Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1948)
rfl II ! n-‘P,ree Voice’ or ‘Stooge’... enior Clkss determine the “on triftT due to the uprising that had oc- Shou editorial editor?.. at which jthe icoris editor and the c cussed thjeir respective responsibilities. £ 1. t I Some' of those present said that, since -they arejjjrequirel to subi cribe to the Batt, ! the edjltqrs is e ected ' ive the right to v and one of the ed itqrs is e ecited by the corps, the Seniqr Class should''ha' aet the ei|btcjrial policy. ■\M If these circumstances-were to exist, The Battalion would not be a| h free voice”, but would be reduced to the status of a “stooge” or “mouthpiece” for thO Senior Class. It would follow a loliey baied upon decisions reached m the turmoil oflchss meetings, an atmosphere, that few wilt maintain is con ducive tei clear tl inking. Under these condi tions The Batta ion woiild be censored in the fullest mean ng of the term. Yet, most of these!fifty-five senior! have at one time or another expressed fieir sentiments against Cqnsorsh: p.,:. p Considering tpe $jpecif|c points discussed, fundamental ■■■■■■ e sp however;; it is fet "thaU the cause of the queries broitgi; forth last night -was a dissatisfattion with t)he position taken H by The Battalion on the present Cadet Corps dilemma*. | ; Mrf J In explanatiojn Of this backward glimpsfe over the should propel beneficial ifi Bell, former-student of p of the present Board o 150 or mor time he.> sta - semb d Test of Solidarity . I N The lAmied Fonjes Unjfic tiqns for the'air functiohed smoothly Only by a clean record could the A&M corps preserve its form of student life, i With that In mind, the general editorial policy of the Battalion on corps matters was set early last fall. A working relation ship betwieen School officials and the Cadet Corps; through the Senior Class, was urged by this papeij. Nuinerous editorials were written, asking for higher standards of sportsmanship 1 uhd improvement in the gen- ies during the football or by Regional Director of fffi To Speak On Forum Ap ./ ' fp |j j I ■ i I . 1 ' t! Dr, Edwin A. Elliott, regional director of thl Labor Relations Board for tihe Texas-Oklahoma-frC area, will address the College Forum in the m( April 23, according to Mrs. Roy Griffin. Dr. Elliott, who makes his home in Fort Wc his A. B. degree from TCyj in + In 11987 Who’s eral conduc season, especially while in other colleges or cities. These ^ L ’ Lr -- ; *- the corps. ;|i i Shortly beforq ^e March 19 meeting of the board of directors, an editorial urged this year’s seniors and juniors (next year’s seniors) to meet, and discuss the problems that will confront the corps in 1948-49. A mutual understanding has been built up be- bresenti £ ipp ahd im t ojfj Aggit These goals were accomplished ill ill ■ 1 J i tween the present Senior Class and the Board of Directors, find it was hoped to pass along this experience and understanding to the juniors. If ;such a meeting had been held, if such a group had gone before the board at Beaumont in March to tell of the corps’ position, a brief thoughts, it might have been in order to ask ‘How to Recognize Propaganda’ W5U Be Greaf Issues Subjecfl ' J- ‘ : By CHARLES WADE . ; A | ; “How to Think Straight and Recognize Prbpaganda” will be the subject of an adjdress which Dr. A. Caswell Ellis will deliver Wednesday, Abril 21, at 8 p. m. in Room 301, Electrical Engineering Building. This is the fourth in a se ries of Great Issues lectures. Dr. S. R. Gammom chairman pf the discussion group, said that the pilblic; is invited I tot ^ Directors^ visited the campus and addressed * meeting of some year’s ^happening that the freshman be brought back to the September, Tyree campus next fall, M and Inember; 4 1 ^ ! j This jwas hot done. The Battalion could not fairly castteftte the board or the college cadet officers. At that uhat the Cadet Corps was i.i i ■> •y ■ ■ administration for hot giving proper sideration to recommendations that never made—but could have been made. con- were it • -• u 'Ur j .'OH i'I ! n uiu^ication program is novy rjejcei|ing its finft 'real test of solidar ity. The presidert agdljhis air secretary are having a di$agruemCnt c|ver the appropria- ■HnVic -'rkw tion between the President and 1 his “Unified” services, this! problem would have been iron ed out satisfactorily in private. The painful fact is that the army, navy, ’orce. Truman wants a small and air foircel are not unified in the matters i iJL J. 1 i • : /. L * m, i lorce while $ym ngtomiai,requesting a large of policy, haiinony, and!strategy. Thje very standing | flegt ol 1 modejni planes. — There is! a pbwerfiu' enti-air power fac- : tion among j the army generals, especially I!'- I f-i- ' l unification program was set up to take care of such matters. And it has evidently falter ed in this case, i ; heaf Dr. Ellis at His night lectuire. Thursday morning at 11, pr. Ellijs will meet with! the studejits of die Great Issues Class and will answer questions which his Wedl- neselay night lecture may have raised in their minds. Dr. T. D. Brooks, ijn speaking! of Dr./Ellis’ visit to theicampus, sajich “Hei is one of the most forward looking men that w£ have in jhe ; publicity. If there bad aeen close coopera- strategy from Ms present miljtary advisors. Alumni President Principal Speaker At Meeting Here Kenney L. Ford will be the prin cipal speaker at the district Con ference of Alumni Secretaries J on thd campus, April 19 and 20. i ford is president ;of the Ameri can Alumni Council and aluijnni secretary of Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas,; Miss Beatrice N* Field,, alutnni secretary of Tulane University, is district chairman and will tyre- Xrnu'OT.woiTa? 1 1 tjonmiM u„d fa™ sion arp hcin«r handled hv Dick I ll . fe : O? 6 h >s ^est known genpr- “Fundamentals | of thoseiinjjth^ ijnfantjjyil^ttleship admirals There is nbldoubt but that jour country’s .have also belitltl »d theji^ile of air power in “get tdugh” policy with Russia is increasing -the last-war, and the nqxt r while trying to the possibility of an armed conflict with that maintain; an antiquated 1 battle force. This nation. That is part of the “calculated risk” .. . .. . . group is evidentljt;'tnfliuepcing President which we hav^ to.take in ordef to stop Rus- ^®’\ are ftwdled by Dick al j wokg . g TrUman jin present policijes. He is not a mill- sia from advancing further’westward in Farjiing and ; tary ma'iji,.ahd 1 as never claimed to be. He Europe. But, if we run.the hazard of war in follows the advne'of those military leaders the near future, we should be prepared in ; whom ibe chooses tb have as advisors. And case of such bn 'eventuality. . / he does not have onje clofee air force advisor ; to whom he listens!. • J ress This; kituition is ijvide iit from the present voting fheso ltiijids breach of policy whi ch i s; receiving so much president has been receiving pqor advice and | e ^ e - .Southwest Texas^ state j^ol- field of education. He is a stimu lating speaker.” Dr, Ellis is now as&'iciated with the Extension Service of the -University of Texas. His primary work is serving as a lecturer and consultant on adult education at the university. W^en i Dr. Robert E. Vinaoh, former president of the University of Texas, was called to Western Reserve University as president, he took Dr. Ellis with him to sciVe as director of the downtown Cleve land College, a division of Western Reserve. When Dr. Ellis took over this work, it was an insignificant part (if Western Reserve. Within a fe^V years he had developed it into phe of the largest divisions of Western Reserve. br. Ellis received his doctor's de gree at Clarke University. He studied at the University of Berlin in 1005-06. He was professor of pedagogy at the University of Texas from 1897 to 1903. At the age of 77 he is still active in mind and body, and travels and lectures over the entire Southwest. His best known writings are in the field of textbopks on educa- 1923, and the loUowmg year was awarded a B. B. A. degree. In 1925 he received his M. A. degree at the University of California. Five yeprs later he was awarded a Pk.D. degree from the Univer sity of Texas. In 1988 Dr. Elliott was chosen for the Disciples’ Roll of Honor as an outstanding layman. An other year he wag selected as one of the Men of thej Year in nation wide church brotherhood, he was listed in; “Texiai Who.” Shortly after receiving his doc- toir’s degree, he was appointed supervisor of men at TCU, later becoming head of the Economics department at that school. Since 1935 Dr. Elliott has been director of the National Labor Relations Board for the Sixteenth Region. In 1932 he served as editor of the Economics Section of the Southwestern Social Science Asso ciation, and was twice elected pres ident of the Federal Busines Men’s Association. |i Dr. Elliott was the first pres ident and one of the founders of the Fort Worth Open Forum. Most of His writings have been in, the fields of economics and re ligion. He frequently contributes to “World Call,” “The Texps Out- » ' jaiji look,” and the "Sout cial and Political ScJ erly,” New Cotton Boosts Pro! An increase in profij from $28 to 8117 an reported by last Ti growers who Save ton insect - killing dud Toxaphene, according5 from the Hercules F pany of Wilmington, ‘ Toxaphene, a dust . percent Toxaphene ar sulphur, ia recomi of the nation’s cot states for control of vil, bollworhij and enemies of the cotton ■ ,, ujrn . i ce Qujir - * il 16 ster, has “Teacher Got. > reclaim ed lege ikid the ;day was 6f special fie nice because the act creat- ’[{M sugh institution—Sam Normal Institute was by O. M. Roberts 21p87».|. td «r ,<$ awaits; ijtltaininjJ d by ^ - grow i bun jl growey. !i J 1 ■ Ci — 1 .J «• ^ _ ta;' 1.0', If ■ tWMWilMW TODAY k SAT. Glenn Ford “Framed” SUNDAY Ginger Rogers Cornel Wilde I!: PALACE Bryan 2'8$79 • NOW SHOWING— | SPENCER TRACY j ‘ ' LANA TURNER l in mm im i “CASS X ’ •• • TT ' I! /• ! TIMBERLANE” Plus A4M Ex-Students Associatioi Three states, Texas, LouiM- apa, and Arkansas will send rep resentatives to the conferenjce. The following institutions from Farming anti Farm Life.” Hfe is listed in “Who’s Who” of education for the year 1922 apdi each succeeding year, being best noted for his work in adult edu cation. Bwiiip* Week ijiad domeone delve deep In Plymouth, Mas., Oraa ugh,into a recent Census Bureau report Ward was arrested for playln _ nist IMward enough into a rjsceijit Cebsus Bureau report Ward was afrested for playimr “St. Louis Blues” on thq bells of historic First Church Unitarian. We don’t know whether the ob jection was to the song itself, or its refer ence to one of those villages west of the Mis- sissippi. —Arkansas Gazette. to find this explanation <j>f why the birthrate went up while nen ' i J J “ * ’ J I'. ? 'Suffering fifon in the SpringfibldH Margayet Trainoi, 1 News and asked tiousA'f i ' ■ 1i ; r i , went up >viuie iiieui wer« away at war: “Al- ' lotments to denend^ntq, jthe Emergency Ma ternity Care P: •ogram, land occasional fuf- .WfefBi-j '• 'X |[' r.l The cqnstititiol dia is patternjec on . terns are fbllov ed ; than 100 years in tution means and ; along and say it t of fhe Dominion of In- outs. If subsequent pat- the Hindus will be more finding what their consti- then? a court will come qesn’t} mean that at all. r-Arktinsab Gazette The “Round About Town” column in the JamestoWn (fy|;Y.) Post-Journal sought to straighten out an error of identification. Immediately after doing so, readers were told: “Some persons are hard to satisfy,” That was the lead sentence for a new item leBC in the column but the jim-dash got misplac-1 dufetries, Hardin-Simmons Uniyer- sify, and Abilene iChristian Col- lem. . ' j |,M ’ 1 jj] In addition, several Southwest Conference schobls will be rep resented, including Rice Insti* title, Texas University, South ern Methodist Uniyersity, Te^as A&M, Baylor University, gjtid the University of Arkansas. ! Texas State College for Women, John Tarleton, and Texas Lutjher- ari College will also be repreijent- e4 ’ ■ Out-of-state entries include i Ar kansas A&M. Hardin College,!Tu- l?uie University, Centenary Col lege, Loyola, Southeastern Louis iana, and Northwestern State ” Col- transposed lines, an item', MA8i)[Union,re|id: “Miss s _.—, principal of Haydenville Franco’s couhtiy admitted to the European ; Center j! School, f ill on ike her wrist, She received trefitn er t at iii her yard and frac tured 4j bone in Dicldn^on Hospital and re- And to Eurppeap totalitarianism. tuiT.ed ; ljhoiher ‘ f : ■jj:' . | . j 1;:! | —Arkansas Qazettc Portugal’^ foreign minister, who wants uhtiy Recovery Conference, says Spain has made a grejit corttribution to Euronean culture. Teij minutk after] President Truman recommended t)hd draft] and UMT, a young man balled the jci: y desk of the Macon (Ga.) aim hojw to spell “conscien- tlje Treasurer of the United States may ahreagolng vessel. An ounce of preven- . ► A rlrn.'rt q/1 fin'vnti J, Amjericans ., returns will n<pv r such thing as -■ r ‘X- ' ■ Ir^ Hi' ! w io failed to file income tax aiscqter that there is no rgotten Man. , ' !—Arfamsow Gazette .I Sr. ~ ... Ir •j Th' Of Coll; jjaftem' lished sflmi-kedldjfr. The Battalion Neither the). Secretary of the Treasury nor t! own tion* .. • T> \±-ArkansasJGazettc. .'J 'i'. ; ■' j: : Quoting from Miami (Fla.) Herald: “They talked Jewish all the time* They didn’t think J knew what they were saying, but I talk Jewish,” she said. uq-J shrd etao shrdl etao eta shrd. ubsciiptiop rate 84.30 per school year./ contribut h Class! tiejt) ads Hail! y be made by telephone (4-5444; or at the e ay be placed by telephone (4-5S24) or at/the .r, ' 1 fjM'. ipal College of Texas and the Citj every Monday through Frida> ring the summer The Battalion is pub Advertising rates furnished on request. editorial offn Room 201. Student' Activities Office. The Associate Press tl entitled exclusively to the use for reput ed to if or not o irwlse credited in the paper and local news of, . Rights bf republ ca fion of jial) other matter herein arp also rhaegvi ition of aU news dispatches credit- aptaneous origin published herein Represented nationally by National Ad- terUslDK Service top., at New York City. Chicaco. Loe Angelee. and Ban Francisco NEW i Steel Lawn .1^7. Furniture Henry A. Mille| Lbmpany k Hardware & FurniturU Ph. 4-W45 Main at N. GajtO ! i 1—U — Dr : Ellis is a member of Council of the American Association for Adult Education, American Asso ciation of University Professors, and the American Council of Edu cation.H 1 1 ! 1 ' ■* l'i CUT GLADIOLI 1 $1.00—81.50 per Dozen I • ? Jl ] at THE ROSE STAND S. College Road Fri., Sat., Sun.—Open 8:00 km* Bring Your Date . if - *, • r l / V Youngblood’s Cafe 1/ -Vl 1 i'll Midway GOOD FOOD ] f QUICK SERVICE , Open Until 12:00 j •4 I >!/ 1 a 1:44 - 3:48 - 5:52 - 7:56 - 10:00 'i —Saturday Features Begin— 3:36 - 5:30 - 7:24 - 9:18 A Billion-Pollqr lto^ j tet to MUSK sad SONG' ^ ~ 1+4-4- YOU SAVE ON AUTO, FIRE, & LIFE INSUEANCE Wlfen You C|ll—> • ’ f 1 m® KRAFT INSURANCE AGENCY Pltone 2-2629 — 215 S* Main St. t ill, , . , State Fann Ins. Company RH I Bryan, Texas News.. • ..Community Sing QUEEN TODAY tyid SATURDAY— ELIZABETH TAYLOR “CYNTHIA” Plus HUGH BEAUMl (Al Mlchotl Shd CHERYL WUlj Produced t SIGMUND NElj Dir,<l»d bj; , SAM NfWNf fs BI6ITCCHNIC0L0R MOSICAU Thrill* by day I RomQnc* by nia'.II Spectacular done* ■ raValel Mafic ialln muelcf II’* i’/l l •v*ythlasl -fiBSSi ESTHER f AKIM TAMIR0FF CYD CHARISSE JOHN CARROLL MARY AST0R F0RTUNI0 BOHANOVA md introducing I F0I tA MONTALBAN X \J : New, Cartoon jl - !'■ si -7^ ; i OPENS 1:00 P.M. PH.4-1181 TODAY AND TOMORROW -Friday features Begin— I EDDIE CANTOR JOAN DAVIS i’lf You Knew SUSIE* li] “r N I SPORT — NEWS — CARTOON SATURDAY I REVUE 11:00 P.M. SUN. - MON. - TUBS. - WED* Features Begin 7:0f - P :45 i«* tamo 1:30 - 4:15 LOVE and LAUGHTER for every bodyl IRENE * DUNNC ! I Remember Mama’I -r- *_ — —^—i i MOTHER’S DAY 4 SPECIAL OFFER • $5.00 for $2.45 • $5.00 for $2.45 AGGIKLAND STUDIO T I j] College Station, Texas !, ,j |_1: OFFERS ONE 8x10 BEAUTIFUL SILVERTONE PORTRAIT ’OllJjs • A _ column j BAIBADA ML GEODES SS il HOMOLNA ■ pm# i OORN CfDRiC jHAROWIGUjE CTHL B P . | STAN KENTON ORCHESTRA NEWS — CARTOON “HIGH WALL’* “RELENTLESS" in. £ 4t m A