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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1948)
ii Soldter, Statesman, AY, OTTi Vlemari’ , I I'.'' J 'a' Ar :M§ 'V /l; /• it ; ; ■ ,« 1 /' / 1, fn V ■■ p" ;I 4 ‘ i ' I ivi : -/I *, ,p.i Sullivan Ross, Founder;; of Agpie Traditioi .. .. il ;JJ : 1. 11 ^ - , « ' •; 'I Begins to Fade • • fn I. / jk: i V fm' 1 Hargin’is too who returns qui fter the strike LTwl'd r the professor finally do get back hi made ori the quiz ih oUr hands. Mistakes mt could have been f corrected had we kl ow ing down to have become almost] secon at wie missed | nati If ^ e had carbunclfeshor ringworms, or strungely unfamili . ! * - I k a ' i). ! ! . ii i . ^ J V to US and the proper method of sojution is rr boila tq issite him .he would get the lot. anxietM amt only, a rejWue of indignation Why all this del he feeling of %k of consideration m returning qui Iri the final determination of our grade i •ely average the ikter are important to him .l : ■ : 4 due to!' Holt liunH to quest bn is missed are bur- •! most' desirable, but |two or three weeks is papem a week’s delay b too long, the next, claim period is tied c-several chttpt]erM when the papers unreaaonahle. Voters Ardii’t the Only Ones Watchinj |f; ! 4' '||ii!,l|;. ■; i !;,'i ‘ Tha present presidential campaign has Status through federal legislation. The its head fn the mushr^oin cloud of an atom . two major candidates are 'caught in be- bomb And its feet iit j the Civil War. tween fearing to define their ambiguous Wltile the nation Wrestles with the dif- campaign j|br0misesj lest they meet with a mm*. a A ^ -a-, k. ^ A. i . 4- • m '• f f K /11 a t1 i’ll v*/a /A f Vl 1' . f \V*fkif^ nil /11 ^ r\ AM ficult hew concept of px atomistic age, it the displejapure of also sejes bubbling to thfe ^urface questions electorate. ,v the Civil iv. stirreq^ by settledp Civil- War and still uh- md -1! ' o heir predjudice ridden ' .1 j, . ;■/ regressive, democratic America is airing its dirty laundry before Our forward, i se: in appeals to these discriminated peoples promising alleviation: of! their unfortunate !r (I 1 • (I i.i ■; ■ i Its about time We take StocW'of things and makO evaluations. m iffif # E„ ?i Li .. ^ r : ®fliM ! .. . . ' S' il ^ * i idio programs: we / / read that Is flat on d turns irt tojvimT the Core of ! the liht they .'duLr We use it Soller’a,tl nd turns mty ^ a sharp, ajng torth throud that is rou )ttom, anti har« 55 angle, jukt don’t fit w !/ s ■ it ! fnic British cut a rounded, top . The two 3 i If . \ \ te to the differehce in threads many fall.” 11? ml it' iV With Iteitish and American industry cutting apd. tapping the i name threads it becomes all the nr ore obvious that the in* tUrnntiohal fates of the two countries are inexplicably intertwined. . And the two bonntries arc telling the k stand, or together we World/' t] Passing Parade . . ' mi .' [ ■ / ccassionally the Associated Press tel- , which tireleskiy bangs out our ex- 1 news, fOUfe,; jup j! with internal me- nited cal.difficul iprint, mission !:p i' l him like an old brother.” ; dust because exudes some gems continued* don’t neglect your allure. shoe or —worse yet—-a j . ' i . • I . i j [ • the chase is over, she Lnd mistake. ‘I don’t mea a da ere Is one wllicit came over today o|f black Jace underthings. I think crisp, n you have to get a lot as attractive as ketnzd.’ i girl shoud tr starfe huibaud. "A girl te,”,she adV: ' . .. —f i- The Battalid Of CoUege day in the midst jjf d , quote from swim- white clothes arq liilihjm^ on how to keep j ^stber, we think they’re thit attrac- hfij .1 -< j! /ftliye tojo, but pijopriety, conVeiition and t her husband like editors! forbid our expressing such *She shouldn’t treat thoughts. ii J, ie Abboc! Neth bo 1 jiiui i CikLttuld#* II Battalion j J i >f the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the Itshed five tiroes a Week and circulated every Monday through 'lys and examination periods. During the summer The Bat- y* Wednesday and Friday. Subscription rate $1.30 per school I red m Wfom at Colieve t of Cjwurw# 0 —i -4-—CJ Membet of tpr repuhllkiition of all news dispatches hews of spontaneous origin publikh- are also reserved. Re|>rremtH notkiruJly by N»tlon»l Ad- * Associated Pi * j I 'i" i M 1 ! 1 > i —i-j- - « i4-fc4^ 4) or at the editorial office, Room 201, MOtTM'ox Chsrry. Mmirov, t'HtMdi laja.. , . y i SiMf'-'IWIn m- :fc • ,■ chvbwip 1 it'Visi 1 re i 1 Li 4 ill? 4 ■, i •* the Student Activitiea jMiMMdaaatBBMMUaM! ..Co-Editors Um Uoudwpn ^AasUlint Sparta; Kditon am Ktren*. am tMwwio#, ■Wby—..., Srori# Raportere i....!.y«., B _Lwwte Xnemvwi - tb| n. ; 4»i k. C. OoUolt, mA"3; wte-s, i yr / .4 iZ 4. i?, W, y. if; If!. b || l || I i | fir" !i! ; lsi | Ls! r i ? /I | ■f A: -.■iH- ; ■ -xffl 4'? ■de-Exes R^ing .he Glo i tf: • ^ ' Iff? : ■" ] l|y BEDARD CA:»iI8 ; j,> Eighteen Thousand Aggif-^’a Are rodmthl^ ighteen Thousand Aggie-E*’i, according to J. B. “Dick” HerVey, executive Association of Former Students, Of this . In the development fund ub tnfeetfngs scattered . , >!•• ' b . ■ s-r5 : ..: ;* : es and overseas. of the association! in f or a degree or no mental'policies is. the aUte* a me rober of the rtient, “Once an Aggro, Always-an gatiiajtion. “It is Aggie. Anyone who has ever ; en- t,, i >t!Come an Ex-«tiala4»t, ro11 ch! for classes at A&M, regard- has nfever been an as^Agi lass of whether he completed Faiork Hervey said ;j, ,ll : cfirtrjsr' Letters iX-- /', " yw- mm/J ri® y • ” .•'* New York Cafe ^a ■ .1 I 13: lit IFULilL i THEY WANT MAIL Editor, The Battalion: There are two sophomore Tes- •les who. haven’t rotten any mail «Ors; the public* er students newspapei Texis Afgie." This t M- publication inform* the __ r . i .rifs BkatOr. Th4 Association / 1 » \ ’Tia sorry/l can’t give you credit for that question Hmudkely. hui sitter you^taiidtd ii the paper a new whr has Keen ought and the iMMindiirt line chaniied!" \ " IMh.r, «, ...» A^ie. telWa ;lg'F!l» same predicament who would like ^ .r. u ^ i ... mil «M* M&b tawW- SiTArS.’ffi J «iub. Sneak Preview Johnny Belinda” Achieves All in Human Interest Story By ANDY DAVIE ' ty that she has a baby. The Jlfc ! i : rt ' • meers h • . | j! j ; j. * K ent interrupted, identical parts used jtiy the British and and newspaper ‘extras didn*t hit the Americans duringihewarwerenotinter- street i when the. 0nn;ouhcement came last changeable. / week that Britain and the United States With the thrust of an inevitable war * were going'to standardize screw threads. becoming j more strongly felt industrial _ (Th e Commonplace^ screw thread lacks representatives have decided to standard- the cdlpr apd imagip^tive appeal for peo- ize British and Anjeri^an threads to a 60’ pie td get worked uj) over. Every bolt in modified Whitworth thread. tM wfcrld has aOMiORnd*. ’ The next war jranft catch us shipping Bi t do they 011 fit. Does a Germap hundred^ qf partsfto England-^parts that screw fit E Cani^lau ■ 1Ut? [I 1 - BHtiHhiiujtoriesalreadymanufactureex- N. Rurally not,: Germany uses the met* C( »|,t fop a screw [thread.! tl a F ^^ ^ ftna ^ a Certainly it wf k thJs coiSsidejratjibh that ' VV-W abou|ii#r|.»n bolt*’ Brit- miverto bring nbogt Bril- ish rtL. Thqyl^h the Bigllsh sya- TT® F twji U m«u.ur*®. i ihby should fit- Johnny Belinda (Waner Bros.) biarring Jane Wyman, Lew" Ayres. Agnes Moorehead, and Charles Bickford. (Campus) Seldom do movie-goers; have an opportunity to witness such a heatt warming human interest story as “Johnny Belinda./ This is the tender story of k jmiihg girl (Jane Wybiart), a dekf rnuttf, who for the first time be- conws a part of the outside world, by learning to understand and be understood. All this is made pos sible because of a jkind aind under standing Doctor ('Lew Ayres). It is the doctor who Bikes it upon himself!to teach Belinda how to ex press her emotions, heifl feelings, and love. Trageily strikes Belinda; whtn it becotnes known to the!coinmurti- townspeople the baby away from tots ig on the collegeliimlpus ti MW ( Editor n Note: Ouf wire edi tor took one whiff of this psr- funifd loiter and “sfu* w»f|*d i A-Klier^v-ijiL. r F.-J tl i. WED? 10:00 this Is finest ou|!<d .1... .*>«. )«■ to w. It Irw. I* ; . : 4 • 4 mt off to another planet.”) i ; ' ' l ..■]• ;i ' | r j.;]' BEE HERE, MAlSKI, Kdttori The : Battaliont f;!'j i-fn . .ailjl.L To refresh the momojy of Chuck L Dv, Sumner| T. f’(k«t of the 11. Maltel, n lot of us oVer here 'ip Ator ii? Energy Comh)|»>i0tt Vy*sL the nbn-regs came up through tht |ngt< n. I). C., will »dniT«B tHe jlni‘ Com also, ajmf while I,i with others ulty and graduato![Mtud^rtw lot t lixe irtq, have had wy year as on > onday/Decemhnf $ it; 8 ¥» It Senior in the Cadet Corps. I have acco ding 4o Dr. P. - B- Ptdit 0 H. i ■ s • I U _ a:*« k . -1 - — « ! 1II S'u si— *1 . J. M is blamed for the sin, but hilly the only onceicen able to si/anywhere ,'ie^ of Vc Graduate Ie®! guilty one knows diff^rentlv. near thejfc-Vard line.4nd that wak —41--——•‘• T ’ The townspeople tey to take ^h* T\3l.-AAM ganie this past 1 ! ” f /ll. lindii. and she does the only human thing that a mother would!do, protect the baby. W’hen the.; child’s fa ther tries to take Mika wag, Be linda killo him (the (Uther); and is charged with murjUer. At the trial the' doctor cojmes to Belinda’s aid again, ajid the truth is made knowh ! to all.;The baby ia returned to its mother, apd ffhe and the doctor plan tjo rpalry.; Jane Wyman’s portrayal j of the deaf mute, is all that can jbo ex pected of such a fine| actress, but it is also the commended perform ances oft the entire^ cast that achieve in making “Jjohnny Belin da" such a stirring movie. Between the Bookends . . . j : N: | l ITT: | . : ,| 1 Steinbeck and Capa’s Russian Journal Reveals Simple Life .’ ! if i it ; 1,1 By T. N ANN BY r l A KCSSIAN JOl'RNAL, by John Steinbeck with pictures by Robert Cspn, 'rile Viking I’Yeas New( York, J5MH. ’ni)s is easily the hupipieilt, mpsti ampsiiig, most hilwrijaisi book eyer written alji'out ttpssla in irioddm .tlpitni. ICk a rceord of An cxplojla- »ion jof historic importahiM* into »n iirtui jUnst umlorstopd by the woeld. Thy explorers were one of (hi' woHtl's greatest write its diid pno of the World's l)nt>lfc phojiographdi's. The eomhlnntion is unhentiihltb Sioinliecki atid Caps diiH'ctcd their M'luth nt finding out nlymt ilho ;Rusriun people , , . and nothing else.; Their hpok dias no politics,,no bonds to chbw, nf> dnunatie (IX* pottek. U is a simple, unpretentious and exceedingly interesting l>ook. Before thjrlr jritrncy Steinixgk and Capa asked themselves these questions: “What do the people wear there? What do they serve! at dinner? Do they have parties? What food ib there? How do they make love, and How do IhCy die? What do they talk about? Do; they dianre, and sing, apd! play?” After their journey these twd nten took their notes and pictures and answered those questions. A Russian Journal is the result. . M ! ' ! J It ik a gdy Iwok to , have ireen written about such u dontrovvrsial subject as Russia. I suftpcct that Steinbeck* dismission itc survey of the Russian People is partially due to hiis years of practice in ob serving all people w th analytical detachment. That’s v hat novelists cUini (o do anyway. I’m shrry that Capa didn't nav: more of h(s nlcturas in the book. Thp blurb on tho'Jnekdt of the boot Hiild that ho took thousauds but] only a fow were Included . , . atid that Is rr* itrHtnbki, If 1 had >3.75 I'd inly the book anyway. I’d like to draw sojnie important mid impressive conclusion* about the hrotherbuod; ^ m »n lifter rend* ing lids honk hut Steinbeck didri’t weekend. To further refresh Mr. Mahijel's memory, freshmen and wethdads do tiake senior privileges, and ii| he would like to drop around. I'll gi vC . him particular instance*. Also, it seems to; me that if Mr., Maisel has been across the “pond” ' he pilked for a life jjn the Corps, so I why can’t he he satisfied with \?hnt . he asked for' and got; tf we hatl | asked for the seats they tried to i give us, wei wouldn’t gtdpe, hut we didn’t ask lor tfieija. f : R. “S(X)TTY , ”SWINNEY ’18 If: fi , ©jink of “Keep thy heart with all did- geirice; for out of it are the! i»- sues of life.” Prov. 4:2.1. | If we could ever realijje, just how much the inner thoughts! ami desires of a ' Yiran affect hS«fout* | ward actiops, we would be | much | moife careful of the! thi^gsj we think and desire. Sip comys only 0- c. ECJ60L: REA LtO R ♦ | Over Canady’s pharmacy ■siiii ^ k-ili Br PHONE rt t- -4— after the heart of main has desired i it. Greatnejss is achieved only af- i ter man has determined within.[ hiipltelf to commit hi* lifp ;itn 1 his all to QodJ (Read Pnaltti M:thl3.) think he was dualifi that 1 ain’t Cither. ?d so I gltes* — J i i 41 4 «i. .. ♦ - - i THE LARGEST >! : E L E C T R 1C A A P P LI AN C Jr* Hr** Come in .and see : pa for * or small 0)ip" RADIOS, El !ermjDENT _ r . r LAMPS. t’RKSTO CCK)KE COFFEE MAKFKS KELVINATOR .» . and many other ussfute' ydP FARM * HOME! SL A AIH5IE RAOIltl- . Phone 8*1496 1| fnn,7 -vs' I , Ii I - i s I" - ■ ' ■' I i 11 i I n> * ; ! t ; I I I •4 1 4 r. ./ (T 5 ; rewr. motion 44 I rt ! / '■ | I | i]|j| MIDWAY CLE Special RatcH on Cnah & Carry ;*. JU ■ j ’ i ,V , TWO DAY SERVICE 1 Sattefactioh Guwrnnteed ■ ij M1DAWAY AND COILLEGE ROAD if • ; i-— i 1 . m \\ 1 ■ i i ~ 1. (i L 111 i'.J Medical College rests Scheduled f. . ■ ' I ; ;i Medical College Admission tests will be given at 8:4$ a. m., Satur- ilay in Room 10, Sconce Building, according to Dr. Ge<|rge E. Potter, premedical-preneiitall advisor. Persons who subrjiittfed applica tions for the test should report at tliat time. I I I \ Send The Battalion Home U E T O U B . ' t" . | |: 4 ' Hi SPECIAL OFFER | ; t /■ ! i: .* : .-i' j §4.00 for 9 months ■ ■ I: ■ i ■ Send the Battalion for* 9 months to— •t i * / s i j | / * ij 1 4j*-*-*'*- , -‘ l ■ i : T/ I, /;i' j /■hMJ, - J ‘ 1 ^i I ■ ■h/ I i . /] 4.4*. A .Stuti **>*«**v--- 7 1/ A i '4 Ami 1; 1 — /'I 41 i H 4 ! I I i ! : I ;i! r ! i/ y •*♦***♦--***’ -j, / I PALACE Bryant 2 ••|'4 ’'i 11 If} TODAY a TOE8PAY ■ji i! 1 y«l ra .s;;,r iHj 11 Ifclf d 111 THIT WBT’Or SE CHITS IN THIT MUSICAL DT SllTHS:! 1 . Blin EBIBU • OOUELiiS UmBIKSJi,: TfeldltV IN ERMINE * Coto, b r TECHNICOLOR 1 it,: t..' ;r ,\ \{ y ■ k.l\ wssms HW PSAMATIC ACI nor. IIIVIMINf N* I. i' wv ,1^-., ; J;.i rj;. I, "4'V[ {"I'' l-niHiHfti CLUB AVALON • (i | pass * S t s S E N T 8 Every DAY NIGHT —M2 TlteAggteS^g ill. ! i: Play] REAL rl -mJ. --4 AGNES foODREHEAD •SePHEN McNALLY ^ctiosOIAN NBGULESCO a 1 ^arJEdRYWAI ..j 1 ■ Plua- - . TOM 4t JERRY M OLD ROCKIN C LATEST I ■» | >i * ** \ '' '• V - ;i : 1 ■ . 4; IIS 'vjj: For marly ol ii ts s lip I: i;' Ai , . 1 . ■ I aX 1 ■i! !IM ■! 3 a] ’. rc ■ ■ 'i A . stm. I . is f .mm 41 11 i 1 i; 11 I ,-i : vvK 4 . & 1 I