Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1948)
r" 'fill' i ■ j ■ S] away, election prosper 'J ^ K 1952, if ! il e r ' ,.> s ' ,& ; I w Eli ini !; your g of class «K“ * be respons ies, yoi 'jot Far Away . *ers, the not Several irn would ma^e. T mainly b]| its lea< In the comi: * ' Harrisoni dean ; in our elms will will include Ann , Rtudents| jand at members |of our VotidR is never cj»m to blame , elected! 1 ? rife men!' || || . L ! - m • • re elected, cjnly youj the C1b inibi Start form in [tea as to the ip Class thi!;. most groups, we have been pro e Annex, that and-encou too far the ped as • opinions of of officers they ill be juf sed by Luke every freshman to vote. 11 These you siv^ aft^r , • Tlw .... lets, Annex veterans, Bryan Mb on the main campus who m ilsory, but (election. Drill Team \y agair xt yOu will have yourself 4 "Well, look who they’ve Prospective mi Freshman Exhibii held ft meeting in the Military science bi ildin* Wednesday, Octo ber 27. iOl fleers for the year were fleeted.; j- ! . ; J J. .; The newly elected Drill Team Director in Fish Richard Ineels. IIis four Assistant Drill Direc- ots are Finh Zapata, Hull. Van- enberg and Rubnamen. The new ffice of Publicity Director was Hied by Fish John Tapley. These "fleers have begun work on the ' P*i winners be :■ Found: Hidden Talent. ■1 Til lifl Out there sho ^ should a l( [ A Vi 1 out this f thetwkve-1 ’d be a lotsi could b Jety Show fpif dden talent, i ndoubtedly the f . i. drill team’s constitution, which is to eontain the requirements for membership and all the laws of the team. This will be pro bed or ao fre ditnen at the Annex, lent. Talent in all fields which •J; gjanlzed. iil i \ '•! ■; < ,. !|| •. ; j be just the t riing needed to bring his show would not only be a pleas- jfcnfce but to thqse participating for iajeovered more glory than that of □s ^project cannot; he entered halif-heartedly, nor can it be entered without thafcmg plans for the future. ■ ^ ure to those in the a there has seldom bee the stage Thi sontod to the members at a later, The team has held novcml drills ils year,! tho most important of Which was hold Friday evening, October;21). Tho new officers drill ed tho team and several men were wooded out. Duo to tho largo turn out for membership on the team, :t numbbr will have to be dropped. This will be done on n competitive basis during drill. Men weak in basic drill will be asked to drop oUt uint|l they have improved. (The proposed size of the team ig fifty meh, I The team plans drill ns often as possible in order to get into shape quickly. They will drill at festivals All Classes Bem isse At Annex Sa By A* O. MARGOITTA The class of 1952 will lea Friday for Dallas and tbe first corps trip of the ye* p. All classes will bo dismiss id Saturday, enabling all stu dents to make the trip. Tho entire cadoi corps will rade in downtown Dallas Saturday morning, with the Freshman Re fi- mont following the fish band. Friday night Mil Aggie* In Dallas will gather at a down- town spot, probably between tie Adolphus and Ha|itcr Hotels, |o hold a midnight ; yell prUctick .Saturday afternoon, the Twelft hi Ifli an* will move aolidly to the backbone|of such an director-lsome mein' nization wohld be the sponso: ] the Annex staff who would 1 programs, and other events, rep- ^ resenting the freshman class. The Cotton Bowl to support the Ms. roon and White team in thu Hit Hern Methodi *fld game with Sou University. At 5:30 p.m. FHduy, a spec al train will leave Col ege Station a will make a brief stop in Bryan let the Annex Fnshmen aboard. The round trip ticket to Dallas willing thSgive p^rfc of h|k tiime to such ajn activity. Possibly one of your profs is ah did i show-hand of just a guy with an . , ii * 1 Isllhej exact type of person nee<’ 1 mplished. imagination. That is'the! exact type df person needed to produce and direct a Variety Show. . i If our wish becomes true, with, the talent at the Annex another " ‘irst” ih Ami ex bfe might be jacco: ■ Tv t I^r|TIT The Freshia )i*i . ' The Freshman S r Bight, r , Starlight Ball . . ., ;ht Ball, held ih the gymnasium last Saturday night, hjarbeen termed ai shccess by all con cerned. for the first social event of thje season, we extend our warmest congraMlations to those responsible for the affair. 'ilillT ' ! ; 1 l'- T T] |! ! These people include the thirty-man cadet committee, and Mrs. Ann HUHhrjk Aljviys dependable ih such a case. The committee, appointed through the Rjegiimental Comman der, organized and/arranged the ball, while Mrs. Hilliard aided them and saw that all dates were! properly housed. team is being assisted by Cqptain S4.85 ami should lie purchased '"ay Campbell and other members' the earliest moment at the Bryin the ibonti uiputfii mui uuilt imrzmnfpi uw earnest muinr/it ;u. tm* Dry in Military /Science Depart-1 depot Return tickets from Dal! is / (See CORPS TltlP, Page 4) -L. Sports at Little Aggieland By FRANK MANITZjAS J Flag footljiall is rapidly drawing to a close jt Litt Aggieland, I^st week’s results in league “A” were: Flight 12 ran over Flight 11, 20-0. Flight 10 outfoxed Company 7,12-10. Flight 9 tied with Company 6, 6-6. Flight 1|2 dominated Flight 10, 12-0. Results in the league “E games: Veterans deefated Com-*—— « — ; pqhy 4, 12-6; Conpany 2 won by . Company 4 Yj V/i two penetration^ Cpmpany 16 edge< TIP. The present standings in league over Company 4; out Company 8, The game of the week was leqgue “A” between Flight 9 a lext B H game Satbrda •w i. I to t by J. T. ln 1910. .aHliriSbf: las corps |!>- A specia announced SHUTTLE RUNS get under way at the Annex. Kneeling above (left to right) are Hollis Pinyon of Dallas, William Kolbyp of Houston, and Edgar McClain lof Fort Sam Houston. s ' ' Sitting is Melvin Morgan of Bryan. Standing are: (left to right) Instructora James R. Hill, Vernon Nichols of Cross Plains, W. L. Moore of Prochaska Kaufman. of RobstownJG. R, Keel Jr. of San Angelo, Joe and Bradford lMitch|ell of San Marcos. ! Alvin, Lloyd Reedy of Dal! schy of Georgetown, M\ The r.n Page. flf TTc*., each ThhlBOM or an MHMe Je-i 4tfthr Ba| SouthWeB, (4clilty rnMR^r. j - / > New* cbh|ribution4 may bc{ »t tho Frr-fhman fl^TTAI.IOS' offioo in /Stu<{ent Center ~ i ‘ *“■*' ,t; -— “A”: Team Flight 9 Flight 12 Flight 10 Company 6. Company 6 scored fir on! runs and passed by Long, tl Company 6 ii fAlJON. tponst*,^ by ut the Aftneti. LI SI .I ; tnt; L || •}.,<*< m>. rop|mnli(t^... ; v Chief Pfintojrfi Make-up I.MAN STAFF j •.»•....., ...i.». ' '' f iH, » *•« — ..).»* *.4... b Tyji| i"— —*■ ight II Company 7 Company 3 Standings in League f in Games (won Games Lost 4Vi I Vi 3 It 'j ll 3 , 2 2'i 2'r I f 3- 1 . 2 o 4 athletic cqptain of,Co. 6. Flight scored back quickly and missdd the extra point. Company 6 fought valiently to break the tie scorii two TD’s on passes, both beii called batik because of penaltitls. The plays were run out by Flip 12 and the game ended tied up. FRESHMEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1948 age 3 sist of twt U, S. I Cltjf, / J 'P will mal leading the L in the Dal- weekend. % Af hir.'i ‘Beat TU? Contest Ends November m ..,U<nn Im 1 .! L.. <l. r l«Jt ! Team Games eterans ipany 2 Cpmpany 8 Company 1 Company 5 Aon Games tost * i 2 0 2 1 Vi . U|i Tho. teifnis doubles tourney p ipgin at Ithe Annex a d| By DEAN REED ready , will get underway Ithis .week. Tl winners will be awarded intram ral medals, Twenty-five teanm enteml to compete lin the tounu The drawing has t been made a the following teamjs will play tl p . The “Beat TU“ contest), started | last week by the Freshman Bat talion, has gotten off t°; a slhw start, but is expiated to ;pick tip momentum in the next fe^v weeks to comqjto a grand finish on No- i u«» ■ , '• I t i j rll. 4M- SEE: r-i TnpKii, BUI Th<fm -iV, M. .(J, Smuthirt, ertl llyoos, Jrfry M.| ' ‘ ..Frank N. Mhji j.;...4..."K>a’f Nekton 1 A. CU Sfanr 4tU jZnijo Martin. firkt matches: W. | Lock ridge ard. vem ^‘ fr deadlule) lilpon. Znrt- M*H David Paiter, limvid ] [idc, Hpuf. r.l W, . . "j. v % i C«rl, Jtw C>v1kR.! A. iH<tk Itici-, W.: Aldr din 1 , • ...A j... A. Moo-land. . j......| .'..Bank IH8 Th.irrHrf.on. Jwk Sjtllr.* .11 i I t* I r r i : ELEUTRIG RANGES ... • iinr 801 S. 1-- I: ••J Main 1 I i' 1 HOME APPLIANCES Phone 2-161* r diofep W'T' cur i.. By JOHN TAPLEY kly isonr speclailty fii 1 i !| . •i i •1;. DIO SHOP Onfe Bteck west oflPost Office om W. 26th St. I'll 1 M Hi! 1 : |h.4 of Philco Service” The weekly review of the freshman regiment was held Monday, Noyember ). For t|he third successive week 0 pany Two of the First bat talion will miss the breakfast fpnination. Other winners of Ischy versus W. Beasley aifd R. Kyster; Q. L- Bwlsoln mid C. Beasley versus P«n Fisher ai d F. Wicker; W. E, Boll and R. B|l versus W. J. Netusel and J. Morton; GJ C. Sluter and 0, T. Dalnsby versus B. Purdue and K., N 1 . pavis; B. M. Surratt and D. f. Vehhon versus, J; |1; Storrie ai;d! J, J. Storrie; J. M. Clifford aid V. S. Martin vemis C. Blackmiln and .1. L. Mdrris; U; A. Yaegir and K. ip. Sowders vemw D. Flemirig and D. Bozck; D, Scott and J. I,. Dunn versus G. Anderson ami uiji- known partner. m Ping-pong and basketball will! begin in the very hear future. theflreview are Company Five of the Second battalion, and Rules for the contest are sim ple. Just write down exactly MOW you would like to beat the University of Texan ©it Thanks giving Day in Austin. Than dro(> the entry in one of the Fresh man Butt Suggestion . boxeit around the Annex, or bring' it to the paper's; office in the Stu dent Center. All entries must by in by 5 p.m., Friday, Nqv. 19.; The contest Is different, sinfe it calls for no definite writing. Just by stretching your imagina tion to thu breaking point, <lp- scrilw' the manner in which ydu want to see Til: defeated. I Prizes arc scheduled for the winners, and will be i nnouAced at a later date, but pijobaMy in the next issue. Don’t wait until the < eadline to enter, for elimination wfl) begin as soon as enough entries for consid eration are received. Best entries of the WeOk will be pu each Freshman Page, Flight 10 of the third SqitRd ron Op the reviewing stand were Col. com Robert L. Melcher, assistant nandant, and Major H. B. 'The cjn< men Gregr, P.M.S.&T. 'at the Annlex. lay! aft- review, held each Monday ' on, was the fifth for the Fresh- It the revicv before the A&M- last Saturday, the win fling units were Flight eleven, Company one, ind Company s^ven. '?he most coninon mistakes i the Ifre ihmqn made was gettings out <f step and ha|v!ing too much arm aVvirtg. Company Two has won the Mon day review three weeks in a row. i Ion pany Five has won twice, yhile Flight 10 had its initial; win u >Hds ■ fonday. ster Iliorthwestero and Boston Uni-j r have replaced Dartmouth qndj Lafayette on this year’s Syr acuse football schedule. . Drop <nlo our (tors today . . thumb through o College Outline to/*ring any ©f your courses. .. note its meaty con-poetnesi... its tolling paragraph/... its newspaper like efficiency in highlighting essentials ond putting the story o*er, You’ll be omaied that so much con be got into so little tpoeg. College Outlines ore the best high-marks *.h oonisE os ppsi ^* a ' coa . .r T 11 Y /BjtffOHce pbtolnobUe Prtporc With them fpr ttoms now! iil 1 RYAN - H€» EI :'p -28 A*rctiNt'MnTO«r : . : KMMNr. •• cifNi Mtsrotr AktHtOKKOOr.^o-ww 0 ^ lAatiioioor. eii». .«4 ritM. .i not oar. •. . . 1 u j. entn, a.../.) i - - - i- • UE AMI* . ItMmlc t... lirttATUtE. Am,rk.» ' COMPniiTE RE .. . or all .■hi;, Hli .. | pi 'I ■ .i r, SSlmw uw j PAIR i:. mode s of radios cnicwui. tw ., . . . - i. iwr • IMtontHa (♦< j,a*A. ion HNANCI j College Outline Semi. MOO. Misrotr l«1lM Ol ••M'.l . ■ ' . ... \3S . ... AS r* mum.. m k .1 .; . , s < . tHttOSOmti A. rHaosorHT. H**itoi« . tursics, rint tm< c^ite* . 1 ■ i , . UTttATUli. C-glirf. Olrtc.r, ml 1 lltltATUU. C.gln* HI4 t. O-rd., t UrUAtUll. EngliiA, MM. irfe. Mill.. LOCAIITHMIC « I.tMl Mionie AOCS, SW.ISW. MMm, .I ; MUSIC. Milica M iil hi Ml TERIES ..I;- I l: L_ TSn i ■ W\ i ■ HOLIDAY SION simanci . . — MMM. WSMa* MmI^M tl . . MMwt tl Hiaiii; MW*, suiorf. i*». Hin^r tl mom, Ht*. *• " “ MAI tOllIICAl SCItMCt „ eOUTICS. OktlAWY tl !l rottueuiw MAMMA* X. noNUNCiATion. a.>4. •» esrCHCiOar, Stmt. ^ <oa*. ■ >pipc Mill"™ JfCi aImmb/ ii:: : :*:::i | ♦::» utn M * ...... J» {H*Msr{A*fsnA»i, fui:^.M. 4 i, . . . iS MM*t Ml SUM •VI*. *.«. UM <4 i f . 4 R taWiM«MM . ... .M WCioioor. o^Kai •• M mmMm .• -It ■■ •*,.[* • - - f • • riSMrfl I* .... . ! w. «i <1 SrANISH aiAMWAI. \ -.i SlAtlSTICAt MfTKOOS , . ]>., Stuor, I..' M.II«,«, ,1 . V . i lllOONOMtHT, » s»lrf.k*l , , TUPO* ANO STUAIt nilrs. OrfUM M >: jts WOO* AMO STUAIt kltC .JS V. t W h<M* WmM W*r • >i • « A , ^ imtTfO ITATISf !• UMkitaW «t r i/j. f » . ui'AM«rev»MtMi”uMA!ei to —i~L. i'. Jl ; 1.3 ii. [j: ,14 m ,-i. m li men luiJicr ro cmanm 14 .li'kh' i id-. -i ■y. /- h'. The Exchange St IK : , hi/ -f. '^ v ' "Serving Texas Aggies’’ /M i/ / t i | ■ ■ X 7 ! mi. 'hr i M A ' ; Al\ winner (icing announced on Wed- vi nesday, November 26. dished 'with on the ‘Pinky’ Speaks At Yell Practice «i “Pinky” Downs, the | renowmd Aggie enthusiast, spoke tp his first class day at of 1962 audience bust Thurs- nt Veil practice. Ikkadve*! in ,T-^s a-V. v— <Pi n ky' ng facts je teams. fidLlktic- T’ Duke. traditional freshman spirit, 'Pinky' passed on many InUresting facts of A&M,; the college and tlie teams. Another visitor at thh 1 yell lice was Yell-leader “RcnT j— Frcshnian flag;’ and two The guards jare; Fish ' X ney, of HuntsviJ e. am Harvoy of Houston. iLch battalion is re]>resentcd in the Regimeritaljlcolor Guard. ] BUDGET SAV Friday & Saturday — Nov. Am«U Jj Bacon, Swift’8 Oriole:_. r Fine Art Complexion Soap r* Jack Spratt Pork & Beans^SOO size Mrs. Tucker’s Shortenhis 3 t ok>ml Olea ^. .i, • j* r frip - ^ -A-— A vr****** - **'^/* *r—v Starkist Tuna (Grated style). Oranges •tv jV ■ i,: i § .• 0 a ^ *to . . Armour Star .8 Yil , w | /Iji I • *-4 4- . -l- Armour Star Tunaieto-^IOUj oz. Jar Hunt’s Sweet Pens—No. I can Minute Tap£d|48-.-- ; . - T -,, v - lack Spratt mm PufliSHl OZ.WU04: oz. pk^..,,^-.-........,,.. .... ASK ABOUT OpB GOt^ON has been u; .7) ■ ! 11. i lor 15Y for l4 tin 89e ■ ill 39C pound bag 29c poiimi can 39c • ! ! .....L, ,1...2 for 23C *T n The CodagelJ&h-iery i/j* Block EukI of College View Apajtmenta , 7s ll—f' 1 '"—t Ll Tt ■ u l. *. * '■ Hf! mm ’i 1 l r ; ! I. ' CORPS TRIP CLOTHES! \ A* l v l . ' ih7 ■M7\ 1 hi! A' ;f | , V'' Ilf jl V.t I; I 11 green elastique slacks—20.00 ; v Id, : iei' gA' 'I J ! •/ !/ /■ z / / / X pink elastique slacks—2ll50 green gabardine skirts 15.00 i .itl. I : i • • - ] -Si . '■ : : S.: ; |i4l. I'l . U Ii::#*' :i newly adopted reg. trench coat-20.00 i 3j i : 'lii' fl - hj'I 3i / ' i . p /•. V \ /'■ ri -Ti !’ t A ■ f J 7 M I werseas 1 ,r 2^0 i;. . «•': [l)’ 1 K caps iff • V | 1 ; * t, •: I; w H i a MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS TODAY. iB$ READY | TO LEAVE ON TIME. H I 1 •!/ A •V | 'r* i. ■ ... i i X I •/ ,v ;V ; ii: X M i !/ .. 4 ! / 1 ■j Wri K- ■nBfn j r I m ,x / •vK-' . - i ijjx i P ■ tl mZr I A // : !;4 /r tl M' l. j. \ A; ... •'/ & !■' tr 1 •l" ' t' . ■ Xi ■ t : M ' ft | ' fl ■ m ••fA'i ••Hi X k.. ;