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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1947)
I > 'I'' i. . NEWS IN BRIEF NO AAl’P CASE ON DOBIE WASHINGTON, S*pt 30 (AP) Ik. Ralph Himatttd, Exacptive SacrrUry of tho Amorlcan Auo- ri«Uon of l'mv*r»ily ppofroor*. »ay» ho hai roeoivM»M off Mai knowlodm of tho rvmo»«l of Dr. i, Prank Dohlo from tho Unlvor* alt/ of Toxm payrott, Hlmatoad aald yootorday ho had rooolvod a tolayram from tho Dal. ly Toaan, Unlvorolty of Toxaa noarapapor, aaklng If tho aaaorla- tlon waa uklny cofnlaaiwa of tho l TI aald hla roply waa that tho MMNMP MNP .tiMMPl <■ aorh raaoa whoro tho iMloldual In tho lanao roquoota Intorvontlon and tMiapt thay 'may havo boon aomo violation of tho prtnctploa of aca domic frocdom. qUAKB ROCKS PERSIA Volume 47 per- A PUBLISHED IN THf? -tmHKST OP A GREATER ARM COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Arai«l»n<)), TEXAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1047 Number 36 H $ TEHRAN, Iran, Sopt SO (API- Poor hundred persona wore killed in a aerie* of earthquakes recently which destroyed the vlltOKe of Dowlatahad, in Eastern Khoraaan Province, official* announced to day. BOMB JAFFA GATE JERUSALEM, Sept, 30 <AP)- The explosion of a. bomb outside an Arab shop near the Jaffa Grto touched off an eifht-minute f-r. era! alarm today in Jerusalem, still jittery from the bomb n* of a Hai fa police station in which 10 , sons died yesterday. [7 PORT. STRIKE POSSIHI h HOUSTON, Tex., Sopt. 30 (AP) R. A. Massey, representative of a Longshoremen'* Union, refused to comment directly on the possibility of a walkout at midnight tonight which would tie up all of Texas’ porta.^ . FOREST gmi. Hi KNING CONROE, Tex., Sopt. SO (API- National Guard troop* will not be called to fight the wave of forest fires swooping rich East Texas forest land, Oov. Beau ford H. Jes ter declared after an on-the-spot Inspection. At a late hour yesterday, 110 , biases wore reported. Sunday nlfht at approximately the same time A < fount showed only U6, Jester was told in a eenferent* that the operator* believed tenants and squatters had eet the flies as retaliation agalast large kuabei X rutore, who had steptMuf theft Umber, Interest Rises in Campus-Wide Elections; Deadline at 5 {Today Parade Schedule for Semester Lists Infantry First on Oct* 1 Companies A, B, and C, Infantry will begin the parade schedule for the 1947-48 fall semeRter, Major Lawson W. Magruder Jr., operations officer, announced yesterday. In the complete echedulc of parades for thia semester, ( nmpan- iee A, B, add C, Infantry was listed for October 1 and November 5. The three Veteran units are scheduled for January 7, and the five Artillery batteries cn October 8, November 12, end January 14. The Air Force unite will parade on October IK end November 19, with the Cavalry units listed for January 21. Slated for October 22 and December 3 are Companies A and B, Engineers, and Companies A, B, and C, Composite. Two Cadet Corps parades will be held on the main drill field: October 29 and December 10. Times, routes of march, and uniforms will he announced later. If the event is postponed, the organization will not be rescheduled, and the following week’s schedule will be conducted. The complete schedule of parades is as follows: Organisation Oct. 1, Nov. 5 Jan. 7 Oct 8, Nov. 12, Jan. 14 Oct 15, Nov. 19 Jan. 21 Oct 22, Dec. 3 ABC Infantry, ABC Veteran ABCDE FA ABC AF ABC Cav AB Engr. Co. A (Sig C-ASA) Co. B (QM-Trans) Co. C (CtnlC-Ord) Cadet Corps Oct. 29, Dec. 10. V. CHOW' TIME AT LITTLE AGGIELAND—Frrwhmen must cut, and here’s how they do it. Top: going through the line, army style. It may look like cafeteria style, but every tray Is filled alike. Bottom: with nanklas at aecka, the fledglings faO to, while water jup is waved la mid-air, la gbba-ftke style. Penberthy to Present Gen. Moore TrophytoSignalCorps Thursday Fighters Try Dry lee to Rain Out 96 Forest Fires in East Tex. Ivst at m«rv resulted i" -M'erty dtSlaM s than 9S,OOOJOI I In Injury to 70 ( estimated ■and had flrvmsn. LAUNCH PBO-DOBIB GROUP Austin, TEX., Sept. 80 (Af|- A student movement to ask the University of Texas Board of Re gents to reinstate J. Frank Dobie as an English professor has sm ed under direction of Ben Jeffery of Auetin and Stuart Chamberlin of Paris. ’'Student* for Dobie” is the asm* of the organisation. Jaffery said ita only purposes was to persuade the regents to reinstate Dobie and not “to stir up trouble.’* Thursday it ratraat W L. PuAburthr, daan of m«u, will present U A" Company Rig* nal Corps with the General George V Moore Plaque,*W. G. Rreateale, assistant dean of men. announced yesterday. The plaque, signifying that "A" Com pany Signal Corpa was the beet all-around pt. (AH.—More attemp produce rain by the uae of dry ice will be made in an effort to quell nearly J O. Bu nounced One sueh Ittempt yesterday fall-* sd. Burnside said that Paul Ales airier ef Conroe drupeed between II and Mi pound* ri to iee •* a cloud snd auMieied (ewering II 1.100 feet, but did net preduee any rain, nL 100 forest fires sweeping East Texas woodland E t fire chief of the Texas Forest Service, an i Joe McCarthy Out Mainstream Opens Of Retirement To Annual Literary Handle Red Sox Student Contest orpntRalion In 1946*47, wilt be irireivai by Klmo Livingston, commander of ''A" tym* Pam, and will stay In tho company'a posses sion permanently.This is the second time |he Hs quotod Alexander as saying award has been made; the first winner was 0*st weather eondltlona were not **r Company Infantry. The Moore Flag *a* """ iU#mpU present »*d to “A'' Company last Mother's Iky* | "'T* M Individ Th« coveted award, which en As N Individual fires swept over Harris County, north portion, sa. The fire ehlef declared that ap- ■jy the fires were malicious* a^A Mm asaumAmfetalatii III M^w* e»M eMMa JywMmwsMMM wlr rat were set In one traet, II in another and II In •till another •ecMut, Me said a II,9M reward fur la fermatlon leading te the arrest and ronvlrtloa of aayeae setting the fires still stand* the sum waa titles the winning outfit to cnrr> w f Oklahoma snd Umialans offered Tesa* roontles, ef feted by • group id landowner* the Moore Flog nt all reviews and to wear the distinctive “G M” shoulder patch, was instituted in 1945 by the Dean of Men in honor luipmeat to fight the blase*., Gov. Reauford M Jester Satur- WET WORLD SERIES NEW YORK, Sept 8fr-(AP)- The weather man has predicted scattered showers and consider able cloudiness far New Yark City agd vicinity today—opening date at the 1947 world series. NEW YORK. Sept. 30—(AP>— The editors of Mainntrram, Joe Cronin, manager of the Boston the new literary quarterly, r #t ^ S° Xl which Will complete its first intramural proficiency. 15W; and Thousands of acre* of tree* have i day had said he believed the fire* been burned in five counlie*. but were caused by the burning of ^ Is ooe, Walker, the blason have: fluids by farmers, of General George F. Moore W, been brought under rontrol or have Montgomery county schools were commandant of cadets from 1937 to burned themselves out. | to close today to make available 1939 and hero of the last war. times we think we’re getting 300 high school boys as firefight- The trophy is presented to the t head and at other times w# think j era. unit judged best on the basis of! we * re i^jn, f round," Burnside the following factors scholarship, 1 s#M j 50 r /t; military proficiency, 25%; ice and of the 111th Texas Nation 16 Now Filed for 4 Seats, / ! On Student Life Committee v The deadline for filing for positions in the new student government Is 6 p. m. today, according to the Student Activ ities Office. Any aspirant who has not vet filed, may do no in the Student Activities Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. + As of 5 p. m. Monday 42 men had filad. So far the Student Ufa Committee leads the field In com- R tiUon, with sixteen applications. ley ars: Farris Blow, Arthur Brunson, William Bumpas, Joe Gul- linan, Pete Hardesty, Jess Hargis, Scott Hood, John Huddleston, Vi«k Undley, Jack Moore, John Parma- lee, John Poole, Jerry Sutherland, Will Thanhebier, James Willis, and Sam Williams. The following five men have filed for the position of student member of the Athletic Council: Clifton Ackerman, Marvin Kuers, Leslie Palmer, Rudolph Schoddc, and Tommy. Tighe. The candidates for student rep resentative* are: Kenneth Bond and Vick Lindley, day students from Bryan; Glen Butler and Vir- I gil Shaw from Dorm 1; Henry Robatrds, Dorm 3; James Edgar, Dorm 4; “Duke” Hobbs and J T. Miller, Dorm 8; N. R. ”J« Leatherwood, Dorm 8; William I Fowler, Dorm 9; David Gentry and| Henry Pate, Dorm 10; Dave Br Dorm 14; Thomas Laroa, Law Hall,| Charles jCirkham and Arthur Ma- tula, Puryear Hall; Edward Court- ade and Marvin Kuera, Walton I Hall; Harry Saundeti, Vet Village; Wilson Beardsley, Trailer ('amp; ami Tom Weatbrook, Bryan Fn M| Village. No filing haa been made ior rep resentative of Dorma 2, 5, 7, 11, 12,1 15, 18. 17, Milnar, Leggett, Hart, Bissell, or the A, A M Annex. Neither have any application* been received from the Project tlousu area ami College View apartmaiiU.| Three freahmepuslll ha elected to represent •ludeata at the A, I A M ('ullvgt Vhm#i NtriitoiiU laterealed la spplvtng task da aa la Luke IlsrrUon * of fire befare | I p. at today, Th# elocllmi will be held Thittsi day. (Holier I. Bnllot* will be prr^ vlried by the iwapoetlve housema* ter* for th«M»e veteran* living Irl dormitories. < tirp* memhera wil reeelve their hallot* from the sen lor cadet officer (the highest rank In the dorm. Thus,* stuthviU living In Brynt) or College Station, will vote o ballots printed in The Battalioi Ballots will be brought or mall to the Student Actlvitiles Office i or before 8 a. m., Friday, Oct. 8. 'Students For Dobie’ Organized For Reinstatement AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 30 (Sp) Initial steps in organising a stu dent movement to ask the Texas University Board of Regents to reinetate J. Frank Dobie sa a far-* ulty member vere taken Saturday afternoon by a group which se looted the title of “Students for Dobie” aa its naqm. Ben Jeffery, derving as tem porary chairman, told the group that the only objective of the new organisation was to persuade the Board of Regents to reinstate Mr. Dobie. Jeffery pointed out that Mr. Dobie waa important to the University and to the students, and that Students for Dolm* would work exclusively on the Dobie matter. With Stuart Chamberlin, execu tive secretary, in the chair, the executive committee was instructed to prepare a petition for the Board of Regents and stated just what are considered the important facts in the Dobir question. Chamberlin said about the or- ganlsatiog: A surge of student opinion ha* toflopml In favor of Professor Dobit Our mreimg today, and th* lim of o«r assitciaiion, Is tg work •ut ways ami moans of giving MpraMriit ta that sUdant W» bad rather have Paw with us ana samoatar than him no semester st all, Wo urge the Beard of Hegedte to approve Mr, ItoWe's request for leave thte amkaatiiil the pur* Imm* ef Student* fer Dobie when he aald, "Our only purpose la to keep Dobie at the University— not to stir up trouble.” No one has been injured and no _ . p a home* have been burned. Burn- •*** »*•*'"< "* **M M— were groupd fires, and very de- sn.* it i liT. “** th - 1 TECH. DIRECTORS MEET SAN ANTONIO Sept 30 (AP|- C. R. Weymouth, Texas Tech re gent from Amarillo, said business meeting school’s board regents here Saturday discussed little of im portance outside routine affairs. A brief joint session wea held witk the* board directors of Texas A. and M. College, discussing ron|*r stive program offered by the two school* in Psnhandls, Weymouth said. count that revealed these fires: rect the Boston Club with Cronin to to • »*"” »" nu » l Tn . Llb ^ ty County ' northw<,t P° r becoming the eeneral manairer awards under the sponsorship of P® lnt f- , e 2? nd . P 1 * 0 * * ent ^ i t,on * 29 - becoming the general manager. |... F I “A» Chemical Warfare with 2485 Montgomery County, 54. MR ith - Notice - All student* interested In flight training are requested to meet in the Petroleum lecture room Tuesday evening, Septem ber 30 at 7 p.m. Port Arthur Club to Meet NEW PALEBTINF- BOMBING JERUSALEM, Sopt. 10 (API- Nins parsons warn k Iliad snd ap prullmatoly 50 wounded yastarday whan s district polls* haadMart- •m in Haifa was wraahad if s shsttorlng bamb saplasian whteh Jswuh irndarground AganU boast #d thay had sat off s* raarieal fu) th* depoitatian af uii,#rlifi,Mi i*h immtfrants , year. Jaw Fai (truck a Trieste yastarday aftrmaan was haadinc tor this ha* lory, Twa man trere klltsd, i Inf te a massage f rr J. C. Owan, wl Fot’s raarue ■r» from th* destroy. Ihleh Want to the NO MORE BEACBRor [MEXICO CITY. Sgpt. SO (AP»- ! Tbs Intartar Dapartmant reltarated yastarday that no bracarot (cab- tract farm workers) would be parmittad to go to Texas M untll discrimination against Mexicans ends.” McCarthy wbobftthe Wnkaes Four tward(| of |lM ^ wi „ , points and third pUce to k uP. ? 1M * k be< ^ U ‘ , 0f k ’ * offered Two of these swards Squadron Army Air Forces health take, over hu new job at wi|| ^ prwnted for thr un . . total of 2480 point. tlTJrSi *5° “If 0 0 ^ r published short story and poem er Competition is becoming greater M^hu’s aaU.?^ « rou P ot V*™' »ubmitted b) stu- thehighhon- tet h k hy k toll in American colleges and uni- ® r atUched to this award. It is aafey „ W f h ° h versities The other two award. ho P^ General Moore will be general manager of the Red Soft, .| . . . . , on hand to make the award next Collin, has directed the Boston Thi , yeBr *, competition will end Club since October. 1934, and Mlrch 21i Thp w i nninK ito . toMfbt th* dub into the world , r ies and poems will be published in arris, last year 1111. year a slow ' lUhwtr*,,*. Judge, of the awards tftart dropped the Rod Sox to third wi || ^ the editors of Mainstream, atosa bahind the pannant winning induing Editor-inChlaf Samuel Yankaaa. I Billon, Dalton Trumbo, John How- McCarthy Is th* only manager ard law son, Howard Fast, Meri- aver to win pannant* in both the del Le Sueur, Theodore Ward, and American and National League* A maud d'Uaaeau. Ha waa In rharg* as the Cub* tri- Manuscripts should be addros*- umuhed In the National in I92U ed to tho Mainstream Award* ami than directed tho Yankees dur Committee, 832 Broadway, New Ing their long reign at the lop in York I, N. Y, with accompanying the MV return |NMtage. Cronin asM he railed McCatthy i SUttlng with the winlor, lw4a, at Buffalo last week and naked number (Volume II, No 11, the him to meal him hare Inal Mghi nf *lngl* eo|He. of Main* ' "wa *ot up all nlghl diieuasing •traam will he an eants, anmml It, ami Jo* flnslly nevenlisir" ha •ftoripRtna |M, Malaatream is told rapottars 'Mri'arlhy will dtatrliuled sniumally by New have rompleie rharg* of the team • jHituir hilduhar*. also at ski and will nave Ih# |u»wer to mok* Broadway. New York, ash tola." j __ gf 1 FFA Rwrivw $IS could have gone with other club*, m Ant h,, i .to. ,k- to- | j* nmi 2 Mudrnts Agronomy Society Elects Kunze Head Large timber has escaped se rious damage, he said, but declar ed heavy damage to large trees j raf * t San Jacinto County, southwest might take place unless it rains or *£.J P* m -i® ^ ooni Academic portion, 12. 1 the fires were controlled. | BriMME. AH students from Port I Arthur are invited to attend. The Port Arthur A. 4 M. Club Thursday, October Fish-Game Club To Meet Next Tuesday The Fish and Game Club will hold ita find matting of the year on Tuesday, October 7, in Room 1115, Animal Induatris* Building at 7:15 p m., H. K. Buechner, sponsor, announcad today. A br»#f business meeting will b* held to elect new offtcars and ap point activity vommiiteoi, he stat ed Following thia, Bill Kiel will ifemml a dlsvuaalon on the meet ngs of the American Hociety of dammalogi*!* and the Nuatety of Irhlhyoluglala and HeiimtulugisU, which he attended at liigglns Uk* Mhhfcan, Rial attendeir th* ma vent loo as a rapregentatlva of the ARM, Fish and (lama Uluh, All aid member* are urged M attend, aa wall aa all new fi«h am gam* student*, Anynh* else in* tareatad In wildlife ta Invited t* attend. Third-Generation Minister Leads College Methodists i) jU COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS. S,*pt :tO (AP) -Caesar Hohn, Kx- ti-nsion Service State Labor Super- viaor, said that he knew of no in- ■taneas of discrimination against Mexican Nationals in Taxaa, and that hts office had bean engaged in .an educational campaign against any dis<nmination against Latin Americans. George W. Kunte was elected president of th* Agronomy Society at the first meeting ef the semes ter held last week, it was raportad yesterday by Andrew W. Bell, new club reporter. , j ter for the scholarship fund, it was reported yesterday. The donation, part of the pro ceeds from drinks and candy sold at the 4-8 convention held earlier thia month, was presented at the FFA’s regular meeting of Septem Houstonians Plan Aggir-Rice Dance Assisting Kunse for this year ber 22. will b* Arnold Nowotny. vice-praai- Barrett and Kiel, both veteran*, dent; Neal C. Patterson, secretary- remained on the campus for a week treasurer; and Ball, reporter. between semesters to make the AH agronomy majors who have scholarships money. The award bad Agronomy 106 are urged to' will be presented to some worthy attend the next regular meeting boy at the state FFA convention stated for October 14. neat summer, The Houston Club will make plans for the traditional post-game dance in Houston at a meeting to be held Thursday. October 2. Rob ert T. Drago, secretary-treasurer, ita ted yesterday. At last week’s mealing it was de cided that the traditional A. A M Rice game dance would be I AU Houston students are invited to attend this Thursday’s meeting ta the YMCA chapel By Kenaeth Bond “Ours is a two-fold purpose in Heft Station,” states Rev. James Jacksbn, minister of the Metho dist Church. "We arc hers to serve the churah, th* constituency, and the members of the church, and through the interested members of this church to serve the AAM olleg# ” If someon* had asked Rev, Jackson's father what vocation h* * spec tad his two son* to follow, without thinking ho would hav* rwplled, "Methodist Mintetara." The faiher ha* carried on service* in the Mathudtkt Church far th# past flftjhflve rearsi hi* hrothe* waa a Methodist minister, and I heir faiher was aleo a Methodi.i mlnlatai before them RSf, Jackson wa fourth #f five chil Georgia In 19M Ha rlout eehoola In Georgia and r«* MMi hi Mm lash*m»4et^aa BftmorKiWs _ ■C as a salesman th* University » ia, for a short to enter the mlnlatry. While attending Marcy Col lags la Otor- t he acted as student mini* Ur several churchea. Majoring in Christianity, ha received hla Bach- etor of Art* in 1984. After working on hta master’s degree for a while at Mercy Col lege, he transferred to Duke Uni versity and received hit Bachelor of Divinity in 1918, majoring In church history. He attended the University of, Edinburgh, Edtn burgh, Scotland, where he spent a gear working towards him PhJ) Iftssk st I ha to ■ In Gardele* Am kttlmal tern la and re tteh sehosl diploma at O4or«ta. After work- n and attending at Ogtethoraa, mrt time, he de* IRRV JAMES F JAURBON Mlaleter. A .AM. Methodist Churrh nag red Europe and visited Pale* tine, where he spent three months. Upon his return to the states, ha married the former Mias Helen Thompson of Swsinshoro. Georgia She has a Bachelor of Science De gree from Andrew College, Geor gia. They have a daughter, Vir ginia, seven years old, and Jim Junior, seventeen months. Rev. Jackson joined the South Georgia Methodist Conference and waa assigned to Lumber Cit] Georgia, where he spent two an I eno-half years. The Methodist Church ia Eastman, Georgia, bunt ed and RtV. Jadkson was sent them to rebuild and dedicate s new church. He wt* in Eastman fdr turn and one-half year*. Hs transferred to Houston, Tog as, and became the assistant min ister to th* Ray. Paul (Julllian who h paster of the Houston Methodist Cburshi th* largast Methodist Churah in the World pith 7800 members After spending two years at CartJiag* Texas, h# was Iran ■ferrad te Collage Italian wMM ha haa hatn th* past three mont Ksv, Jaekaim haa Eraat pwii fm the Melhadiat Chunk in th* huiiaiilg l'*"giam a* wall a« wuik U« with lha eullelf, |ia will hold Mienttaal awrv)*** at am* ami el*v aa aaah dunday te *t i ,■ t,,ti,i,,G (, who wishee ta attend liana, preshyleftana hndleta are iwmhlnlng tq g|Ua serviro* for lh» Freshmen al "LitI la Aifftatand " Regular servhw* wMI he hgld In tha rhapel Rill Watt*, a Student (weparlni far the mlntatnf, Will he hvallablia for rouneetlng. mierteklng '42 Senior Prexy Named Assistant Secretary of Exi J. B. “Dick” Hervey Greenville hag been appointc assistant secretary of the nociation of Former Student of A. & M., it was announc yeaterday by President A. Hinman of Corpua Chriati. Hervey was selected by the E ecutiv* Board of th* Associate to complete the enlarged staff th* Association office at Colla Station, to which James T. Not< of Austin was recently added editor of the "Texas Aggie.” Harvey is a 1942 graduate of | M., who in his senior yej served as president of the 19 class. H* entered the Army / Corpa immediately upon gradl lion and saw extensive servl overaaat, both in the Euroix Theater of Operations and the cific Theater. H* attained th* of eaptrin- Nina* hta return bow servk Harvey haa been engaged in tnaulailnf husinesa li Dallas Will enm* te ( olleg# Ntatmn t dutta* ^^9 'a Bl (hs Annex Ttie Mrtitodi a great building program, spon sored by til* Wesley Foundation whteh la locally represented by Igv* Carlo* Davis. These bwild- inga, when completed, will be land marks in College Station for many Uy impressed by this ,” asserted Rev. Jaek- am very proud to be able to work with such a fin* fac ulty and such a manly group students Such a combination can not fail.” i as*time his Mrlhotlwt Men Sponsor Dinner The Methodist Men's Fellow* group of the Flret Mr Churrh of College hta tlon la •ortng an all-rhurrh dinner neadav, Oriahsr 1, at 7 p. m. the Methodist Churrh. The entire ndrit*' student membarahlp of the chu are Invited to attend. The program will Include aatoattens by Mr*. C. H. Gr and a quia program between building committee and the committee. All members intending te b* sent for the dinner are to make reservations by church office between 9 a. m. 3 p. m. prior to Wednesday.