Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
m i-' , ^arleton ; This V ^ tht liifc guards, m \ • * ttveta after the - to the 16 i . W band and JT. nniforms ; Sorettea t **1. r. . V I Sti dm’lnir acore w* (iht? yard drivef bjf f n Bernard L«mmdn BUJy Tidv^oU, Glenn JLSpftmnni «★»-! .'| A one stafftef |hi mn- A&M t iroaL I Fi,* Fiali aht 1 ‘ ii ifc : came the double thljr way In the artfr. All flacc 7l»*t a *§ty#mc )i f^tuHng fn»m Shjft* afid niafl r I ' t .o tL • I ■ ft / jhtibh'car- arSd doyetoned padio. The aidioffaide blocking and was on hii way.tb pint d rt The try far was n-1 good. The poini i£ try for «tra i freshman ball. It Tairle^on? Jhirott. c'l RG; Gray, RT{ Payrt«, QB; Witchel RH; Jlmpwn, !*B. Fort the frc went] to the tod tiemmon a first lie Fish agath dre^.a f vcfarfpe#lty for do. : : tmniorn in ide thiie artd then t *fK' Ibfl tiii-ht.. l.ini)i)ian re-, id fiirthl the JeigHt standing ^i||. BaWerachs for extra point v^as «o good. ie Plow! oys toOtk^li^essens’ kick “■ on their own ■; l| and there no return (of the kickj jjA (hive •fr\‘ illard, LT; a* ■ Hi 11 ?il- 4# f H# tflj i • ; * H-! tan 1mm h-at tWi games this season he In hid first t** Me* tM eightifcn attemptied passes, ■A—^ «»■ 'i-- ■'« ilsyear ts Jlr Ion la RMflTfi jf" i !m '■L* iiit. Ii I'vi WWTf ii v, v i h * Ii 11 liii ill J‘ mu, P ]• .1; ]j|||#iiJ(P T .5%xas Aggi^ FWbiB team k for Norman* Oklahoma w trsfty of OkUhoma tomorrow wmmmr oman tlfr afternoon. _ Irgt I gave time Saturday. The -off te set for 2:30 p. m. The Aggies win fce the under dogs in this game and have been rated by many to lose by one or two touchdowns, However, after ertd.lttrd work-outs this week ; team is in good shape and js onfideirt of bringing home their 3, * yers with him to *?orman for game. These indude eenters, -IMs, IHck Scott, Hulln and -i was ache-! NNri n liPI mmi> it tea, Jin 1 ton. K to make the tdhtn be- ’injuries were tackles jirti and Tuck Chapin, and 1 ' Barton, j. j j »m is; in Oklahoma •al members of staff,'will be out AAM opponents. Bob Bates; tackles, Settegast, feit'W « wane Tucker; guards, A. J. Du SS « Herb Turley, and Odell Stautzen- ibhrger; ends, George Kade: B»i9be and Ed Hooker. [T '! Among the backs that left were Charlie RoyjiHy, Frank To- rno, Don Nicholas, Preston Smith cause Flos end W this Si the sccmtm CharlielfDeffare will be in Hous ton seeing the LSC-Rico game While fufifllferow is stheduled to be In Ft. Worth'for jhe con ference opener beWedn TCU and Arkansas. Bob Gary , will take longest trip this week-end, g r iji j — ! 4 £ kansas. Bob Gary , will ta l®5S , ',S k 4 ■* ss&w m ggiex wiH find Wray Whittakdr 1 can just see Mi nd Charlie Wright at ends, Jtpt dancing through that' uuiAiL uL.i —V at; ondavy Jfke R wiSP *ud practically drove Ai year as 1 By SOONER BO NORMAN, OWla,, Sept 3( )—Eighty-eighth in the na, itioin. Gad what a record. We Should n’t even be playing such a team-j oiir prestige is ruined. But 0. M doesn’t have one t of its bette trims this 1 year ftt wc probably wojn’t wilt % hi ore than 40 poi$t.i Would somebody^please tc^l us up here in Oklahoma what has happened to youj : Aggies? l6i‘ dp vou know yourselves?. ),1 “We’re build Jhat? ’Bigger and better defeftts •1 Well, brethren, O. G. h*s ,t r telam to do just that—give yoli find b^ter defeats. ‘ t The alibi «t at ondaiT” Hke R wasn’t H«b ;r »"{Jr^ M tell, flow, ii: crazy Classy Court Games Mark Day’s Intramural Activities — night. f i Fou ■ Vetenin basketball games were reeled off the Intramural Caletver Thursday afternoon to round [out vet competition for this week, j I :..-i F .. ■ Dofm 15 poured it on Walton . flail fby a score of ffl tb 9. Led ugs play fltfst I by forward Ventura Rocha, the riday night) Dbrra 15 boys encountered no Te throoghbut the game. khiJ;* ^ ^ • The Yegua*Niavo placed 1 was '‘■ '1 ii ^-’tVrtirig — tMci this Season. Ido v'lle 6-0 and iici Elgih 32-0. ISon<er^ie back in Don! Schuienbei the :r ^—j Ui! • goo«' shape after Wt trami has g, who gave rouble laa). year. appears to bell in _ZT % 1 /!• Week’s msm -6 at the hands of Yirniball. Gen- lohn.Smith, with twisted ke ee is t ic only serious irtjury. Sihith 'will .be in shape by tile time !ai»- tricH, play [begins. ^1 FO l rllt , as i/ A • If. tIv iOUCE „ WMEniATT iteuvERT 3 BENDIX AOTOMATK, ' n WASHERS I 1 / If! v.' 41 B 1 i V 1 Tne Soiperville % to Ai&M Consolidate^ at vlogua field. The jdamy little 1 for* ard played .nr,, r m Hbiiit.-tiwwl ' tetfak Un this cannot be proven Until Pit toy; p 0 inl|n. Leslie Lavnc of Walton four [heir high point man with points. ii J. & - BMtT^Chmpmy GE STATION, TEXAS mty’« GWert Bendix Dealer 1 ” :! !•!' ' l I i I ■— ii fUa. m ii iTTT \ 1 1 ' i r ■' f. 1 j,y , i r^* Mu inerlyn Village fell to Dorm 17 by : a 25 to ll score. The vill age!* were handicapped by having only five men present. Wendell Cook and Bob Glass shared scor ing honors with four points each. Bonr 17’s high point man was Moit s Backer, j! a forward who racked up 10 points. , Mi net’s quintet squeezed by Trail sr Gamp, Vet Village in a 13 te 11 game. Joe’p’Comicr led the vectors with three;' scores while Ace yto Wagner contributed five point s to the trailer camp five, li tramural officials Herb Car- ,1— *—i ■J. T II I’lastk) —■ 8 ter and ChuCk Hchumack report- J flRbjf refereed the tight- best) played game of the a 2« to 19 tilt he- and Mitchell With the wintuir.. two dorms been Rioted for thrir keen exception. Fbrward Bob Wiliams ed that eat and week. 1 tWe«« I Games SWfS&i? bfeni voted for of MiteheB sank |;18 prints. for hiti crew. Leggett’s high pjoint / ' * ’pi" | • M , jj|j| jnj^ j 11 j 1 ; ’ I If I i j r • I I . , 11 4 . ILj Aggief Selected to Rebound T«Ba*d Sooijerg liSlSk ■ ),4 ; j I FUL We’re due, Aggies, wo’rc due., This weekend, wV hit 'the jackpot for the first time this F»r. "jts A&M over Oklahoma or my name ain’t Faithful. ] i , i . ; Just wipe that 20-14 score of last week front yoiir memoty; there will be no mpre of that. From now op, itlk gonna be A&M on the long end of these football scores. How do we f|gurci it? Simple] set ” |r. .Lcggett’Hr high 'pjoint j | ha» fi»aUy ^rot jtj winning enough. After a couple of wee experimenting foi ;ks, Coach Stittfl® jk winning combi man was Sleepy Stewart who nation—Cushion ;to pass, Goff to accounted fbr 10 points. | |n> ^ ^ forfeit list ifor Thursday*; ; each backing [but of tennU matche.i; with Dorm 3 and Dorm 1 ‘head tht? i f 0 ^ And with Hillhousc ind rfeit jjist [for Thursday, l each ^ ode to L ' aU:h | tho8 ^ P***®? ‘ Stautzenbei-ger to lead the block ing on the ground thrUstS, we’ve Puryear andj Dorm 14- Athletic officers are ronwndod that Monday is the last day for Flag Football and Volleybafl en tries. Both fields are expected t<> have record ’ turnouts this .semes ter. Atpialinlay will begin on Oc tober 11, a week fimm Monday. : J c.; F 'j - ' 1 • Hollmig Brought f U P 10 | f The fhfladelphia iPhilHes of thC National League brought up out fielder Starjley Hollmig from To ronto of the International League exactly 124 [hours ift«-i»(ii| .-sold him, to theR farm club. Hollniig, ja |lS5,d6o bonus rookie from Texak A&Mj xvm sent to Toronto from Philadelphia’s Wil- mington, Delaware farm club In the Class B Ihfcrstattj; Loaguo. for Vmir S|M>rtlng (ioods Needs IOVES SFOHTING GOODS 803 s Main Kryiin ! iM -U New Vork Caf(‘ 118 B. MAIN weissr ! -! ■1 /■I n m ■A. aiMMMk iV-: 4[ )lua nmrofkPrftfo - Si .i nuvNtt4{# ped-ttont and back ti Ml m-y I ■ ' r ili f\aa y|)^ Li4tfeE bAftLmGwiB wAtm as tokst tod in our ndtton simpers -- Feet-in; Two pairs of P pints at 1 ll|9b. Pink and blue. Small* Mtjdiiiri, Large PERS^^farts'through 3 ;. . . ts at $2»39 mu 1 j-f <i i _ x ,ji -knitted cuffs at wrist: and — ph3, blue and nursery prints. 4‘v : te m. ankles.... •c ! 1 y. ■ - ■Ii tit •T,. "i •} 2.3064 Mi ■ - I i R mil. u ' , ' i.i &s2 ■MB Wh.t'11 he the woro. W«U. dut’i ivhhHvV gt spy the Farmetfs are go. s but well be will t on a limb to this ex scot-c at least thbeo times y. That should bo enough to about our low KUhdlng. WH- linmson may rate us 80th now. but] we’ll wager there'll be some changes made—and for the bet te r-i-af ter this Saturday. Tljc Sooner bom will wish they had [gone back east instead: of growing: up in Oklahoma, only fo see their team get trimmed by the Afggfss. i Don’t say : we didn’t' tejll Ml ; . . -h : | Citation Winning got an offense, tfhat’s going to go I .1 :■ wr ^ eiw c thi? flu 8outh * rc5t Con fl Br - Horse of the Year It takes time to build a team from scratch. ] Andi^ that’s jjust what Harry Stiteler has had to do, start from scratch. First, hb junked thb double wing and installed the T. That -H— y. meatR changes in the bfi tern. Thcfn when Ho’ the pros and Baty got situation becaRte even more scratchy. Strteldr Is -a good coach, but be fs no snpermafl. .It takes time to make a team click. We’ve lost two games, but we’ve gained the time, and, the way we loojk‘ ; at it, the Aggies are just about due to get roUittg Iti high gear. Then too, figUro to bquncC back after that surprise defeat tb Tech. A team on the rebound is hard to beat—as the Sooners ard going to find ojnti this weekend. m. ^. „ It’s Jfew ♦ . i... . :1 I' ;r{ . - : !* I 1 1 I ■ :I m CONDITIONED ft Jim, i:¥; ■ ■I CANDIES \«i i! M 1 ii i COME KN AND SEE . . . MADELEY PHARMACY lii rlil.3- ! vSoutUGato [ .r t •' •;i ii,,! ! I •. .A, • tL SL, m .a 0/ './j .. IT YORK, Oct. 1 4-LP) Gith- Uoti had better win all the mobey he can tihis year. In 1949, 'the Baadjcappers are apt to hang an- yils, kitchen sinks and other: ap- weights around his neck in to bring hSm back to other ioijses. I,j }, : I;j. Fhe Cblumet farm three-ytar- I champion coUected 020,2(H) so rt day that there against horses by false pretertseis. ; T -LET A N . . I* j j j I ;i j ’ j { I' ,|j j| • , Aggie Student ],|| |. | [• ' I'j I j j I ’ i;' SERVICE YOUR! CAR GAS °EXPEBT CREASING ? I Wl »ny\ rrr odt of in wish Wo mind piece againit mA T ..ii. that i<|tool an off day sJspi^l if nothing else, j-hi Soon, score might bo fle "ot m nL get aujay for ore mm' ‘ imigi ; away for one o k« the gitlmeta tft w- I n Tpets y u’re : that la neek tfor- dccu it RADIATOR REPAIRS w 1 [iomiivsEBV.cEifmn 'i I .3-6, £ »uW t t{ the ble kml ting : DISHMAN L b Jlack =• i rii ’j: : 'w. '■■iVr > '-I' ii M' i v : gf!|Y ;SE j.. * i' K the Post —— r 1 i , E ! ASHING i'j 1 j . j II * i i • I * STOP AT THE GULF STATION ! -■ J I 1 j' . I i ! block north Bronco Inn on Houston Hwy.; ; ' ' I ! •!!’-| Owned & Operated by; J. W. Schmidt AJkM Btu. Vet — Class '5b —A—- **- m k; )! i Jij. '' i Ilf ’** l '/ '1 S / v' H . •J) {.‘. -nu i ' Errata, Ti LT -i r p iitij 'i'll' L‘. r Ml co. |i i ».l ! t.v! K if WJUiA '■ ||, |[| | f !i i|i|. Calling aU Men Outdodb . 1 : Mil : n ;; 1 J 4 V / ' '~r, / i - ii i,'i ■ VlButren Iwat - a V«t: * ilrtssy tanortfl dnt PI i ftl ■ ll 1 i:i X’lil .lii;. it liege and r If Hie weAdwr tiwen 1 to cm* you out; these smart sweaters rihdklt They have die ^ood color, die g<t>d fit* Khe ailratound good ldob that make utdoors in the Fill 6he great picture toSe. GWiein[mkI pidt up i at* s» brighten-up youi' spocts wardrobe. t; [• ^.; Skevcljess SI ip-otns l.fntg Sleeve Slij^eitts #pper: front styles Yi h , ■ h l f If : I ll ll* it •i- : ! ! : • '■ Gi! !•!■ hi : r H:J