Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
p I- ! .a Page 4 In i ' Send tance to inch, taneejto the All a da ahoul a. m. of the u I L ’ I I • 1 • Irr SYDNEY - jrottinffj ft bail mmi( l ift jwi’t*.; Mftnth<md,: 4*yoi •tnflon,; hit. tlip boavm’f lilwuM Ikhlp jvh«n it will tiivfliiij iftnd to Mdlbcmmo I V., »- yaw^Oid niiur#* bl m Ih'« ..[loft thumb of \m ! trnli |«f! jL|iiir«]|i'or- PT: f kina nt N^wciaUiL^ W.l«. - [ 'Si:: : riirfnhf j; •il: ’.i I DdLUXE SERVES Tip: BE^T IN ^111 ! Ituith [i!. t;- i, IM yra to football I' • :lil repairs r oy boots made BOOT SHOP Southsid*' 1 BARGAIN! iition, 1947 L Webster’s ^Unabridged 1 ’ : / i k a. ViaWnI /Ka 0^*3 vxn f • f 1 w:m i--. 'it Ml! REPAIR WORKI | T1IEOW I rs, BOOK SI orth Gate >' 1 Done 4-8814 BT QUALITY t ,, ill Sign Mnieri ‘ He|vvy grtule duck A 1 MILLER CO, drtb Gate houo 4-1 lf» Tfc pryan Howie \oftk i i i 'Texas AjhgM’ jjj if i ii,i i' i | l, >H ■ r ' S T 1.|>l fr ! i ^ Dlavrs CAFE ! ! . . : 1 l spinal king In ! j S’ \ i Agfenti lit A HOWARD PFIDANCK A •mbar-jof I '. ‘P Chicago Aain, of Dancing Malt nr* ' I <41 . I I Dnneei Kducntoi'n of Amoricf A|1 ijrpiei of-danc ng Bcginnei«, fiitefriMi&to, AdvancH 1 " '> ~ . ' ' 1 ■ ' 1 JTORAliE « Fli'epitio! I bonded 'Wai ehauM Stotiigo - Crating T.oTfipr ntsi for Allied Vans > eniatlonal Movers I Phone 2-lf>56 I SALE ON EPURITY DIAPERS Wldle ^hey last $3.49 per dozen! iMMIE'i TOY AND T(lT SHOP “Sales for-kss” IdOl Oolk-go Aye. Bryan jj 'Phoney-16181. One diy rivef CtC o* 4 •— !i .PEER’S BOOK ■ Jh,±B814 WELOW ADAM’S i 1 I roc! j—Names Iver or ^ goods, !L_ LRBER 1 1< No.; 6. to^to, 107 South Main St. one ftce KEYS!'! Rep^l r; Repair L_ ARTFIELD CYCLE SHOP WELCO>m : AG 0 m HIVES Beauty Bar Salon iTOl Jnwood Drive Phono 4-1297 l f O» fA Mil. f !' WE SELL:, Mid Airplane 8upplio|» thltebtimil Rulau WoOtl FFRK'S HOOK STORE 1 (North Gate ; Ph. 4-8814 j 1 .UliNT-Two Mrivim hc"'i* , Phone jw» Just Only sol a . — m. - rrn \7 ./ i::i 'p / ' .V !\l; it h. ?-1287 j -‘I -11 TO bed] 445*4. k—ftahy bo»»lnrtUi, ahifi l|ua«y. milltinh ejnd rpanoimbie, : Call t*—r -M- BAiUiAi.N n Streamline Stapler thin [7TT 1 ‘\ s . College and 270 n f AN dishes I , FRIED STEAK DINNERS m A^tays rnic/mn 1-. i\ ri ^tcc/euatyt i • ' ' . "L North 0 ite The finest ir !;;-a 't . ;i ihe thing for itoporta! 19^ complete with eitia .11 f [!' [staples. SHAFFER S BOOK STORE jf 5 North Gate Phone 4-8814 PFR80N. l ; L—Horfttk): I told vqu thnt I mother doesn’t want me eve.i Jnen- in her pr^joiice, i l :ijT : |W-TT|i .lLd.L«*-r REMINGTO YPEWR ( ■ Plenty writers for studoft il ! | {/ of new portable type< tsf Pleftty of late lowritoifs of ill RSI : *sl/ T : jy .. , J I ^ : 'j i! . * A CAII PRAPO* bare m iFE/r mother st.r 4 ' ■' 1 # Special lijsh, Go -: liih T M L ■! | Clolliin^., Suite. .1 Tailored j^oii f 0 if* it - - B fr? " Is 4pcmaultr~\ !]! Dr j Cairlton R. Lee . bpTvMETBiBT L ' For Yopr Visual Problem* *0$ S. Main — Byyiui 1 PhopeJ-iflWi ianc) French-English t dictionaries. A greit hid to language students! SHA FFER’S BOOK STORE : i i North Gate 4il 7 Having robe? |L by mak n ! and yo P-2-X OLD Wo Si Antiqu Phi 00 Hifl wi ^ L. „E HAVE shipment of Spariish-Eng- maft-English, LatinjEng . j - - - - North' Ga|te Phone 4-8814 WIVESl MOTHERS i ubjle with the fall ward- me help you save 26 9e g childrens school i togs hr suits and dresses. SAY TIPPIT Hege View Box 1934 model rental ty ftftTi'ii' n Sales — Servlire — Repairs «*^|i , j I• Bryan Office Equip* ment Company i! ‘ FRED RQBi^oW j I . i ■ '' : 1 1 j. I ll 11 j / Your Authorizdd Remington- j Rand Agent i j 8222 Highway 6^ South- PHONE 4-1241 7 Bryan SALES ; - i il i: ! NITTRE MADE NEW alife in Rcfinishing , ^ en mnff Fjimithre Refinisl nr g iting Contrttcto hway (1. is. >r Ph. 4^682 FT7 *-r "T T- n In ring Lhsbep of ' ) INTERfl/mOlfAl L and thei beat in . S0UTHHHN AMERICAN C , Hl »Mi «**l“ T mmm fm " . '7—iii _ r . ■S-jgjftftlifcfcJ. - [ COOP EATING For a new taste U Tcxaa-Made Tama hearty eating —tb sealed in with gen fully packed In Adda FOR — SANDWICHES CARNATION ICE CREAM AND MILK PRODUCTS ■I j ; W I j CO ■! ! •AME Bryan Brick-Strattom Motors Small. ga$ enkine repair All automobile work I UNIVERSAL SERVICE 207 W. 26th St. j RVICE I il Ph. 2-1630 PKBSOkAL-Jack A.: I you to 1 - nlKut 1 ! at Skyway. ftrinRinit l*lk Kirill ]l. icin hard); you brins fiw Ari wait. Lava, Mary. RRFfcKHHh ii-t-Liib RECOURSES aUlIidj nind, And | y id n shorthand. I.UvI.v , IVt Iji.M Ci>) |n book.- a at Mcl enri. I>!.i3 . j •;! [ .j: ; — ir 1 L 2-1243 TWW ► ;l i ■'il S' f Visit . . I. - “ il i • J 1 1 j If j ! !'; ii-i 1 1 U- i i '■! St .Jm&M • f w H :• ? • il 1 r : ’ i iO : ;i . i.ji, I i . ifr lii'l 4 r r>< , '4 M " M . rtiHMS: S^iLojfAL, s trf> ■kl i W- v Bn A1 Capp »w» aO^E'. IMi i HCESSOBIES t*4c 9* M IliMfED WITH T HUE OR MOROSRIM W '[ -I ' ! ee our extensive line of gifts that lend themselves to personalizing . Pencils, Playing lards, Billfolds and,, jl j L : many other items. it SHAFFER’S NORTH GATE 4 — SEAT COVERS Plastic or Straw | Jjnhnsdn’H rpholNtery Shop Buck of "Ragle" Office Bryain T ! ph. 2-1039 > ! ' ' i ' I •FLOOR FI'RNlSKlliO ^aphtilt un<l Rubber Tile For free estimate phono 2-8688 THKO HOHLT i (Iffice nt 3902 So. College RenIdence 600 80. ,Shift, Bryan {■' -r*-- f Tit FOR .[aI.E Mnythit vvfi..nitf prnfllcnl)}' |«AV. Delta wood lathe-12" HWJrtK, Ah" i Wll 1 (motor, 'tool*. hii4 aft ajlB Ifontor Avonur. CollrKO Hill*. TT-j—H-—rt— iiw AMAZING NEW j ic way UY VOUR G.E. RADIO TODAY PortnblM—Table ModoU-ConioU* pfS-Tirri W. fi. D. CLOTIflERS:* College Station OF f h v ' i ‘ ' ill — _ PERjSONALj—Doaf John,* Urvo my mind,tine* you have *tnrte< wtiliue on; new otatioticty with your tiantf an- Kii«ed >n itold., It mt»t .Hnv,*' awful lot.: Ix>ve and kltwc*. Mi Ndut: Don't toll her Its ajk-cial at Book Storr f<)r only Shaffer's char coat an i ■Of 51.4?. it BEST QUALITY Football iign materia Heavy trade duck. ENRY A.nilLLER, I Noi-th Gate 1 Phone 4-1145 -i BARGAIN Latent Editioni 1947 Copyright Webstfer’s Unabridged Dictionary SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE [f [North'Gate | Phond 4-8814 ’ : :> ■T- ClilROPRAi Geo. W. Buchantti, D. Q. COLONIC X 806 E. 28 — i. 2-6248 ! , , ; Mtmi i. \ III I I \ M •lours Sportinj; Ctioods MD.'I s. .tlimt Itryan I'h. ?-a8S2 —— I REFRIGERATORS E f;j c 1 %- m i |;B m 1 MIDWAY Cl E, i - fii • MIDAWAir il y'&i DAY SER " 1 ■ i ' . t ,in jm tisfaction Guaran f. !; COLL EGE R 1 I k — >*X)R THOSE WHO ‘ DEMAND THE BEST College Shoe North Oat* 1' |; iT ' I | j i; I WBllELL'S SERVICE SROP ] i 20p Cavitt ! j Ph. 2-8210 ll! li'j . ... ILfeg^S iBETTINd A HOME PjRRMANKNTt e Uh fOif the latest »Btyles M our ircuth-i- alty. WksoTnlum siidr Nortlip*fo | . ■ :i| College • Station Phone 4-4314 ■ Jl if ! FOR- fiAt.E—Rnlok cttnvcrUbk *47 ths old. cj'ttk'llcnt conditio i. |8m hOto-Pac is the world’s newest snapshot tnsation. Loaded at the* factory with igh-quality roll film and sealed, it’s retfidy for nstanr use. Snap the 8 exposures, wri^ your lame and address, on the outside, and mail vith 6c Stamp. Try this amazing Pheho-Pac Camera t|oday. Satisfaction guaranteed. \ i u c i u a ej nltirgtd glo irnits rdspi_ f Sou Camera today, batislucuon guaranteed. ponp*U. tsqp mm s™™ : ;: ; 4= LEARN Tft SEW | J I] [!'-| : j ! • ! i i! Jj jjn' ! ..l Make yourself a dress or suit while \ 1 f M 1 i' M ft l-i • !■' learning REGISTER NOW for October! i Pi classes starting in i 1RIT 1' • • ■ i • November ' , iJl L •i HI .rove UR8 il i I: 1“ Ji { 1 jiiB t f*i} n H. IE *10.40! . m, r achim Co 1 ‘it f I .ir 'I/'! M :?!l t- '' •If ! - r I I ; ** ■ Hi ll!".' ji DODGE |; 1 ’ 'ptSSi? 1 Come in for a free estimate « i ALSELL OTOR OO...INC. * Ybur Dodge DlotW IT^ j; !!! i ; i ni r-f •1881 7; ‘ t ;■ ■ ! I ! l|fM' oadJ 1 ll ! i, T" THE LA E3 ELECT ^ A P STORE Come In and Ir «mal1 f STUDENT t| APPUA < .fSS RS l HqTpou n r tueful* 1! fARM r mdttn iweimn ' I •——T Fi TEXAS s:t V L sc I .fi „„ _. Iffe fl-t • See -em-at ■ "I m 1 > r| 1 -w 4—— -4-r ;■ '; :■ COULTKHS ! Ih Brya I if HE Radio Regair ■ f. ; " ? • : : ■]; -1 ■ . f\ ... k OUT speci i The Radio S ( j ’ : I • A-‘ ;| .i 1 i. . ! '!.!> . ;•il"}'- ■ r • : :l :1 1 . ' J 1*0 '■ m Ji-j 1 )! ‘ «j . One Blijck w«*t of Post Off ’HI ice on “A member of flhileo Service’ BRYAN Jft f J f ii PHON E llfpl I COMPLETE ' I i PI : ■ : ' m u,| 1 . ; ’• ii i ! ' ill on .111 HI * and 1 U ; u« Repair j HH ..r . ! TIER E 1 It \%j\ ii PORT It | -F si-; 20 '.Is •• < ll ; 7 . i, u ill „i S r M !,'|- i : I ■' r nt r i I , i 1 . i. - , ■ -r / f. I 1 4