dial” • • • Sis ! •/& i / af „iV / !p4 "ii * a =^51 • • ■M * iif m .' k er kicked the ^ |int like thc iprcdic -! •T took Ion Pipe chapeL tlon, truly u. he pjint and It looked . . p lilctei 1 rout would occur. Tilings lookedRbvfe gloontier in tho second pel ife I when Walker , corralled hjis nates and herded I them 87 yards to a touchdown,. , personally aecoiinting fpr the last I 44 on -a twisting gallop that start ed off as 4 hirmlesH line buck. When the sqoro rose to 14 to 0 on Walker’s perfee -conversion, there were feW in the stands who didn’t think It was iill >Vcr but the ahoutf i ing, ; [ • 1 j : Unfortunately for Matty Bell’s nervous system/Bui-yl Baty was qi fe\ A mh "’I 8moldnf'_Cwite.t d In tfe ot^ the^vvorkmanshlp of the invea- : .F'v. • ■ A\. I 1 : Vi/ '■ It New Ta Men to Ilofe mem a sfedfl m to be holtl !h Room 1 Building, H< dent, ban o Oliver sal chapter who; the Candida' gw ion* at and conild flcatiohi «LT wer stated, momfert il !! one of those; few. A minute before tho half, _ Baty /took a Walker- thrown pafe rig it out of the arms of Paul Pasje a id returitod toAhe en he dropped back ; ana pacnea a lofe, high one across oodc dh tne Mus tang fiVc, righti over the head of (Sec “ijATp," Page 3)-. 4‘i 1 i Beta Pi fe! Named I b ' elected at f Thu Beta Pi lay at 7 p. m, Itfe Petroleum ff' Oliver, presi- infers of the a list of n should ow*i office tes’ quail* preaent Hi on, Oil* that all ,t this 1 ■ /j i hi y A ' ■ : $