Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1948)
L » fi Boring Speaks To Students Oh Employment! ~ - ■ < ' ■v/i r ; -, : ; ' ■ 1 .ted on Dallas Trip r *ll n p n c A ' ' 'i! i [•. nr^«i as Qiib Booth Will Provide Rooms for, Aggies; Damees eld Friday and Saturday Nights in Dallas and SMU C been declared an official (holiday for students! „ I • -ima . : ' i ; . : | • . I. ' 1 forming areas for iSaturday’s cadet corps parade have been assigned as begin at 10:30 Saturday. ~ ill be located at tie! city hall. td Austin Self Entered‘Bea U ty’Ruled UnquQlifiedfor VanityFai i* » ¥ By DjVVE COSLI Disqualifitjd! That was the de cision of h; committee of! judges faced with | the problem: of jdedd- ing the fate; of Miss Prunellja Gil- ierclutch, w^o Monday becapie the •irst woman to enter her overt nrtrne in* the Longhorn’s ahnual; Vanity Pair contestl ■. ' f ;j . |jij: Longhorn bditova Earl Rpae and Truman Maetin were met vyith a * inK ‘ ' when the neWs of Miss (fildek 1 - clutch’s,bolid tnove was madejpub lic. Miss Gfildjerclutch, the protes tors, claimed; had no right to enter the contest She was not connect ed with A<£iM in any way; she:had nobody to dopresent her at school; and beside, the students claimed, shje was a jdisgrace to the godd name of Vanity Fair. Mias Gi the coni Giliderclutch, who entered tttjti iaa the result of ^ barrage of protests from students Mystery:Judges Named For tery Bad Pipe [Smoking |y C; C. MUNROE The FiKcal Office Contest % ift rnififM reduce fees! The local ticket squad mljfHt take ft dajf off, and it would all be news. But, even If theie thiiitfrt (JidihttMion they would: be overshadowed by the newh that will be released next vfeek concernihff the judges for The Battalkin’s annual pipeismokihg contest. 1 According!to an nnnmtimbfflartt*';'! ' Ii i from tho cbntoit molt ^iatingmahod over naacmblid under^ be introduced to tho chntea thla yoar’a pipe amolclng that want* to uati the racka :ka aa repaon Ih* of- It* in They admit that it ttn’t they concedp; that it ish’t iDewhy (In fact Dowdy concedtid aome ,hl^ self), but when the names hit leased, so hiy the officials^ news will bej just as start!! ’ an. , dream nalca prompujra. For this tho novel giulgots will not for d on the open market, so this will be tho first chance for any* l>o<ly to obtain one. y cpngreslional Investi’gat earned up. AH this leerecy aurroi '■V the honored Wednesday’? newest gether wi mail with new body of judg| opening jdt 4 pr sport eUrne an announct i that,50 new gifts have be celved to be given to the fifty men entered in the bt ing e The ded to the siipment of, i! ded to the shipment of I pipes already-received, art are ([fie ap- only one ligitfyig swers to a pipe amokbrs prayer— but each man' may use a tamper a set of autolnobile pipe ; raj5ks. as often as hei wishes; contestants '1- culation. The racks, vrhidi attached to ariy car, have be ented and the patent righ chased by » major oil < J . The pipd racks end the corn cob pipes 4lU be given away, but], they are c|nlf part of the gifts] for men entering the contest A roup of valuable prizea has n assembled for the winners each class! of smoking. addition to the standard pipe smoking clgas, classes have beep ablished for men having large brn cob pipes, and pipei.i A contest - - - T^l* ^ held at the same time for men who: “roll their own”— both the amateurs and the, profess sionala. jj I y;r Rules of {the contest are few-r off for each man ap; may hei wish • -'IP , The 50 m^tal racks Werte' do- need not ke^p puffing all the time, Hivliuit •* I r-rrrv . -v cij^ ma i be able judges defires he may nated today tty their invented,’and but the pi are the firstfto be placed l c any _ Log i ipls .must be kept lit tune! one of the h oimst shekel fttom pur-, and only ' are <i.BH ■ fl m any m^n’s pipe; and women from We. ' I< y \ f ' challenge from some of her fel low students at the Nayasot Bottom Academy, refused to be lieve that the judges had dis- jbalified her. As to the argu ments set forth by those who ousted her from the Vanity Fair race, |he had an answer for each of them. She was connected with the Col lege, she claimed. Her father, it seems, was a janitor here for three weeks in the year 1876. “Mah con- nectshqn with this jh’yar school goes hick to its very fust hegiri- in\” sh|e boasted. j ' Furthermore, she said, there was someone here to represent her. “Some )mrt*uni critter by the name o’ Mundoon er Munden er some thing like thet has done accepted mah invito for a escort," she sigh ed. And she scoiied at the idea of her being a disgrace to the good name of Vanity Fair. Hhe has, so she said, been offered large sums of money (f 10) from three large corporations, Noxema, the N.MA (National Morttiary Association) and Burma Shave have all of fered to buy her photographs for use in their sdvertlsing cam paigns. | She clinched her argument by maintaining that sho had follow»d all the rules of the contest*; She had even entered the three neces sary photos—4 formal portrait, an informal portrait, and a bust shot. (The photos have been sent to the “The engineer must develop a professional attitude and live it,” M. M. Boring, repre sentative of the General Elec tric Company, told several hundred engineering students in the Assembly Hall yester day morning. Speaking on the qualities in a graduate that prospective employ ers look for, Boring said, “He must show some indication of abil ity. If he has dope well for the past four year?, Chances are h° will continue (<> do well through the next four, te'd f<> ou.’* Abilities as sliowrt in grades are not the sole criterion for place ment in a company.! The nian mu|t possess character jo do what eight and act wfith He must bb ‘ honest,’’ posse: decent manners,' for eoRvetfsutioii. “These ft re sjmpU*, basic, home- ties thajt mi' Killing emplfaskeil, * In employment Interviews, (he iippllcnnt In quest l<m<id freely to it (.certain HIn c|imlifiratioiiM. Hlu* the quesUons of tile interviewer without Muefonref "We Ju««t don’t hnve time for those wh« dorfL" he wornetl. • j . L i ill I I i, ,/ The day of jcib Inu 'pluses is neftr an end. Boring j)t cdictcd. More rigid selection of nr tu-e employees makes it necessary for those seek ing jobs to demonstinte their beat. “No man shdttlil kroduate from college,” Boring said, “without bf ing able to dancei fo act oom a By TOM CARTER “See you irv the Cotton Bowl,” will be the battle cry Many student^ will hitchhike to Dallas, pthers will ride tomorrow as thousands of students, and faculty members the bus and many more will ride the Southern Pacific special begin^the trek to,Dallas. | j • { } {which leaves College-at 5;30 p.m. tomorrot^. | T " ‘ ‘ “ “ *' lia apt): i* . , j! j. {which leaves College-at 5;30 p.m. tomorrow Classes will be dismissed on Saturday and that day has j Friday night the Dallas A&M Club itf sponsoring a ♦“juke-Smx” dancq pt. live Reserve Student Senator^ Decide Previous [Seating! Plan Best By MARVIN jW*. Seating arrangements' for the A&M-Itice football game will be exactly as those used for the TGU game, the Student Senate decideil last night. Members present agreed that this was the best afrangemeht in view of the problems brought up! at the meeting. The majority of .the meeting was devoted to a discupiion on the no\y union building 1 by Wnype Stftrk, director, of thpj Memorial -•I—■■ Student Center. His projposal is to run the Center as one unified busi ness enterprise with the director responsible to a governing; body made up of representative mem bers of the school. It was suggested that about eight students, three or;, four fac ulty members, two or three for mer students, and one or two fac ulty wives be appointed to this body. The govenrjng body or Sty- dent Center Committee would then be responsible to jthc j presi- ■|; : Xi:? ... ■ ■ ' i'll [’n the board _ J dent of the college anil the of directors. Hf^W- “The Center will be the living room’ of A&M if it is ruh right*” Stark said. “However, the profit* alone from the ,jsptefprises ol>- erated by the Center will never be enough to run ItT,'; ' Ninety-eight per .cent’ of the schools tliat have sfodent unions charge a compulsory fee for the extra source of income that is neede.1 for efficient operation, ly iwWlltloji that make up pernoh '*lity,” Bur' r— —"^-1 >11 «(-—— I .in rn in ——41— . ..V— A&M Ag. Ed. Head to Speak At Conference on Adult Education ; ■ : ; 11 I V Six HtiituH, Tnxiut, Oklahoma, Now Mexico, EpuilittNi, and ArkanMHH, will xpnd roprcHcritativoi to the nlxith Soutli^ went Regional (Jonfe^enco (in Adult Education in the Drin- kill Hptel in Auatiri, iNovumber 8-i), according to E. iP. Alex ander. head of the.AgrlctHtjural Education Department." - Alexander hnB accented inn in- community group could decide tk quefttion am) deter cquhi be hamlled he At the conclusion sion, a motion was ut A&M.! tho disclMi- wed to ftp- ably in formal Botlial party, and speak effectively Jbefore a grou. illustrate the Iftst! point he cited red by before ♦hat every engineer employed by General Electric ! ppbke, Vet Subsistence So*: May Be Corrected In Bizzell Tuesday groups at least tWicj ' ' ' I j. ‘ The engineer, rtr any man, must lead a well balanced life in order to be of maximum service to himself and his ^ompanv. The iob, home, play, and faith are the four divisions of a man’s life and he must be content to bis coal’s satisfaction in all of these Boring said. j .'* “Management has hot develoned, yet, the necessary Understanding of man and his personal problems. That , is the regsonifor misunder standings between labor and man agement” Boring emphasized the paramount importance of “human relations” and its effects on the individual. TT zoology department for classifica- Her efforts were useless—the judges would not chant minds. Prunella ’ come with grief, their consolation she had uten her bet. It will ■Miss Gild :hange was at first over- but at last found n the fact that at least not be necessary for erelutch to return to Navasot Bottom Academy, how- eyer, for she indicated that she plana to go on to AusUn this i*;'. ?TOnrF evening. When asked rtistin, M( Tring her toothlessly < to enter the it that’s .a bein’ run overt at le Navasot Academy extension Won that in Austin. Ah kpow be qualified thw.” i/d iosen ihoul- grinned r . „ I aims et Bluebonnet Bell con- East Texasi Club To Meetilpnight Longhorn pictjureJ for tho East Texas A&M Club if ave been re* scheduled for toniftht ftt 8}30 irt the South Reading {Room of the YMCA, Bill Hilliard^ president, an nounced today, j ' Ties are optional, Hilliard said. Veteran students having any de- scretiehcy in their subsistence pa|y, may interview W. W. Wioolverton, of the Registration Section of the Veterans Administration .on Tues day in Room ifol Bizzelj Hall. [ Taylor Wilkins. Veterans Advi sor, asked that all veteraps having trouble with their subsisitence see Woolverton regardless of; any pre- v ; ous action | taken. He haid that Woolverton w|ould handle [the cases personally. vita Mon from T. 11. Shelby, dean nf foe Division of Exteinslor, the TTnlveifotv of Texas, te opuear on ♦h« nroi^'am.. The eonwroheo is sponsored by the Divismn Of' Ex- ♦ouoton, under Dean Shelby’s dir ection. \ U \ •!' . A panel discu««inn on Imnorta- *’vpg for Adult EdurntuPy in These d ftbxl n. m XTr.,v(a*' bv Dean 0»e»r A. tHtrieh tyi- Geov- Tin,,,,, will be conducted! pi; Wends*' bv Dean 0«e»r A* of Southwestern University, q-etown. ,1 I Public Utility Course, Scheduled ' ' • | 1 i ' S |; 1 A Public Utibty Short Course for Electrical Metermeni will be held oil the campus Novjember IS IS. The short course rt'tllibe spbn- sbred bv the Electrical Engineer- » h » «W|<WI. on Attendan s wil be housed in “ Maior f o^ropting Ratt J Waton Hail in Adu,t Educatio "’ V Meetings will be held 1 in Rooms Following the presentation of O “"thc^night o? November 10 thc ^ers* Alexander wilj lead there will be a banquet in Sbisn I a general discussion/on problems at 7. Admission will be $2. ; 1 presented by the other speakers. 4——;—; •—■—h—t E. R. Alexander wl)J present n«od for adult e^hicat'orti from an An-arian viewpoint. Others par- ««;noting on the nanel are J. V. WoOoodwin. assistant [manager/ Chamber of Commerce Sap An tonio. who will e-ive an industrial viewpoint” and J. T. RH’d. j direc tor of Extension and Adult • Edu cation. (Tniversitv of N‘*w Mexico, who will give a cultural viewpoint. At 1ft a. m. Tuesday Ajf-»xai»*ler w<(| introduce Homer Kampfer United .Office of Fducaj tion. Washington. D. C., Ro^rt T nPe, Executive Secrcterv. Adult Fducatinn Council, foncinnati, Ohio and George R. Z"hiner, Di-, rector. Extension Division. Unj- versifv j of Virginia, Cji^rUtest- ii i,L , , » Wfi .. udlnt one member frani,each xtand* Ing eommltte* of th* hhtaate fo study suggested proppsai* on.. tf)e opointion of tho Htudont Center, A rerommeudillon was m*d« to the Student l.ifo CotemlttfO to ropftlnt tho water; fowor ; |« colors of maroon and white with 'j*Welcome to A|tKiol«nd“ on ihi top and outfit InsigtliliN sruuml mm*.’- Trt>o special Investl mitteoa were appoints about telephones in « and lack of efficient —...^ laundry. A recommendation \ also passed to install water foun tains ip each, dormitory 1 , At committee meetings held ear lier in thc evening, !Witit?lpS> was elected chairman of tho Elec tion Committee with Paul/tamlry as secretary, Chairman of tbe-Puif- licity Committee will ho Marvin Rice and Richard Hodges, seerd- 'terr. t * JfTv; • : Areas not represente<i wore Dor mitory. 14 and Bryan; Field Annex S Aggieland Empty as Troops See§)dkas Greert PastyMs By BUDDY LUCE Lookout, Big {Dll Bftttcn tho hatches and dose tho ports Ole Army boya (ire jjomirtg HP the pigskin-cluttered Thq tho trail , r trip for thc journey of the year! This weekend the Aggies leave College Station to the cockroaches and coondogs. By Sn|turday after/ noon the only sound that will ling er among these wallp of gray wilt be the flapping of Wings as the pigeon smmdron makes its run on Sully. { - i The local cleaning and pre shops have been deart^ pink by the boat load, ar|d stations have sold out ,ol bound gasoline. The local dhirt have sold dase; after case of milk, Pinky Downs has whitetrash-, ed his Ford again, artfl* come what may, reg and non-reg troruv,™ alike have sold out for Dali When the news leaked out foat Pat Parker, the Aggie Sweet heart, will wear a light suit and black equippage to the midnight yell practice in Dallas Friday alght, thirteen Ir’ ’ in the Cadet Corps how ed lly and caught the next Owl for the place where the chicken* croNN thc road Just cast ftf Fort Worth. Here and there among the mad dening crowd on the tampus this week has been heard thp iinglt* jangle of little spurs on ffeshn tee feet. One freshman, when accog ted with the < What the Aggi this week-end rjetdied, na play SMU, sir!” Jj- . Meanwhile, Frank Welch d question concerning ries are going to do replied, “Wejre goa- 4;-i»* 1 1 local playboys that the Jlncksboro highway which dangles out of Dal- direction is jraritably dens of iniquity and waits with open tills, swinging doors, and boisterous buddies. Speaking of open arms, .thf long arm of the law just north of Hearne was well equipped with long arms and ticket pads during the dash to Ft- Worth for last year’s TCU corps trio. Odds have that those same loving arms will be crouched and waiting! in Cal mitopj^ H and Bryan Fi i( Non*niHi^-fliry stucicntsi^ \ F^ll Plannin- Dante ; The A&M Collegiate Chapter bf the Future' 1 Fanners of America will hold a ^western style dance and barbecue Friday night. Novem ber 12, at Shiloh Hall/Mi C. Bo- zarth, chairman pf the program announced today. j : ; The Hall will be decorated in western style, with the, Aggie C)f&tt X Ctob located at 116^ W. Commerce, between the Adolphus Hotel.-and NeimBn Marcus. Tho;dance Wil be( held in the third floor ball foom It starts at ?:4B apd will end just befortT mid night ."yell practice, i I „ The : Ferris Plhza has been se lected as the ftite; for midnight briween iectod as the fti-te ror midnight VeU ifmttice. It Is located beltween the Union Station and the Jeffcr- <u*n. Hhtel. l i kina street, two blocknloff of Main. The reviewing stand wiir be located ftt the City -'Hall.. Following the parade, most stu dents Will^nuilto their way to tho whcjro kickoff for tho ganift ia scheduled for fP&W 3:.'I0 p.m. if .If time, {Cadet Colonel of rps Bob] McClure will pre- »(enj Miss Ffttrieia Iforker, Aggie Bwftothpnrt froth IPHCW, to the ^ _ dance will H.M.U. Btudent art ffotl . body, the be h»l«l swee ItlKJl Unlon^luKdlijg.j It will lasl from /irgaiiUiaiimt ort the H.M.U, ram- V to sored re In being C*in." a %e Ifa ttef^iwiilaiitt of t jMU sfodent body /roilih’nt of theflh Board,*; imve asked that as ^ Agjflert^ us pesftibte attend thn he ati jttltJ ■ ■ . r . ProsIdcJH of the < Union Governing and BUI Komi min, many not having theni . ’ - lifteli . m Indicated Uiat Inblo for* thoR' The urogram will begin . m. with u “surprise” event* At 7 the barbecue will be 'Served the dance will be from 8 Uittil 12, Bozarth added. 'j; 1 r ' /: - . Ij. r (j: Eugal to Play for Concert and Dance Xavier Cugat, thc Rhumba Kinj his orchestra, and his troupe wl •t and dance r. appear for u concert here on Saturday, NovimbW 18r Orndy Elms, iiHsistnnt; Diroctoi' of B ”'dent Activities, uimnurtcad day. . [ ' p ' [U The concert will be held In Gulon Halt ut 7:16 hf ni. Only general admission tickets will hr sold, those priced at 70 cent* for students and $1 for noii-fti Elms said, t • • ,•' m conceH, move After the wmpany will for the All-College ning at 9. Dance stag or drag. Featured with Cui Jose Luis Mbnero, Aladdin, Elms conclui e .Dallas Morning News; which pined Tuesday that Texas had bout as many chances of goii Republican as the Aggies ha\ beat SMU this Saturdart. |. j The grapevine has It that welcome mat j ml out in >Dalh and e very bod r is in eluding Prunella, the , entry in Vanity Fair, allows as how she can “"1 weekend. A word to the Wise shoftld be sufficient, and testimonials from some of the hot-rod drivers have it that Calvert’s local Fearless Fos- dicks have some superspecd ma chines this year that the BuicRs many Monday morning. The San Angelo Cl at 7:30‘ tonight, N Room 203 of the Building, Harold Br dent, announced toda; Duchesses for dance and their elected. {T- I Pictures for 1 the also be made at this ■““•gllB Imm Housipg facilities mart be ob- tallied at an itiformution booth which Will bo lowtedfot the Com merce I Street entntneo of tho ^dolphus Hotel, according to word received from Iteb'frrt Germond of foe Pallas A&Mfclub. Ifo said thp ,l>ooth would bo manned by former students and will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. Fri day and from, 6 to ,9 p.m. jKatur- day* L Germqnd said, [“Wo will not as- sieri ju man a rooih until he is go out ftnd find where it ve trouble or up in cane ho ey all will.” WRR wUl broadcast:the baladc Saturday morning according jto. J. T. Mil ler, narrator of the event Di rector >f the program will be Pete Tedlie, of WRRL The station is 131(1. on the radio dial and a rebroadcast will probably be played over WTAW next week. . ilrtformntion ’ dlieels for the broadcast have been [handed out to every uiilt and to regimental staffs, sheets will contain colorful unlMmd will as ng the parade will be overseas ies. Parch is a* fol low*: Corps Staff, Hsnd, Infantry Regiment Corp Troops, A i r Group, ! Cavalry Engineer Rej stand. ■ ■ Ahsci is 9:30 number raps The l*gk rtll- •M, P III EnUrii menti Cftmposite Retrfment, Ai lery Itefimfent, Freshman Ba and the Freshmap Kogiment CadeW have U?en rttiuested by Cdlonel Boatner, PMH&T and Com mandant,, not'to return to the re viewing Ktufid ardu since there will almady b<v * MU point. Hi) also ui dets Nip 1m time in order that irterything wlU tion ut that ■■ Jl that .nil iS* detu be ftt tho unpointed place on run smoothly. , j , Senate, mcmbonifof a rdf social committee [ft dftnee for the Student oxocutlve nave been In- inner by the SMU student coftncll Saturday pint j ^ srlitjE? ** entnasse Friday. • mmmm Fees Ins For Nov t'Mrd^iinstaU payable from to ber 18, W* H.’ troller; has ann. The fees will *28.80 gbing 1 room rent, and Students will eafo day that ttelr fe tudents wl in [the paying f-i Will be til Novem- comp. ;70, with I for laundry, d $1 for days late feet will be Holzroann ■; u ,T