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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1948)
IPI i: Pcf t(K; I } ■rt ! Page 2 1 -f • 'I n«^ ' ■ A* tv •lr! f 'm.e ' v li | l-tt ■ Stldm .’-.iffT tlawrem T ',} I-' iv : M J ’a. ta I:. iiA- ■ Statesman,' K Li Rosa, Foi '1 i Ion i . M u sDAY, t'jgbtly Gentle T li 1 MEMBER m in "iv it -: v> 4,: 1948 r H Teleph •r: ■ 'l 1st ■ S' i on w The question of placing cformitories at | A&M is tiei Subject of be .W, i ip l; p , ^ telephones in many discussioils by Aggies J For this treaion %ve have terial on the si|bject and tc( organize thi 5 material, con, so that thi question 1 I phones can be i|nders Locating a i umber- of. t centralized plac e (the! YMi plan developed >y the Offi ered: ma- , tempted ppth! pro and. -tj)r hf.iing tele- mplkely. W>nes at u, ^he an F, . :e calls' can ujsed, only collect mtule. Calls fidf which chirhes ate ac- i- r I u • / ■ . long distai T t: cppfted by the receiving party. Other 'conditions ajre- offered by stu- telephpnes in their dormi- 6i|ts desiring esj iJ tr JL Aj telephone located in a dormitory hiuch more convenient for 1(he student tise than one several blocks sway. |2. A student pan place a. long distance arid whilejjhe ik'wii^ing fqiya cable ouit\ of Men. This pi m was.adoiit^l to replace of 'jRryan to open or for'the operator to having single telephones* tory.- Several conditions make this decision. M. t i : KAH.8 . Editor, Thr Batulion: Tlif other day I mot Old Spot wondering along the path between the r M. E. Building and, Acad Hodse. Old Spot, you may temen 1 as a }A line With my ih’c- Spot in very well known the; Campiu., | According ber| ha.s been nujjKeBted sible mascot, in line wit vim is letter. 1 by • j| ; {porta flip ' stodento/’H I askedi Old Spot if be wciild Rail. Spot is a regular like the job. “Why not?" he bpili- 1 {of the team. He sleep* /dog’s ed. “A dog’s gotta live.” Shot gave a satisfactory ansWer to forty out of the fifty famous Ujittb of ®lj Itcmans 13:1 “Let every pdj^- son be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no Mii thbrity except from God add thbse that exist have been in stiituted by God." lounge of Hart Hall and SWsa Hall with the rest ball player*. ' . i .-J Spot, however, has one He like* to aleep even the rest of the team i« ing. Spot dropped off toll near the top of the cently and fell off the at He had to be patched up Yetyftia*y I In it AND WHEN \ RE, SHE’LL PROBABLY VE A DATE Complai|ts had been ypiibd by stu li, jh dormi- r ng the number again, he can either go 'PHr ’ ■ - ’• ■’ office to .. hatk 1{o his room‘or study or read in the TSCW Dateline lounge. If he wants to return to his room he can pimply ask a fyiend to get him I yheq the operatoj: ca ls Wk. * dents who disliked th^l npu^j of the tele- |fl| A soft liell can be placed on the phone bell ringing at all honrei ol the day tolepfjone so thatyno cine will be disturbed or night. ,-| ' i j e phone equipment and ||| coll wou _ , . . r cgUspljdfj his tiring ° Damage] had been ckii.s^l to tele- 11 fee j propel when an iratelitudentj; wou (|i teiiir a tele- bylithe ringing. :1 | ,4. The mlmthly bill if dr the telOghoiK 1 property .. cfaild be paid Out ^jf tjie jdormitory)* Coca- Tessies, to A Woman, Prepare For Annual Safari to Big D By JEAMNE BROWN Echoes of" Aggie Wit iTwelfth Man. ami other Colli fund. Simfe no outgoing Ipng/diatancn phone off its w ring of tfae noise. | [. 3. j; With spneone pPlva, r H oi| duty at the centralized Leiephoine loc aMo|, no calls went unanswered. In this way • 1 y eel, and the student called col «1 be notitied, vfh^re charges arp accepted by the receiv regardless of ir|iportaiice, c(^ld be;rqediv the student called coi 1(1 bf notified i> import|mt calls Wei ejllod through ihg| i ansiyeri: ig the felepl cine • L | ,, L IT pi.| calls can be placed on a buAfness type t ill phone,' and nq pay phoiids are avail able, this hill {would (only he (the regular nio ittjly bill such as jis phid for any resi- ijjay j all balls, djciitiajl telephone.'Of Co/rse, the telephone cpn be used fyr longdistance (pollect call^ Thus no no one I ileadin' jnight and not! end iihtil Hymn. ; next; Monday night. There are ten flijirited I social clubs on the camipus, called Aggie songs have been sc|uding up j litirary dubs, and these clubs hijve jind down the hills this] weekend just completed two weeks of rush in pi*eparatioiji for the (midnight I parties with such themes as the yell practice this comijiu Friday Mardt Gras, a southern plantation night and the ; party, gypsy hands, and night i|,game .Saturday. I clubs.; Tlhe fillj out their It w*h the night of our anii4*l Cornhuskin’ Bee. Before the tlihe for square dancing, howeVfr, there was a series of conte I'r»zes were given to the fa*t- es corn shucker, the loudest hbg ca ler, the best singing group, but (beware, boys, beware) t|je g. p. (Note: Grand Prize—dn sniall letters) went to the ntdst successful husband caller. This is (just a word to tlie wise. Some mqy still be practicing! this we^k- <»Jf! * all of you at A&M are looking forward to this weekend .with.’ as mu^h anticipation as the T« arej—it’s bound to I* a hul-af oo [of a time! Just seventy-twee houjrs to pack and get ready dpi * I’d [beat go find my sweet little helpful pledge! i! NO “CUTS” FOR SPOT Editor, The Battalion Re the discussion in le' he editor concerning « We would also like to mend “ole Spot" (or as # urn .“Dal" for Dalmatian) ias shown his faithfulness ng E.E. 307 Lab for three He also participates curricular activities such tendance at the AIEE meetings, and he sometimes sleeps -at the YMCA. . W. F. ARAMS E W. H, HALL EE Department mmmm rX CATHOUC MASS Jpu Frida.T CHqUraie JapN?. v iii • 6:45 a.m. li. ■ ■ Sf. MARY’S CHAPEL ncflaHv®, today, j A&M Photo k ' d r 1 • ‘ Vl ; person. hes.e are tpl pripcijial reasons given installation, of tele- idejf!4o Pay phenes colakt bdi Sii|!tallt|d Lsb. I'hr; apd agaiijst [the that outgoing jdng distAiiee )|y.iial]s coijdd In the dormitories, be placed front [A&M. AU. thf ipr a short ige of pay pnidmjL and t|he telephone comp my has: non{*j|Eivf ilabje for iifstaljing in dbfmitoriAs.! ? If it is,dec Wlliere business type tdjep!l|iones ajre have a telephone in lormitdry, perpnisslon will have to be hebivied for the iiji.rtajliatiqn from th<* Dealt lojfj -Men before.; the telephone company will i||ake the instiilUjtion, The Grejt Nort iern JHijjralion . . Today, the dkLssroqijns h Lwer stu- .. polite^)' asked dents ‘thaTTusiifd.' Tonipi-rovylial 1 day, Ajg- gies will be stiiaming iiortl ^anl. And by Saturday, Dal kites will bt lilitary, i 1 Dalfc- L.j) w<H|ulerlng if li 1 1/ ^ ing on the big central Tex: -y J - j . . jspifiq., oyMt .pu^ideivs to' v|a|eh| their bc ttlje-tossing as 'well. In each of thje suicceediiig games, the )i|(|u]pt has improved steadily. Foil’ these reasons yve are.assured there be no seimw)! smearing incidents in las this weekend. The things we must Watch are the little, unthinking acts that rifup up to form an unpleasant feeling. , . hb things we {(jlo ,M the height of the [weekend ,bf pie l.'-or^s-tjdi]^ ||a^ty and projnptly foiget may more un Tes ilT tip is liijn- SMU has gone The bi-anni al Dallas coijiifti der way. Aggijcs and Tessieshri| coiiverg- fk" hb- other pleasure Lacked; weekkui. LJi.. 1 r... iliJll<• •: ■ re. looking f{>i*wi||r(l tio this Most of u? qs the biggest year. T It is. custci airy for our 'editorial (|<|>1- umnslto carry i cautioning ; rtiies|sig(} prior to each big ^vay-froi|i-honii| Movement. In jthih ease w|3 don’t fdei ilMfitli 11 J Before qur ‘irst tw?i big gat ewi ask evjbryone i » be on theit jlbti sponsq-Vas' ah tazing. The |ju<|‘ni f\\ fa ■! iesspry. j jps we did The iiie- The Passing Paiafe .!. ° 'ii, lib little niim ; '; \ When, -the came in undehl the wire wijhyt nV the field choki ig in the duRi tahere were many wails hC; window. Hei lyorablh imprest the hospitable people of tH' ■/ - l l; ■ L ’ ■!]! [Thind are ttyto things we ‘want veAv nidi—to win the Southwest Conference .ypju'Umanship ffvfard this year, and to invited back by the people of Dallas ■:rc|u) afitpr next. wiljh these two things in mind, be off All thin buzzifig arounjil the; cam pus gSves' one the impression that | < verybody i s “Beltin’ o n dead (ready” for the Corps Trip. qiHce Renton is too, busy a place jt o j have trains going to Dallas- we tie- tilled on the bus as our main trunspoftatimi. A .special sehtd- ufe of buses; has been set up for Friday afternoon and SMtirojO’■ inbrning. I don’t mind cairyiig iny hat box, hut how am I e repr goihg to'get my trunk; over there ? The lucky ones who In d ffiends in or around bajllus and whjo got reservations tnM rummer for the (njiiri event of! tf is fall liayei been IheckinK on then)- But ii eiffht [in ii double room | feels nithjr cjroWd- iid, there’s always • plehtj pfi room [lawn in the lobby. I ca i look on j the bright side-—.maybe l!’m. un ex- trpyejrt and just haven't yet real ized it! p - i Last Thursday we were remind ed once again that lines must |be pvevitafde, inescapable -— sort of harrl to keep from having in other words. At 1 tickets for the gaine; {went on sale. Even though groans pf “1 don’t have a eent” har been bttercHl by nearly e\ cry Tessiy I Saw last week, there was a (line a hundned miles long o: Tessies Who; had found enough cents for a foot hill ticket. And you think Vou have a hard time! Wo agree—you' surely must have! I AVje’re wondering .if. \ye are go ing (to have a hjard time attending; |,ir the events which have hsen phinned. .I’m hoping there vfill ;be Mills brave (jnojigh to rise! early ball rduy tnogning for the break- Sanger Brothers is]having jut preference cards tomorrow, ami the clubs turn in their preference list. , These lists are matched up! ( to try to please all concerned, uhd then the pledging dommences! What could l)C more pleasant than to sit 'back and have sonjieone wash and iron: clothes that yob will peed for this .weekend, bring jyou break fast ip bed, or dean the room? 1 think it’s the most appropriate time (hat could he found for pledge Week | ' X ! j ; ■ I * Last Friday night a gala af* was held in the Rail Uootn. _i—-2T r . / • J i New Arrivals IMPORTED ENGLISH GINGHAMS "A Asha rubric'' ■ • j, j ‘ . Small plaids; j- Brown, navy, red I » I i ' ' • ^ r ' F ’• I I I/’ • * 56” wide—Sapfon/.cd combed yam ILS)8peryd. •it *' 1;' • ’j 1 AIL Jlu Sk ■ill TODAY oppe - S' nt[ Iwkjy eurB'i 1. thwir own .tjfe(i|i()i|s, lAlf ^)|)j}il;la.s hiii)I well mpcl you on the hilltop, “ 1 ill! ; ; } ; li BijcftR Missouri le i’est bf rd amend 11^ Ip iri-mutuol U|ss Will lie on! the goj[e n|o; tears. .... . S _ . is bnief; Of, |'Lost from |(»ov6rnor Dewby's hekdqtulit|.^i. | pTeseftl for jHagertyk Inndimcoment, si staff, •apt for students 'of 'f.SpW f; ilcjill pf sttcL’ess i thkn Deucy was uL to ndt;cycni>)ig. When Hagertyl’s announce- p<|njt bbi* rcla.yejl dowtistairs in the hotel. Schilling, 22, a stenographer -jior’s staff at Albany, broke I were W tears, I ISeldorii hat] a nuiit bee 1 jnlSrei conjfi- k- : 1 \ Htfs avv|ul, , 1 she wejd. , “It was my 'irst vote.” I 1 ; j j ! j. [ Shucks lla'tlyj (hj|n‘t cry. After all,‘it v4sj Dewey’s second campaign. Ba ha li mpot bf the *Agriei Jtijfiil and Mcicha; ‘lllfahed five tilled a week and cil /alion is publishcA tri-weekly* on" year. A)kivertisiii|r rate® furiijs! I . >, The Associat 'd Press is.ent credited to it oil not otherwise ed herein. Rigiit i of rcpubl 4L-}W-i !—f) i L led lexclusiveiy to thie :alt College of Texas and t id ‘ everj r Monday through [days and exaiiniiiution periods. During the summer The Bat- Dy, We(|ncsda; ’ rbid Friday. Subscription rate 34.30 per school thei' dates. Free food and b stylo nbow of' thb latest fashions will pljohubly :bi imj; qlUti* a number out even lifter the hi to datoii of the pp vimis (night, ; Also lhal nwfjrniog will he n rir* itptIon at \V.| A. Grwn’s with represent*!itei4 from the four classes acting )is loNlessts. Bill, naturally IhesF social functions lake thd back [seal whbn parade time rolls around| And, ifi thal j iggic bund is [in its uifual form ijiul day. wo 4'B truly bo prmid jerf it. i J'm rlJther pleased [ibout ijm} thing thi.+ week- aOtne clover peo ple who helped plat)’our!social cal- Cndnr wejre tint type to, look into the future, and had designated pledge week to begin this Wed- s/cnm 'mVE'ftt THEQTRE k TONIGHT and FJRl ! ,C : -:Jaa a TT Alan LADD* Denna RECD Booiid fitoiffl ’ Across jjrorn Pfmbfftte” ' /■ /i! / 'I 1 ' ; >. y:/ Phone 2t : 1(1)15, ” ,i-l30> 8;12 v 4 :b0 9:30 -SAT. 3:00 - 4:S0 1 6:25 Elis ,1 rULL^LlNGTH FEATURE' oE LOW .<nd TOUCHDOWNS'. y PALACE Brcjan 2’8S79 • ^ SATURDAY N1TE PREVIEW—SUN.—Ml N. BOOKIE KMC ami HOI MCO' ] prctlKti GEORGE RAFI WILLIAM BENDIX MARILYN MAXWELL j/yfA xwOiL : - OOHt SCHUr iij fljoge 01 Piodudion "j W*'l jWndoMj by S>1 SOU ty-ftt-d by IIWllN 1 mm stoer ■ ; ; -4"* s*-E riw ts MKOin* RACKIH Irfl <iu I'sf.OJtXW/l ■ — »....• ,|* :1 sSATUKDAY GNU —Doubln FiMiture- A'c^.’"' 0 -- Coming — NovL ftth thru Nov ONE SHOWING ONL’ my R«*gl Dale {.NfaiiH I:J.! ; ' . | Hi!' I’fenderlicvadi WmF use for ropublicatioo of- all, news dispatches d in the papiir iund local news of spontanooiis origin publi&h- hll other nia tef herein arej also rpberved. 1 riu*4-cx>] and “HOLLY IvOR CAK1 LLYWOOD C( knlcred m pccoiii). Jiish matter ift Ottlcc at College (j utiun, TvkW.; und th* Act of CoiiifWJ it Mnreli a* IWO. I ; —.—iA—- 4 News .coiitrwtion* 'may be; Soodwiii Iftrll. jffice, Rptnn^L lassificd lids Goodwill Ha iU»|iK Mor Ur»w Cli iaiL.MiyK- "kirk Munb"' Miv. Numb bjtki ilUJ W11li4lv> P. Nuiilmy AUmU Jolmutuh. Amt>' Akn.Curr* K wo until U»ruV. I'rnuk W.tleli Ciiucit CubualM, Cl . J.K y, JoKjoiSIngltturi y »i 1 ‘ 7 \ . ' * J ft * :"i , !rir , ' i, Ab;i' • it*»^**M. -A'« Kiy I'L*-* sv ■ L ■ 1' jij. Mcinbc • Associa etl by telephone ( placed by teleph i Press Hei,merited iiationuliy by National A«l- ertisirif Service li»t: f , at New York City, aircBZo, Loo AugatlcsB, and Sun Krancosco. • HED.—'liI CKV LICENSE )NITE' SAT. ONLY’!- i|-544y) br at t3«; elitorial office;, Room 201, phOac (4-53:4) or it the Student Activities li-C. Delate 1 Kdltor ing Nditam ui tore ilklitor I'ogo I Editor Wire Editor Jdvok Kdll Urloiw Kill) .Movie Kdilor ito. Uu>ww f jCurlooui)>tH iU tmlmm ml L<^Hn Nohi ;r, WJ Uomliier, “•S42: ,, nrv tliooTio ’liurltoii A. f. I oik,I', I'rueo Cl K jlbye, llcury ' Uuidwy Carky luytilu IHIpli * - j-r-H. —yMfall Uci ...Co-Editott EporU Editor Ut)n Kuttw. Marvlu Double Bill OHHE AC TRY ! ; “StM 'CITY SUE ’? ami JOE E. BKOIVN ‘SHUTMY BlCr MOUTH’ ('ARTOON—“BLl'E BIRDS" j "i .I j SUNDAY '$r* » J r 1