Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1948)
kSi; : ' vV 1 i ¥ ! I Coach i his Initial ■ %' terback Cl the Assem as if thiaJ address the H and explain weaknessesi He said j y happy J ikt ttalmn alfW ppejirtur fieWtui liata 4 : 4 1 make , E P Quar. ler 7:30 ini ! r feels with; the way E that dents have ■ been behind T sar in spite o: ear turd^ysJffl Stiteler not give of his secrets tonight, bui tedly have something to i the Mustangs. He seated* line will have the edge o' but that it was a drimej school to have so ' ' ilf.i he is Mt talent (iowever, the-roof to fall od Saturday, even . drops dowp i \ ‘he team fos- 4eam SMU Texas Rice' PennHylvanlu Oklahoma Hum Addruiif J he is ie stu- (e team n . !W idnub- Piring! on that our ej thjem, for one ch Mckflield r. ■!. pecting Aggies , piaster Texat 7; 14., Tein ma M ^ invited to hear 'ki &. F. H luiinger camt jout aheaV Qufrtierback ire lOttarterback Club guessing comtest last i: week: Several othei Iitries had : approximately th< anne scorcj difference as Heusihge; but! He Cai^e the closest to the ac :f . •• T /T It-! / JA f;// m So rae. itl he iaiht I .. tual score .. I |tf : - . Kollotvirig i art his estimates Arkansas 27; A*M 14: 6MU 20 0; Georgia 12 UCLA 13, Ne ; feayior re,. TCU 7; Ric . :asj Tech 0; Georg' Alabamla iO;; and UCLAl II brajika 7. | Twelve mfries picked all of tht correct wiiners, but most of ther picked hiirher scores than made in the games.). ; The piefures of the A&M-Arki- ansas game will be shown tonight at the codclpsion of Coach Stite ler’ij talk. back Club Entry Blank -4- -i {Score Team • ' i . 4—if— A4M ' V [—* Baylor L ■ Arkansas • 4—4t— Penn Sta Le ' :! Miasouri Score I l All entries flitrat be turned In to the Ilatlt nporta desk by 5 arrf ■ m J. I Ja ’ • t • ! • • ■ ^ i .1^ !• * . J4 ■ > • ) ItWII p. m. Friday, anl: wiiltutma .will receilve two tickets to the Rice game. Only ono 4*n»rjr jis allowed jatr per ion. j i :r »i mi• e'r ’ • •n : f four dialrlitt victories. A win oWr! •nowapaptm’ Weekly poll. ! ('alycrt, w '#»PSpj With thif riiatrid - tl stakii, Kite A&M rigern tangle With t fans tontofirow ni„ Ijh what will U tW 1 ITifbr'a toughest game this Syonif. The "Tigers arc riling pn a five f Tignmo willing a r. . — after the luiHt|iinmdli|> Cohkilldiited jC^yijrt Tm-1 This sifisrhi f Tiger racked Hi* 1 • •'.I f • ' M* • i •>< m <<»<,• m< i- Aggies A P: s'. : ' r-f: r V- 1 " i :q\ ■ : fji m HBfiHl/rf ■X - - \ - 5* Sfl avorite : Sh ! Cotton Bowl D i ■ ^ M ■ ^ i • r» i rii ^ • 4 r'• ■ Be in Good Condit ' j/ , ' . - i i \ Si falker ,s B w#rr Z / . Hi t- :i tty BlIiL POriS And then therfe wait the mani that jsaid “Truman doeanH ■mve any more chance of deflating Dewey than A&M has of defeating SMUT Well? The results of the we are waiting on is the olutcpme o ame. '! i/S ' — foylor SeAs . The results of the election are known now so All th|t fl* „ w/o :l £\L-"P ! i L - -t«»• r irst WiR:.Uver -y a me. j Could this fee the week of weeks in upsets? One has al- -cady happem d. Alt we need now is the one that could throw the Southwrest Conference; into the (biggest mess of all times. Lowly Baylor^ the team picked to fight it out for the cellar with A&M, would be pushed into ference leadership ever TU Sin^e zinc spelled, doom for them. 4 ^ « team ntap AM’s “ its t|nijl ,dh th — . . . . ' ' I l I v ' I ' • /t ’l l''' * ^ ^ Doak Walker, the big gun of WACO, (Spl)-B« " the Mustangs team this year add i,,^ R ars.‘almost # last, wad held by the stubborn f( £ the last p Iac e ir Aggies bbt GU Johnsojn; the. mpn in nre-1 t and this at 7:40. IV lw ■ (h. up-! i s ?r? * b Ts! weather is rainy weather and | , .. that didn’t happen Tuesday.) lhe j |. J | sive team to be hopelessly outclassed agaj Mustangs. They facing tljic second leadini in thf cordcrenoe. : Stewf in l f J41 in on Un will >e offer- feated club in thd . fioWever, thiJ^Wi faefe their biggest h when/they meet; th Texas Longhorns in day afternoon. The I won 'a game from Texas even though. * Tinsley Named As Lineman-of-Week For Stopping TCI) AUSTIN. Tex/Nov, a < captain Buddy Tinsley of today held llnieman.of-t the Bears h- thus fa*; big. tough faco Sa.Uir- re have nbt ,:>:Xas Witi- ts? SMU and A&M have been bgtUi*) Only fcjiaa has rolled up motd* j kSrises ever’V iL^r > So^ ing each otheil on the gridiron Since yardage than the MuitaitgH. wdst conference football. 1016, the first year thpt a Mu* Doak Walker of SMtS is the leaH r ' pBeiplte a rather uViihiproiisive x tang team ajis on the ifield. Thfc. ir , g scoret in the conference Wilt h retSbrd so far, the .lAnghorns. arr Wld to a net 28 yards, b\it tackle count now shows that the Aggiehj a totai of 70 po.nts. He tdso rates probably the b st cJUb the Beaf nmney is’dud special menWn for are stitt out> front m.number o|f a$ tht . Ieiidinf „ rete^er, hftvb hslte played this-! season, and luj.^ll-around perfomincAi.• Hg wins wnth lbjwjns while the Mint-. irt cau 10 pag^ fqr348 yokrs ^ should be an even ’c%ice to jmap. lielped to open; ho}e* for hi«\own tan ge have 11 Victories to shoi and throe touchdowns. • th| Bruin»’ win sttelc.: packfielders and he made a lo\of for their efforts. The: teams havb . ^kiC •Despite a fired up" TCU club'- t,KkU, bttM the Urn- Of A.- <W i" «r » <4 r-WS rW-lHul-.r.. I»n.' , vious meetings. lopi the Tigers have not The award came after his fine hentlcn shed 1944, would HsaurpT 1 performance In Baylor's 6-.1 vie tin m ofia rt4l|*tiflflt gumo also, i^njl | lory ever Texas chriatian U**t ! nounced IHwaflily u ...v t „ir-||l Alter try* iwm meeting; A& i! M.'.'iww.iy i,. i (tie Rodtio will coin pet. in the and SMU dKi not nioci agutp until inte|eo|legiiiic r.idco pn Noveml|er 1010 whet) the Aggids jaguin <lc- I 4, H, and 6 •liK'k Kingsbury st re; has erence . ed here CuAth Art ,'.'j|-ast week 'IrSs to give th. pit. Last yc T^ng down, content. •|i&M has this y. ow Bavlpr tho\Aggie« lose! hey will hM thiC title. JI'IjBS Be^ars ^ ti^ to^neak the Awieis 40 g*me cunference win- ‘ M» Water Polo- Dpen beaten in hj* sport the year arrived here. ! 'tha]| Texas but are ts a go tiitl n ac*r 4. ip a §Jo change liijeu viifihityV lirteu roster will be Tht; Bees tied wdlk* ago', |>u 7 « « ;LI .U , , w j !44 of thenji. SVvptyhiavejbeCU tpulchi* hyt tht* slick;ball hamfflhirof (pie* In 191fi. the first j ear that thef riown nu<l»es 1 T Ws Havdcn Fry, «nf tf o of thp m i rxa * , dWo teams met* th« Aggies hand-j 1 'The \eiiries nre at lleast throe' b “4 fullliacks in th| • Southwpt ^-cu-tnodeo Champions,| kinithwestl IIhif ami Jiorfv toilowh thh this week; and it looks) as if it i* Mttngum. won a f '’ 1 (l-4vln Austfn to the j Muntangf to! decide t ku^ V ftl.4p!2& ! , # rt 1 of l h * itijfgionnl ganm. li.asf Mar the Tigers sent into hUdistrici auttinst the Trojans, «n<il lost teii first downs to nine game hud ended in « (i-fl tie tmjd the penetrations were/- (ied IwoMnllj. week. Hi Sul liosH Col Ioffe; footed the MuMungo. thjs time. j( ury, iHefidant of tliul to 0. Thut Aggis toam. limmtentaH Sirloin Club hail tin- ly, was ubdefeated, unUed, and up : ; ! r 1 mi>ei i'si< I ikth/iti . i Van slow) the Onlay iff u ffoud rajin and lit might not prove trt he the . |er, evenj if It doe* eome. i State -tie- the /otpy •: niar light n4 prove to he Mt» #q««|li. j ,h |p^|^*g j , 'Sjlhin^ run.,mg n; tor W hic w„ Tinsley’s leading rivals this week j A&w' Sadd'lff arid HtSoin" Vlffb! won- UtCkle John Lunney of Ar-j Three of the men will compete it. kansas, contei' Max hubank pfithc vnriousf idlnk event*. They J. find ends Dnlo HChwartskonf, 1 - • •> ..T . . 1. ■' j^cluiling weighs in at 100 poundp ve the Tigei-s plenty of recovery itfi bin bruising line l; i hi TCU, «n<l ends Ihile H,thwartrkopr. | JU ,. j, K . D n yv alUhround cowboy; "[J**** 4 "'' 1 ,{<,, ' ,i S h Bkkoly of, Griffith, mtiWIe bronc rldi / •; 1-1 ; I IjP®*'* j , ..] I I inff! e.hninpion; and Mnxie (Ivor-. the Jfrojuna hiivhj • Frovlous wintiera, order, wetv! stirilH, haWllmck khrotic riding wihs over Uearne, whom i ffiuud Odell 3taut*enb<*rger of champion. , \ 114*13, Bryan "IT lJi-12, Texas A&M, cenU-r Dick Harris of Charlie Rankin,i ribbon roping ,. v .v .^ v “ton 47-8, and Lott Texhi and center Joe Watson of co-ehampi.m, Jack x KinKsberry;| from the Mustnrtgs hMaitsc tn 102U nly setback wgjt Riro. _ | cljampioni Ctillf ropeij; Bill, Soyar^ they handed the Fame is their lit (. they bcatl - ^ Sharp «UlA Uhil 48-0. Tiieilr I. fisirv*" solidaten' Nick Gregp bert Dick. Gregory and will gj trouble vit ! plunges. Ifick can pa^s as well as —t a icurrcntly leading thp sejoring. ' —4 1 51 I?' i \rfinur ‘ , -t: iM ■HP scored Upon. llrgiiiniiiK with the tpllf gunv A&M "ml H.MI have been hall I Ini: each other in an .unhroket string of gnntes that extends l< the! present time. The 1020 gmno of ^He'lauries wts won by (be Aggais agiiln wlu n tiutv . j passing irtjme spiuteMfl foi' tnist jThis is jonoiweek thojt the trjtirt* fo^P'/bnilanFrv^^ !irig room isn't full of lr|jdr.d play. ,,u|,U f or th.*fatties «>nK ers. Backf Bobby j D*tv ; and Jint In th« fmiifli period.;'! tosiv. II ulo, (be: niiilv i VtiMM Cuf. »,. it.A .A l.lul. Boswell aro The only i ^ne* Fuf* '"'li,’ tbeVtthsrnee ofJltWustnii |i ,...4, Light ptactieps havii I men held a iforwutdi iv’sll llmt- became ajl this whek iiiT oritei' kVe.p!th<* fhtst thi( s|A»*.*h to k^ip thy Frogs iruurod list as short as foaslnli*, from rr|is|ing its foil. Sparking won ny the Aggam agHtn;«iu*n tnety . i"A» the linemen are wportnl to the Mea|, sqiteexiHl by on i. fU^gollj;! to f ^ ,K" , h ;; kijtt » .“ f .<«»*• The 1021 fftime was the last Uw* •Wb Marion Mottettas, desin»'MtB^r4ttt.ttt- <«♦»«*•! 4» ^ sst'sh '«*■ »t i ,i h f rii ® "is,: * • '* ** irT,,. i .c-.J!i. i ■ i., | ; i jmft portion of tmiMkhte, agiMn i ' |i | and agaijti Isnieared-FpOR ImckS foi’ Growing Lp Jt -row W0 , K ™ -i,H- w. asifc4kaaii«:.#Hiaa, All of Arkansas’ forward's fared; of the various events, Kingsborry ^pch other until the ^ 1028 sbaso i season. T Well as Texas A&M rushers were shidk H 'i 1 H ’ 1 ' " ... *.s. : i - — it} tiif lossijk 6M well lfsjdp«|tlnR RIB** itiff hotel for Bmid hiacw*. , f&, .For the) Second week hi a Tttw /si U a Muihri'in-lnu, tytyl tVjth iiii/r. hifft iMt ii'i. // ohi‘ bit&atvnml a fur til hr yk/iiHtiirit.y'Manfihutm" / iij\intnn. |U /J Al«/'X in ru titt, : -1| 'M' M/or WunhoHan/wj on i<«n- ( ./u.L<w,«^Mtt- v fort. Am iHcy iix ar Etidiu 'vc *Manhattan' juttems. ' ]- ! J | '/.•h -i ; 1 AMPUS FAV - J £ hattAn SHI* ':!=<#• li-w, Ti o Mor.holi«*.$(hirt Cs. /J: Sr.i — — wm w a a- FOR YEAR ROUND / Largest stbek of records in, Bryan. Only store! with sound-proof listen ing booths). FRANCHISER TO SELL ALL BRANDS BETTfcR HOMES APPLIANCE ENTER . !! ■ a 14 N. Main St. Bryan ‘ •/ I .. (dfui&j u r !'• Want to Please I / a ) / The Boss . . . .i /[T | A, A II' / / 3 . :i! when the second tie belvyeeb then : ij(,u.<| ; , H -Ttii whs played, 10 to 10. Heginnin h»s year they asked tb be ‘iBiiT amt ‘‘Bjibr. pgiuning with the 1920 sea-i son, the Aggies had the worst! loosing streak that they have ever had in the SMI’ series. Not until 1936 were they able to win a game from the Mustangs i and that was a well-deserved 22 to 6 victory. The only game that gave the Farmers any encourage-! ! ment during (bet dry ; . spell iri | the victory cnlutnn was'a 0-6 1 tie in 1932. In the last nine yea^s; the Mus tangs have taken, one me from the Aggies and that one was last year's 13-0 win. ; The Aggies gave the Ptyiies [a battle on Kyle Field last year / l -i When [ You Say lye Cream . , ! ' a c v nrvo m i li ; ;//• I ,.,Da V. ASK V Vi ade Lilly Ice '"'il I: i By — I’,]' '.A Cream Co, - -> . j' il A ,/v ■/ ; .. .•/ i. 'I rr sounded.i (itrell, Her mfr«, «ud C|n jadmls ■li wllf »>v nittd|i' —4— of a Rjine-winmnw ’’ txjudidpWli. Only the veek •befbrjtl.tpe Bruip had stalky a like A«J-i IhrL-at on the Bayldr six just befbri thc. gua t'i vil II i |/i I i| . sM inch the wrW . . Mjjhlf iflnaJ. . J. p-«>0 seiis'ii fol smh out Standing ' Aggie a4lr Olo teal e appffaruiice. U»nifhl( when BroraJln the Utoriuin. The starjl At 7 'j squad* 7 p. will i went Jniver- iprcted work- rated before ip and nghorns n win title. If J hiij !one tp Baylor f/*"' r c | ill. e> pec^if, in the bu(t the B team : h« iged Ulightly. xhh 3-3 here two ut on aomo iteum sAconi-HtrinR Texas TuesiSy n%ht. Tim irnonpi J 1J i j- . . giinie erroneously N pyc credit for two m* nmrie by Bill 2*' • v,*| ■ <*;•. . • I ■M . D*hny ifljii, Geae Hum* Jflahar. *. . iijuhitt'ffe of; 2fii cents wlp (the) giimci tonight, '1 n ! 1 ^ • 1* :■? TA XI F jl PHON yp I y. ■ i'i •*- B hJm . if? ■ 11 if I'. ' ?:l'] ;.1|; Muf ii ■ ■ nn u?i SlIi"" : •* sr ry . should know! . rlfl 1 ! i ^ -li ''■!)' 1. ^hat there's MBiening dc a plqnty iri fultcut Mrinliat ’* - ‘ Pajarifes, an -{Qr yari Ni Service 21480 H-4: tfoirt Phttems and ptripes i.n y colors. 'f 1 Wm I,- •> 4 kt ‘/I;: >* ’> i ■ » /(I- ! * • •! Ilv /