Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
RT § • : Page 2 '>4''-' /Give :] [ isn’t the And either. An A&M; the Coci-Co « his dom or [ room to , when h< r is ii WaUrf: " < M K II 1 v,'. ■ I Vaurhn Monr<fef {^ooi Mi . I iT K Sol diet, Staley 1 s V\ / i / Batldio* 'J ~ : .•fiilA, \ I I • i •• J 4 i ! ' only pers quenching his thijrsl Jtlfese fer ng to M Dkn rely either arer | studeiit ifius n - ■ r 4 ' a mifC|n the AUt at the basin in supply m with a 'cool li ' his. room a .. s. warm. -a vendijng able. Fcr inconvepienc cool dr nk "while s'ndyinj: .iccit is fc] chi| e tifvo i enerally Idke required by always a\fail- i a studen ienced in his attempts to g< ik when) $4 heeds refreshment idying. fl! An A our re; •Te ,:1 iii :V| just sp^culati • The as’ Piojne duced \Vedn X iialut follbwh»g8|cfp _ glulah Ap «bui|je. el evisian, in h. I Sfi-mile ar Ik All . . , ,, _ JM •liiNr lUA jw*jat Fort Worth, |i i n i pbjhref jjbmething f )lks ], field has been more widely, publicised on ? ho|w itj atarted. fii*stijijroj ram casting mis,, qomm were « Comt ele di^ibn. St itioin was jwo* «J: flirt, r lyi I '.If, j fto M||h i National Broad, ny wAsjitelecast, and news tidajsjanl a : ull length tilm wwn. ! s' WBAP-T^, go on the air Los Angeles The radi( wit h the nvestrhent cl ibout mm )lant iLcomi I Fm*i Woi t recei 1 155 £ i ed wel \ jdbjrson ?! ten Mb; Wii iston Chi f Western deirfoicr i matteijs to < scow the Hukabala . ^ : j ' ; • 'j, American to ma^ e a tw to operate t tale without 1 aUilt. U’s U M &iU£lbtl) Getifleman" • r tPH' - m ■■■>'* |l van Rod*, Founder of Aggie Tradition* ear Waters ' i -'‘ ■; i TU Clear Water’) having troi ble in Ithe lays. ii ! ill If f X 1948 M* m ■ Ii 9 *1* f Placingia jwater fountain itories Would 4)olve the si .i2F'* ! one floor) of |: 1nddmil y t Macing:* he donn JM4 ima l Kb Bi.+ The cost of installing fountains is neg- ible when the benefits which would re- h frhnti tiw»m tu rnn!8n'fiprpd: I m 11 , ; P ill IWtto I 011 suit from them lis considered! . : R 'll • i 11 ,11 i » ; ” Will 3y water somewhere else; we m to get endor Wfr^j i;stabling horses, [however thirsty, in A&M irt- iorms ' ; ;' 1 : 1; m ^ by We suspect that drinking water is 5 ail- nwrb convenienljly located -in A&M’B scieh- ijt is r a reshmen RRlK;.! jJT in Enlightenment . more conveinienlily located in A&M’s sci tific stabling facilities for horses than in the students’ housing facilities, ? We don’t want stables, but fountains would be appreciated. ! j \ graphs are f *om area arojund rigged up an aerial on a Water tower.*’ Such a milestone shouldn No other form of the communication ' il •i: ica national Workers m 1 ill r *1 • .• Bwmen upon the- tS, rStfU!' nowuMpofi men, mi Goveinmei "■ i " ■ H R .—- Amplified t go jannotic- f > 'i | $y CA! Deu 1 Sir: I listen to the cast every mo: WTAW and I every one of use the phrase off. [, 7 I would itike 7 ,¥i« m It, t:il\RLIC.« KIRKHAN . four America teen.students an '*6r Itad M)Th(« to Bremen upon vn« «to re<|u«st of (itorman students In the nt > local teacher* college. They hid!.?* . v secured permission, from the civil! pisnned government to Use a former MIL preserit! ter Youth Cemp on the odtelmW: thecmiit 'ItspMfeiW ! Til jf' * ^ ■ national work the work: was strewn lot and Dmiilce a childrens ] earn d. It [Was physical work c — Germans were surpmed . Hune of ‘1 that Americans, fchom they had Backer as aoWi«i»;W: ' " ent [ officials, ..ands dirty> or assUraM swing i pick, dir load rocks on a wapon. They sale Americans on a rss '£t* ceived | much jpuplicity — “ & anil over Rad coiwr oiled 'fcr-« C3»nhairer|> llh bjifc y-.w .TT-r-r j jind »|| permati ans efi and iff thayfare iW r a five-week Inter-; fornghertl the foreigner*! j w $1 i! »n«l¥hlnar i lindfent h<>>t ii; Ihh va vw to hti: i as! are Just i’ iL lion Ml^rRAU.!- i ( ; Batltalion broad-: K at ;7^0 o> gramea f i! in local' Rorwdjfiana, ab’dl thirty- jt; Irfr mans. The Da lish men —— the end of their stories. One day, Horace Greeley was looking for something new to liven up his ->er. Things in New York were I for all the young men off the 7:8(k—Even 8:80'iand 10 4M. N il | Hi. HI • i|iileH awajf, where a pian ’ Ml 111/ ' ' ' l h the air. eagerly awitticec} than video. I i il )BAP*TV, fex- its possibilities as entertainment and educational medium aiie unlimited* From the lesadns learned :n radio we should be able td administrate it more wisely than were the earlier forms of the communication art! like ratlin it cab dio ! ; |! ! I; l\ as much'to brojaden the visicn and minds thl tMevision station to of Americans as formal education, ibiifjlr^t tooperate east of Of course, to many of Uis (the thought! sdiltll oflfeL Louis, f ' 6f televised hoajp operas is p|iaiGtically jua-| plant assi Cia- tifioation ifjor hpldiig back video indefini-f represents an te)y but all roses must have their thorns. Sincerity, mmentatoTH had gwic west. ’ signing Then the idiea hit mm. t"wny", he mused, “should reporters Iwr.te 32 at the end of tiM columns ? Why not keep ft in round numbers?” f? we ! Snc in to writeB erator ' A« cant Ixpeiiditur!* of < I j [To the field of news and information \\ before the dispensation we welcome television. Edu- J | jmibh iindlbnlighteiimjint isithe noblefet oif U were rej ort- callings. y|ti eftn aYiswer itj’viell. sf^ away as Hen- | ] | The field i* definitely net overcrowd- i! i ? ed. wants ! ★ . Mrs. EitoI Russia, wpuld eaif in. tbjfeirs, no wonder hfll-e to With a nap* M% r r - r - r . l . > can’t throw mulch llight on the Hub.ect. All I / an dig up [is a rumor that Charlie Murray, editor of the Brf an (Daily Ragle passed on to m<. W)hero ho got it is anybody’s irucsj*. The story goi* that; reporters ycaiV ago put the symbol “32” at Sneak B. Aimrar: Well, P, B., it is ap parent that you rtreii’t ; versed on the journalist's lingjo. 1 “Thirty” means “the end. ’ At the bhttom of each story that a Reporter turns his mam ging editor, he 30 to shoii thd linotype op- the end of thh ar for the origirt of the! ele- phruse Tih afraid that I This hit of radicalism was like a bombshell in conservative, yea reactionary New Yortt. Why, they were just beginning to ac cept Greeley’s idea of man bit ing dog for rifeWy, and this was too much Pot them to bear. As a remit, Horace awbb ridden; but of town on a 1 rail.. ! || j But the idea was destined for popularity. It was but a few years until all papers were adopting the pew, fluent, appealing “30". And the journalists have not [forgotten their benefactor. Be cause of his gift to the newspaper field, he was dubbed the “thirty man of journalism.” And the; title has romainod even until today. c Given ‘ ir ii : i I f I METHODIST CHURCH 9 |8ft—Coffe«y BwuKv iL 10:0Q—Sunday Schoot UtOft—Morning [Worship H 10 400 Snndav Masses f 0 j. MSIuP 1 .... l:l$—tEvenmig Worahip j| , ! [k church ?:3MnM School lfi:4S—Worship | Service 6:0(>—Luncheon and Bible i, 1 school; ; 7:0|—Evening ; Worship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OrdlU-SundaV School f ; 11:00—Morning Worship (5:35—Westminister Student Fell oil’s Nip j 7:35—Eimnihg Worship A*!il CHRISTIAN CHURCH U:4S5—SUrtday Schodi 11:00—Morning Worship I f RlRST BAPTIST CHURCH OirtS—Sunday School 10:60—Minndg Worship B:15—Trairihg. Union 7:15—iRyAning Worship activein Germany country; veterahs four of ilaulii pies and tjfce aps learn some- en, *i li of American pahtlbipa-; i Of the»roj(wt araft] s. When thocinnji be* twenty Danes, fobr- :ii [four Swedfes, two; Ger- ergrObnd during . pation'. of (their the Gtnnan men were nil ‘ the past wbr; mha the Anjericans Tirew vjetet* spt; ‘ 4p ; a£ m X s i htwimmis, i,nd' (Uiril Mi m mr iUi Ml lacOa, ithaj .Mm ■m 'HP ideas, and iSr tni la; (,ou Ml vif- lea. ( 4 K«uuiS: deep, ujsy, rs On ta H 'N | ■*_m n- I wonld ybb' But no i table u On ate ah if ■ K the camp was one. The A existed ^and ^SroSnaS? ff&s; ing the best they had in W, Their faces and back* pink- H n-odt due (0 the sudden had th n fat i in their diet. They jt was their morning bowls ing for-peice ed ojits and lumpy pow- ... WM clothe*, o|ther pHsonei' clothihg Or thejr old unlft rin. Both weVe[ very, vtoni a lothe i (were i raggod. men had only]; One suit of f irisoner i ,v V , 'tier thr«e^f§ift daily _wktfr, Tim womea, ,te 1 Oirly twrntie^ [wore |kd«i k length print working JBwwSpnk^ad of on t »e playgromyi, the I# s ~r~ -Hrt+f ■t Flynn, said jut Hollywood ite and’“bring | that she an|d her movie actor husband are having martial troubles. H lem to Wi actor ’ojht r because he b|! Raid in F W6 v operat -yiar > ‘f 81 * |'1 ln -P ill -time Paris may wjant'hii Uncle 3am iation is gping I Jo find out bow profit - hoepi- ly it’s no p(rob- ’fit. la ! don’t buroaucruts , Beer ol tlu* m T:' ; [ unique ? 1 0f.” words, speaks businens may idea tiat n f anybe dy e wouldB’t be unlquo, j j 1 Fi % Russian Council Eomakip has been called back to the KremliB [Where it is expected that his next mission Will be a lengthy s situation. lengthy study (of the Siberi m Aalt mine iL _ J ,,Mf -L l . 1JII , 1L The east sweltets while tie west soaks. ^ Like we’iie always raaintai led,.; it’s hot ■ that our countiy hasn’t enough pf every- thing—*it’s lack of adequate fofihier Broadway rifcan citizen ship ’es in J world govermfient thinking it ovejr he ack. But now ■ 4 - More Strikes threcktened it elver, tie up shipping on the ebast. we are going to choke to feWbtn. days own ■A' I; r Washin [ oncy or riort erce 8a\ rj ran going lnt<t lew he ha i "I elw has tho ighj ' i;Hought of t ii it I il I' The liiRheat ambition^of caiulidatc is to look like thu prfRniie oi Mystery;, Murder and Grable Complete in Re-Issued Film DAYIS )tU . . Sere tuning (20th , ggl o hurli! \f!. [jj By AND IjWalW'Up Century Fox) ; starring Betty Grable. Viktor Matluri,! 'Carofe Landis, and Laitd ('rac«»?r. Filmed i:i 194L Wake Up Screaming,” presjentsi an array of talent in a good; mutdet mystery. Miss Grable does ft ding: or dance, and the glirtlpse of her ‘ ne; i dis that should One of these death on out* ] ™ T. : I 'H ! ! 1,1 - 'T[ er ; short skirt* 4uw). ; The story begin, scene of the evi * tioning of Miss dered girls si: ture, the acci that lead to the Lahdis, afe fl out the film. The murder Mature, since promoted Miss Landis’ carter, from a hash-slinger, to a top cover girl in New York’s jeafe society, and also the one (with a most likely motive. Mature is innocent, but the investiga tor (Laird Craeger) is deter mined that he Is going to. fry' for the crime. He hmhts Mature On 4by you. get a ? (day and night hoping he kill garrjs,” is due to • i crack, and finally catches 'him (thpm wetic the (with a note he had written Miss Landis in a fit of temper, vlust enough evidence to convist him). Mature j finally convinces i Miss ST. THOMAS CHAPEL (Episcopal ! 9:00—Holy Communion f):45—Sunday |Bcho4l il:45— Aggie Coffee Club 1 | H:00—Morning Worthip ^: 30— V>en ipg W orship i i| ! JEWISH SERVICES 7:15 Frjday Evening Worship is4v«ws{ '! CHURCH OF CHRIST !: SCIENTIST 11:00—^Morning Worship M -Hi- after the h the ques- ratle, the mur- anid Victor Mb- . All the events avdjeringof Miss d Hack through- p is pinned on is the’ nne that Giable of his innocence, and in the they fall in love. 'She aids jik escape from the police;, hhd he tracks down the real mur- procCTs t him in hi Between the Bookends unveiling him to the audi- guess of the murderer as mine, so go see the find out. . i; ’L-T M 1 !!• ITJ PALACE Bru^n 2'$$79 last day “FuUer Brush 4 Man" [ j SAT. NITE PREVITE SCN. - MON. - TUBS. ; < ;UJ, th5 political live.Scenes in Yearby’s The, Golden Hawk’ Interest Readers - better timon without having tfl mrt *hyi .••I;. • ' . jj -l ' » ] . 1 1 > j They mit tfirowing ciggs at Wallace Nn doubt wome of that millionaire Wall Street crowd who can affort year. A Lneirtpaper of tht is published] holidays oh! Monday, Ml ed on reqat ■r ii .fc. Entlhrrt Office at •IK ,h KENNETH Louis, Morijauwo. Ohcrrs-. J„ < Clark Muuroc«i fcuti SB%£Sii4, fer. 4: wvwfc Jk Culsuji.-, thuil, hi .. . I- f'i > ri !i Itlfed exclus credited in *» 01 he Bhttalion -ii] — 1 1 — i4 paper of th4 Africidriiwiftd Mechanical i !■ 1 i .tricultural a | times a lexaminationj |sday and and circulate! cried?. During the fit f. Subacription (rate ! i ( to the [paper a: m a t ter h are made be •U I . AMoeUU IdvortWn* Ml .......Book BolltHMW Movie i'i or £i\ ovlc. te«lfw .Circulation Minujcer loc Trt*vi(rto i t ly ii. mp The Golden awkj ( Hen an autHo rla^ks jcdnfidenw >rhi.:Tri5i in liifij ability to Wri of there U always ioi them. Hawk. Texas and the \!onday through mmer The But- $4.30 per school years, robbing While boating tier and plundering, ... cpqw mss u hip to make them htsnd their ifitnnct, , i. •: i • . ,L he cirt resort to .. ,, m . «. will flood the bopkstbies with pr. iln "til will wnde tniougn pon pages of boring details tq gri tb the next love scene. ; 'll tf oiuvlcnh athmach the flowerj’ iitidn of tlWjhorb and hero, i Would sicken all hut the — T f' 1 ■WPl.l adeqt i I 4 1 41 I V •n: bet le hfii -1 31 —rt- could we fa ' tie extent America *$! he rirt ble. ■ t t Jll Hitutvtion tfB , tii Ml! mm mmi te Lilli vH • J5XIV afi rtHM |j |jl itameti.H. t):^a,ri t j 10:#; a r- t* 1 WjUpM g 10:46 a, ill I VMOA sflHI m. Mdrhing .r 1 T tt XT* i Bund i] H- |/4 1 I l;t' ! mmmm SKTOMl mmssms t !i ■ if s;, iara idesorintidn of oiild M rii ,,,, oat <)cv(Mc<i readers of the pulp |ovu iwamrinics), than reading tho jnovel might be time Mtthr! spent then plarittg the mnrhle machine It is probably huff ewfc .Vh-cd sex to best: seller for he has already made a name: for him.self with his other t news dispatches origin publikh- i (4-)5324 Ijr by National AM. at New Sf«rk City. novi The nodes with the often in the would be- anothlt foT the children^ MM 4U4 II “As lib- days, e rength be.” Dwit. etri !i Hare is a word m £ .Editorial i 'I Dave Ccklftt.! fi 1 ' Bail . L*wy G :i potu. Bnrdv Ho*» ^attk ikul •eiLcsifW, .sra»K BuddM UuM, OhU' , Kloo. find Eddie Smith Overgo', <. qiajtou 1 a:;; mg -Tte the dpi- promises and power. It comes with ” "Fl L Un v meaning,, neu- every morning, to th« hook m believers—to the young with probleint- of the: tessons before the teacher^ w]th the a < - I ' A, i ■ 4