Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1948)
Priw, il' CAMERA Monday, I’hyniflft DISCUSSION AJB, Monday^ Academic sJssHt SK, 'L ! pt«r, 7:30 p. im: Lee turn V«pndlA* $ _ _ p« in*i - m Aiiu DEBATE 7:30. p.m., Roam Plana for Pic- embers <rf ClUb may at- ... _ aasJIHfe- • le Noy.j 9 debate against Texn niversity and the Lonphoirn pic ire will be discussed. Members a U 7 p. m., 7:20 p.r dthttm,' HOUSTON C) Monday i YMCA on the eight pMposed amendments to the State Constitution which will SPANISH CL .ii J, , livestoc Return fter yell 123, Aca- h esday, 2600 fromdnow / / : ,i •' ^ * '^1 Sevoti mcmf>orR o! the Livctstock Judging teaj|l; returned Thursday Jiftomopn from -ft nihft*day trip to the American Royal Livestock and Horse Show at Kansaa City. ..., M fb# warn was bompoM of J. R. ! Strooi), W. E, SMolo, Ralph Meri wether, Ralph Wheat, and J?rod Wllkiiuoni wiih Luelen; Kruse and Chnrllej w iw Hten»ai4vs.; A&M placed lOtii but pf 20 teams In the j Judging foiiU-*!, hut was the high point bam in Ptho hag ji- vlnlonJ Jfjnfflj!. :i -i The Meats inking |onm, nrnde op of M, 11. Kenthle, W. H, Hh'ele, ii‘ : On the Way tu Kapseliji City, their of-livesliock and J, i R, Strmip, itlnriiul nlhUt in the Meats Juilgthg ('oiReHit, Judgedi severalUln»m.'« er liveskick nt tne State Pair in Du ins mid *1ho practiced in ? Kansas 1 City hefott* the contest . i ' f ! While theyiwei'o in ICansas City, the team an^ the eon dies, W. M. IFaf hi— iim —■ —i — i ■;!. TheBa LI' u ni CLASSIFIED “ 4 ^ \. FOIl SALB-1S40; ForJ. TuJor, la Rood n. II, ^BAT CO Plastic or 8 ' r'j IMS “ •> l' t it? \ i P.-i — IT GftV& U'UAaWER ' ^ r w* .y i / / y i t UPHOlJlfERINQIBHOP , , Back of "Eagle" Office fltyin * | .. rhene 2-1039 V Occasion si ' iLy : - 1 -' Wire Flowers I 1 /! — PERSONAL—Cl&rabcUe: ft there sinrtfciiiR that I can do ta, persuade your nkotber to dhanice her mindt Horatio. Norman Nail Hinchliffc free pass to Campus. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS While You tfoit Cowboy boots made to order | JONES BOOT SHOP | , Southside i r, North Gat« SHOP Ph. 4-1212 U — — If | ,v of-: Hon- ind cooperation reiaulrcd. No pre- experienee noeo*sary. Crf|l in per-; M>n at Collejro Courts Office between; 1 ,9:30 a.m. and 8:0O p.m. On Hi«:hway 6. , opposite A&M CoUejte. : ; 1 COMET DELIVERY SERVICE Box 1105 s.” OFFICIAL NOTICE | The medical Collette Admission Test will; be itiveo at 8:15 a.m., Saturday, October! 30. 1948, in Room 10, Seif nee Buikllne A1U peitsona who sent in applications for the test should report promptly at that time. Those who have an 8 o'clock class that day should attend it but ask to be excusei) about 10 minutes early in ordeif to be rt the Science Buildlne at 8:45. n GEORGE E. I-OTTEB £ Premedtcal-Prc^ental Advisor ,f 2-1243 College Station mi M m M %: Tj I'/ I-TS ■A-4 m ■ 1: ■'V ■ WRETTCH/r -i! <4 LOCAL AND LO MOV Prompt, and tniB J.j B. B 2-2835 Off 4-41 A HOME PERMANENT?' Sro w for the latbat ‘ * i r FOR TB(AT Well Groombd Look WILSON^BEaT 1 Con w sut Phono 4-4814 Jim REFRIGERATORS 'I !> Phono 2-1211 Pick Up and Delivery j Moving and Hauling y- — SUL BOBS LODGE NO. 1JOO AFAAJ4 \ Called memlWr Tuesdayi f October 28, 5:30 p.m. Work lit Mil. Ikitrec. I J. J. WOOLKET. W.M j W. H. HADGETT, Sec; 4 r#cr ^ [r Huddleston Heads New Masonic Club Vltigil mujdloaton ! War eloctod «ldont of tho nowly nrgnnitod oni mil ho it orgitniKiillonJ liiht vvoeg, jirfultrcnt of the newly nrgunltd Kiiuaro and Compnan i]lub, xtudcnjl according to Dudley Simlth, roporte ‘Other officer* wot Warren, and Oi D. to dinncr s by'.i living there. \ taken to dinned by‘,cx- Rutler, wore Aggies now ■vM HOfSTON A & % CL1J B S “ EM m Monday, Oct; 26, 1948 Lew}* McGuire, x vh?o*jpro»l(lont,, <|. B. Ntinci', iwcrctavy, W. A. Hullo, irvaiurttr. Dudley Simlth, rpixirtei J. R, NlchuU, oorhii clmlnmm, and J. <V Diddle, sorgonnt-nteium *. . Meunbora of a committee to draft H co|n*titntlon for the! elub arc R. It. Little, J. V, Diddle, J. M. Mathcj* and K. A. Mullen. | . Hnilth Raid the purpoBo of thy orgapisation irt to further tho su- ejar and educational activities ojf Student Masons at A4tM. The' next meeting will bo Wed- nesdny at 7:30 p. m. in the Civjjl Engineering Lecture Room, Smith said. ica P.M I'; 1 I! CHrVPEL We offer al scopes for id cofet ■ri Total reserves behind policies in ^ force in U. S. life insurance companies totaled nearly $45 bil lions at the end of 194;. TTTT~|T CHIROPRACTOR • p s. • Geo. W. Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 305 E. 28th St. Ph. 2-6243 m "Vfj If PALASOTA BARBER SHOP 109A W. 25th Ph. 2-5569 ■ ! ’'-fMHi — 1 OLD FURNITURE MADE NEW We Specialize in Refinishing Antiques and Venetian Blinds F. L. SUMMERS Furniture Refinishing Painting Contractor 3200 Highway 6, S. Ph. 4-4682 REMINGTON-RAND TYPEWRITERS! . . ■ ! v ■ •] : ; ' Plenty of new portable type- ide Tho Best :liu Roach Shoo* at %■ £j, anye writers for studentfil Plenty * * : model rental; ers of all mai of late model rental typewrjit" aKtsl jni ow being offered !ts portable ICROSCOPES r I ii ed quantity of surplus portable micro- e. These are all new, in original cartons v times the price for which they are i 1 Overall height, 8 inches, turret with ificatiqnu: ifferent powers. Will accept auxiliary eye- p ece for higher powers, if desired. Fully adjustable oh tiltback base. Optical system: pitch-polished f l£ie8;||'T' ’ : ‘ • r ■, ■ : 1 : These portable microscopes are offered subject to prior sale on the following terms: Price $9.00, in cludes spippmgl and packing charges. Check or mon- should be sent with your order or $2.50 de* ,e microscope to be sent C.O.D. for balance, ny ch^ck received after quantity has been sold will be ret ill •; t m : ed nriomntlv. GIBSON PAGE CO., INC. ' . Dealers In War Surplus Box 1180, Rochenter, 2, N.Y. I .'v ^1 •nj Salca--Scrvice—Repairs Rentals Bryan Office Equip ment Company FRED ROBISON m i \ i ! r i Your Authorized Remington-Rand Agent 8222 Highway 6 South IBryan PHONE 4-1211 NOTICE. - Will k**P rliilclivn durimr bull | iramp. Call Mr*. ’ Nrtrton tlurkhaltcr at l-gTTTi lor ^iipuintimcnta, WANTED —CLEjkK-TYPIST: The l.a-al Olicl Instnictor'a Offirc ikhmIs a former WAC or Knlistetl man for clerical work. Call PM A Telephone 4-1H Ex. 4C. FOR SALE—One K^od Uaed bicycle. Has been ridden about a month. Can be seen at "Super Dog” ftjtand. jj ' 1 1 ' ’ - T * ' PERSONAL—Pecos, ihoneyli 4 won’t jro to the Regimental Rail with, you unless you soe your dorm representative and (tetimn a coriaxe from the Ayitii; Student Floral Conwsston. Abigitll. ■''/}/ J i,' . ft SALE TT O N WOOLENS : x 't Ml 30% OFF !i|. : lii M RUITT’S Shop OPEN 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. « Plinnc 4-\W *** i ! ■H , SOUTH SIDjE .'t-' COLLEOF STATION .) iii . -!■;• <*!- / '■ JW Brick-StrattoR Mptor* f Small ga* ,engto , r| BftJI nutomol Brys UNIVERSAL SERVICE i 307 W. 26th! St, •an. MFbone 2-10$ I, ■ VliiM i'll ‘i /7l c< gif ;J5GE VIEW LAD&V lj Men * Amcrlean Horkiy, MllU LON eauite NYLONS in thel •t fall duxl le*5 i . through fclra. Fyn B-8-A. '.Mk i .•■wiwn medaured tp fit your- qulrementa can be — J | Back . 1 — ■ .1 . ^'/1 y " : nr 7 "? t '•• ;■■■• Ira . ; ,• ■> ’.MI - •V Radio Repair. . ' : ■ ■. i! 1 i r : : l iS;. IS! • i i "P” •M i|5 | ThelikADio Shop 1 : r One Block west of frost OCfica on W. 36th. St. 1 ThM . ■. ■’A; member of Phllco Service” 1 If Bit Y A N | ' II .M! ll-il i ] ffff CdMPLfcTfe SSPAIR o|atl makce aiil modcia of riulloe u ■^fv I • f , *4 . ri > '‘4 j j.;- v ii I ,2 m: If!}. 1 *- Atso iff fl ! .! batteries Jl? - i is' ii.' 1 i ■il I i'l I- '. MiiM . fi : ' ' ; i x|: / — WANTED—Ride for two people! to cam pus. Live near Allen Academy. Call 4-12-19. I ! BUY YOUR 6. E. RADIO TODAY Portables—Table Models—Consoles $19.95 and up McCULLOCH-DANSBY APPUANCE STORE ■I 1 i . j' , * I (Bryan' W.S.D. CLOTHIERS College Station _ ! OMtault Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST For Your VisuftJ Problems 208 S. Main —i Brymo Phono 2-IB62 I ■■■—*—i i ii ■1 / m '! ! ij i/ A ! • .*:g ,! KRAFf FURNITURE GO. I 'iii' Ii m BryaT Budget Mi ! M i, Tjjfff " ^ ‘"I ;• M" •' i | .t J 1 , -I :|J i FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE BEST ;. . College Shoe Repair North Gati Tf /Vr' - M§ L iv -l,, 608 9 1! CORDUROY-TYPE SNOW S1ITS I, I?! 1 - -i-- JOYCE’S South CoU^Ave 0 " 6 Mi . j . mi Sh .].• . , rl ; t • : , ; ;! : , - i ! . . . lined with cottiort flannel, zijRied front- jacket. Knitted w'rlst and separate built-in ^ • • , il • r,: Tj M ■ ' j I ! - ! lining with knitted jculf to the pants. Pink.' bhie. maize. { (• V: - Size 9 - «418 months. ‘ $7-95 Ij- . j Colors —: Navy, Sizes 2 thru .. xll i ’ v : ■■j i, Brown *} !i, iy ■j'.: J •/ M: Shopping Days I! m . i j. I i H -•F-T; -s - - i* i. it/ i j\ Phone 2-2S64 , / Tv- • i -I ri. - 1- TTTi •; H 1 M T ■ [ !•; Ii , 30-Day test of hundreds of Camel smokers revealed ii ! NO THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING CAMELS! . ; I . :Tj|i •/ {Not a single easel) I From coast to coast, the reports were the ! ;l|? i ' same: Not c^e single case bf.throiit irritntioihi|||< g , due to smoking Cumelsl | - , ' •; aumlLlnjroMf jjjwh "T-B Ihesie reports were based on a total of 2470 j^nd T>|^r ’^ronti! Smoke examt throani of hbn smoked Catnels-tfWi/ obi But prow ft for :jjvne"--T for Taito ({ umth-tHd only R OWN TASTE flavor of Cjamers accos. And let ROAT t4l you about that ,.|j Jdncss! r f 't •! •X V f- H, A ; 1 i. . V, : . J; ba. r- ; , v. 1 ‘Z , : ■ unused Camels . Thi. C« (. k?!' i I' . \. • I • H : iL "-'fi ■'j * fi U i .i’.'ri I