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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1948)
I n -i : T:p^y 'V ■ l Page 2 L. ’ -I : i k 'i ' ■ tt*’. -1: •• y : ! ■A- 1 r i'-r- ■ : ■ | • ■ • i ' 1 iii FRIDAY, OCTOBER "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder • • ’ ‘ ’ 3.' • ; • • in , ' .Of fggi' Think . ■ . ■ .j r" r. . ■ '■-Tf ; 1 l m ■ / •> •; # t 'If f J A' 'ii n ■ i ■ /l a 1 ON THE CARPET IA / 4/ I ■ / :n ' • / ]/ . 22,1948 M JIT i 7 kIC! .1 r 1 4 y A" ‘ yr m 7A ; • ! • , w ■ ..17 The Edi, w Editor, Th* Battalion: I mild hkefto use your columns to reply to Chuck Maisd’s letter j ■.! I" U f ♦VjlasSi ! i rl . ; IT A l!' I:' P | ia available to the under the prov sions Hi t i f: Ki ii inicn you COtti uck Mahers ed on Octobi stitution. dober 2a wcuoi'ul) First, I would; like Ur challpnKe JJ i btea u om * of the staitements madje, by pie were Malnel concerning the vrorkinffs of at the Ttf ganie some pv: som^; .°f the stajtements madfe by pie weie plannirg a deijjioii in- ., , , _ )lj , tPNCr l - » • ■••Ip 1 the Student Senate. Of course, veteran memlx^rs ijf the i statements will only be my pah assured me that the i li opinions as Student Senator ifrom [lihijhiii dorm Was: the same arm 15. I haven’t discussed them that is, the men in thA h • ~ : . / ; Wednesday night a promjinent T member ed by such a slip, could have roared up to of :our student body “distributed a large Baylor (and smashed all jthie delicate frame 11 timber of green and gold klips of papier work of good feeling that our team, coach-: vstudeni NTtlgen j ng will wit! any College or Senate ioffl- 4 cialt. /7H ' TH : T ic Constitution for the Sta- denl Body ofl the AAM College of Texas explains the composition and J fumtions of thje Executifel Com mittee of jthe student senate in Section HI, !3a. I IP laon f green and gold slips of paper work of good feeling that » ^bout the campus. es, students, ex-students, and followers On^he gold-shaded paper in green let- haveNoeen building in the conference. And W " ’ ‘ '' : !k ‘ * em. j The paper did not. late from Bay- loir. Conceived, printed a|jid distributed here, each little shiet, wait completely a il product. As we Understand ii,.'thi^ IH storing good feelings agbin. 1 It was only a few short years ago that this same;,type of incident flared into a ri^at an A&M-Baylor game. The results were one person killed and a suspension theory behind school relations fojr four years. The lit! all was ^Sie‘K‘|4am into such % l ^ ween and brawls a blinding rage that they would go up to ,s y . ,n ‘ Jj; Baylor and annihilate the Bear’s ball club. ' And th ® iron ! a * 1 4 .. f ■ l i : or men, who printed and distributed the Like sa many other go<|a thcDnes. this handbi | ls , thbught ^ were doing the :One almost blew Up U« laboratory when schoo | a {*&? iwwdte f i r re ^ t0 8 ether - ' When we contacted him after secret The reason it didn’t wiprk on the ball practice, Coach Iflarry Btiteler echoed this, club of courier is that; opr athletes are thought. 4 K j [ | : normally intelligent. Whfen wfe asked a “I’m |ust sorry,” said Stiteler, “that group of them cold yesterday afternoon those boys thought they had to do some- what th^y. thought of the pamphlets. * -’ - 1 I m r- ■' I f '^4 Art cle Four quole: “Executive c<4>bt of w>«» ^he^neitTemwlw AlratWt min® in ithe sense that l arrived it tnem wiinout taiKing|Uii aonn|t:one;el»e. me [ting- - changed, tha| thje eme ing was caned. After we re‘jaleciUd to ao wt sutuehie want (that il for dorm buddips). Th seatm i\ T.i. i HI 1 elected by frem iia ahi ill consi news wfi to shk student innate membership. It matters of ] fore the shall refer ate agenejm. It genda of business J'i m ,eet. ck, con* #ord I tM ■MbMI WmAEAi, m feit that i snould inseiflBs ’ ,l tew I got a tew opinions <roiti.otne, In? me first place i anil not a .4et- ■ftr Amplification j Department 'for the meetings of the stadent senate. If shall concern Itself with all mattiera of suMaMpife which do not come uitdef the Jufisdictiun of some other com eign sihior mnppy li* a d tdetn, n.otn Ip I ik that the map, three-fourths of theral immediately put their fingers ori\it as 4 locally instigated job. George ‘‘Primo” I^adera phrased most of their, sentiments; by saying, Tit was a pretty childish thing to do.” A majority of. the student body w^re as quick to perceive the situation. Remem bering similar incidents iij previous yedrs most of the dorm dwellerji picked up the thing to get us maid 4jf| the other team in. order to wirt.” “If they could only see that anything you do to make the other fellow mad at you, anything iihat keeps him from liking you, is td: y our 4t s ^ va i”^ a ^ e -” Speaking ojf the tekm, 1 Stiteler conclu ded, [“These boys are playing their level best. That sort,of thing just doesn’t help.” Coach, you’ve taken the words right apiphlets Thursday mornilng with a “here out of our mouths. N6w we’d like to use they go again” attitude. r some.of yours. V I' It isn’t from 1 these tjhinkTng groups Whed a ball player makes a blunder or that the slips could have! drawn trouble, a'foolish play, there is a coach’s expres- The match) iin the powder; teg would hkve sion to cover jt. It fitfj well for pamphlet come frorri that low perdintage of easily- listribulks of anyonej el^e who, by not angered, short thinking, i|ied blooded, one thinking^ jeopardises bur teams’ chances more beer^ individuals within our student land our; own Stature jin the eyes of the pody. : .j \ -i ['j rest of the world. Just two quick-tempered men, prompt- We re Off to Waco ... By CARROLL) TRAIL 1 Dear Sir: I cat daily ut Sbisn Mc. c .i Hall, ■ uml I never cease to maryei at the efficient help they- have there. For instance, the gentlertlap who serves the beans in the line [on the extreme left is the shrewdest man I have ever seen. Every time 1 g^t beans, he always gives me exactly 23, not 22 or 24, [but always 23. Now I don’t believe this [is an accident. I have checked with my friends, and they all havSe the same storyJi 23. Vi-ith loving care he meticulously dips his spoon in the pan and allways comes up with the same num ber. What’s his secret ? How does he db it? !| ; ; i Sincerely, •? ; ki B. Answer: Well, R. B., you- can at least tell ability when you*866 it. The bean mkn has studied exten sively to get the position he now holds. He is dan in His own right, and, his colleaigues [respect his ability; To reach the position, one musrf study and pass rigid ex- amutation. The quiz is an ex haustive one. To pass, one must be able to (ell how many beans are In a f(pqon sirtipiy by feeling the weight of the spoon and beans in the hand. But this isn’t all. Boogie factors *4 » —' 'I »■' ■ j>| ■ .» — i I mi > I 1 » jj . . ».». I » i t m ' • ' i 1 ‘ | i nn* Introduced into the quite, such as i-iocks being mixed with Uho hc.'«b‘' to simulate actual working coinditions, Ho you can sec that the bean server is indeed a! talented rtmn.l Hie generally takes a personal in* terest in his work, and quite ojften ,h<* develops a deep affection; for each-bean. You probably wbn't be lieve this, but I have known ^omei waiters who gave the appeari*n|ce that they actually hated ito pqrt With their wares. (Tlnttk of IThie I if■: ' , ji'iP.L “Let us lay aside every weight, j : and: the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with |; Patience the race that is set be fore us.” Hebrews 12:1b. Here at A&M we have bjeeri for tunate lately to have a very strong track team. They were good enough to win the Conference last spring. But they could not have won if each man who ran or jump ed or threw, had been loaded down with heavy iron weights, so ‘ that Jhe could not move. Yet you mid I try to win’in the moral ^aCe df lift, even though we are Weighted down with sins that make it im possible for us to movik (Read He* brews 12:1-3.). / i 4 ti ■" 1 -‘'.•"4 f' lieu state that a worlis hauler to get ftiin a Vet sert.ojii ddfa, prlvilegbs (1 ndveirakin ty to ilopply, a/few w« which you iii»,il|jed). showid fal in language, but that 8 jdrt rS 6,11 give the cxccutivf com- thoir exirw eilort. j In a personal conve n f: I ofi N4-. 81 "it, want uy is my raihd. ,j J ! Htrsta la a 1 vary t a ma in lutkM to j I8S ,, Dorm 15 li-,' i r i , •nd fc r~ rfUt :oe, or individuals on tha,t com- ] n a rnttiee, li<)en8<t to assume, hpwerfi ybu. which thb Senate as a Whdle has ninn't d that ;iiioer« hero gran- , , ru tot 4 ■ ; 4 ij. With vet fieh mittee or agency.’’ 1 his egplaqation is qf jcoui ui e general oep not ' vefsatttm v ifcat; mt not given; thernl. True, tho isenate vea^'or ^welheaVvIar^w ...r did not fortii^^aj cammiljtee t| year in order ; tec, btecome act on this rpatter, bint thtn tho y^nioi. Weil 1 beueve Btarao^tit: matter Was i never prdsernad U) mol n f th* ■•nUnTfaiut a thei senate assembled as a whole/ j|ft f lhe underlla^enVhOW at Th(' time elefnent playod a Ittnft Au.M had it a lot tougher thadj pait in this kituution,. butjatnrjt qr lhe ( laM of ’(9 aW^’V : waji not handled to the ^t/dent The College adminl»tdai Ml fT ’ 11 to feel lhat BChvice ih t i ervlce in t forcea fas good enough :4tt sub- kluute for thetw year* ; ;)a thpj corps. t*TT‘;T life bocy’s satisfaction. The Words [“shall concern it-1 self” do not in my oknnicti give! the Executlva Committee the: , SSJJT. ' And .fur . .tudon y Qar ( y ou ’ 11 pardon Imdsl n!ressmv d t^ sT ihatfs 00(1 1 '° r l,sin « a d,fi tsl ould havg been asked i about, nl,log y. V ,an .7 0u <lld 4 tie seatigg matter. Only the 43 representatives of (he student body wimld have had to: decide, and /If; thejir decision was not si tikfactorj), then a referendum ^ l-T- -F^ \*yncod bull-text only, if tori. Since When do peopltj.aemaii -f——' ' !V ■ :i j|;: m ! j i : J. / MITTY’S E GRILL forth Gate l . T |j 4JE COOKED fr r i ; '■ H 1 . ' r - j i 4! [i Mir # ture delicious .... BOX HE topping .j V.U , % 1 : f | ’Men, get your heads in the game!’ ! l FI / T ■!,' r. ■ ir 1 ' ,• ■1 ! : - ■i l . /fr it had beoft «ur paper whicl ofithe prime rnovfjirH, in rejVitjalizi manshlp In the Sotithwegt Gonf || ... ■ • I | , : ! i I f' 1 ’ ! . j .in ; ■ J This weekehd uill mark our first con- all overff he state who [win judge us close- ference mass migijatioii atvay from home, jly on this, qur first atjiajilfrom-hotne con- Thcre will be many 6y4$ on us. .ference! apijearanct*. Everything we do,, rhich was one [good or bad, will be magnified, liking sports- j To 4 large extent, lour! showing will de- manship In the f^inithWest Conference. It termine the general attitude toward good is our studejiyiio&y whitlh has gotten off ! feel ing-throughout th*' conference. If we to such an lU^strious start in good foot- ; mar the weekend with one shoddy incident, j ball behavioivthat the general public has they will be quick to say, “What a fine j begun to tal<glnqtlcei Itj is our ball club bunch;of pace setters th4y turned out to which has pla|ed hard ball and hard luck be!” And the cause will be gone, ball, but clean bdllJ ! j So be off ,for Waclo, Be football falls,] People will be ivsitching to see if it and be Aggies, but be considerate of the has all been a fluke—to see if it was just gqy next to you. j 1 a neatly applied oeneer thjat will soon peel When we leave the field we want a win pff to reveal the same jmigh finish that naturally. And ive jwahjt tp enjoy the trip, we have received credit’ [for a great deal But tjaost of all, we wjant a corjdial invita- in the past. / j: ! 1 V' : / \ tioii to come back next year. | DOUG’S i c College and 27th i I • • / • ?' • ' ’j "I ‘ : ii • Specializing )n MEXICAN DISHES CHICKEN FRIED STEAK DINNERS AGGIES ALWAYS WELCOME -/r A&M CHRISTIAN : caniR^n! ] ; ' YMCA Bldg. > • H , i J • James I^I. Moody,. Minister \ * ! ’ • ' I ! V j: I h \ • •. U I • 9:45 a.m. Cadet Class. ! 10:45 km. Morning VVoi^hip. 10:45 a.ljq. Children’s Sijnday School.'/ • [’ ; • |.j Features -Begin v 1:20-3:45 6:10 - 8:35f TT , “Red Riy li' I * J If :T r 1,1 , 1 Plus I- I <jlARTO<()Nl ■Si A] 1 444 Iii Guy MADISON • Diono LYNN T««.Biwuni^Hfartt Al&rPlacing Sui Never before in' the histc years existence tht dorsed or recomt ‘Si le ~,ih lAUfi Dl'MN / J. f\ 'll ' ‘ ] 'v j v\' F j ’ 1 8AT—DOIJBUC BOLL ROY BOO EBB—Technicolor “Old Spanish Trail’’ JND JUT—JOHN (iAKjFIEUD Nobody Lives Forever" mnn» of m»» .i.T..nmicn «si^ii: j nbrniAV-mia „m. mv , PALACE wT f ’ h o nr 1 * V PREVIEW SAT. NITE—8I!N» . r «i > ii i j i ■ I li lib MON. — TUKS. TfelJUIVIN ERMINE |A Colo, B r TECHNICOLOR 1 t .... We will trtf S ingling with people\from That’s the real test of good ball game. The Passing Parade . Jru ‘Z. •' The Texas Go vernorship is an excellent school fqr the tr astering of the rudiment of political evasiveness. After a couple, of terms in the Austin State House a man i S’ When asked to make a aiH>roaehifyg\Texas Uniy jrsity game at a can beat any subject and -4 li tFT V-' brqss cqnflereqce, arouh the bush on practically executive made thi|> repb i •: f rvis 4 111 i 'Idkiri rviii 2Z nr TO D A prediction on an- PALACE Bryan 2‘$$79 1 . I our state chief l / j still keep a straight face. Kve^ seat will be occupied! 7 '^ T " M ' Ttie Battalia 4-X-. \ roud of a name that was sedated Press is. entitled exclusively to the use for republicditioh of all hews dispatches it oir hot otherwise Credited in the paper add local new* of .spontaneous origin publiSh- Rightsi df rcpublication of all other matter herein are also .rjefterVciq. \ i!- The Assocla credited to it or td hereih. Rightaj df rcpublication of all other r 'T Ippi ; 1111J > ' ' ’ ' •» f! Entered as aceund-cjaa^ matter at | Post Office nt CaUesQ ..Station, Texas, ander the Act of Ctmsreie cjf March 3. 1870. -) j., 1 . r l • iiiliiiL' • i.i I’. ^ j| Member of The Associated Press News coutribitiona tnijy be inado by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, isified hds mhy be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student “ l^nted nationally by National A4- vertising : Service Inc.. iit New York Cttf. Franeieco. Chicago, Angeleat. an J San LOoodwi m 1 lall. is MoSRftVI-It.-i. «< rte-dsanses Nancy Litlt; -.1.,... - te 1 Andy 4I«p Kenneth ill Uruii....- - y ■ X rf*' UuU; noth Uurak, it Frank Welch, ck Cabaaist. t vli Ip! : tf A*ad«ato Editor L r lk Rowardi.... lanagtng Edjtora Uon Rngelkibg. Urry )>** , *r* .^1 Managing Edl ilSr (.Wire ^ Back .Bellgiooa r Tcirnaiatlm.'" 'I* Aril I Pob -Sack” Bpoedc, Leon Seme*; attd Joe Trevino. Hardy Davo^CoaktU.'Tranli n ” m 1; . •v V •i Ayi b. CJaytop ; 201, vities .... i»'.< ■< L,j ,y...wi r mu ..Sporu -X *'' Rom .. Cluck Eddli Smi George n ...Atawtant 8porta Edit • .14 Photo EncraVgrt Tex Fields, Otto KuAmT T, ;p ’vumI SUit EepwrUrc 'A ’"MERRY 1 ' 8ATUBDAY ONLY Double Feature RANDOLPH SCOTT henry wilcoxon | I %agt of 'Jthe /jMoliicar^* —Plus— [ ' 1 I 7. IP /■■■ : • • m i in T A 7 ■ll /A ; • / J/L L ! I wq do urge you our opinion this b ^tractions ever to^ you to see it ti \ ■ —Sunday Fea^ pthouf a « li .[' Wednesday ampus Theatre’s 8 [eiRent]: jjerspnally en- oh picture — but now Y BELINDA.” Iij le of thi? finest at* ood. also urge f. ' 1:5«| - 7 :56-10:60 «y 7 1/ l. '4 I i Vr«, Vt- I 'ii rtl- tew 1 T; J if IK: L!'i« A’ wm M a 1 1W /■'/) i i? ’'.•f-iw;. I : 1 Jl •I'oji * di, 4—Jigp i - \ iui:o. | A s? E N P E HEN il My • • • SHFS fiOT * Minn • *wtll 4. DEANNA Dl . EDMONDf i \! ... t 1Ft : N ' il i L I h •i;/ ;.. liiji !''il !, .4 If '. '!!l iij 1 iV I 1 if a ^ i ./ \jAi ■ I.i*/ il i MM ■ 14 ■ I m / / n r “ 1: 11 :! A!" J - fl A. \.