Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1948)
JK’ 1 jri |'1HH .-! 1 Sli' X !—• H '1,4 i: h r*, /} l! ' II kI-V ' l! 1 ./IK ■. - '!r r .r. i - i t r. ^ | . -t . . ! ’■ .;'T il^! Ml •' = v. hi- a ' 1 | 4*'”»V r/wi: - r;// : ,w V ’jYMiri ■il’ Cadet’s Final Broken As Gai m y kF m J/. * I If! \ ’' I ’ V U .K n-M ■4 N' eat f e Ends By ART BOWARD An underdog Texas AAM footbaH team almost ruined Baylor's Homecoming celebra- tion in Waco Saturday Ix lora fiiwily bowinsr, 20-U, in the final minute* of the game., The Aggie team took the eonficteiice out of the partislin crowd bijj overtaking the Bears twice, and threaten to forge ahead in the cloaing aecondjj of the hall gam** -j j | ™/ Psf -11 :;tlH % ' B pi. m ' if! * \*\ Ip ■fit:- r. OCTOBPK 25. -4214 ^er- m l -fi' mi i wgm Page 3 * ifi )S»'ii'in» "i>. i .s^miim- Jinitfty Flowers, surrounded by Baylor Bears, looks on as Goode p unges over for another! of his all imiMirtant, short yardage gains pi! the afternoon^ Good*\ played: apipther Outstanding game, both offensively ana d*fenl*ively/and despite an all game case .of tramps! n his legs, spelled the difference between first of ;tW ball |»n dowps^on three sustained A&M drives. i CKicai , All-lAtneF u«ori wh ^games fb^- 1948. t I I i ' ca pro fbotball Confer- cjh chrded tuy .exhibition ^ H;. I ' i f' iir Hl —*- is the "ly team in the The Texas Aggies have five 1948 football games wjitl eoeiviqg a single penalty for <jlip- ie i ~r r 3 : | 'J i i DALLAS RECORD SEEKERS sjriLL FLYING STRONG [DALLAS, Tex., Oct. t>2 'A»)- Tjwo Dallas fliers who took off ukopt ior me ninmitt nj tivot*• ]! ' L,v 1 i in 1 ]!y; 1 ,ri ■ ' i 'i n ‘'! ,[ii " i f ] ^ 5&Srfe is H fattpt tdliiMi To SsaSSSS SSSa*fiiS'fcfavored III took ovtr on iti hwn gfc jijMt. Qootib [ n ij ; , vr : " Game SatwW Speedy Clyde SeOtt ami his Ark- »( the season. The crucial point of (he game cainc with the Aggies in pos session of the ball on the Baylor five yard line, first down, two minutes and 10 seconds to go, and Baylor leading by six point*!- A AM had Worked its wiiy down from the Stt-yard line on three completed passes, With the aid pf a spread formation. Quarterback ; . ts own 22, hut ( Mpg hit hfct-a. n the njaroon funibled after Once again the njaroon and white repulsed the Hear aerial attack in the end coie. An ex-j change of punts followed as Jim my Flowers and Carl Molberg stopped the Bear ground game. Then the Aggies’ bip break came as Ben Hall’s fumble 01 the Baylor choice of time-consuming plays br Goode took a hftndof < from Ca3h ' a clock-stopping aerial attack. He would have been the hero of the game if successful, .b»! his/third pass into the packed end zone was intercepted by Bear Gene Heubner. Bayler then ukea: up the remaining time with three; quarterback sneaks. annas Kazorhuck* come to Aggie- land this week. / i ' Thp Workers take oti’ the Texas Aggies in one of three Shuthweat ! Conference games scheduled for Saturday. TcO hosts Bnylor\i»nd ion on a reverse am: found end Texas entertains SMU ip two other Charlie Wright alone ri the right league tilts ! *“ ‘ i i.c;„i.i ii • “ down. Herb Turley’s kjck put A&M phead, 7-6, but the joP was short Baylor’s famed Adrian Burk fail- lived as Baylor once igain began ed tq live up to advance notices in a 71-yard sustained drive after ohe passing department as he the kickoff for a scor;. overthrew his receivers numerous!] Most of this drive was made on .ime$ when they were a few steps the ground, but a third-down pass Wednesday night determined to m from two of their blobkers. Fullback Bobby Gbff was pre vented from adding to his tpn- ( siderable ground-gaining total when hp was injured early in the game. PLAY BY PLAY Baylor; won the toss, but chpse from Sims to Flanakin netted a 14-yard gain and a first down for the Bears. Bhyiim 20, T«a* tCxwM Ripe 7.. ffcf L EW (Texas 18. WMb TeJtus T Oklabbrna 21. TCU Hkt SM1I i8;i, Santa ClhtW'i Oklahoma AAM 41, Temple Vanderbilt 95. Yale M ! Michigan S. 1-4, PeortlS^ 14. (Ue flat. The entire Baylor backfield was on the other side of the field as Wright took the pa * on the 17 h j fastl.enough to and ran all the way for a touch- _**'u ,u„ K Pittsburg 21, Indlati* 14, Mississippi 32., Bos toll (3 " Nevada 65, Tulsa 18.' Aggie scouts express doubt over whether or not jthie Cadets use 4 0. jVj catch the versatile Scot/. The Smackbver Kid dealt itlje Cadets plenty of misery lalst; year in Fayetteville, but somehow the; Aggies’ aerial circus managed to match the Porker running game, and the game ended in a 21-21 tie. ij- M / III Scdtt and Company blanked the Aggies, 7-0, here two seasons ago. In 1945, the. Farmers flogged the Northwestern 48, S; Kentucky 25, Mafqv Alabama 5 10, Mis*.' ®Uic 7. • Tulane 21, Auburn fe e ; f ' ^8 r i , ir&inia Tbbh 0. Geortfia Tech 42, Flhtfflu 7. - if North, Carolina 34, LS.tJ 7. i j Tennessee 41, Tenn.fpjtch. 0s f Dukel 7, Virginia Til Gfeot'hia Tech 42, F‘ North Carolina 34, Tennessee 41, Ten? ti|B , Pennsylvania 20, Navy 14. Princbton 16, Colunfbift 14. Army 27, Cornell fe!.\f n : Missburi 49, Iowa 7!’• A&M took the kickoff with two Razot-ba-cks, 34-0, in Arkansas. The minutes to go, and tr ed one end- Hogs^nlpped the Agglpi/i 7-6 here if! OUR NEW FALL JACKETS ate Popular Candidates for (jiutdoor Wear . -. . h i/i IF. L1 i Jackets that are tailored m styles to pleaikl ever it# ■me quality weights. Lined or unlined and With remov fabrics in marty able linifljjs. j f ." ■.: :! ; Tfop !n\vc gtiid colorsi good fit .. . : aiid mtykty Comfortable. Cl- zone jiass from Cashioto to Wright before the halftime. The weather was perceptabily cooler as the second half started, bjeak the worliFs enHurance flight to kick to A&M. The Aggie run- ablVwanmH-uis the^gg^es^fou^ht record, were still aloft and “do- mng attack picked up a first down .. t u„ ** ing fine” this morning, their on the running of Bob Goode be-j Charlie Royalty returned | the ground manager F ml Lockwood, forestalling Goode kicked out jon : kjekoff 17 ds * t0 ^ he sgid, The fliers F red Vinjubrit and the Bruin 23 • ’ i . Ralp h Daniel carried two Bbrt Simons, hope to double [the It looked like a. run-away gapm |!f or fi ve vards Two 726-hour endurance record now on for the home team when They Caphioil hit Wright wkth a pass,' ln a ibYuismg hhttle at Waco, ^b 0 o\i S . | l ?;.y > !^,.7?J^?„ S.' a!! ^» the 14. Daniel ajjain hit 5 1 LAUNDER IN LEISURE , . . Laundromat Equipped ONE-HALF HOUR LAUNDRY i —Open Dally 7:80 a.m.— i-ljuit wash Raoelvsd— / i ; (Man. 7:80 P.M.—Bnt. 3:80 P.M. Other Pays B:80 P.M. BTARCI1INO & DRYING i FACILITIES AVAILABLE Ii hi:" 4.i I'! first time they got tiheir hamls on the pall. Quarterback Adrian Burk jngitteert'd the Betilr drive :with hree completions for 49 yards, and ne A&M clipping penalty whhdi put the ‘ball on the 122-yard line.. Here they stalled until the fourth down, when Burk hit end Harold Riley in (he end zpne. Frank Torno went [up In thei air tajgrapple "ith Rilqy for the hall, but the taller Ifrar pU>cr, cathe down with (he bull. Dickerson's niisstiil extra point kkiki seemed unimportant at the time to the oonfidetjU Homecdming crqvyd gs the Bears; stopped A&M and; started on another gonlwanl I—• I - p~-‘ - w i —« »■-«•— * »«■!««»|i■ ,8' «>m» .>■« ; in 1944, Thus, 'A&M hasn’t been able | to outscore the tall |hoys from the Ozarks on Kyle F.^M 8 * nc * 1942 w!hen the Aggies turned the triejt, 41-0. | f I : , Despite the long trip, the' Pork ers Willi have a wide advantage iii l Kansas 27, NebrasWi 7. Notre Dame 27, Iowavi2. i Illinois 10, Purduo fe i .. Michigan 27, tannest* 14. Oregon State 28^ UG||i! 0. ! ill ttregon state 28J California 21, Whshfngvon v. Southern Cal. 7, Oregon 33, Wash. CAME At a o . ’ll 1 K;! 'i« » A* M Ua/l-.r member of t gl It hud been goal I the it r« | I •r >r'S' h % - r i y > v 1 u mm E - LOchlERS OdII^kb ftiid Hryan f-i' ^ 1 . /T" ■ f r- •: 1 f P A;! : ! -■ Sanitone Service— "The better kind of Dry Cleaning” “We specialize in Reweaving garments, draperies, upholstery materia^s’| , We Pick-up & Deliver — Ph 2-8665 Perfecto Cleaners 200|5 South Collfege Road ‘ . Hey Aniiy! ! ij 1 .r! : I:' If • j:- Have you tried a ii ! • M ■ | j Ia - : , j : I V [. ■■ SUPER DOG ON A 1 STICK? i - i • ' / ’ 1 }'• 1 • III • . i • . 1 j ( . .1 j || 'j : ]/■ ;: ' It’s Something New! j H I in ': ! ! I 1 [ [l!.!: Something Different! . ■ |J • ' i J -I; •; Something delicious! I , ' . ] |; if ■ 1 dH . ^ : : > Located across the street from—; HALSELI. DONAHO BUICK CO. On Houston Hwy. 0 1 11 ' ' ky' / C m»t by * Tema A||lt j , '> f Hid.wv VV ;■ !' ! i ■i: mmrn ■ y. '' ! iii. HI. ,, ..I I. ln!\ 1 fl mrnm the line for six yards, but another pass and a run used U[ three tries Bob Goode then nude one of the most amazing bo its in foot ball records. He aitnbd the ball towards the right sh clings, but it took a crazy bounce to 1 the left and continued downfpeld to the goal line. Bob "Sack” Spoede the sports HUiff, w«m p'atqhing Ute ImM with high-nowerck" field glas- H(>.s. He said that If [pointing towards the would Imvo been ovt:r The demoralized Bbur* kicked, hml Goode lirougnt it! back to (he Baylor 40 and added dnothcr jaunt io the 25 for u first down, Daniel powered to the 16, and Goode carried to the fjitir-yurd lime first and goal. But a score was not in the cards as the; Baylor Tine stopped two linb-budks and two of Baty’s passes to take over on the seven. J. I A&M took a few ^junutes later I and made up for their mistake. 1 Fullback Frank Bioydstun’s fumble : was covered by Jim Winkler in , midfield. Boswell theii took a sta- j tue of liberty handof ’ frbm Cash- j ion and ran it tb thje Baylor 25. j Goode gave the Aggies a new lease on life with a fi St on the; 14, | and then Quarterback Cashion call ed for a spread form ition. He hit George Kadera with one good to the eigh . “PeeWee” Smith pushed to the two-yard line, and Goode ro led over a heap of players fob the tying score. Turley’s kick was good, and A&M led, 14-18, Onco again the Bents put oh ia sustained drive after taking the kickoff, and pushed over a score with only five plays. Lyle Black wood ran over and around the w'holo Aggie teatn to the A&M 36. Burke hit Flanakin With a pass to t^e 19, Blackwood ran for five yardjs, and Sims carried over in two Ii-jos for the final score. . . Biiylor was almost completely bottled up in the fourth quarter, to ‘ Yardii intcreeptuinii ...i PnMiii|: HveraKP •i-t fc4.2 <>t«l j*r<ln XkWks r^drp: 6i ipi^jneht fumble#; reepvi'rra iU;. % y»rd# I<bt by m-ipiltieii |'jJ|j**§[84. mi. t *™. but ^hg Cadets were unable to msh Cedric Copeland, aernh* the 4 ghnl line. Fullback Paul’ from Waco, wj»s conslj Vaufs picked up two; strnlgihit or fourth string end When A&M started workottHtl nn 1. NM Copelahd laiilil the «ii«l [#1 of nhy , Aggltt ehdj ahjthc tc 1 m 'j firstl downs fbr A&M, but tht> jmss ing : attack failed ft«ur straight 'tlnjW.i !■ [ ■'/'/(!'• j; ! i One of the Hmnrtes^playH of the day !wj»X run by Goodie It was last and ( six on the Hnylor 46, with slightly over three nilmites to go. Goojlc Imcked up to punt, but run the ball to the 39, from whence the ill-fhted final drive started. M* Y Good Smoking FOR GOOD r ; • • l iHy ii j,; i hijiiHi [ RLWHITLE '• 'I . j il 1 111! I : i. ! : J# / ism ■l 7 . ; OXFORD S WITH j , j!'ji BUTTON-DOWN COlUBS 11g»! Rim tad In SU Riot Of Chilton riratesf T^r'FWF KXme played oft •'ThcTivcis scored almost tit Will packing tip two Utlib* in the flmt period, three lit the second, two In tjpp thjjrti, and' |r|a ; inj jtha Uat. shion starl it'. ? Quarterback ea the' rout, in the first, four min- * ert h lAce of play, when he went six n. inMj, to flag a 67 yfl J^ohnnh CobllryjWcotred from the, * ,,ut ConM " 4 i ■■ r,I ted im front Goojey, Johnky Kijllough and enc Dlukid Dowell c o n tinned .the |1 a tighter r« thlsecond frame with dne marker apiece. Codley’t on a 82-yard end sweep, K raced 49 yard^for hts, pulled in a pass from the end zone to give the 82.0 half-time lead. Midway ip the third pal . Cboncr, ruggodj Tiger center, tepcepted i Pirate toss i philtonTe, Anlfallcrped th ed 16 yards ubtoughed. Bob! nne fou the ed 16 yards itaimsl flush Smashed two third period In the last qu|rter ViHlliama dlsr ' “ *j again ftHiett he ri on the played his s| ^snatched a [Pirajte’s 41, « puj^irt in ;tl contest. Killuu^u ,« 5 fifth extro P0% o [give the Tigers ihaj^ ftnalto 1 ton pas* on the raced 69 yards th ——* run of the “ -ii il total. w Hazard lorfO f JOHANNESBORG, •ca^-* f ^P»—When two N r<iolf 1, So North M ■ i : s jk Pause i Is A I Li medut of the Party Youll like the casual and com* fortable style Jayson tailors into these oxfprds. Sturdy and long wearing, they're proportldned to fd righf. See (hem today-kt ; white, solid colors and fgney SlrlpoS. f 83.75 ! EON B. WEISS) loxt Door to Catnpua Thaatre" VISIT OUR WOMEN'S I SINIHTH WKAR »!«. i I i 11 wn ,/hi/tr inithtr t r w £ I*"* • lomu* m '^ufiicp dr fa c IlKVliR (WI.OOU M m ca i CawM* teww f- I. il i'f > I A 0T0R CO. HBi*S ■ . Y/- II mM jp /f y. ■ .; i.rt T 4 J; i ' ' v: ; ; . ■ j; Ft 7x 1'W. Ii f 11 r s 'ii ' 4# «!■ i ■ cr “' ■ } ' ‘ l ! 5 iii;' ■. | ‘ 111 i,} ri: fw i 1 u - r. "I. VI M ? :. n^: •; *4 : - ’I y:A- ■ m 7 '■ NT — [.,!• ; ■ i' , ; i' 1 Tv It. \ \ .