Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1948)
Nf *#> atul ntj- dial : : • 1 k ik- »■/ i V ' f\ \ ‘ ^ COLLEGE +- DAILY if T Si 30IW I: fii. ;r r j HEXltf CITY, April 10 4-^1 Alpnrjid toy reports of 1 pospiblie Co aim| mist sabotajft „ other4 omltn'es, leaders ! of 25 Cojmiri mi*> organizations^-; Sa|tuhjay jto combine In a singli ly- I ;-' mi _>ersons incl|u4ing pom fDm othir cities, discussed* the dange -s .off. a threatened national eli otr cal tetrike, the linfest fthely blime upjn, seveml (left jiving groups ani the-revelation today of a Cot imui list' plot to cut all |telc- grfaphf lin4s in MexijcO. HCKEN OS EV PfG [>N ; EVERY i OMAHA, April |ick<n An eve: porker or[every $5 pj-opo ial faf Cec ai :er of he 0: Cpmnjercf . A rent, Meins [said the . I jawnjrfe . ci outhtjto be ij-tipbJpe (to- ' ■rH A OF - land), TEXAS, . t I O' s. A GREATER A & MC MONDAY, APRIL IS, 1948 Thousand Spect Fieldhouse For Cott< nrn^ >' f mm. i • n ||1[| % I V 1 b,': j • v lb’, ■ 1 ; 1 '■! 1 - ■ i Number 35f5 K ! r X- cun'en isti'l'. t iat piakej? if a strong edhira ( f exchange—Agriculture. He proposed that a picture of a COTTON ROYAL! LANGSTON, are sur Fieldhouse. hickdn h ; printed Ion each ?!' bill; t(iat i 6 l ills can-yf a picturefaf a h)og gnd that eve: yfa * , . t , ry $101 bill tarry a< pie urd of a hefeforal -stetfr. “Iti wo ild be g Sot better to liet the ptOopfe know that there’s 'some livesUeklahd f ood ibehiind the; bills, ' >J< ~ OXJJ Lr court at thg Cotton Queen of Cot ton, WALLACE HACKLER and MARTHA J1 Pageant held Friday night in OeW’are IF.AN es Lower - rhthefi thian a pile lof gold at; Foi t Ifnoxi, ’ Means said. Than 1946, Report Shows 1ELES - PHHvLY IN DALLAS i__r rO^ 4Y IN DALLAS DA .LAS, April 19 The as nglles Rams and' the ^hiia- jelpH a Eagles will play iv pro- sssi) ial football game here! Sept. l(o un ler sponsors! ip of the Dallas ile^i ial ishipt Cldl• 'll U ' Thg g ime, proci eds from-' which rill jao *o the clul’s.ciimp'fdr tm- i erpf vil »ged boys, wil he at; night nd uil be in the Cotton; Bowl i f vet ail ling of th j bo(wl haH boon ' lomp ete i by the n. The Cotton Jowl is being ehlhrgeiii* to ajeapa- :ity I )f j 62,000 ffom its present I5,. r )0( r . 1 j \MB IS JADORi siAYS USSR 1»RA« yn CES “EQUALITY”? W YORK, April 19 Sovig, ^ .mbassador Alexander S. Panjj is! kin said ;hati equality of - iirrs;. -tlnioh, r •' - ■ i : Ik- i* 11 H R in ithje only been p illy beer p iwd aimed b»t uit i into! prac- aH . ‘ t ha.slftiO| has id Ph»! first histo; y tiona ] ved a- Pl Th: fmbassadi; i Russ a diaye bjOe i deve op !freely th tul’d mf to pavtic|^at(! on aif equal basisi wfth all atKe'rjp? if skin saiid Rulssia i$ “the ^Itinatiipniil state 'pi the pf. mankir (| where the na- oblem hajsfbeen fully sol- in tereqtf of all tbfe peo- sjaid J^ws in lermittdd “to IOR OF SOUTH f INA SPIAKS MAY 10 j > A V T. iiationjil cul- on aif equal ojplesbf our ;h a countr; " goaIe CAI0 , JACrfSON, Miss,. April 1$ —<A>) The I keynote speaker of tpe-.con- fere ice ;of states' rights democrats herf on May IjO will i be Governor J, sirbm. Thurmond of South Caro linaJ F '■ | ■?', H s ^election for the position was announced , ointilyi by! Judge Hei| ipr| Holmes < f Senatobih, Mis- sissi: pptj and-Arthur L. Adonis of Jomsbqro, Arkhrsas, chair|nen in thei raspective s :ate(i of the Deni- ocratic]Executives Ctiinmitfees. bxljis, Mississippi and I South Carriina thus j( in hands ! in. the statfs’ Irights fiirht as plins for the cotiference a-e bjeitig complet ed, w Judge ' Hoi mes added. “All thre! states have been] solidly Dem icijatic for mSnjy yean’s and have always been: countqdf in the ‘soli( lyj democrat id south’,;’^ “US CANNOT^ IFFORD two Air forces^ :| M NNEAPQL1S, ^pril 19 —(A>) Jam :b J Doolittle told hL«t famed “Tol yoj Raideifa” ■ that the] United Stat is cannot af 'ord two Air For- CCS. |f : j' 1 .]] ' H i! galled for a strong; coordi nate d A> r Force operating under one directing held in order to ac- con' pli*h the air, missioii effec tive y pnd eccmi inically. tit obvious ;o all bf US,” Doo- id,| “that we shouldii’t have ies pr tvjo navies, ft shouW dannot Losses for Fall • '■ ! ji CORFfS Main Campus Annex . Total No. “ 988 AI \ Total Students Percentage / MifM* Losses / 373 48.0% 74 36.0% Main Campus Annex .521 MS lit; Main Campus Annex . PS 447 136 121 256 /, NON -COKP I, * • I (f' ■ * '» 31 131 162 i Main Campus r .;.U. „J~U10 • Annex ........; r j.,..„.Ll75 Cattleman Set Frida »S 50 46.2% 26.0% 22.0% 24.0%' 27.Q% 15^% 16.7% 20.0% 274)% 27.0% I] The Kream and Kow Klubhvill team up with the Saddle Night to bring to Sbisa Hall the will furnish the music littli two aj be __ lly obviois that we c aff<|rd;[ two Air Forces. Our arei liijni cd.”! re- »APER MAK1 DD DEViiLOP SHINGTON, April tent sei( ntists e J9—<A>) said Satur- N ,MflT VA. Gqve:. day a 1 new dev ilopment fn paper i- jtia dng 1 will qd(| vatst amounts of wo< d -le* real tec u ma e inc i the njatlon'fj ‘critical sup- satisfjat mry pulpHimber. al-chdrsi o ! th^ National Bii- if Standards i si id the new' uc—-usinj: pla itic J bonding ,1 to stver gthen pajier+-may e by as much as \ 75 per- ie use ol such “deciduous” evergHon- :h, ifirfh 1. • % Spring Concert Of Aggie Band to Held in Cuion H; I'" J j The spring concert givqn sin* nually by the Aggie Band Will be held in Guion Hall, April 27 at 7:30 p. m. f according to Lt. Col. E. V. Adams, band director, f Plans for this year’s concert ii elude “The Barber of Seville” 1 Rossini, “Curtain Raiser and Cou: try Dance” by Goldipan, “The Mad Major March” by Alfopd, and selections by Cole Porter, j Two solos, a vocal rendition of: “Beelzebub,” and “Tarantella” on the clarinet will be presented. Some novelty numbers involving popular radio jingles, the current ly popular, “Now Is the Hour,” rand , Tschaikowsky’s “Sypiphony No. 4” will round out the [ Varied program. No admission charge prill made for the concert! Col. Adams! stated. and Sirloin C|ub Friday nigh Annual Cattleman’s Ball. Jesse Jarrfes and “All ThejBoys for this year’s ball-which will feature, in addition tp the r ~ 1 — gqlar activities, the presentation two i honorary memberships the Saddle and.Sirloin Club. [ The Intercollegiate Champion- hip Rodeo trophy will be present- jl to! Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the apimal husbandry department, by he rodeo team. The team won the i ophy : at j the Annual Intercolle- iate Rodejo held in Tuscon, Ariz. Members of the Junior and Sen ior Intercollegiate Judging teams of 197: will be presented medals arned in the various judging con ests in which they have partici- ated. I « \ The two honorary memberships ip the Saddle and Sirloin Club will be given to R. L. Underwood of Wichita Falls and Edgar Hudgins of Huiigerford. These two men are ;h outstanding contributors to respective fields of agricul- Underwood is noted for his rk in the breeding of quarter orses and Hudgins has done out standing work in improving Brah man! beef cattle through breeding. Sbisa Hall will be decorated' by members of the two clubs in typi- »1 western style. The western heme will be carried out by those ittending; the ball for they will 11 drfess in cowboy fashion, The en must wear levis or frontier nts and boots, while the women lay wear frontier pants or cotton resses., Losses of corps freshmen for the fall semester total 16.7 percent, a report iss today by the Dean of M^n’b Office revealed. This com pares with 46.2 percent ost through resignations for causes during the first mester of the 1946-47 school yean x The report, coni piled at the quest of thq Senior Class, tailed losses of both corps noq-corps freshmen for eae!, the fall semesters,.! Of alTthe percentages computed, the greatest differences from one year^to the next lies in a compari son *)(f r corps members corpi students. In the 46.2% of the corps f: on the main campus and at Annex dropped from school was reported above. During |that Same semester, only 24% ofi the non-corps freshmen on both cam puses resigned. I ' Last fall, however, the trend was •? reversed. Of the 969 first- year corps students who began the year on both campuses, ionly 16.7% bad left by the end of the semdstMsOn the [other hand, [27% of the ^85 non-corps ifrestymert dropped out of school. The complete table, as the Dean of Men’s Office, produced to the left, I • , i. lift * Mid - semester figures fox' the A&M Annex freshman were re leased yesterday by Dr. Jolfin' P. Abbott, dean of the Annex. He reported that 984 stuients registered for the spring sen: ester at the Annex, of which 144 were first semester freshmen or trans fers. Of the 984, a total of 17, or 2.74% have resigned up tc the present time. Included in the 27 who haje re signed are 8 first semester fresh men, or 5.5% of the number who enrolled in February. ji,. r , f , , nj - Representatives of fourteen col leges of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers began a two-day meeting on the campus this niomin ?. Professor M. C. Hughes, head of A&M’s electrical engineering dapartment, delivered the welcom ing address, after which a discus sion: on electronic circuits was hrid. Louis D. Stevens lof Texas Tech spoke on a study i pf the cathod follower. Other speakers this morning in cluded R. C. Hansen of Missouri Schodl of Mines, W. E. N. Doty of Oklahoma, and A. S. Badger of Rice. 'Phis afternoon’s speakers in cluded Paul Harton of SMU, Earle rtutnenter of Missouri School of Mines, and Carl D. Jackson of Oklahoma University. A barbecue and program this evening at Bryan CSty Park will conclude the first day’s sessions. Tuesday meetings include an ad dress by H. R. McKenzie of A&M, Who will speak on the D- C, Cal culating Board. J. E. Galloway and F. A. Tatum, both of A&M. will follow McKenzie oscillographic an alysis of transformer core loss, i Triple frequency harmonics in three-phase transfoi-mer banks will be Jimmie Remley’s topic for dis- clission. Remley is representing Kansas University at the regional meeting. X Tomorrow afternoon delegates will be taken on a tour jof the col lege and watch the cojrps march ip to mess for the evening meal. ; A banquet in Sbisa Hall Tues day evening will conclude the conference. Professor J. Wheeler Barger of the A&M s ai economics departm* Uflndpa! speaker. William W. Ward kc] the section; E. H. Anderson k vice dhairman; R. W. Denney k secre tary-treasurer; and N. jF. Rode is qounsellor, Reburial Services field for Aggie-Ex Reburial services' were held for , r — S/Sgt Raymond L. Merritt, Ag- / 11 gie-ex, in Wharton, April 11. A i issupd by! group of eight A&M students par- ice, is re- ticipated in the service. % Mprriff •nti/mftarl AftlMT from Merritt attended Aj&M from 1940 until 1943, and Altered the Army in March, 1943. He was a radar: operator with a 1 B-29 crew jin'"rim Pacific. He was killed in air combat on hip 20th mission over Japan. ! A full military funeral was con ducted at the Wharton cemetery •with the Aggie pall-hearers and buglers and the Wharton VFW Firing Squad. Chaplain Sam Hill of A&M assisted in the services. Aggies attending the funeral were Wayne Dunlap, L. R. Burrow Jr, Frank J. AJbreqht, Frank Haines, Bobby Kleace, Taylor Walker, Jack Leddy, and Eddie Hauler, i •1 *j ■ Models, Duchesses Vocii 7. • Scarlett O'Hara Days .-! By LOUISE LI! Fashion. Editor, Cotton is still King in College Station! Four thousand persons turned out to prove nual Cottton Pageant was presented in DeWare as the theme. Upon invitation of the sponsoring group, thf girls of Texas, representing as many clubs, coll Singing Cadets Town Hall Toes Sixty Singing Cadets, under the direction ner, will appear Tuesday, April 20, on Town Hal Featuring a complete new repertoire, the cadets ied program of songs prepared for their aj Some of the songs that will be sung by thei I be two sacred songs, the patriotic piece, “This Is My Country”, and the rhythmical spiritual, “Dry Bones.” Buddy Boyd, baritone from Fort fcrid Idhdi Ip udeh ami il H!' ♦ anothi 'Irt “am tied mart! Worth, will sing the solo part in, the oajrly American song, “Eric Canal”, and Harry Doran, tenor from San Saba, will sing the solo in the spiritual “Poor Wayfaring Stranger”, arranged by Tom Scott balladeer who appeared on Town Hall earlier this year. , Two Negro Spirituals that will be presented are “Nobody Knows” featuring Ralph Wheat, tenor from Eastland, and “Set Dpwn Servant” with Hany Doran, tenor, and Hel mut Quiram, bass from Waco. Too, there will be Sir Arthur Sullivan’s “Lost Chord” with Leonard Per kins as baritone soloist. Also to be presented Will bo Ken Darby arrangements of Ag- «*, “I’d «*** : fe A Aggie”, “Twelfth Man”, and “Spirit of Aggieland”. During the intermission, the Aggie-nizers, Agieland Barbershop Quartet, made up of four of the Singing Cadets, Will appear with their special show. Members of the quartet are Whitney Wilson, Ralph Wheat, Buddy Boyd, and Helmut Quiram. tie NEWMAN S DONALD R. JA the • Immaculate Church of Bryan, the A&M Newnml evening 4t 7:15 in of St. Mary’s Cha 'A. IlDut in Theme , rhen the fourteenth an- ‘[bbiys of Starlet O’Hafa” f y Society,: 63 glamour- ons, flounced one after V her down the runway betweep, banks of spectators, i drew!, "land whistles as they pirouet* the spotlights’ glare, then away to jqin their Aggie ring top honors were Cpt- (ueen Martha Jean Lang* i!{ of TSCW, King Wallace Uler of A&M. and Matilda of Fort Worth, National of (kitton. j Cqnltributing to the enteilain Were the Singing Cadets (in ; face as plantation workers), „ Aggielqnd Orchestra, Jack, bp’s Sweetwater Square Dane- hnd Johnny Mersky’s Melody The intricate figures done square-dancers were roundly lUded. mger Brothers pf Dallas, whoee " artists converted the Ficld- j into an antotbellum planta- for the evening’, presented a itylio show in which it was shoWn whit Cotton item* the well-<lres»e<f trouha woman will find indkpehsi- , [ ble next year. ' ,[ Jesiie • Booth worth, Sanger*’ fashion expert \yho com mental during the wtyle show, intimated that sun-back dresses with bolero jackets will be the top Hern among cotton wear next season. Under; . Mik ISoUthworth’s direction, mo<l I k Ki-L tp fro"' 1 Collegiate Is Commentator’s Marchf Iss By R. L. PILSNER ' | li • | The March issue of the “Commentator” (Sine press Friday with another of student publications sional-appearjng covers, a particularly gbod ranm of a and some long pages that could stand brightening Mil) The substance of the edition is made Up; ff? two stories and eight articlelt dealing4 ill with everything from earth-mov ing machinery to the “Visions of Swedenborg,” in verse form. “Giant Movers” is the title of a release from the Longview com- paijy of R. G. LeTournedu, which haq attained national prominence thrbugh its house- producing tUIJi ith? oodp as ma- rToplar. at ■nit. lets j|ClMsesjr»r mbers of the be excused p. nil. W4d in-'the Idjeaji of, the ri>Uege- Mu: rdiiig Saddle-Sirloihers To Discuss Ball adejt 1 Corps om; classes y to parti- r Bay re- Ci Bolton 1 and the Show of dis- Sirloin ning. , The club will meet alt 7:30 p. ip. The Cattleman’s Ball Little Southwesem | Stock will be the main top cussion at the Saddle,a; Club meeting Tuesda; leet in the AI Lecture Room The Cattleman's Ball will held ip Sbisa Hall Friday, April starting at 9 p. m. Music for the occasion will be furnished by Jes se James and All the BOys, and dress will be typically ; ■ I; Admission will be $1.20. Only nimal husbandry and dairy hus- andry majors may attend the ball. Kream-Kow Klub To Hear Stiteler l r The Kream and Kow Club will hear Coach Harry Stiteler Tues day evening at 7:30 in the Petro leum Engineering Lecture Room. J AH dairy husbandry majors are mvited to bring their wives V* /u V-l. vsix; llVdllWJp W IIV/ T*«*S»*X»*| UMVSV j j JlMWtVMIWI enrolled in February. / Pauler. ■ \V through its house- (tuy, Overly Named Winn Of Humble Oil Fellowships Athur Lee Guy Jr., of Port Ar thur and Charles R. Overt p of White Oak have been awarded Humble Oil and Refining Com pany fellowships for 1948-49. The fellowship program was es tablished in March, 1947i and each award carries with it $1,250. The awards are ef fective September, 1948. to June I i—: I w m mm ■ f.m ARTHUR L, GUY lh, \ 1. . : ■M ;1;. I].1 I, I: • li . T 1949, and are given to graduate students in mechanical and civil engineering, j. ’I Guy entered A&M in June, 1943, after graduation from Jefferson High School of Port, Arthur. He joined the army in 1944 and was a member of the 17th Paratroop Division that saw service in France and Germany. He received his hon orable discharge from the army in April, 1946, and re-entered A& M ill September, 1946. : 1 J] • < i 1 Married and the fx ther of one Child, he will graduate from the civil engineering department in June with a BS degree. Guy will take up saw mechanics in hk postgraduate work. He is a member of the Scholar ship Honor Society aind American Society of Civil Emjineejw. Quy also is 11 student assistant in civil engineering teaching [strength ma- md does part time work mg. j-1 r ]i ★ ,, j I ;. | Qverl; r. a graduate of White Oak h School, has received a BS nautical engineering receive a d ;gree in me- engineering in June. degree in aeronaut! Paasssjt lean Society pincers, the Society of Automo tive Engineers, and the Insti tute of American Sciences. He entered A&M in Jpne, 1942. He joined the Navy in June, 1944, seeing service as a radar officer in the Pacific. He was discharged in August, 1946, as an ensign and re-entered A&M ’ in September, I9jt6. I i.; ;■! CHARLES “Tournalayer." The the Tournalayer as mainder of the LeT$$ machinery on a 1: Lead space k article on Dallas’ Jones and her Round,” which is <i ing exhibit$ in that culture. Miss Jonei example of local gi [having gone from to directorship: of New York stages and she is now rap: Dallas group u 1 ladder. Short stories Morgan and Dr. and concern the soldier in Mmapi in the Philippi tration difficul suffering studen Center spread voted to Carmen: hectic Valentine’s is symmetrically all three shots oi managed to The two most t! articles are those entitled “Who’s an unknown auth the possibility of nities on the cam Educated?” piece (See COLLEGIA 7 si of th 1 % makir Eton’s kp dkplayed 'four-piece hath- pUrt ensembles (vociferously uded hy the Aggies) and v 1 evening wear. f authentic hundred-year ses worn by Sanger models [ seen to be startling similar 'e newest evening styles, and similar to many of the gowns by the duchesnes, most of ' llowed i the “Scarlett oscly. duchess’s cos- foUowed ” theme cl| 1: pf the were originals created for i n i of tion! laro the iibii, e fia* Walton W At Baptis T. O. Walton, postmaster, will t, lege Station First , . J411ege will g [»k at at 7:20 p. m., Tues y, J. II ' I ken’i president of zatRm, announced Bjaturdb Walton wil spe, Xor He will na J discussing feet the I Christian can do invites all ity to attend. > iaptis: Si ! i.. ■ I 1 ne, caaion by couteriours and drCsHmakers all over Texas. About ha f ; were billov y, hoop-skirted or| ;andie in tonei of ping, blue or ye tow. Chintz a tid various other co ton fabrics were also in c'Vt- deice. One dress drew comment by ijts bouncing bustle. Quite a few j duchesses itore long gloves an|d -carried fans \ Matilda Nail, Maid of Cotton, displayed several cotton outfits designed for hei by leading styj- isisljof Paris an) London during her I recent European trip. Moiri striding was a striped gold and blick'evening tress from Paris quite in the “ne v-old look.” ~n. Mannin r Smith waa' di- of the pageant, and J. 8. ford general chairman. Fearing tha Cotton Style snow t, the Battalion aaked Louise ’ey, wife of wire editor Bindley, to accept jMtem* whim iri largest le shows in the nation should |»e!a product of the world’s larg- male school!) m : II a ring that no male review* ild be able to do jnstiee to lit ton Style Show and Pa* \l I 7 fil, l hort Courses. A| o Attract 3,000 J i' ”‘X’ : Seven abort courses and confer- enqes and class reunions scheduled fpr A&M this month, will bring more than 3,000 persons, to the campus within the next 15 days. first meeting is that of tljo J M erican Inst tutc of Electrical rineers, April 19-20. On April I a short course for motor ve- supervisors will be held. or College conterenjCC be held April 23-24. , u. first class reunions of the year will be held April 24 and 25 When the classes of 1913 and 1923 meet ;i| workshop will bo gh May 4. The conference will li April 26 28. CE Slates Talk ;; y G. S, Salter G. S. Salter, representative If midwestem American Society Civil Engineers, will speak at 0 p. m. Tuesday, in Room 11, A' snts papers for the Corpus meeting will be