Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1947)
X rv M | TEXAS MINES ROLLS OVER | KANSAS STATE. 21 TO t i EL PASO. T«x, S*pt *9 (AP)- T«xm Minn roifed i>p 424 and licked Kancaa State 20-6 eaawtkim «f aa upaet Friday aa the Border Conference team won its second game of the season. . | UMf-MCl!. FUOA STtPUtMVIUC, 4IA3 00ft VV«.5T OLWte-TO caoss tut, goal-me l« WtfAOUlAt. STAW'WA Aggies Prepare for Oklahoma Clash; Hand Red Raiders 29-7 Shellacking )■ O Battalion J P 0 R T S MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1947 Page 3 Razorbacb Defeat North Texas 12-0 • By Associated Press \& M Line, FWkfiekl Snianh Opponent’’ s Vi ith Runnings and Air Attack \ BY LARRY GOODWYN V a rar«w r»iv& uoama. hMt> a AMtauiao ano iiAl a tmn uotsmtial *oaie. W« Kavsw mna naww 0N«at<at , t>M |M NUAN»ia6 atR.«MNX IN fUfsss* A thoroughly mauM and roantfty otrtrlaiwpd Texaa LITTLE ROCK, Sept. »-Touah. Tech eleven was back in Lubbock today, minting the wounds inspired North Trass Jute c«l- 0 f a 29-7 defeat buffered at the hands of an alert and, at Mf» «m> the UaiMuli a4 At- times, downright powerful A A XI eleven in San Antonio** Alamo Stadium Saturday night ON KYLE FIELD By PAUL MARTIN A. & M. Defense Effective Against Red Raiders; Aggies Show Improvement m TO through I r Techh Saturday's game was. in one way, a crucial tilt for the Aggies. In addition to being a pleasing 1- V Longhorns Swamp Oregon 38 to 13; Rice Drops Crucial Tiger Game Martin »«r»|ittahs! work, first TP. In this play. Barney Welch tdok the opposing halfback out neatly. Statistic in the g ^co^d |N ||t return, Goode won ami lost took Reynolds kick on the Farmer 29 ami carried it the length of the field to strike pay dirt, (Mail Ktautienberger too, proved his fWxibilitv by making khe con version following Red Rurdm's flashy run of si, yard* for n tally. H|ieeialist John Hallentinc had re-; injured his ankle diuhtly on a pro- vinus kick Most not side thing about the Ag- itle eleven was the powerful de fensive nlay, Time ami again the Tech offense ea« thrown fm suh siaidtal hisses nr the passer *us for ceil in thin* the ball away. I A iotas front Jimmy (Msltbot lo I Ptiseh Kiri* Dpfpat i oxafi Win May Change* RutingM in SoutliVedt (lonference back Bobby Layne, the Steers made no effort to breach the pow erful line of the host*. ’ Longhorn TPs came in the *0c- Whilc the rampAging Texas University Longhorns • nd fourlh «?dt 2t) ‘ ^ r '- - - and IS points mptctMf 1 i«l throu tway, LS crucial Baton Rouge clash Both I^SU and Rice are rated* t. and around the Oregon defense in a 38-13 , l ». came thr..u e h to auMuc Rice 21-14 in the ,0 “ column, the Tech event plac ed A AM among the contenders. •Great' is the best word to dr scribe (he Cadet gridster* most t»f the time hut there Were Id hi I limes, Among the aten who did llitli Good* seehts iwat to start off wjlh, tlidnie prov ed »Hne «nd sgsln that when It - rornea to running, there aren't . many men who can catch him, Hind after they do the|r still have to worry about stopping him. Early In the eecood quarter, (inode took EarhartV punt on the Aggie 1(1 and carried the ball ini yard* for * TIV A little matter of kansas Ratorhacks a full after noon of trouble here Saturday, but bowed before the Southwest Con ference co-champkms, 12 to a Arkansas' speed demon backs, I Clyde Scott and Aubrey Fowler, j proviried the victory punch, Scott scoring on an 11-yard end run in 1 the fit*t quarter and Fowler racing , 75 yards on a punt return for the other touchdown in the third pe riod. The capacity crowd of 15,000 : wss amaied hut pleased liy the Texan*' resigtance. > Except for the Ratorhacks’ first scoring dried, the Eagles, 1946 I-4>ne Star ('(inference champions, held the quick stepping Scott fair ly well in ck'-ck, allowing him a net gain for the day of only IS yards, A« was th«t case when It topped the South west loop last year, Ar kansas saved face with a series of mi) lehlinp goal-line stands North Texas, 1 playing in ArkftnuM.. territory matt of the first half, | ,tt gone, drove to the 'flamrbaek ten In the opening twHoM and to the eight altd the II In the seyntd period hut was repulsed eaeh time Ai kansas muffed nne giddhtt Upi parade began n>M- the opening period, hall on their own 42 had punted aut of Taking the second half kickoff. Tech put tha ball in play from it* own eight yard line, where Ear- b'.t had fumbled the ball out at Higgins the Tech bad hole, the Aggies qukkly got bounds. On the first play, a deep down to the business of scoring t reverse, Norton Htggina broke points. In just nine plays. tH^y sc- romplished just that. QuarteHmclt Jim fashion, who played a truly fine game, hurled a 2.1 yard ttiss to Ed Duaek to start the ball rofW ing. Dusek got four over tadkle, fashion added four more at the same gpot ami Dusek made it a first down *n the Tech 22 in two fashioii ph knl up four, Dusek was thrown for p lass back to the 2* on an attempted sweep. A fashion to Howell pas* carried to the Ik, ami on the next nlay, Rob Goode swept end behind good blocking through to throw the Tech runner in the end sene for a safety. With the score now 9-0, Tech kicked off. The score promptly be es me 15-0 Goode took the boot on Jiis own SO, scooted up the skie- Haea to the mid-strtpe, cut in and ptAked up a the w-l*-- safel •<l up a flotilla of blockers on ^grtta- k. at the line. After kim six points. BaUMt)w% ion attempt was wide and the seme stood at 1S-0 with eg- actly 29 seconds having elapsed in the third psriod. Tha thirt)-string put ovar the fj. w ^ i > inirgvatn _ for' tha' tally fhs 'injuixi j'niin "“I‘• 1 >T *• ‘V ^®urth period Hellanllns hohhM off the Unch to i Knd Wray Wkltuksr if hoot thr point uihl It was 7 <) with f nmH •ana . > *' In the seomd perlml, GimmI In tlm flmt rtenla restilled |t4irtunity when Its attack imgRwj In a Ji-yanl gain. I his was •ntne- „ VHr ,| .hmt of a first Jjown thing new ... (he husky fullbark Kntl> ffMir , hr fh(r ,, from Temple has been confining quarter his talenla to nmntng MU broket, T ,„. fUiorbacks made II first flehl dashes were worth watching down* tn ,h^ Eagles* ten and gain- On the defensive end, 0. L. F'd | ed 177 yahls net rushing to Mi for N slapped 9(1 yards wllh a Terb pund, •ut the play wan called hack and | the hall placed on the Aggie 4U where Made mnlgad the aide line •tripe Hull later In (he pertml, the \ggtas drove to fhe Teeh (wo yawl line, but two fumhlea In a row halt ed the effort, stepping out of bounds on the '‘wk. Mrrl Pmkop, Cotton Howell,! the Texans. third and fourth quarters. Luyne's passes to Byron Gillory accounted for the two counts early ff ASM 10 railed the play hark hut the big (6-2, 206) halfback fwim Bastrop went through nearly the entire Raider team. It was Goode who carried the ball around right end for AAM’s Jim Winkler, Rtaulxcnberge, ami Charles (Red) Overly all looked goad. fashion, Rtan Holmig, and Bu ryi Raty took turns tossing passes to pick up yardage, After KaHheiW as tha saying goes the inlerml«*lnn, the roared bafk ami Teeh, had "had It. ' Oklahoma U M Fresh from Victory Over among the top teams in the na- offensive, with passes, line drives, in the second stanxa, both coming Detroit. Seen RN TrtUirhPst FoC Yft tiolf, with the Owls being touted and (mss defense. The speedy Ti- in rapid succession as s* result of ^ v a ‘ ^ ger quarterback also made the thnW conversions. Texas fniversity, operating in the Pacific northwest, thwarted Oregon’s long-awaited revenge at- to count high in Southwest Con ference circles. Rice held a 'J4-7 lead until the last quarter when the Tigers cap ped a 91-yard march by striking pay dirt, and a determined drivv tempt by passing over isnd run-, Pampa. dashed three yards for an- oy suh fullback Zollie Toth that ning away fram the stotft defense other while JJcrry resulted in another tally, giving of the hosts the hosts the victory. Again relying on sp«-ed and the Jj. A. Tittle sparkt-d the Tiger Oregon fumbles. With the Tech contest now past* A pass from Layne to end Max history and the Oklahoma tilt only , Bunibardner who scampered 2X a week away. Homer Norton wiil yards resulted in the third touch- begin preparing his charges to down. Randall (’lay. fullback from one of the biggest ami rough But North Texas covered most ground passing, gaining 77 yards by completing six of 15 tosses. Ar kansas completed three of eight for 6‘j. North Texas’ fast thrusts from the T formation gave the Rfetor- hack* a nigged first half, but aft er the intermission Arkansas had the bettor of both offensive and defensive play, though it* edge was slight. IrSh fumble on the Rat lollmlg and Padl Yates ea#^ I two cracks at the line, carrying llhc I tall to the Ter h fi\. and then Hula Jesse "Red** Nurdttt rtiwlad Ilia Haider*' right end for the »rnre HlattUetiheiger buutad Ilia paint, The Haiders scored shortly aflcfs ward* when Reynold* and Thom a- sun Ufait punching holca 19 (he Atgght line. The drlrc carried Ml j^rd* with the payoff turning'*! Innmpaon'e II yard pass to Enr- Thnrt with thret mtetHta M> May, 24-20. Dave Wallace, kicking specialist, who three extra points and a place- booted 1.1-yard an Samuels and for the capable passing arm of quarter- est opponents of the voar A AM came out of thr- last clash fairly well off. No had injuries remaining scoring. . were reported and with luck in Oregon ( oach Jmi Aiken sum-’practice this week, the entire team, med it up thus, Texas was just except center Dick Callemlnr, too teal." ‘ — Nights' lOOl'falea was writ- field goal to make up the differ- ten in Java, where a mighty sul tan lived. (LEANING 1’KKMUNG WATERPROOFING , All Kinds of Repair Work and • ,t • ■ i • Alterations AGGIE CLEANERS y- N. Gate We Detjver Phone 4-4554 . fC- Slai*lin«» _ Li^htin«: Ignition Sjiecialized Service oh STARTERS — GENERATORS — MAGNETOS BATTERIES - CARBURETORS - TUNE UP Bruner Baltcry & Eleetric €o. |13 East 2Rtii Street — Bryan Using Part* From Original F}quipment Manufacturers Baylor Shocks Miami Viith 18-7 Surprise Score RKXM7 WHIN YOU’Rf GOING UP The Stetson should be ready to go Peewee Smkh suited out for tho Tech game but only in case he was needed in an emergency. By next Saturday, he should be ready to go- Southwestern University provid ed hardly a warm-up for thr- Ag gie eleven and was in no way in dicative of theirvStrcngih. The tilt with the Raiders wb' rougher hut MIAMI. Fla.. Sept. 29 (API— I>ell Morgan’s charges were hard- Baylor’s surprising Bears added j ly in the same league with the an intersectional victory for the Cadet* at the time Southwest Conference that wasn't expected last night as they admin- 1 istered a convincing 18-7 licking to 1 the University of Miami before an Orange Bowl crowd of 11,727. Rolling up 187 yard* on the ground and Rt) in the air, the bruin* came roaring hack after Miami had counted a touchdown in the first five minutes of play to tally In each of the last three perMa. The Hurricane* More kept on the defensive all the lime after the first period a* Dudley Parker, Jack Priee, Eugene Huehher and J. D. Ison sparked an offensive and de fensive show that shocked the con fident Miami eleven, rated a tw-o touchdown favorite before the game. Miami scored on a 69-yard drive 1 l*t''»- 22-6, that the Southwest In the first peiiod, with Masejka Cottferenoe also can run the hall You’ll like lie->oiMl»ful air bf the Stralolincr the deck, rtrnn lines that are trim as a laprrnl wing. It's a StrtM.n ihal’* light, alofl a loan on the way up. or aground, for f Oklahoma edged out n strong University of Detroit team on their home grounds Friday by a score SMI Bests Santa (.lara 22-6 in Fast Opener Saturday By Associated I'reaa HAN FHANUDRO, Sept. 29 Doak* Walker ran a kickoff Imrk for 97 yards and a touchdown, scored another on a 44-yanl break through,j and, in all, aecounterl for 20 Southern Methgdist points Hat I urday tn demon*!t ate to Hantn diving over from the one-fool line awl Harry Ghoul converting. Twice, Baylor surged to the Miami 14-yard line only to lie thrown hark, and when the Hurri cane* next took over on their 14 and tried a pa**, Huebner grabbed the ball and ran 41 yards to a touchdown Lyle Blackwood raced 17 yard* for the clinching touch down in the third period and Park- | er hung up the surplus score in the fourth quarter. Baylor made 15 first downs to Miami's six and completed nine of 18 pa*af*. Miami gained 116 yard* rushing and 17 in the air bn three completions out of 12 tried. Baylor .0 % 6 S-18 Miami L 7 0 0 0—7 Baylor scoring: Touchdowns, Huetwicr. Blackwood, Parker. Miami scoring: Masejka. Point after touchdown, Ghaui (place ment). fense was f I The Mustangs, who came to town lagged a* another "pass- craiy" tegm, threw ; the hall plenty, hut mixer) in running plays so well thht the Hantn Clan* defr never able to get set. The Mustang* opened ap in tho second period. Walker circled left end to the Santa Clara 17 and quickly ran the hall up to the 1. From the one-yard line, Walker dived over. In the third period Walker raced through a wide hole at right guard and went 44 yard* for the second score. He kicked the extra point.; Later in the period S.M.U. got, an automatic safety when a Santa Clara shovel pass went astray, rolling out of boaml*. 7 J W1M618UY JITd5n>ANS9V wJ^Xjy CLOfMERS ! f I f ;i • >' 1 •f,> >/i, " College and Bryan STATE CABINET CALLED AUSTIN, Tax., Sept 26 (AP) First sesipon of the state's first administrative cabinet is schedul ed for Oct. 1, Gov. Beauford H. Jester has announced. The unofficial cabinet is com liased of state officials and de- liartment heads named by Jester in an effort to coordinate work of the various departments. , A GOOD PLACE TO EAT New York Cafe 118 S. Mtin Bryan For Your S|mrtlng (loorl* Needs JONES SPOUTING GOODS 80S h Main For Your Visual Problem* v 0aaArit DR. Carlton R. Lee (MTOMBTRIMT 262 8. Main — (trymi Phone 2 -1662 DR. N. B. McNUTT . DENTIST Office hi Parker Building Over Canady*! Pharmacy PfcsM 2-1467 Bryan, Texas PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! Philip MORRIS offen the smoker sa txtr» hetwlit found in no other cigarette. For Pi:'* 7 Moxgi!* is the ONF, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by trading none and throat specialists as |dvhnitelv lew (rroapng. Romemberi Less irritation means more smoking vn)o)meift lor you. Yes! If even smoker knew what Philip M'»aai> snmker* know, they’d all chanie to PHILIP MORRIS. / TRY A PACK .T. TODAY