Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
T BW In FORTUNE FREDU DEWEY YICTORY fr NEW YORRAOct tune Matcazine Vepoi Thomas E. Dewey i i ident Truman-by til', beatable^harigin of 44 i Slper cent." The publication, life election poll cdhd Roper, said th$ rii reinforce and confi!t• m the fbur prflcediiml. ? ion polls conducted lilt and August of thl The the poll oy will- only si corded it' fnost Sr ingaicine 'ai "in<licated! tie up a pd! SWbi swttj|t tldi boar JJ ; ‘I COl »• .. Liandon. * ■ r * COM MUNIR IN'MANCHURIA NANKINa, Oct hslen, important lift center in Mam der attack by 120 ^tropps totlay ns th "TJressure on nil ft( oralissitiio Chiang, Peiping.) . n Deiei^es of the ' Were holding, govi , here-said. They sai , f defended by about Chiang, Who fie tehsiblyftd confer em commander, i fly over Chinhsien h! 1 . Voluma 48 .u. ’ill iwiil numb ll! bin* air a u , n * mbniBt : Red tk ! r-m litbday - . uz- itppl theji|!ift” in. Ml. mmt told 1 Aid . pah:|b .a CLAY RAYS AIR “LIFT 1$ PERMA 7 FRANKFURT, Gen. Lucius D. Alt’ll tajke a lot zing our planes lTiwri to Sovi it-blockadfen -.Re The U. S. MnitaWlGo reporters no Rilss iply ha'd yet 'been nceived'tx yesterdny agains zing incident in ' Fighteri harasse ports. I Clay sbook hii wheUier the p&h toj pi’ovid m I WO \ K -■ r lithe budding co “The] paly far v is potest? cqntin FCC TEMPOld LIMITS TELf WASHING' The F(deial mjBsior tbda • is'temiorariiy of any n^w Haicity sdUrcfS ion was; ! 11 fr png iwptest test^buz- nihej] Yak ■64 itiiwns- wien •ii»ns order ready The ly, freezes tions to "po authorial action, nil f NJ; Oct. n Hi an 1 qi|ter sked had! any escort if 5 if •n* PM W j ,i : . r, : - • . / " f •i:1 ii ■1|: if fl iiMPi mm: i fe i i ii #! r P t i 'l.vll m ; 4 : MM f-U m if • — •4 rM h Hfi * i f ^ Ii . i m 'HP ii i 1 *1 M : I i 1! * 4 El m ’ ■ t ■" m if A ^r : •j. ^ M 71: r 7l / INTEREST OP 4 GREATER A it M COLLEGE 1 U uril.TBXAS Ftjmt.OCtQBjatAlfBS ; ji. Twelve Se«prs Will f ■' I .i f 'iii ll-r vJ'i Hi' •A 1 j # 5.|. V- b>i1 ; .*> i'? |r , u . \ 'V w ! \> • j| It! Sweetheart This 1 I Si Jpili ' ; I • ^ ■ J T Sweetheart If. 1! i 1 ill iextjWeek [Set tor Trials Of “Little Foxes* ofjiie From Twelve Te^i Week A&MCorp I iii ! | Ii !'lf ; I- i*! i!l Number . u *1 i ion i! tly GEORGE CHARLTON Tty-outs Foxes ! the A ggie Pi nekt Wedn -ft iy git 7 rt)., in the Music Halh |G Little, i director of the club, annoufleed this week. 1 I Little stated that he had studied dh plays during the summer and had decided to present this one. A novie was made of this pliy some ime ago, and although it won high acclaim; the stage presentation had won even greater awards. I “The play calls for ten charac ters,” the director said, "Afid they are all good, strong, partsllt is a play for any group to be proud to do, and the audience will thorough ly enjoy 'seeing it” i Jbhn W. Laufenbcrg, retiring president of the players, Announ ced that although the group’s fin ances were not too good,:he felt that the condition of 1 the club could be improved with; ^he coop eration on the part of the mem bers. Laufenberg said; the finan cial condition was a result of the destroying and theiving of per manent equipment in the Assem- ily Hall during the'slimmer. LRtle extended an invitation to all Aggies, student wives, and nydne from Bryan or College Sta tion to try-out for a part in the day. He emphasized that member ship iri the organization was open to anyone who was interested in any phase of stage work. Member ship is not restricted to those with acting parts. . ! “There are no membership fees," Little said. “And anyone intei- •sted may attend the try-outs." I , , f !jTwelve L ‘ ‘ ,J 1 heart from twelve candidate! noitiinated by thoir at twelve noan today and will be in the heart of Tewde jlnnd at will include ibib McCl John Dieb, fed Copd * ! AifRiofl will viilt the TS(?W Campus this Wah|c«n , . — jjvjlve candidates nominated b? tneir of n; <?lft8Hni # ( L,. at twelve noon today and! will be > " 1 Little | Members of the selection con amed ttst im A. K confer with GRAY, iho will repi RUSSELL L n Texas in t PATRICK. T.A. Rodeo SO right, 10 ^o kked. Clalllsaid. I find i irlzi con id Mm T, r:] ;or nov The pause pnnsioa : lit thii time stotioi s uut nre njlunlly] maind.*r holtf and are in vdopf icnt FORI ST F 'EAST TE Lufkin, Fires, fed winds werd -Texaf timl drlan mostl desti v ctlv earlynAugu i.. -i Texas fell >st ' ters nere jii id f fighting lauiL rushei toj he -when 15 fires, i acreage, were b jiifjcin diapatc ilaze i “plfe ityj l|l r ., ‘ een burnli g sir !e -' Thi i larJi st los leS th ;.Cutllingj' ( si 1 ires burned-dll; —ps On* blaz^ il icres, desti ]i|; ewiv uu|i hom| fc ' iht -it foval on fl— forest aifid!| high ajbMsij East P kl ; y; i! the tibi euk i isince e;:.heaiquar- able i fi re us i being ijlei districl nfe tltnilBnoWn Clj Hill, t^mei: the They ] have r osday,i ]u|sday; were lyHene five timbirland 1 i| pread ove u i$3,200 Ntjchfes. v i H WlTlIbW AL ‘JGTO L ;Oct. 1, The Unitjd St| itai' h is advised uss a. Aht it ||i Jtjok ng ):o the - tmjt<d Mtions Ion fldt ;hyrjhction on Koraii beforl; dt<|i(| ng finally on w thdmwal: of i Amer can! Itroops from thkt count lr.I j ( l ^tsjte • pepai-tni tnl ;qf ! jcia]j? said today ail) Americm: i otfe hu been delivenjdf to the Jofift i foreign of fice ' 1 iji( Ihe Ame ri<Au ’ Inibpsy in Mosof’/ The R Isi^an^j ha^ sent 4: u the with- So nortl tht sout On noun their] by n form note The Rjis *» ®Sti Americi < f tha. coua ept. in, that thor m , , coop# fl'o AP 0 ! Januar! d. tha basil itho i GRAY and CECIL BRONSON, who their ooueheo, C. M. OGLE and Rl ^ATRICK, BRONSON, aajl OftLE. Hajl, Rives, Boggus, M unden, Siephens Top ‘Ugly Mail! Tilt By LARRY GOODWTN , nateid by iMrs. Welling and Mrs. Aftqr one of the most hectic Hill respectively on the final day efectioh mghts ever encountered at | °f balloting. A&M, (the fiirst round in Th^ Com-J Vote frauds, petition padding, and palloi stuffing was the order of the nj^ht as the leading eight Ugly Man Contest I and aame fjo a thundering close fThurs candidates battled for the coveted five nuibff positions. Campaign managers: rah in and out of the Commentatoi* office all night prior aid: ' ' ' ‘ to the midnight deadline, stopping only tq inquire how their candidate barging Hal was coming oat; in] q _ | along before at of mor-e votes. menta (ors’ aame to a day. ni|ht With five candidates sur- vivingpout of a field that (finally numbotred 29 when the balloting endedi Qualifying for the 'runoff were: Rupert Hall, James Stephens, Clmrleji Miiiiden, David Rietes and certiflpd in! the nominatidg pri mary : and ( another .'1,200 wore thrown out by the election com- mitti'ti Filial vote totals showed Hall ivith, 1U8(J; Stcpher*, 914; Mupddh, SPfRieves, 820; a: id Bog- gua, TplS. !. Roujlding out the first ton Were: "Roo«er’’|Mitchell, 040; C.A, Mc- Gulref 004; Eddie Pela. 51i7; ; Milt Barnwell, 243 and Jack (paygler, 1169. 'Bhe liejxfc five fijiiiiheiis tvere: i'Bezelbonf” White,; 134; Put Hall, fM:; Jifineij jArnst, 50; Robi Nbble, 117; uhd Malcolm Stokes, -37. The IfpllovHng Itylled less than 25 votes: (Dick I Joijfeph, Richard Branum, (Bubba Swiingeour, Doug Filling, !‘‘Bull(|bg’1 Coleman, “Pruneface" -'Ruff,!Alljtert Welling, Lytin. Hill, iNorfleet ij Bone, Snag j Gentry, lAdolpm iThm Iter, Calsrin Dupree iind t , r, . « ,—, ,, • ■ Q’Hasa. I ; -j I 4- -4 they were leaving for the weekend. W id ling and Hill Werq nomi- Stephens then rounded up all ^ | ' : 1 l Muhden, bnd Rioves gbt ihlb the runoff with little trouble but both Stepliens and Boggus had to weath er itormy sessions with the elec* t&d;committee before finally slip ping in u ider tho wirte. Stephens pollod ov|^|l , 2000 votes in the first counting, ilargely through the sue- c*s|ful completion of one !w tho moit 1 doyev election dupes in A&M political history. I Btephenji, a head waiter in Dun can' Messi Hall, had each of his waiters gb around to his respec tive table at Thursday night mess and request that everyone on the table sign a piece of paper under the pretense of taking a round of How many would be present for meals over the Weekend. The ca dets were; to put one check beside nnae’, ThoVnns Carpeli-’ their name (if they Were staying ^ ‘ -i- 1 gbb qh the campus and two checks (if WTAW As Go-Between ; I fj’. ou the Shmoo Faces Ether Debut Over Houston’s KATL Ti 1 : a' ’l : i; ’ 1 \ -i: the yoad of statewide At Ihe request of the Houston Press and radio station KATjL ih Houston, twd five minute hews broadcasts summar izing the] campus Shmoo situation*! Were transcribed at the college ra- ’ Stat«| ». hop |0f|| troop vals 10 liar' Wjl -“ ' L ' ,i ' pied nd of irdes bold the •ch tqp liatio ■4, A i Thi oat (f will o i text Slide Chriitiu thomicb gation hn*wrtown chria; and •I M Chi'Utf o 4 1 r an.' id raw (itirely pctlon; Russ Inn 101T JW /T 6y C. C. MllNROE ^il the Shmoo, Ai&M’s newest addition, launched his— or her, who knows?—padio career yesterday, and started up fame. WTAW, and expressed |ni for use ovn- tjle Press’ Mein Speaker on the broadcast scheduled! for the air today or to- Dr] Ide P.]l Trotter, PAW ed by Crnic irector 5f A&M’a vast Extension [ntervioW: . J uetion pf Shmot^ to Tox- tt La knnouncafj ainq on- Trottjer aald im, with i ^THo Extonklon fler- % coniplcta redledicijtion ip I'nuii l on lie twlth- loilt Wml lil I in th« lead' New Btudi hy the pro churih board . of me Board Shepardson, W die its bull struition, all se in tl e chapel oi t lr . new. tlltHlX, i of the Mllat* m Gil- SBSifjt vlcel learned pf the irmat; lee n" con held |erv Co, HSt I 1 Ine* V, 10' i it' »h fin yicc roo-,, (if It l noilvltlea, 1 "FanHtrN wilt look KgcjitH for infprmatlon to rttltie inorai and better “Dh, Trptter stated, CplllfRe Twill hive l ii for mid I on.'' r i|i.. j .. ^ Alio Ihtervlowetl on lih# hew# progfam Wn» J. (Wayne Stork; [well ktinvln local Shmoo expert and dl- rocUt* pF the 2 mlRIrti dbUar Stud int Memorial Cei nskeU Who - wu • rcaooi keep ng the A&M . Shmoo, Lou, unde • cover, Sjark aald ‘Tm not suref but I und)er»tand that Pinky Dowpa. tvho is (well known lr nthlotic dcpnrtrtient at ASM, had k haml in broadcast, wl ;; o j^ b LX^ 1 dealing with Sh Li a Shmoo series being run in the Houston Post, which will be based on Lou, our Shmoo, here at A&M. 1171 A report from the College Pub- Derartment hinted rat pos- presenting the during liCity Bible plans for/ . Shmoo to the student body a jspecia) radio program 1 in j.h _ the sheets of paper, Wrote “the following cast their vote for Jimmy Stephens for Ugly Man” on the tOp of each and turned them into the; Commentator of fice. When the attempted coup . was discovered, over 1000 ‘votes’ were thrown: put of Stephen’s total but thf Head Yell Leader still had Boggus by tho lating dif the. oam« stances, i found on petitions, nuu, name of Ed Kiiuze wais found no leas than five tftnei Wh ropancy Wnslcprrectcdi.the resul- ijohgh to finish third. p6lje<f pyeiri 1600 vote* sihiple expodiertt of circu- lif’eretiti petitions through ie dormitories. In some in- ipifcai of students were two or three separate and, in one case, the College First Bant To Conduct Sped.' !i I £'v f. By ALFRED JOHNSTON W::y Buckner Fanning ahd Frank Boggs will conduct a >1» end revival in the First Baptist Church pf College S from October 1 through 3. y J- ill | Rev. R. L. Brown, pastor of tie local church, has an nounced that special services haveibten scheduled for 7 Friday and Saturday in addition* 1& - to the regular 10:50 a. nt. arid 7:16 p. m. worship periods on Sunday. Buckner Fanning, now a student ' ' A hi: ijmeii. When the dis mirniivy whb ; vOlTeCted, the fCSUl- tarit loss to Boggus of nearly 800 votes almost teat him the lust run off spot. \ ' i f j. ' : ']j; | Similar, “misi akils” Were found in the election totals of iMVeral other candiuntoa. It wb« not: until after 2 a the final ■ The dec tor staff (Ibl When Id bio.; for nerir futilire. Although plana have Itdl yet inaterialUod, (it ia known thi t ufief an Introduction by Home midnight high coUjigc official; n woll known tee ami c mUaiuU organization will reml«r vote hpeeml ahmooilc before the actual will ppesantatlon of the Shmoo, Lou, .Roland Bing, director of student piiblicatiena, war contacted by tha Hittnlton’s Shmoo editor to do- (ermine jwhat tha possibility was of gaitlng an exclusive atlicla dn the Shmfc far one of nttigkxlnds. Bing was liictrint to (llscusa the 1 „. 7 _. Ivr art underway, but after being sod for mformation admitted that rlhai full story of the Shmoo and ;|C MtlvjjtlbB will bo published The m, Friday mmning that totals] were posted, isioh by the | Commenta- to permit petitions in addition to iialiots came as a last resort Wednesday when it became apparent that a large portion of the studept bojjy was being dis franchised due to ballot-stealing. Some dorpis hi d/not seen a Bat talion or » contest ballot in three days. As : the/pitroduction of the petition as an election instrument gieatly increased the danger of balfct-stuffing, j the election com mittee decided to perniit voters to sign only! one petition for any one candidate. | ; ]| J ■ One lat^ entry, Unaware of the later rule, appeared qn the- scene around 10' p.m. Thursday night and dropped a huge pile Of petitions in the Cpnimentatoy/ office, pro-' claiming be hgd over 1000 votes. The 1000! vOteb turned out to be the names oi] 41 different sup porters signed;on 25 different pe titions. jj[ : .. i . r At fi)Ut(; disgruntled at the ion committee’s decision to scard all but the (first 41 votes, he later,' acquiesced and, like a true politician, tossed his sup port to another candidate. As a result' of the election dis putes Thursday night, the Com mentator has made p ans to take all precautions] in the runoff race. Ballots will not be rup in the Bat talion. • Th c y Will be printed and distributed to (Dorm Masters and First Sergennth oln the evening of the tho runoff, Thursday. October 7. ‘ ' iortifiod by dorms, will be picked Up at e (election commit- ntrtl, KarhjatudmH may onto pd the election day, Ah th* tW nomlnots proparad for runoff campaigns, the list of prlcaa eoiitlnuhd to mount. Corky & Hurd, ulotHIrra, ha* ofrtrtd • .... 1 1 1 of: alacka,. coin 'tP ■ in Baylor University and from Dallas, has been asspei with many youth revivals arid stu- iference? stu dejnt conferences throughout'the fl entire state of Texas. r He served as youth pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dal las fori the youth revival j week during the summer of 1947 and is now a member of the Student Missionary Band of Waco. He has served three years with the U. S. Marine Corps including a ten montn] period of duty in Japan. At the age. of fifteen he won state junior declamation championship and has since gain ed recognition ip the field of mu sic. He is a former member of the Baylor football squad. week- Rtlon p. m. Idr fi mental|; eonjiir * R SW up n. oil Ka Djvi*, ip an l art ittalU n. was choc dal i acre and i" aiii cfficen Jriiamlifhi, and corps Bk they will glMwl | BOGGS BUCKNER After b< the hnllc aad- laland photo Wilcox jlto j Address A&M Debate Club At October 4 Meet • Ii i ' • : i ft |■ i ; The Aggie Dlacuaslon and De bate Club will hear Dr. G. P. Wil cox, head of the Education and Psychology Department, speak on Fedeml Aid for state supported schools Monday night. The meeting will be held in room 926 of the Academic Building at 7:46 p. m. Wilcox's tdlk is for the purpose of giving the club members ideas for material as they begin to pre pare for intercollegiate debate. The debate question is as follows: Re solved that the Federal Govern ment should adopt a policy of equalizing educational Opportunity in tax supported schools by means of annual grants. J , i t The first debate will be against the University of Texas in San Antonio, October 12th. This de bate is expected to be the tough est of the year, since the audience will; be allowed to ask questions after the debate. H. E. Hierth, club sponsor, asks all members to be present at the meeting as well as anyone else interested in the subject. Astronomy Soeiei To Meet Monday i|||i '! j. ; I (I i j JT The Astronomical Society will meet for purposes of reorganiza tion on Monday night at 7:16 in the Physics Building, j During a short business meet ing the aims and activities of the club will be discussed, after which there will be a short lecture while members make a telescopic study of thV heavens from the roof of the Physics Bulldihfc j JrinlUiir, ita aatettitea, and Mara will be the main subject! of ob- ■ervftfcion; tha aky, howevtr, will bo loarehod for other interesting hHIh I ' !':' ' . 5 t n ; Radio Pancf to Be Htanl Over WTAW of Paaea” will ion Frank Boggs; also of.Dalh now a student of the Souf seminary at .Fort Worth in charge of jail musjc varioua I meetings. Boggs active 'In th]e southwide i musical 1 work ip Ridgecrest; North Carolina as ;well as In yarions points throughout the state of Texas. An hoiior graduate pf Bay lor, he has been recognized as be- ing one umcmg the most odtkUnd- . , _ _ ing and representative (rnglb stu- Sundajt afternoon in Han debts of *• T: 1 1 " ' ipr - « %•! j PANNING BUCKNER FANNING RANK BOGGS will *ond iekend revival in the: Baptist Church pf JCoUfcje L _ r tipn. Services will be hpld to- night and tomorrow in addition and uct a First Sta- f| da )' tiition of new member* into Nowman ClutrwUV 4vi 1 be dntcr ihe Teisfei 11 Sundry inTmaM; their dec Sweetheart. the paat tbejentertaii ihg hall! aid an informal Held^in the private loiun^c lges‘ alftte probably occ of the iMnei. The twelve TS ormitorijes’ wher n become b«tte| he coMeutar T dam e fr* thd r**m thosea from ijbe irid Sophomora class* s. Th- dies are !n|s fal||0WH]: Ffrancei^l ( n omini Senior, the UniversiW U H« served as president (of the National Honor Society, wia fea- lured in Who’s Who in American Universities and College*, ser ved as drum major and wrote both the words and music for the Baylor fight song. While in (college, he sang one of the solo leads in the School of MusicSi production on Handel’s famous Christmas oratiro, “The Mes siah.” He hSs been chosen music director of the state wide Bap tist Student Union council of ; Texaal u, J I In addition to the .rejjjular church services mentioned ~ ning and Boggs have bee i£ tjj jointly supilly a . fifteen niinute radio broadcast over Station- WT-, AW during the regularly scheduL ed time for the Aggie Gospel Time Sunday morning at 8. RUSSIAN OFFICER WOUNDS GERMAN j BERLIN, Oct. 1 —<#>—; A Rus sian lieutenant, leaving th]e |U., S. sector of Berlin after visiting his German girl friend, fired wildly when he thought he was being pursued by military police and wounded a German civilian Thurs- The Russian apologized to an American officer. He said he did held bP*rk. Tljp activities wifi start! at, 1:30 . m.i with a picnic following the initiation. Girls, from tbd Bryan u. lathollc Youth Organization* have 1*n invitod to attend and Ncw- aniClub Froshmett from the An nex |||U be introduced to the mem- Git< up Communioai fpji* Urt club will >e at the 8:30 Mas* ih St. Mary s Chapel, Sunday inOming. Followirig the sei vicrsj : breaklast w'ill be served in the littspmjint off th^ Church and a religious dis- cusstm will be conducted by Mike mm •. D?rjoKh Q. v Hays of fhe English Department will speak ajt the chib’s regulBr meeting 7:15 : ia. m.. in the._ lays will talk on “The Life rainal Newman.” ury, : Mnerali! Weih; R< '.Wypas,; Temfile; ! Patric avW, ) Corpjis Christi; WtUia.«4 (Texarkana]; Joj AVeryt, Jacksonvillc; Norpil , Cooko, Waxahjichie; Antohijiiette ' JA-Htz, : iDaliasiT Hugli Jane rjison, Dallas: Dorothy Ch Id lias; Janet Davistn, AnkUton; course ; attractiveacaii im BomitiM* were 3 have a] “0* aterage or ! With no failing grades s they can] attain the] flna!>ij|t S The girl chosen will rc Stbe Cpr^H at-itfio [A&M-SMl oil NoVrtnbhr f 4. I Bob McClure,: ithc Corps.: M-S r Escort wfll lie lot CoU iHpf of J°rai ;C»#W NanM t» Mvv Mutual Pn 1,1,* ((V G. R. Un Brad Monday night, YMUA! Chripel. of Cs 4, Hi e-ex Awarded tor’s Degree R. Couch, Colle presIdHllt of rs o( . V&M, (hriouriced latyointr ie it of his btard to the Board pf W* ilnrii today , three membetM of serve oiji a jpint ct] members Of tpu boai -d of d ir itors : ] | Stat wee] P^Sv Coiuch, who graduated &M w summer session on the cam- n '33, has already re< B.i S, and if . Si degrees 1 Mir “ fipectively. '‘‘H It la available.” i Battalion made a stren effort tocontact Pinky Downs, mm* used \ I : k P ! j ttalion m«d( I lontactPItuh . . is the Best informed man on Ai Bnnioos,: but he has gone to Si phenville th cover the A&M-Tari ton football game. However, a vho is up on Downs ac- ha ihtar w MV A) a speciaitshit- pihotograph the [etOes of Peace" will be the topi,* Of the Radio Panel Monday^ aftomoon at 4:30 Over wTAW. nc- cording to M; A, Huggett, dirt tor jot the panel. This program la ! il Loa the IA .the n nw future. it 1 [l K m 41'; >1-1' hi' T t- fleeta ■ s 1" j'- i .1 ! Ij Tn tAk* ! S. s ‘ii-. tor of the panel. This program ie a continuation of the aeries begun thig summer and is A feature of Aggit Discussion and Debate iff .. T . T ; ]| ;■ :' [onday'a prograip Is designed glorify, not the men who have i honor on the field of battle, in the laboratories, against an iy more deadly than an army. ioae who wilktake part in the im are James Hoy, Jerry and, and Clyde Wilson. AggielamJ fttUra Play Concert for StayAt-Homes j _ -;;L |||iF. ROLAND : (ii Bill turner will furhinh the downbeat fohthe Orcheetra for a concert in awing at seven thirty night In the Old Assembly Hall.]* f Ti ^ Htriclly for the stay at horned this \ will be frat and will feature i naw 1 arraniementh songs from (tho Aggiflondj* library.* [ Two featured artists wHh the orchestra will be rttroducod for thi flint tune. BUHc Jean Barron Will be presented singing two of the hit songs of the Mason- -"Love Homebody”land "Put 'em Iri a Box” Billie Jean;will be rtmertbowd ne ihe sUr In!the operetta, m* (Ml- wh|ch was staged in the m : 5 I - Bi PP! this w( i k-«n4!;thc aho\ w ant cultural rit'se^ plicatioii of ep<>o 'or u: t her, cbmmlttoo. At workipi togc research at | Plant site »ifl availab! school - : K Cl be ni mmitb c With- h of Texak Tech “i: The lortinGrt* I* operatidn of ^the tvro on problems (ff muti al in C- C. Klnlegcr of San A W. W, HarrisSn of South Bn H. L, KoTke*ot. Jr., ofT. .were named ps A&lf mcnf if the committed to :*Cive wit! ; color El WemCbuth br Ama pull and ilWOoWMge! ofiDallai, repi ill thi field ch, eiminai fort arid at facilities ■by itaff I re aii is of tjh eady the sc mioj, and foi ie Pohtex f Amnrillo. agr cultural H-ttH-tH” ****'*'"! ■' •t4jt judgi 1)1 off Worth The ti M«r,b r hoap w«s u. tlort .ai group lor snli i, ('t>rtcticli|i arid meats J: nice J HVO-I fftft Fort Mr the o<Jc ar ’ Lives .Contost to y on (Irtobfr ir uoaushes j^dgi ig Uajnri "The ^ Yt & |o4rinsny llevery •fnaMsra .y was shown the frm lun|h, W 1 i I /ill T J Y: star inith* operetta kado,” whfch was sta: Sumufcr of 1947. i Tommy Butler, so| Waco, will sing featured In the show, also. •h . jc. j i k'M Hi I [ i' i J; \ 4 I II "BTEttlflAjOli Tl,- miir aruehtk ) . TKIi AVlv, I*rn d,; Oct]j Relish)* infojrmhhM riell ^ollegitmvf pf the^rjew and lentil lido'’ a y. rr‘ 0. leoms •Loy- ii v ' i’ricdi *«”«> The Iii in Ytdllrii hi ad of SSlfH IM ^V»", lwm«gUMMWnngHHSl : iw!M«WnSiMhil K iff w life.