Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1948)
If Is fi f-r •H • 1 ■im ELECT! )N TO CHECK SI WAS! INGTOL, A Senate election inyestij been sent to Texas to check I • 'ij by which Rep. London J feated ^oke Stevenson Democratic nomin Senator. >n de fer the nation for U. S. Stcvenlson asked formally yes- terday f >r a senate .committee in- vestigati m of Texas' runoff pri- xn&T '« ection. Thfe imn ' * was ord capital, to ma TSsfc emor fenew Ifered .to “j?! Auftin, the state a preliminary in- Vc d™ 648 4*! m # I !j :V. m . : j. ■ m. 7 / i : v illl. ■i'v-'' r m. b !|! «\ liiir :ii 'ImxNLM BREST OF A GREATER J & M COLLEC /Texas Friday, October 22,1948 -^7 Fa , gum V THE INTEREST iAwietaodl. TEXA; 7- h/l 1 f • f V A 1 Si TEXAS PRtDAV; '^"COUSCE )BER 22,1948 6 r 1 . ;i||| * k thie former rov- ■enewed jlcharpes he had federal cohrts that run- on retuima from three . ^unties-fDujal, Jim Wells and Zapata—wore false. | /' lie unauccessfiilly carried his fight to bar Johnson's name from the general election ballot to the U. S. Sppremo ’ Court after the J . State f I emocratic convention ) de clared Jbhnson the nominee by a margin bf nearly 8?.votes out of nearly 1,000,OOOfi I Stevenson asked lor the investi gation in a letter to Sen. Brooks (H(-ril)if chairman i of the Rules Committee. He ibid the committee should' act, promptly because Texas law allbWs ballots to be destroyed CO days after tho runoff. That will b^-f0^i27 ■ ;j- • • DOBIE ACCEPTS grant FOR NEW ROOK AUSTIN, Tex., Oct. 22 ‘A’t-.I. Fnink ipObio; fdlkloriMt and author, hun acCiipted a resfarch grant for 1 study tailing U> n hook (m plans, "The MlittangllHorso.” Dbblo will Jeavt' later this month to begin The work ihidor thi' grant by tho Henry HUtiflngtoti Llnrary Jn Snn/Mutuo.^CalR. ■' m •M at Parker NWW Swathe oros By Vote of Senior Co n; tgfi m i 1^- U \otr m the In San Dobio Ujdvcrs yiarlax mihlstn tl(*i over his request for ;m extension of leave of absence. was dropped from ty of Texas faculty last ;er rt dispute with the ad- RECEIVES NEW EQUIPMENT,j MONEY GRANTS HOUSTON, Tex., Oct. 22 <A>)_ The University ijof Houston has accepted a gift) of, |70,000 in print- ) ing equipment and a- ?50,OOO schol arship fund.. F] fif The- printinigi:. equipmeat was turned lover tb; the Univcasity by R. E. Bob) flmith, Houston oil- , man 'aril former publisher of the Pasadena Timbsf, while; the schol arship fund was established by JeSse . ones, farmer secretary of commerce, and his wife. Wi \ ill I i?| ^ ADOPTS PENSION lRESOL " * ^ ' * Fti LEG! 3BN8 MIAMI, FI; rs NEW SOLUTION , j.m 22 OPU:The American Legiph Thursday adopt ed two;resolutions caliitig for pen sions fpr all honorably-discharged veterans pf World Wars I and II. One asked' Congress to enact leg islation! that would provide a $G0- iY A-month papnent to veterans \of both wars when they reach; the A age pf!65 and a $75-a-month pay- ) menti \yhen tno veterans reach (io years of age. : The Is^condi which had twice been defeated at previous national conventions, would provide j pen- II sions to all World War I veterans and their widows, and children on the same basfe now provided for Shauish-Amefican war veterans nnd 'their widp The I oyer-ajjjbpRnsion plftii. and'their wido ws and children, adopted at thj final session of the National Convention,’ would eteran days or more with the armed aerv- 20th include all vetCr W»s who served 9d ices and would be ‘paid “irrespec tive of any other income received.” Until now the Legion has con fined its pension requests to dis abled veteran) .• 1 U} uhina War) see saws PEIPING, Out. 22 <j’P'-r~Pro-gov- ernment reports wnid toiiay that C’hnngchun, Manchurian capital, was In the jilainilti of Communi^tl • troops but that Gen. Tu Li Ming’s national force j expected to feoc,- cupy Chitthsieb momentarily. ■fli ‘IAm Guilty’ Duke Shys at YellFfaetice ‘tf’m the gbilty culprit,” James Tn j i ! . ; } Sj j j j ‘ . J j . ] j I ! L ' .. * I , ' J jj ' ! if 1 I SWEETHEART OF THE CORPS is Miss Pat Parker, a TROW senior, from Corpus Christi, Texas. — ■—-—ffi*:— T Three Baylor Council Members Invite A&M to Baylor Campus ' 1 r . ! ’ !. I By KENNETH BOND ' !j “We will win the Baylor gtatno on the field or not at all,” W. L. Penberthy, ctean !of men, aasured three student dele gates from Baylor yesterday afternoon. James McGilberry, chairman of the Baylor Student Council; Bob Cobb, Baylor Student Council; and Bryan —r— ——■, 4Ntehols f Baylor student council, A-y| 1 ’ 1 1" • f [ 'If m | met 'with representatives of the LlUDS - Advised 1C student Senate, The Batta- Use Lecture Rooms For Longhorn Pic Club presidents should make sure that the mom they select in which to have, their picture taken Is of adequate size, Stanley Rog ers, activities editor of the Long horn, announced today, j This stipulation is necessary so that the photographer may com pose a well-organized: representa tional picture, he said; Jj He advised clubs having more than &0 members to choose a meet ing place such as the- Agricultur al Engineering, Petrolcunp, Chem istry Lecture Rooms or ; the As sembly Hall for this: reakm. lion, and Cadet Corps in the Dean of Men’s office. : j “We want to give each other the benefit of the doubt; we want to be nice ito you, and we want you to be riice to us,” Penberthy pointed out to the group. 1 H pl j 1 . |(j Dick Ball told the three Bay lor delegates that he an4f six or seven Corps OD’.s would be on duty in Waco and on the Bayloif- Campus from this after- | Boon until after the game. He I asked that the Baylor Student Council delegate council mem bers to accompany each of the OD’s in order to prevent any possible trouble. ! McGilberry told the group that an A&M Informatipn Stand would go into ojieration on the Baylor Campus this afternoon in front of Waco Hall. This booth will serve Gilchrist Peeples Mi With Boards) Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist and Rufus Peeples of the Board of Directors attended the Association of Boards of State Institutions meeting re cently in Spokane, Washing ton. The meeting k h<fl<l annually for the purpose of discussing common problems in state owned institu tions. Each day different subjects were discussed such as "Religious Atmosphere at Schools,” “Educa tional Value of Moying Picture# to Young People”.and "Comparison of American Schools with Canad ian School#.” Other representative# from Tex* as schools were David M. Warren, member of the Roju'd of Regent* at UniVersity of Texas, hi# wife, and President I). jM. Wiggins of Tcxiu* Tech. [ On their way up to Spoknpe tha two representative# stepped at Salt Italic City, where they visited the University of Utah, ah<l later went on to San Francisco and Ber- kelyi, California, visiting the Unif versity of Califovnia. . In Snn Francisco they had lunch with Major General George Moore, for whom the George Moore Tro phy is named. Moore is stationed in San Francisco, i They stopped a day in Port land and saw the International! Livestock Exhibition. When they reached Washington, they visit-) ed the Washington State College.! On their way back to College Station they visited the US Gov ernment Forest Products Labora tory in Madison, Wisconsin, the University of Minnesota, the Uni versity of Idaho, the University of Iowa, the University of Wiscon sin. They looked over the agricul tural centers of each. Corpus Chris ti Tessie to Be Introduc At SMU Game in Traditional Betwee 1 F JTH' m Sf I Ip w _ i K 77 v '.if HI v . ; c, tolSI '•• • ' L < • ■ 9 L ’ . h. Number 6, tl ! I ■ •; ! • '* I Patricia Ann Parker a senior student at TSCW, is the sweetheart of the corps. Roy Blanton, social secretary .of the senior class announced the selection of Miss Parker yester day afternoon. f r lli I 1 miHi I A foods and*nutriti Parker is a blu$-eyed of the senior corpsIWloc The sweetheart wi%i leri . u majlor de apd ri c) fi Graney Outlines Five Poin Program at Junior Meet By CARLEY PUCKITT Five principles for use in ter minal education for junior col leges in Texas were outlined by Maurice R. Grtnney of Purdue Uni versity at a meeting of the Jijmior College Conference yesterday, A# outlined by Graney, wluca* tipn in Texas should develop close relationship with feeder iclool#, provide for varying kind# of s udy, hot overlook provi#ioh for com- )non basic neod#, be Kept flexible, and build a program on bn# s of need# and resources. It wa# pointed out that After- lean education ha# been cha terized by period# of expan and progtfH# only to be foil ed by perioda in which it expe rienced a leveling out proce##. tS Graney also emphasized based upon a survey conducted by that, the American Society of Industrial ing. Engineers, in 1941 the ratio of technicians to professional engi neers in industry was |6i2 to 1, This ratio is on the increase in favor of the technicians,! thus crc- atinjir a need for vocational train ing which Graney believe# can be 8upf)lied by junior college!.. “A survey for thV purpose of establishing a junior college and the training that should be car ried on (here really include# a sutyey of the locality! and it# need#,” staled Dr. Merton E. HilL educator from thdi Unlver- r slty of California. ]. ! • ! Dr. Hill, a man who bn# spent n numjHey of year# in aettirtg up pro gram# of education in tji/’aiifoTnia. taking it# place in fill) .. need recognized ;by i n d ? and the community. r The | of the junior college now if fer vocational training wlit not he satisfactorily met er said that the original conception of the function of a jutjibr college wa# that it should only be the first two years of professional trnih- Extension Service I j ■ = , | I Begins 3 to 5 Year Training Program A three to five year training program has beep set up by the Industrial Extension Service at the :hwest Utility Large clubs of this size that j as,a combination meeting place and H. “Red” Duke,; junior-yell leader, told the students at the yell prac tice last night i) “You know' those littlcrgold and pamphlets u which were ■ *t ni^ht;: “I did it,” ght by W. L. Good- ill icecurity at 8:16 green throU Duke admittel Duke was oil loe of i iCdmirnbl Thursday morning, Fred Hickman, chief of Campus -Security, said. Campus Security members follow ed the car froan which the pamph lets were diaWibuted for approxi mately! an hour before it was stop ped, Hickman, said. Duke, who is majoring in busi ness, is from! Hillsboro^ Texas. He is a and is 1 :19 years old. 'mil.. ii'i- i. [•ri k ■ C^ry i«"l9 ye.n |ol ds i!:; CLUB, T:15 p. ml, ilcsjBuilding. '■ "* SOCIETY, 7:20 p.m. embly Room, YMCA. [ of the Brazos Nation will speak 3ted -on ip thp November 2 gen- have 1 already made, picture sche dules should reschedule fhe time and place at the Student Activities Office in order that the photo grapher can make a satisfactory picture nrrnngcnlgnti for the infer- ; riinl photograph, All club preside,ilt# to which this change applies mfp lu|rged to make those* arrangements atul i change#: immedihtely. Club,# w^ijfch have not scheduled the time and place for it#- club picture to Ifo made should do so ns soon as possible! Rogers reminded All clubs that the photographer fees for the pro fessional services j rendered will haye to be paid by each Nub. This reojrt i# in addition ‘ to the; pried of the club picture.; i i 11 ■ —tyHl Former Presiden ■ * ' * L' 1 "m! li 0! Alumni to Meet Mn-‘ '.I'.flM-f * Thirty past preslddhts; of the A&M Former Students J^sdciation will be honored at the association's fajl meeting October 30-31, ac-j cording to J. B. HerVey, executive secretary. Vi {-'T| ij [j Activities will begin Saturday mdrning, October 3(L and that at> ternoon the honorees will be guestk at the j A&M-Arkahsas football game oh Kyle Field. Saturday eve ning at a banquet, the former as sociation presidents will be pre sented certificates of! [recognition as heads of the A&M alumni. ■Hr CAMERA tondhy, P HOUSTC iMp! Bar : . : • 4i information stand for all A&M visitors before and after the game. There will be an c|pen house in Hit* Union Building.after the game Saturday. McGilberry told the KrtHlP. ’ ,|i All A&M students will use [Jale 1 at the north ea#t end of the stadium. The gate will open it 12:30 in the afternoonj, and ill student# must show their athletic tickets or some other itUdent identification.;; After the meeting the threic Bay- lipr (students were taken to Duncan Mess Hall where they atei with the Cadet Corps. McGilberry made ii short address at the yell nractice iin which he asked the A&M atu- ents to have a "good time on the aylor Campus.” The three returned to Baylor ist night. A&M representatives meeting with the three Baylor students Wiere Kenneth Bond and Tom Car- ter, co-editors of The Battalion; Charles Kirkham. Student Senate President; Dick Ball, R. M. Mc Clure. and John Orr, representing the Corps Staff; Tommy Splitt- gerber, head yell leader; W. L. Penberthy. dean of men; Bennie Zinn, assistant dean of mein; and Grady Elms, assistant director of Student Activities. request of the Southwest Utility Contractors Association, E. L. Wil liams, director, said today. ] The program, .which will be bas ed on training for electrical con tractors’ foremen.) will be conduc ted by W. W. Mil!#, who recently joined the Industrial Extension Servicy staff to Work in this fie|d. Williams ! said that Mills will conduct foreman training courses on major contract jobs, in effect “tailoring” the program to the ipi- mediate problems encountered in day-to-day job progress. The new program wag set up on ti basis similar to that already worked out for the Texas Laundry Association and the Texas Hotel Association, Williams said. Sociology Club To Hear Abercrombie V 1 j! j If ' . I • f | J. M. Abercrombie, counselor for the Vocational Rehabilitation divi sion of the State Board for Voca tional Education, will speak at a meeting of the Sociology Club Tuesday night at 7:30 in Room 207 Agriculture Building. Abercrombie said he would, sup plement his talk with a 30-minute technicolor film entitled “Come back”. A member of the Class of ’44 Abercrombie was secretory treasurer of the Sociology Club while taking graduate work here in 1946. Tyson Will Speak To Congregation 1 'Thomas L. Tyson,! newly elected secreta; State Democratic Committee, address the eon-—^—'- 1 First Baptist Chi tion, Sunday evening at 7: by the laymen of (he eh Sta- a. layman’s choir will uie. mu.* h -! m i Faculty of Arts and sciences Holds First Meeting of Year Dr. W. H. Delaplane acting head of the Economics De partment, and D. D. Buy chard, head of the Journalism De partment, were introduced to the Arts and Sciences Faculty at its meeting Tuesday night. , * 11 . [ Meeting for the first time this school year, the group re elected Dr. J. G. Hay# of the Eng-* M ! ■ j ! H 1’ j| ■V ,hh Dop “ rtrasnt ss ^ Dr Groneman Selected For Committee Of Industrial Awards . j ,• ;|j . 1 !),■' f - / Chris H, Groneman, acting head of the Industrial Education De partment, at A&Mj .'hqs been .re appointed to the national advisory committee for the 1948-49 Indus trial Arts awards program. An nouncement of the reappointment was made by the Scholastic Pub lishing Corp. of N0w York City. Mr. Groneman will represent the Southwestern state# in an advisory canacity. His position include# pro moting the National < Industrial Arts Awairds contest which will be held in the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Iljlinois, during August, 194)9. i) . This i# the third successive year that Groneman has been asked to serve on the nationwide project. During the August 1948 contest in Chicago, there were more than 1000 entries from junior and sen ior high school# throughout the United State#. Awards for crafts manship were presented tptt stu- deint# through the. cooperation of numerous interested manufactur er# and industrial concerns. | : I-.! —— v • !; L L V :! Services Held For Student’s Wife Mrs. Loydiene Simpson, the wife of R. E. Simpson who is an A&M student in Veterinary Medicine, died Wednesday morning at a lo cal hospital. The Simpson family bad been living at the Annex while Simpson attended school. Survivors include the husband; a daughter, Lealie Edwina; the pare Loyd Putnam of tens, and three 1 The body was Funeral services will be held there > in the Maaale Funeral Home. •I. , ■: / & Abercrombie’s office has recent ly been moved from Waco to the A&M Campus. From his office in Room 304, Bizzell Hall, h* super vises vocational rehabilitation work for the college, Brazos, Grimes, Burleson, and Washington coun- ' ' Ulilf ties. —- /' 1 . VI • Holm, Abel to Star In Episcopal Play Mias Celeste Holm, motion pi tore Academy Award winner, and Walter Abel, will be night at 7 over Broadwuy iahoief This ia the f< totion of Great Plays sponsored by families of Bryan and opal Sta ll. iJjTP * •; •.Mi ■ i; F. W. Jensen, head of the Chemis try Department, and Dr. Hays each gave talks on subjects kith- in their field#. Theme of the program was a re port on the activities arid accomp lishments of the faculty fo r the year 1947-48, but because bf the shortage of time, only three repre sentative reports were presented about activities carried or: for groups away from the collef e. Dr: Jensen spoke on “Chemical Analyses in High Frequency Fields a talk given in September to the American Chemical Society at its national meeting in St Louis) Jen sen discussed his invention for performing analyses and titrations in high frequency fifclds, without the use of indicators and trouble some electrodes. Dr. Hays spoke next oJ “A Re-examination of the Final Phase of Mark Twain’s Writ ings,” which was presented before the South-Central Modern Lang uage Association at its annual meeting in Biloxi, Miss. Hay** pointed out that the public! ha# misunderstood Mark Twain, thinking him the Bob Hope of yesterday; in reality, however, he was the great comic spirit in our literature who’directed his laughter at the shams and in justices of lifei Dr. S. H. Hopkins, then spoke on “Marine Biology and the A&M College of Texas.” Hopkins ts de voting full time to Project No. 9 pf the A&M Research Fount ation. Project 9 is a study of the prob lem .of oyster mortality. I j , ' » .p : J Dean Harrington introdui ed J. L. Liverman; senior Biology major as a distinguished student. Liver- man received the Krueger Award for 1948-49 and is also vice presi dent of the Texas Coilegiatej Aca demy of Science. ~ . 8 l ! i ‘ T t rri ■/I! high school# or spfyij roil jl)r. Hill believes that tl tor college should :jm i>r to fill the. need for v«c training courses which d( coming more and Wore ,f (ant la Texas a# it lakij place in nn industrial ccii Instance# vverp I pointed mil where such survey# had bean cor dupted in California amotjg bu# tu*## manager# uni) farmer# to find out what courses kcie neejihjd and de#ired. “It was cunHldeiwi* qui a novelty when a); college Ife’ Cal fomia instituted k course .Rt hotel hmnagernent after the first worl war," Dr. Hilt sa d. President F. Ci Bolton pointed out in an earlier a4dreBi; : that the fact had come to be tocog- inzed that a good citizof, is a good workman. JK . ' 7 H 1 “One of the reasons for jgrowt of; industry in Texas,” sn(«|;Pre9 dant Bolton, “is that indut'trialis): ve found that i people RgiTc Wt Carpi ^ns the Ui Ittee, iced toil sn'bwip*’ mi E 1 ny Christi, nrmous cl V ic\\ student . the A&M Us She i# to |h escorted b Commandlr Boh Me ill pre.ien her with a bou of Amend ui Beauty the Aggld hand plays “Let . all You Stj eetheart.” to ceremony has become nn a) tradition at each A&M- game anil mark# the- be ing of the trie eel heart's reign irst lady of the ROT('. She ^ tly htoior guest at jdh- rp# function# throughout the • >>ar. -j Tflb 24iyear-<>|l Mia# Pariceif haa not I bro^activie in , '[f • n, , .^..tor clan# a^tlvi-;4 tidjlpn tlje !tspW enmpu#. I i wa# cbost'h by a commlttuf pf A&M #«n|or( from ii fieW-of naw- mi.Wjwere natnc i thttlr qwnj tin Kcholiisti j | met ' r ’row tho Hhrflb up« ^CW, The lioinl- by popular ballot >c[a##tnate# niter requirement* had ie Aggl^ Mfliertton rommfltee mnde Up of senior cadet# Mc( lure, John Orr, l)on pper, Don Jarvis, Eric <iott« Roy Ulaiion, John Dich. Copelntid. L Fr«l UaVi#, Joe. tri#^ Dick lUtiigh, and Geerge )o cbmmiUtdit* made il#* uelec- rim the [bull# of beauty, per- e found that I people nt Texi learn to beccjme skilled worl •” \ ![• ji 4 ’ qg- a| also en}phft#i7.ed:J men. It was also emjphaSized by Pro fessor R. L. El||in#, ; assiiihint to Presideqt Boltontj that °^<of the biggest problems': of indiwtry to day is placing graduntesK'in thei right type of job. [Through voeix-: tional testing add guidatgte. the student is given Un oppoiiUnity to find out what tyhc of wbn he is best fitted fob before hot begins study oil a career for whichfjhe may nbt be suited,_ Elkins saiiRf; It to expected, that the Juni college can be tt#ed to trt dents for vocational and; cal jobs which do’not rhtjuire college degree, i V'i |i| ;lv:} > ffil• j: \V. The junior college cbjlfevoticc* w'ill end tomorrqw.[ \ jj ; GREEK ARMY ADVANCES ATHENS, Oct. 22 —The Greek army Thursday claimed cap ture of Mount Piuiti in the Vitsi: Triangle, extending recent; gain# north of the main Viati Summit. N. N. Ross lo Head Texas Beekeejpiers Nelson N. Ko#l of Cor# lected president of th eeiJcr’# A##oci4USii nt elusion of a two-day sc* Other officer# elected i E. Jackson, Cameron, vice' nn<l L. A. M. Jarnettc, s.*m*tary-trea#ul*ej‘» Mrs. B. G. Burleson thian w n " eleictdd hre#idi Women’# Auxiliniiy of tl tion at id'meeting Monda Dr. F. L. THomuz of mology department Was of meeting ar; college. 1 - ■■ ■ -4—- Sir a-Was a lee c. in here Jity, genjei- sgenity. Huai iselectl w‘as) mad' bf thoi Octol Shot identit; yesterday vre liRtu |he SWei Battalion at the 3M appearance, m of tho SWeoti on Sunday horn- , *r 2 selection trip, was not' revolted 1 , ’ten-noon. I f and information .it will appe ir in eforc her hppear- game. and tyor Welcomes [gies to Dallas SMIJ Game % letter frdn# Mayor T. R. jTem- plpsof Dallas, folboming the Agi ' ‘ to Dallas tor the SMU game ember 6, wai received by Chan- , r Gibb Gi Christ recently. 5 ;/ ‘mplej said an tho-.lctterl “Al- gh I am dn-toin* there [is no MU game.! Dorps blights pf t in the mfnds of member# of ) Cadei Corpj. of their welcome . ■ )alla^ a| a ly time, I a and pCftionally, to#u»ng Ration to dffi Corps to b() here lly and jpcponally, to#uii Jovembcr (ffifor the opnuhl A& game.! rhe irade i« One pf tho jhe football season |he ydar# when the gamp is in prlwH id wd; shpll be happy Tdmp Tuesday. He sudqeeillf D. Sfi Bufcty of Dayton. j sj] J|| : ,, • ided F. •id^nt usthn, I •'! \ Midlo- Pt the [sfloda- mi|ig. •eiito- ponsible toi| ma air .and hotter than Kfjj- an e mnduded. >1 It rungementg NY Finn Needs Young Couples for Promoting W< LSA Banquet Be November 27 ; , K V Ifm The Texas A&M Lutherai Si dent Association will have b Rie- formation Banquet)' commemorat ing the Protestant^ Refornation, Wednesday night, November 27 at 6 in the Aggieland Inn, Richard Womat, president, has announced. The Reverend Theodo-e R. Streng of Brenham, Texas vrill be guest speaker and will deliv er an address in keeping with the Occas ion, Womat said. Tickets will bo on sale until noon Monday, November 25 may be purchased from aap theran Student Association A welcome is extended to theran students and their and especially to the married dents and their prtoW’ Worn it By H. C. MICHALAK The Robert F. Kilb Productions, Inc., of New York, will need young married couples nept spring, sum mer and fall to sell, and write por tions of its specialized promotion al program called the Good Will Hors- ded. n //. Program, according to W. R. ley of the placement office. Young college trained couples will be employed Mho arp attrac tive, alert, resourceful, aggressive without being offensive, have a de sire to travel and ) posses# a car. Both must have drivers’ license. Other necessary qualifications are as follows: (1) The wife must be able to interview top executive# as well as the small town business man and be able to transcribe her notes into script fdnn for their writers. ■"'['}'} OTf'p fif [f 2) The husband [must possess a pleasing voice since * sell the Good Will telephone to the to | sponsors for which 1 written. '{/ : ■ ! / ! / i*l!l (3) poth husband and j be able to meet and mat f^wipressiq^upioin lo Chambers of Commerce words, this is'a , . relations 1 as, wHl as (4) Since >ach cotijj with minimum, supervi J husbarid and wife must to perform their duties! / / - I /\ 1 juuuunx* position laSiisaU decision# without the Constant supe wision ot manager. In the field, operates whnti amount own business. | Each couple is at' expense# weekly. Pq fCom |25)j e traini siqm Jince eir y the highest t e must marrtod coupfe can qt by i For ap raunity plea l 4 ' F othei publh T (Fix l m^k.i sity o: )jf< iim md Will Perftr Waco SatuiiU fhe ad to nwti foothai Baylor-A) Bmlu of time,” bd directei |d has bee one-half ,kgic band i# before ujn ovit- crowd, thi# T game in and drilled ic jn Sun Ajntonio. Jrill will not |c one put because f Col. E. V. mi id. The allotted on y dnute# during the agninj (me at Waco at the In. be a# on at of the Adam# •Aggie y fobr ne-half bninute# durin becauHe )df coronatioh cere- ..... .IT It M Bi ^ing md’# CSB | u i.i/l! lor sluden eek at Baylor. I?; rformancc will be cresting, Adam# ib-1.—- I" rrect Methods ressej at Mfft ie correct methods of p,r Jiting new idfa# are the greatest kts to fajetti ' practices." This is ) theme at > he Tri-District YSx-t:: bsion Sehick) meeting which i — yesterday.:in Big Spnjng#. Franke, jiubli 4 tnany it one q ferent me presented nine methods are all the people to idea, Fr ' tods to be' the mei meeting, tthere from and other will Springs. a i • .1 "■ M Ij