Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1948)
rirt: x t 3„. ■ \‘l If ...S . Bf* !!>. i iii m b f P § p' PHILIPPIN] PIES SUP! «i ■.*'<' (» Manila,j dent Manuel | Wednesdaj Field ill shortly ^ broadcast aj gression” ‘ ; Elpidic dent anc become pres ‘RESIDENT nuY i 1 ;• IprU 16 i-m »xas Y, (\cji n <i at at thiiUlS. , where he Irino, 57, •eign sect mp/m Mf. v m pi Volume 47 : it! I I ‘Cotton Joe’ He Was Known As . "• * ’ ■ • J ; ’iv I ' i !lffir- 1 l j 'I R'S a: w .t 1 |i: f,v, PUB JSBED DAILY IN THE COLUEGE STATION — 1 USS MISSCfRI TO VISIT EUROPE Washi The Navy aihounced fighting shi waters this cruise. The ves battleship \: lOO Beauties'Escorts OF A GREATER A & M COLLEG1 I, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 16,1948 1 Cotton Ball and Pagea N, A aril 16—(M ,oda will -vis it mmer otn are tl souri, twelve iropean dnihg r aircraft, caitier heavy cruisirs and ers. A landing ship be in the sdWadron. n : IT—-—,,, ; :. , B-29’8 ARRIVE IN GERMANYi : Hjj W, . Ii trai .[ > ]y I e, 45,000-ton e 45,000-hon | 1 Sea, tivo ht destroy* eh a so \fill ' I 1 IT' By VIRGIL C. CARAWAY No one knows exactly where .“Cotton Joe” Mogford got his name. He claims that the Class of ’27 gave it to him. Since hej'us ually has a cotton boll in his hand when he lectures, the name is fit ting. Some people say Mogford WEISB UN, Get% April 16;— once!: had a head of curly, cotton- colored hair andi how that he has n’t the name is a natural. Joe, S. Mogford is a member of the class of ’16 and has been a member of the agronomy faculty sihee 1925. When seen walking across the campus, he usually has a | brief case! in his left hand and ' 1 f A Air Base. Air AtiEorce -armouniee ment said tl ij? planes win bo based there temporarily before return ing to the tynited Stakes. RUSS, AL CRIRS-C KETCH OPi^Publis said in the icle yeste: C. Smith ( saying thai violated A1 lited States. 5KAN PiLa^ES IS BORD etchikan that R|e Me.) is Russian kan ski f It E ffi N, Alai tka,; April] 16 r Willipm L. Baker Pai)y Chrpn- argaret 1111 fUt Daily tp.fSBi “cdrrect”| in planes “have „...ys.” | The, artick added, nbwiever,' tjpat both .Amerij an and Russian places have crossed the border into each other’s teri itory over a periodi of several mo^j iu " DECISION m 16 MUB )V IE to come Mon da WASHINGTON,. April Judge T. Alan Gold^borough yes terday heai tl arguments in Jbhn L. Lewis cq jtempt tiilal and put] off any tfoemon until Monday. ■ | ' j h—4 i y HUGHF5 (OPS TOi BUY | BIG MOVlj)) STUDIO . ] HOLLYWOOD; :%r l 16 4cff> Aimlane ami movie-nakcr Howard Hughes sajtis he stil has “onjthe fire’’ a dc|l to acoiiirej'a motion picture stiUio whicl he plans to build into M predom ihiant concern in the indqptry. ! ■ f t h hat on his head which ,t every pretty girl that W li ||j y 1 ived his commission e first World War at Virginia, and after his discharge from the army returned to A&M for his Master’! degree; He was em ployed by Mebane Cotton Breed ing Association in < Lockhart from 1920 to 1925, where ne carried ion cottoni research work. a light) jl he tips he meei He during Camp 1 receivir Student Store Offers Variety StapP Goods ‘Sanger Staff Decorates Two Orchestras, Chorus, 5 In 19^5’Mogford i*efumed to A 1 &M as a; member of the Agronomy! Depart ntent. “Cotton Joe” was instrumental in starting the Cotton Style Show and Pageant and the Cotton Ball, The proceeds from this affair are used to send three men on a six weeks foreign tour to study cot ton and agriculture in general. The first Cotton Style Show and Pageant and Cotton Ball was held in Soisi Hall in; 1932 with total roceedt amounting to only $129; wo contributions of $500 each from thi: Andersdn-Clhyton Cottoii Company and the, Texas Farm Bu reau Cooperative made enough money Available for the first cot)- £ T 1 ' i i -Wr ton This Belgiunt, Gemany, and Fritmce. TV?;- M3k HOUSE RRJECTS NON-SEG«EGATlON WASHIfGTON, April 16 -fCP) The Houses yesterda ? voted di>wn, 103 'UjjlA,: ja proposal to prohibit racial segfpfcataon ip the'!Air Force. M It was (uered by Rep. Powell (D-NY) a]:Negro; itq an amend ment to jibtoH to, jk'ovide mi)ney for a biggwv Air ^orqe. I ^ ■y r^r-r-X i j 4, BLVM^ #VCV»^Vi?,, RADIO FOR DEL|NQrE^CT ' ATLANTA CITY{ N.J., April, -16—UP* Tlie Natiot al Council of Juvenile Gpurt Judges list last di vorce law< and poorly controlled radio broa|casts as the two mjhjor contributiiik factor; to juvenile crime.' Jf ■ ! ;' I J I j i TRUMANllHOfEs TO STAY! tElYl JOE MOGI Originator of! Cof f|ft! m wm li Ball A&M HosttoAIEE Meet April 19- 20 The A&M chapter of the American Institute of Electri- cal Engineers will entertain representatives from 14 colleges of the national institute at a regional meeting to be held on the campus, Monday and Tuesday, April 19-20. Following the introduction and welcome by Professor Hughes, head of the depart ment, the group will enter into lisqpasions ion electronic; circuit!. D. Stevens of Texas Tech p irst tour was to England. Switzerland, li ■ ; ■' ' : k The Cotton Show and Pageapt and Cotton Ball have increased in profit and popul arity With each succeeding year,; reaching a peak in.; 1947 when there ivas a net, profit of $2,800 and with over 4,000 people at tending either the Cotton Style Show and Pageant or the Cotton! Ball. ! j .jl Mogford has visited England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France; Portugal, Spain, Egypt, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, China, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Ecuador, arid Peru dit cotton totirs. This year’s cotton ; tour 1 is tentatively sched uled down the eastern coast bf South America, j . , j Mogford has shepherded nine of the past thirteen cotton tours. On these trips he has been collecting walking' canes and silver spoons whan asked What one thing .n has enjoyed mast of his expeviet *8, Mogfot prize i most highly : the I have had of talkirti! said: rl 9 ; FOUR M washj: President that he spend fouj White Hoi The rei years mo; came duri newly, balcony. *j rEiji is 1 i more !. ' i k aboul in i leited, 1 ■t \pril 16 4-IA 1 ' laid yesterday xpectk to (years in| the jfbur of] the- South portico ^ i ' I : I i: i A. will speak on a study of the qath- 1 odei follower. I I T ! ! ! jil \A j solution to cathode drift in flirqqt coupled amplifiers will be . presented by R. C. Hansen of Mis souri School of Mines. Talks will , be jkiven by W. E. N. Doty of j;. Oklahoma concerning the fouMube counter decade and by A. S. fead- irize most highly: the privikfa I have had of talking with Wen in various section** of the World about different prob lems, ^specially those dealing with cotton| and I value highly hay ing been permitted to actually see how people in various countries jof the wprld live. Also, I will never forget the boys with whom I made the cotton temrs.” t i 111 I I * I it er of Rice on frequency modula- m discriminator circuits; Twiggins Again A tea der the gins in aroused ber» of The The Ba article the & is a mis t&lion si Seniors move th Jre story written in i |, -line ofJConrad Twig- : Yhnrsday’s Battal the Ire o|f many nte e Cadet Corps. 6n bi lief was that ion wits using 1|his a means to ridicule Class, rhis, howeter, (ken opinion. The ijat- nds firmly behind Khe n every constructive ;e. However, ponday afternoon the meeting ; wall reopen with a session on the ; method of measurement and con- | ( trol of D. C. motors. Following this will be a meeting where re- krch done on heat, light, and other radiation will be present- undertake. However, the elenjjents of mass emotf a *'. s ' n °i mo * ) SP> rit that evident in the pa rticulair i ing covered hy j Twiggins fere endorsed by The Rat- ;T j 1 ]• . | : i i t ns artic e was aliped sirahle charactriris- . destroying the pies- ie clash [or of any iln- of the CU r EVELYN BLAZEK Wlhee- lock, Texas will be Cotton duch ess for the Robertson Cognty. A&M club. Her escort will be BILLY JIM STEGALLj; f] South Side Market Has Special Week The South Side Food Markht an nounced today a weekly pplicy of selling fifty items at special prices throughout the mid-wee;k period Of Monday through Thursday.; Choosing from the ads i in The Bryan Daily Eagle, the South Side will select fifty items which they ■ 1! formation will be given on the dolorimeter by Paul Havtan of S MU followed by a speech on mod ulated light beams by Earle Par- men ter of Missouri ; School of Mine?, Carl D. Jaeksoh of Okla homa University will speak on the X-tfay as ilj concerns the engineer. Concluding the day’s activities will be a barbecue and program at the Bryan City Park for tpe delegates. Heading the list of bvents sche duled for Tuesday will be a ses sion where technical papers on basic science and circuit analysis will be read. H. R. McKenzie of A&M will give information on the i D. C. Calculating Board. Included in p session of power apparatus, which follows the session on basic science and circuit analysis, will be speeches on oscillographic ana- m. ipjl lAitp rite 'A': >e speeches yisis of transformer core loss by J. E, Galloway and F. A. Tatum, both of A&M, and triple frequency carry in stock or have items of hitmionics in three-phase trans comparable quality, and sell them! ^mOr banks by Jimmie Remley % Kan “ 5 at or below the advertised pricet. > This policy will be inaugurated wh,ch are not Monday through Thursday of next! week and will continue pver simi lar periods during the following weeks - ■'Ji MJff Typewritten lists will be dis played in the store for the cus tomer’s information and rqd price; tags will denote the article on the shelves. While announcing the new tom the South Side added they would continue their regular Friday, ■ and Saturday week-end specials. LA JiSfflsr ;be Ncwmai Qub du at the jCottpn Pageant toi She will be escorted Newman Club »resi( WEILER. RY duchess might, by JV&M dent (BOB Kent to Speak On ‘Eclipse*’ of the mathematics dir speak on “EcIip- ilght at 7:30. in Room J. T. Kent department will ses” Monday night at 7:30 in 39, Physics Building, [j J ■’m ■ His address is under the apon- >ctety. sorshlp of Die Astronomy Soe c University. Papers t yet scheduled will jflso be presented. During tee afternoon, the party wiill inspect college facilities. They Will inspect the Cadet Corps and then watch as the corp marches to mess in Duncan Mess Hall. II'Ji. ! Following this, the group will iittend a banquet which will con clude tee - activities. The prin cipal speaker at the banquet will :4e Professor J. Wheeler Bar- ger of the agricultural economics i department :i \ r r 111 Hosts to tee delegations and Ity, representatives from the Iferent colleges and universities William W. Ward, chair- Anderson, vice-chair- Denney, secretary- and Professor N. F. counsellor, each of the col- ‘ of the AlEE. -•' ■ ' ' ji ill : ' I I . Miss PAfRiciA darrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. p. Darrcw of College Station, wjll represent Consolidhted High School at the Cotton Style Shqw and Pageant tonight. Her escort will be KNdX WALKER. AL—J-ili.,;.. i ;l- The Student Commissary, which begad in a two car garage behind a residence on Houston Street,; is coming into its own as A&M’s answer to the high cofct of living. The Commissary’s new quarters in the north-central wing of An chor Halt are small, put student manager Carey Clark has been able to stock a variety of the staple groceries found an this area, although no perishables are hand- Iqd. ! jj j. “There are two Reasons why meats and vegetables aren’t stock ed,” Clark said, “the first reason is because there isn’t enough space I and secondly, if there was enough 1 space, the Commissary couldn’t handle perishables on the extrente-. ![ ly low margin of profit it operates j ; °n,” .1 | J The Commissary is now open' from 4 to 6 every afternoon, Mon day throtigh Friday, and from 1 j to 6 on Saturday afternoon. Clark | points oqit that these hours may have to be shortened during the summer semesters, since the Com missary depends on high volume and quick turnover, two factors which will be affected by decreas ed summer enrollment. “It hap been a long, tough grind to get the Student Commissary established and to get its roots in the ground,” Clark said, “but now it looks: like the Commissary is here to stay as long as the situa tion demands and the students) want it.’f Newmans to Hear Bryan Pastor At Monday Meeting V ;• ! . jl , H: 1 Rev. ‘Donald R. Jacobs, S. S. J., wiill speftk before the Newman Club, thqj Children of Mary olf St Joseph’s Parish, and the Children of Mary of St Thomas’s Parish at a combined meeting to be held Monday »t 7:15 p. m. in the base ment of St. Mary’s Chapel, -h Fr. Jacobs is pastor of the Im maculate Conception Church: in Bryan. He was ordained in 1942 at the Shrirte of the Immaculate Con ception ih Washington D. C. after completing a college course follow ed by a four-year course in the ology at; St. JosephV/Seminary in Washington. Fr. Jacobs came te Bryan in 1946 to do missionary; work among the Negroes in this;vicinity. He has also! Men commissioned 'to pave the| way for colored missions in Wacojj lie will address tee combined groups .<jn “The Catholic Standing in the World Today.’’ Bob Weiler, president of tee Newman Club, urges all members ter attend. An amendment to the Newman Club constitution concerning the dues for the coming year will also be voted on. An amendment con cerning the election of officers will also be introduced. Final plans will be madei for the A&M-TSCW New man Club dance to be held May 1. All members wanting dates for the Newman club dance should sign up at the Monday meeting. The Newman Club will receive Holy Communion in a body at the 10 a. m. mass, Sunday, April 17. With the 14th annual Cotton Ball only a few ing made by program committees and over 200 celj are on the campus to participate in the affair. DeWare Fieldhouse has been given ttye new that of fast breaking basketball games to ona qf wi iileisi 1*8 IS ala liiiafei 1 .-.Ift" .-TH.,, toff Ish wB ■ ‘ :■ ii ‘^a'V Mt m LU" It'' m i 1 m m Number 154. vf ^ arade m lr pi Field House 19" Pro g ram final arrangements are be- 1 and international fame oisphere changed from kth. Under? the direc- C. L. Pittman and George f Sanger BrOthfri*, Dallas, ig cjolonial house has bA;n erec- with n background of green a)id magnolia trees. co(tton royalty and (listing* guests are already on tee . Heading the fiat are King wuden of Gotten Wallace klefr and Martha Langston, Na- faid of Gotten Matilda. 1, I16|3 .Cotton dachessea and ir qscorts, and a contingent of :r’s most beautiful models, rtdajpy J. Murray, executive nce-preiMdent of the Texas Cote ssociation of; Waco, will l ing Cotton.i ' |; Music for the six boui-s of pag eantry i r to be furnished by the ' rd Orchestra; Tlhe Singing and Johnny-Hersky and |S Melody Kings. An: exhibition by!;.i Jack Fomby’s) ^weetwdter lancipf | teapi ia to be in- ctudedj in tee program. Thej Pageant will begin at 8 p. nte ana bn over in sufficient time fat! the (audience and participants the Ball, i which is sche- 10 until! 2. .qgford of the] mini ant laid rumni igeant will) : WB, P- • •Ml li! I'! 2 ;• ■ .4vfM’ 1 MISS AUDREY DAVIS wUl be duchess for th® ) Aeronautical Science tonight at the 14th Annual \w and Pageant. She will he escorted hy JAMES 1 Plan Two For Saturday Nijrht agronomy ng tickets be on !*al%mt . i ii -. • ; continued that ther some cbnfusion as t whether: the generil' adqriBaio&^uc Yets Cntatlcd the hplder to reserv : j pA« tickets, indudinf genera] on tickets, are numbered III reserve a seat for the rian is $1.26 per person achets arc on sale at the ag-, department, W. S. : , P/ in:Bryan, Black's F l Coach Stiteler to Speak ; Football Coach Harry Stiteler will address the Kream and.Kow Klub Tuesday evening at 7:80 in the Petroleum Lecture Room. | \ f li- Poison and Fisher Chosen By VSA to Attend Bonus Meeting Two delegates, Bob pjolson and Ed Fisner, have been ilqcted by the! Veteran Students Association to represent &M veterans at the “Operations Bonus” meeting in Austin Saturday, April About 25 col sel A 117, •lieges and universities will be represented at the meeting which has been ca led iJ r by the Veterans Affairs Commit tee of the University of Texas ie A&M delegates will a<ft itly in accordance with the S expressed by A&M veteran students, Poison stressed.: ! ; A poll is now being taker) to find out what Aggie veterans think of the bonus. In urging all veterans students to express their opinion on the matter, Taylor Wil- kini, veterans advisor, pointed] out all students not living in itory students should turn in blank on P-~ ’ — J iltf. His add Faculty Dormitory students should turn their ballots to their housemasters. <4 State action on a bonus has so behn limited to a proposed bill nen-i per day, for which would give each World Wa II veteran $2 per day for continen tal service and $3 overseas duty. .f| The most logical source of mon-t ey to implement sijch a payment would be either natural) resource taxes or a state sales tax. j;' (| Housemasters should turn the ballots in to the Assistant Director of Student Affairs not later than 5 p. m. Friday, April 16. ■ ill '[ Supplying the finishing touch to the Cotton end, the Hillel Club will hold its annual spring fo day night at the Bryan Country Club. At.the sa all-college dance will be held in Sbisa Hall. The Aggieland Orchestra will play for the ‘I - ♦ dance from 9 to 12. Tij stag or drag. ; j >: The Hillel Club’k a climaxing its social aj Ihe year, will be the a reunion of former members as invitation! I extended to all thtee i Playing for the Hill be the Little Aggicli This dance will start (During the evenin Gabert, Cotton club, will be pres® - members. Decorations whic planned for the affaii the atmosphere of a walk cafe, i Preceding j the dai night, a picnic will be sol Park. j_. Plans have been of-town guests to at ton Pageant! Friday They have also been coffee hour Sunday the home of Mrs. Es haus in College Park Maurice Robinow chairman of the e charge of the forma- Dave Seligrtan, and] head tea various coi tickets, scaled at. $1.50 r pie or SUg, are now on sale at dent; Activities officq aml will art sate at fhc entrance to Sbisa' ~ the danc^. j la al a: rities Hi ■ i $ studer Jancej! Orchei EH for - I! ;■ ■ nave I ill rei laris $ Satun Id in I V ; 1 : ’\ . *|| ■, j i *j| j I*( j SUE WARREN will represent thje Business Society at the Cat- ton Style Show and Pageant this evening in DeWare iFteldhouse. She will be escorted by E. A. RICHARD. 1 I • [■; i ■ ►WNER—Execu nt of the tion LIND will crown I ve rice- Cotton J. MUR- King Cotton Exes to Rope In Livestock Show W Fred (Dalby and Caddo Wright, Aggie exes of ’41 and ’42 respect ively, will compete in the tie-down roping contest in the Little South western Stock Show and Rodeo Mgy 8, according to Prince Wood, chairman of the horse show. Dalby, from Aspermont, was Grand Champion All-Around Cow boy in the Aggie Rodeo while i® school and competed in the Ihter- collegiate Rodeo in Tuscon, Ari zona. He is now operating.a ranch at ^spermont j ] j !| Wright, of Brenham, was active in the Saddle and Sirloin Club [1 while in school and entered the r rodeos. Also on the program for the Little Southwestern Show, besides the match roping, is a student rop ing and reining horse contest and a gaited horse and! fine harness exhibition. Anyone interested in showing horses in the reining event or rop ing for the jackpot should submit his name to the AH office at once, Wood said. / in DeWare Fieldhouse. cktayman To Sunday In ist Church outstanding church; . Texas, Pat Thompson C|ty, will be the guest at the Sunday morning of the A&M Methodist . Thompson will speak at tin tee-“Challtuge of the oday.” I . a noted lay speaker Conference will have directed to nil! Laymen in chiirch well;! as the general pub- services Mrs. as, Mrs. Emery, ; viewer fiom Sanger vill review latest work, the Angels Siilg.” will be no admission for . Which begins at 7:15 ‘I FFA giate FFA Cha resented at the MISS BETTY Y Ft. Worth. MISS Yj a graduate of JTAj corted by JAMES ' an agricultural edi from Abilene.