Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1948)
ndefeat A •! '1 'if : : i r I*'; V.. ’h . y f .' i '-V: ■JV~ Begins jght; Fro: Bj ANDY MATULA ' Ml i. ' i 1 ' T r ' T '" ' ' . : ' ■ i p "I rad Team Host Jo Rice Owls Here fTT* i i Dpnlpfprl Farmer 4 | .' |j-- *“**’“'IH U; jj A crucial scrieb ©f gamts is in store for the Texas Aggie baseball nine this weekend. onday Depleted Farme — 1 ^ ^ ' I' 1 , Even Chance to : ,>• j»! most MM: for second place standings. . Up iintil this Week,the the hilltop l had an unblemist .record, but the 21 to (no ;hing rq handed theni by the. -ongt ruined that. Out of thje ive gawes -^that SMU has played,] the Mus tangs hare won four giving them a .800 percentage. Th< Aggies hj>ld a .750 rating with a record of three •wins and ope loss in’ f< ur confer ence gamesjf, iji f j’ij Erwin Kay is . pitcher of lithe SlWU n boasts a record of jt^o Mtins aiid no defeats with wins *iir Bah. lor and TCU. The' » ethodisjls didn’t use hint against the Long horns, and ,he will, h: v ell rested for the game tonight. ! However, in game's t< date Jay has, not received very!good .sup port from hip team natjsi In thpir Victory over thd\| I aj Icir Bears, the Mustangs cbmmiltel seven er- • rors.! Theirnrecord has been qhly a shade be titer in tihe r :st of t^ieir •: gamgB. '41 ! ,; • At the stiart of the s ^a^onsSMU was not considered t, serious title threat, buq with, theii two Wins ,over: the Bqars the Mu: tangs l|ave assumed dpngenous jjrc portions on ,thg Jpiamoijfll. The Ppn es boast a Crisp' hittinjg teiim: ahd are appar ently fairly deep on :hie molnd. That is why they Icmn as sudh a threat toMthe Fairrpeijs | who fare' stricken w to Texas last T oseday the Ponies are now tied with A&M to the accompaniment of hickory bat against horsehide ball. .But that’s not the situation facing. A&M Monday night Th’r Frogs may catch the maroon and white in an off day. Two crucial games against the Mustangs could sap the strength out 1 of the Aggies add put them at a disadvantage. At present, Marty Karow plans to start Earl Beesley against the Mustangs tonight. Rebel Park will: be the scene of the tilt at 8 o’clockj,,, . „.***. .• i_ • Bobby Frets wijl be the starting . 1 ? n ?’ V.?*.* 8 , poc ’ Hurler tomorrow afternoon when bdliard champion. TWa «m- fhe teams resume the series oh Intramural Boxing Semifinals Set For Monday Night j [There will be free entertainment for everyone Monday night at De- Ware Fieldhouse. The evening will start at 7 p. m. with a demonstration by r$$s< t$:. Aggie Nejmen flay Arkansas Here Saturday A&M’s unbeatei track] te in nine W its star vengeful iRice Owl in dual track meet on i 1 Bm m ■Mi i H •••-*•: ;' ? j the SMU campus. The Aggies meet TCU i in the Fort Worth Cats stadiunj Monday sex-oral other pitchin u\so lack Behtnin department. These •with SMU]eould easily decide year’s conference 1 will undoubtedly dec up. i The tS night at 8 p. m. The pitching! as. signment for Monday’s tilt hasn’t been made yet. Newman Club To Hold Dance May 1 roublesiand aral tjwp • qbalnTipiorT dej its ru Horne 1 jf’fogs not set thprnselves «p as.a t in the corife'rerice yet.; They: lost ^ill tHeir games t> date, jand . the qnly tijng that [he^jhave iione- thelun- spectacul4‘ '-Jt' defeated gamp last; Week. Thje aippers Won, 5, affer the Frag had usher ed. Bobby | Layne out ( f' the game was to sc ufe the* un- exas Long idrns p a The Texas A&M Newman Club willr be hosts to the TSCW New- mah Club at the semi-annual for.] mal dance May 1, according, to Bill Miller, club reporter. Approxi mately one hundred TSCW New- man Club members are expected to participate in the semi-annual meeting of the two clubs. The formal dance Saturday night in Sbisa Hall in conju(nctidti, ! with the All-College Dance will highlight the affair. 4 -"Sunday, the two clubs will at-> tend Mass followed by a group breakfast. Sunday afternoon a so cial will be held in the Chapel basement - , 1 ■ All Newman Club members are urged to sign up for dates at the next regular meeting of ftljie club, Bob Weiler r club president, saidt i This will be the last meeting bVi- j ] fore the dance, Weiler warned. bmstration will last until 8 p. m. t; jfrjhe semifinals of the Intra mural boxing tournament will be gin immediately after Ponzi has completed his program. There will bie sixteen boUtjs during the even- , ; The finals : pf the tournamen 4}11 be held Wednesday night. Th< matches for Monday will run as follows: 4 t] 119 pound blass: tVheat vs. Gaddis vs. Rivera. ‘ 129 pound class: Shelby vs. Cox: Huey vs. Castillian. ! 139 pound! class: Golden vs. Woodham; Vletas vs. Schwartz. |j 149 pound class: Young vq. Taylor; Bucscher vs. Brock; ): 159 .pound] class: Locke vs. fright; Blitsch vs. Timmons. 1 169: pound class: Zeitman vs. Scott:; Sargent vs. Desmukefl. ; I79l!pound Class: Pate vs. Liber- io; Denton vs. Cole. ■ i, ; Heavyweight class: Whi^enhunt vs. Barton; Green vs. Fuse. M m The Arkansas University Tennis Team wui invade tne campus Sat urday m an attempt tfe take their first conierence net victory. 1 lungs will get unuer way Sat- _ uroay anenioon at on the. 0 ° n Kyle” Field boarus in Dp ware r ieiunouse, four memberB of ^ Seeking to stretij Ithei competitive meets, t! i events to produce a wii b Owls. Missing mm K r ■m ■’f* t*; r: \nm . ..,^,1- by i T 1 ,1 j : ii in. jGUS VLETAS, right, of with JOHNSON STRICKEL of ACKERMAN watches for a clinch, boutl 4- Batialion F FRIDAY, APRIL 16, mW k i MAGNOLIA GAS & OILS Phone >10 I' r A^GIEl^NDj. Service Station Jo! g: Bravenec, hn Brav ENER REPAIRS Owner ■I! AL AUTO We call for and deliver- EAST QATE r‘ . { . . . . K f! . College Station; Texas Two Corps Teams Only Undefeated Nines in League Fish Baseballers, Baylor j i;.’! 1 11 j , j-j It I: I ^ Cubs Clash Here Tomorrow •AJm 1,4 i, : n .1 | if T r Texas A«&M’s highly-touted freshman nine meets its first Souithwest Conference foe tomorrow when Coach Jim Marino and his Baylor Cubs visit College Station for a single tilt. The game will begin ajt 2 o’clock. | In Baylor, Coach Charlie DeWare’s team will play its wnen the No. 3 ana 4 singles and tne in0. 2 uouoies maMhiea win op Hm No. 1 and 2 singles and the No. 1 douDles events win oe piayed on tne woous also, inese tmei- mi- purtant matenes will get hnuer way at 7:30. Auuuss.on to these games will, be tree ana tne siuoeiu uouy and general puolic are curaiany in- yiteu. Au events will ne Held in bet*are Meld House. Coacn Eugene ijambert’s charg es from r aye tie vine nave piayed omy one game so lari mis season. In mat game wn,n Tekas me atk- ansas uoys lost to me orange and W mm joy a score of <M). Coach Eaiiioeit is bringing his, top tour men with mm; uiey are doe Emerson, daCK uxuli, Bui nefr teii.nger, and doe Adams, riven . tiiuuga. mese ooys did lose to Tex as mey still have a good team and will ne nurd to peat Saturday. ine Aggie varsity win oe ready to go anu pill make a good snow ing icr tne senooi. ! me regular team consists of Bid Bennett, Ben ny Sianioru, Kouney senark, and butty Stanley. : J Ipese four boys have been do ing most ot the playing for the Aggies so lar i tms ; season and have made quite a snowing ror themselves. Tney are improving all the time and Will give the rest of the scnoois m tne cpnfetence a rough time in the'SWC race. mile relay teaip, four who will enter thd fotj decathlon lays., A meet which othervr team, While not netr- -balanced as the de- Southwest possesses al wjho figure to 1| lUSt,| one yx mv , most formidable opponent to date: t Intramural softball is going in-j The Cubs started their season with ito jthe last Weeks of play of this a 20-2 win over Navarro Junior it ICC College but then dropped a j8-4 ter Barry, Dorm 5, Room 205; die Bill Miller, 20 Leggett. I | . Sixty-nine three year ojds Have been nominated for the $62,000 Y., richest harness race of l]948, compared with 42 last year. Ii If it is imposible for a ,1^8 season Cbmpeti t ... „ to attend the meeting he may cone 1?ban has IwCn of a high caliber decision to Cnfton Junior College tact Bob Weiler, H-6 Walton; Wal- .^ith only, two teams remaining 1 A tjlt with Southern Methodist sj ]tijn|beaten. iThese teams are A Vetj Colts, scheduled for last Tuesjlay ajnfl White Band, both of the Corps! was; rained out. Outstanding performer on lha : squad from Waco is catcher Bud dy Parker. The Cubs are afco strong at the pitching end of tne baitei|y where two twirlers. Dim Harbuck, and Charlie Harpdr, do a lion’s share of the work. The Baylor starting infield [vill probably be Marvin Brenner! at iaind vl [leagues. Over in the Veteran lea gues two team.- have lost only one . game, those being the Day Dod- er team and the Puryear Hall am. \ FRED C. SEALE ELECTRIC CO. Contracting - Appliances j Fixtures P,0. Box 292 Dial 2-6424 Bryan, Texas !!, >. ■*— ■ i' --f- G U Y H. D E A T Typewriter Exchange New & Used Typewriters Guaranteed Repairs 116 S. Main Bryan mens /(ucf/ HEAlTHWAYSf THE WORLD S FINEST' A01UST* ABLE, REVOLVING BARBELLS AND DUMSEUSl Pet. .750 .750 .750 .250 .250 .250 1.000 .750 .500 .500 .000 .000 Building Eoiyl ^ ^ Exciting) Fun I With Each Set, Ire* boo^B R and courses. Buy j the Bast! Buy . 4. i Hcalthways! [ ; || HOUVS OOP TO YOU “ail ^ I Ii- l/}.,.iucai Wtuft 'U JftaUU 1 Sec Our Haailkwnys Display Now|; 4 , . I Leagne standings through Wed- JnUsday April 14 are as follows: CORPS j : B (League A Team ! W L Mar. Band ; 3 1 ’y ■field 1 * 3 'T E Field ; • .3 1 C | Composite 1 3 A Engineer 1 3 A Air* ] ForcJe' 1 3 League B WHite [Band 4 ] 0 C Field • ! 3 1 C Infantry 2 2 B Air Fprce 2 2 C Cavalry. 1 0 3 C Air Force 0 4 League C A Infantry! 4 l B Vet j ". j ■ 4 1 H Composite 2 2 PjField j 1 3 ineer }\ 1 :{ A Field ' • f 1 3 J 1 |. League D A Vet \ , ! no B ! .Iitfa,ntry[' 3' 1 1 Senior Cb, 2 1 A Composite 1 2 B Cayalry ;\ l 3 A Cavalry \ 0 3 | I -VETERAN Leagne A Team, W L Hay Dodgers 8 l Dorm] 3 j 7\ 2 T. C. t V. V. 3Yi first base,, Rusty Newman wil at iecond, Ken Cason will be be in the [shortstop spot and thirdsaqker Fenner Myers rounds out the field. f ] . •.[: Qrville Weiding, Neil Pennal and Elliott White roam in the jut- field for the Bruins. Weiding ijs in lef^ Penpal plays in the middle gattlen, and White holds down the right field spot. DeWare will start the s^me team that has already won a (air of: lopsided victories this w?ek aqd was in action again to<^aj. That means Billy McPherson [win be at first, Jop Savarino at stqomi weeks. - He has a record of two wins and ho losses thus far while] Mobley! has one and is charged i with one setback, i The Cubs and Fish wind up the home-and-home series in Waco on Apgil 24. Burnett in Fight For 3rd League Dallas, April is -mjpi—Dick Burnett, new owner of the Dallas ball cihb in the Texas league, said today^he planned to join the Pa cific Coast league in a fight for formation of a third major league. “I think within a few years Dal las and Houston will be large enough far major league ball,’ Burnett declared as he explained the new Dallas set-up. Ho said he thought Dallas, Hous- toh, Los Angeles, New Orleans, ai;d Atlanta should be in this pew big league. BAGS EAGLES BY AIR Billiards Lhamp Performs Monday Andrew Ponzi, three tinW poc- appear to be a runa* Aggies may shape up ly close due to the the nine men. The loss of Art H-. Holbrook, Ervin Bild: Don Garden will/' dr a: tail the number/oj poii gies can expec# to pic I 440 dash; and/the mile In addition, the fa Aggies 'must field new milb relay team Owjr : jhf%excell to in tms.e lent DSfcpPrf beTfl >1 *Mte] leu, % he Hg | in:;llh i e selection of Ca oyt the mile relay went tp Kansas wa| /Thursday. Previously Ludwig had been the on the mile relay sqi The A&M cause in races was similarity absence of the four m , ... , ,,/rP pc 'ibe at Kansas. These ket billards champion, will/put on ster Stonet Carrol H a demonstration Monday/evening : Glothlin and J. D. Ha at 7 in DeWare Fieldhduse. ordinarily be favored! Brought to the campus under Aggies a majorit the sponsorship of /the YMCA, the 880, mile ani Ponzi will demonstrate some basic principles and trick shots in bill iards. / 4, The Bjlliards/ Association of America is cooperating with A&M in giving the performance. Immediately following Ponzi’s exhibition; there will be 16 bouts of boxing! to decide the semi-final winners /h the boxing tournament of the intramural department. Aiv all-tirpe record of 95 million tires and 79 million tubes were pinduced in the United States in 1947. ■■ ' . c. | V. y. Zl Dorm i .800 .800 .500 j Guy Wallace is at shortstop slot .250 and Sonny Bollman will handle .250 third. In the Aggie outer gar lens .250; will be Wallace Moon in left, r | Blanton Taylor in center, and Bill 1.000 WHrriner in right, .750! Either Pat Hubert or .Tniett .666 Mobley will start on the hill for .333 the Cadets. Hubert has fully now .250 recovered from a sore am Which .000 bothered hihi for the past j two | i! I I ii i I ; I -4- YOUR FOR(L DESERVES CARE MILES CITY, Mont., Ever shoot an eagle froth an air plane? n ! ■ I/1 Pilot-gunners are making money ati the sport in eastern /Montana. The state] pays a $5 bounty for each of the predatory,birds which have been killing bhtelopes and game, birqs. A j Game wardens reported that A. R. Tatge bagged/78 golden eagles ip two aerial hunting expeditions Wbrth $390 to/him. for Those who DEMAND the best . . College Shoe Repair North Gate ■, tothLboitowi of No Job Is Tough ! ■ j Ili r J F'- Wh^n trouMej libs: deep in ] jj [-K I ; the motor of /oqr autd) you ? ' L ' : ] I • ■ can depend upon our ex perienced mechanics tp get ' ' j ; Fk:' The Exchange Store ‘Serving Texas Aggies” 750 ;7i,4 1667 ,556 1333 .000 Drive in tpdfy for a i ' ' i ' t' complete cDeck-Up, rer gardleas W'*, ^■1 Phone! 2- Bryan at Service dr LET AN . ..'j* Aggie Student SERVICE YOUR CAR ij-.b ifil'-'il GAS OIL l EXPERT GREASIN' . WASHING WAXING & ^ POUSHING STOP AT THE L; ; . GULF STATION. 1 block north Bronco Dm on Houston Hwy. Owned & Operated by i ; J. w. •* A.&M Stu. Vet — -1,1 1.000 ...and oar specially trail \f mechanics knew it BE$T DRIVE IN TOD i \ m" HR YAN Motor Co. N. MAIN PHONE 2-1, Bryan, Texab CORkY & ■ READY CURB SERVICE 1 I :l- After the dance t come out to PLAYLAND GRILL For a midnight snack IT . I - I y ! HURD CLOTHES fel T ’ •al H A YE MADE SUITS 845.00 ti -$75.00 ■ !■■ 8 1 ly j Finest Quality C«KK Jihn - 'it-] Hand Tailoring| , /■ 'll i m Muirik CLOTMpS : WE KEEP YOUR CAR FIT/ Let us Clean and You T T in not irthOrin disti u , ten—Mg an, and August be$t hur Iters in the conference. It is on the performance qf these, t vo men that the Rice [contingent bases its hopes for h surprise v in over the Aggies. les, by th<{ Aggies’ Bill Cardon, b other’of the Don Care on who w 11 run at Kahsas. Erfurilr who also [runs the Mv hurdles, viill encounter 11 | stiff, oppesition— per haps too stiff—in tpat event in iW^l every iheet th,is season. I In {addition, the .CadefH can eouijt on Webb Jay and Bill Na^' pier to provide wins id’ the 100 and 1221) yard dashes jrespectively. Ndvertiletess. the brunt of the the j lipid events getiter ] With George supreme) i ' 1'[Kaderk the shftt:, diiscus and the ; pc|le Vaulting tean ajnd Johnny Davis should dbminaite the compe:ition in that evenV W ••v U