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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1948)
•'' M : . . 1 : Many, m4ny times inf Heip'ust we have U 1 » i .. •, v '' • T f / r J * t was a great game. They just don’t play A&MCoi To Get School hove been »l board Tor lMi iSShl£t • ■ m 1 rm.. " m- ' TW ■WWliL 311 Rates™ proM Xuli School District. Final plans for the $125,000 Con* structlon program lahould | bo fin ished by the architect noon. acconl- jSS*4»» Comiitruction n after that Schneider of -• UIUUXI|MJ Vlir JJI LiLllvUl ed school which now ser\it elementary and high school ^.-■■■—U- -4i 1 S- ^ R. C./lECBrOLS realtor; Prw»iira A P P L 1 A N C ft STORE IN BRYAN— j ! ; ' | . ' Come in and s«e us for large 'i or small spplinncei; K A DIOS, ELKCTRIt IRONS STUDENT LAMPS, FLOOR KELVINATOB ■ D and many other 2-6454 ^ j •,,, , In swimming. more rnunu- | The scjuirrtjJ was excelleht in climbing information; courses and i •f given to-tfie Jftisf .howevcM , 1 wt Irom nil /r t ion: Fabli ct|i \^e . u|tid^rl hip dllllege. There ojf technical of liberal tijll i|pent 4 tho(iight wait an over^alancis an ot enolgl? ij elective of3Ki|3d| j .Just jtd UilotiiJi' hilie.nh lijinjiig i cpi’bp t'hi lo p'Wing fable mnsaftt;; Agr|( pu|li<*a- ft. - "rl nee upo they Huisl do of thr i n lime, thi someth ink problems of a e.iiilml a scl ool. Thvy ail curriculum (jonNiHlifg, nil ; iiig, Mwimmiig, andkl,yiii| eifsier to ndminislt^fi iVil all the sii|l)je|ts. 1 |[:-| 4 Wtiiovl" ] nnls decided so (hey or- . 1 an activity rju iilh|'g, cjimb-1 i il I 'i.|» make il j nimnlsitook \ •" The diuck|was ojccelhlijitj il swinnjping.- .better itt.fapl lhah bisiiiii>l|jriictor. and Lmade pwjsiiij / very poor in iis|; Up graded Hi.tjj'iii; 'mining. Sinpe hj : 1 but hv was |tyas sl<f>w in . running, be had to stay|afli|i* school and\ also drop sv imming to pfajciice running. This was keijt up udtil h|s webb feet were badly worn thd he tVu.sf oiil|| average in swimming. ^ ut^averagfe wjas Acceptable hi | school, sb ri( body Worritlj 4l|>iut tha| ex- | cept the due c. | | p top oif the (jrvous break- i ike-up Work hntil he developed frustration in the fly ing clIftKs where his teacher made him start from the I ground-up instead of from the iree-top-djown. He also developed Charlie jiorses fihm over-exeition «ntl then got C in cliijhbitjg anil I) in running. The eagly was a problem child ami was disciplined sevirely. In the climbing class jm la'ii! a!ll others to the top of the tree. Mil insisted oil using his own way to get {here. . At the!ond'jif the year, an abnormal eel to meet the {(, mj c bnl«jl; swifin exceedingly well, and also tiin, climb, and fly a little held the highest if Vertigo ibul wifs valedictorian, dogs stayed out of school tax levy because the ad- mid not add digging and ho curriculum. They ap- , children to a badger and lateif jujined the groundhogs and gophers \o start a successful private school. 1 1 That this isi all entertaining fable and' £11 illustration of a point, we agree. Bui do Have onie final question. -Will any ‘ The rabl it started a| class in running, bnf l^dll down becau-ie of sq muc| The PassingiiPapil “What d’ja mean, colorful siort shirl, it was a dress shirt wli I sent it :o the laundry?!” Bit the Bookends 1 " ' ^~T a < | ■ LH.’ jJ I Lustful Legend of Revolution Ridiculed by Book Reviewer i*.. It viviwV 1 ' ! / j ! . i> C°! l>r. Carlton R OPTOMETRIST i Eor Your Visual Problein* 205 S. Main — Bry an Phone 2-1662 APPLIANCES FARM A HOME STORE A AGOIE RADIO Phone 2-1496 t! f ■ ; The prairie and finight; jhe fninistration w biirrowing tjo 'Plvntictjd their By T. NANNEV Asylum For Thcj (JuvCn, by Mlhlrori Jur lun; Alfrcrl \, Knopf, New York. 191$, Asylum Ki r The Quern Is u h|s- toilful novel liiol’C lustful Him losly. It eOfeenls llself With I Mnti ijrtioh i(i Feeneli Hevo Thf* turla lends itself fa Intel (trefutl in toeleully b; ' utul stremrlH comimtU' bq nl ('(inflicts of t in ion. * lent peiiioil nntunilily i ditiuniilc otid exotic It Is murked his* vlolcnctj, jeHicuneiy, on tioth! politlitnl iqnl els. 1 Mikli'Od! ,l(tnliliii bus iH'csentnd only the eoinijdiieks oP the pel iod She Inis toift the via- - nrnl ictllnod only ll(s s or of the ion ItlshiH'Hs and Iter ln«st v dandies, She ] After thl poll-tfflc^rs [had applied for / I thflehr visas |- explanation. ii ! Governoi fie believed ^ strategy in on the piepa r ■ : huinun dignity. She stiplied the rev- olutiidnttry period ton much iimthu- inuii bcinka too little. , .]• The jiu'iket on the book snid thni she hits writ ton two ether books, One Bed Hose Forever and Apple III Ihe Attic. ! The donseiniitimis erilic should read these beforo |»jiss* Itur fliml |judKiijient on! the mifhor .•but It’s! hard to restrain inyfelf. • • «-.-si »* * I S* .M.M ui » .j^.- .< baseness. lUn love spends mv lust sceiu hi^iit clmructors vncilialina nilk-sops and stuff( cicates no, sympathy for the revolutionists or Royalist for her heroes or her horoinesi Her effort s to American ru pro inadequa tescrihe Asylum, the rent of the rbyulisvs, to add unrealistic. Mildred Jordan spoilt four years ratidn of Asylum Fj»r v * o «. iv*' « y |)f] thtisp animals, upon graduation, be for-. The Queen. She could! have written Foil in hMA hi« Kv ««htin«r o »'niMch better Rook iftfiour montHs. SKyWMY EMSimiMH 'a t. -Wp' 7 . LAST D, A Y ^ R<A| ii fi> T*cfinlcbtor MunmeroeM«»lt»-i.»WSi CO ft* IN Gw lr 5 ^ “ JiV-:-' Tue. & Wed I l tVII KII (0111H■. KOM'flNIN WHIff amp// ii and) the Drtjibc latic victory parade had jnarched bffj^kjw n the street, ' tlie Repiiblit an liendquartchs offered this ; He repli tbat he had his vice-preijidential! : , iV 1 'j || ■:; Ij j IJ(nve| Av;i|! asiked w there Hayl l{c he conduct . ■■( . I id m t|^]i(j^l alked t|d siltlifiti ami uugn. .h 1 He added: In liCther an error in d campaign. feci to hbld dcjjwn his job by fighting a Hidie rule all cay and then going to the Jxi-ek’.s party tin t night tq plky bridge with the boss’s wife, discuss Rise Stevens with; lijs daughter, tnd answer his son’s ques- ! tions on why tlje Atomic 1 Cloud was radio active? rWe have i o regret in the world.’ He denied n report he would resign tis gubernatm ial post, dismissing it as ‘pure fiction.” 1 The conference was held in the same m in. the Hotel Roosevelt ill tHkes lots ipaini such a of effort and time 'to sordid picture of man mezzanine foo i and said |iqker\player, over vYith mg' mate, Gov. They agreed f i i ould have givni ling in a Iqsin Khrl Wiirrei of 0alil|»nij4 Ti . thiy had willed a ‘‘eldanbliid (toustruetive ! frtHitid, tihe governor should have moved his chips for tine 1 Nvhere four yeai*s ago he conceded defeat io Franklin 1) Roosevelt. '■ feiof our sports writers, ai(i ardent offered this advice, whi^h w.said\*}ther Mr. Truman or Jack Garner ito the exclusion of all traces (Ehinlk of ®his “Rejoice with them that do re- Jojicc, and jveeir with them thait weep" Roni. 12:15. Dp you recall the cx|>erietice wh(?n ! you were aj spectator at a pratne jin which yo u‘became so interested that every time a player moved iyop unconsi iously leaned a little : in j the direc iion he went ? Psycho- ! loeieally, yen were entering per- sohhlly into the pjayer’4 experi ence. In the same maimer wo should share the happiness and the sorrow of those wtipj play in the name 6; life with us.i If soiine ope wants t> share with tis a won derful hlesslnu, ; letj us open ojur hearts to i heir joy (Hcitd Roim. ifi: 10-21). SPORT SHIRTS 5.06 - 5.95 - 7.95 VALLES: Semi i lirrk nr »i*lwr ni»»r f(|r! 5.1.4* in r „klr (jnrhidpn: tHM<«K(*K nr! I’.O.P. i* BtNJOE~SHOE CO.’ i 117 Cllftod Av«. 4 Clifton, Man. I I bfORtO •(.. . ,j(..^ | Addffll i S City .—State j j' Th. IOAW* □ Th. RHINO □ r.'if« C.>l.»r S.f> (S-tit> WidU» 1C or 0) J MKN! Kam extrri money by A'*'!®* thexe xhoox to your rlasMinsties., rite for full detail,s on this rtioneyimptirm i>rcipositi' ( m. ' j j ' 1 f ; A timely clearance of pood looking, iong-slceVo sport shirks. Here is a handsome selection pf smart sport shifts reduced simply because sizes are broken and ranges ape ! incomplete. Take advantage of these sul>- stantial savings. "j • ■ j 'j.:’5| Leon B. Weiss ■' j ; f : i j ! \ (Next to Campus Theatre)’ * • ‘ ' 1 • f [ •jf Women’s Dept, tins large tteteetion of . . . IANTZEN A THIHTLFDOWN SWEATEBM just as well* After’ slt- ir chair during tlie first go (nor shoul Mew Deal MOM and DAD!! H;—•• Battalion Put Immic’H FIRST • • • the BattdllonJ official n|tysfi|per of the Agiiculturnl and Moch mtcnl College of Toxua and Uio ?ity of College Stntioil, Toxii >»ll>ubU>hcd five tiaies u week and carculuted every Monday through Friday afternoon, ©xwSli du|ing (holidays [and dxuniiuution period.', talion is pttblt fhed trl-Wbhkly bn Monday, wedneejda^ and Friday. Mill ‘ ‘ « wn m ■. yenr. Advert sing ra Thu Associate credited to it or I Bfi . \ ;«d P hot ed herein. K|rlits of rvpuhl i _ ’.“mt Kntercd as hgc Office, at Colk* 2 Hi* Act of Cong Nows coifrtbutioc 36odwhi Ilallj Clwssi Dfflce, Hoom |20tr, r KENNETH BpND, 1 ! ’ 1 Jamb* Morgan....|. ,4. ... .•farvey 'Cherry. John SlnglRt JhirU Munruc. J - L -- Mrs, 'Nancy Lyiv ... Sill Bnilngrilejr-4 —Ui*. P. Nanney i Jbhnytut)|- — hu\ lb.. ..2 m —. Curr* — t 1 4 nnetb Marak, " Frank Welel Chuck Cuban tab. r \er 1 bj P( t'XkB, JUtldyH [ .3. .nto. Tbe Assoicidtcd Press ,iay: ii I 'W.:. td exclipsivcly |tol' Lo use for repujblichtiou of aH news dispatches n the j bite • a«d lop ‘ of all other' piutteh here if dited it Menkber of ide by telepjn be placed b] Ediloif ..Ai I.Munaginillj KilltOn Fcutuw) KSilo icu’a FaiA( Edltoi Wiro Editor Editei Keligiod Kdlto MovU Edivol) 1 la lion Mauugei . Stuff Cuttoouikt; jrial iWutuaU and Fri During Uiv bhbscription summer The Bat- $4.80 per school newt ifro a of spontaneous origin publish- so! reserved. M- -H- • w..v • , rcBcntcd nationally by 'National Ad- vcrtl-sing Scryltc Inc., at New York City, Cfilcago, Lon Angclca, and Sau FruneUeo. —Tr-f- on your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST H WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF . TOYS «fMcSvffi * Howard. .... ..Co-Editors j,....' Il, ' ..Sport* Editor rou ^LiiSFnEt Kdi “’ r 1. . . . FOR YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS USE OUR •L A yTI A W A Y Simnuti. Aitdy Jlatdl:,. Fred Somraeru. ..S|H>rtb Uepottcrti ■A i'boto Liiigruvcn 1 , I Writen I mime's Toy J Tot Shop ■A v:U 1001 Sou PH' r A