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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1947)
■MB rs IN BRIEF BBT RANH MAR WRBT UJNDGN, Sept ft (AP)-Mm JS*, 1 ■ *»'' fr ®» th* JniUh Alrw»v M but only ““ «!» .hrup. An offlrUI of th» HrUUh Rroo.l WMinir Urp,, H |4 m, Aww-knn B(4ro*a WM IfeldNI ttff • MiMtoH {JifjmNHUNi iHi« RrtiUh Uom. H4 IimM (Hal NBC ■Ban (MQMMnU tn tlullum, iAVA VOiTAMO KBItITH iAW ,A ' 4AVA * ••P*- *•- . 0w,#h ' Wm ‘ j * v * <i nlfhlM volrano, oniptori with a r «f Saturday. A fAitch .tffirui nald aaalton lava waa pour Inf down tHa eraary aldaa of tht »,7()o U' young dkmm to hear ! nm AUSTIN, TEX., 8«pt. 2#-(AP) —wr. Baauford H. Jeatar plana to addrvaa the youna Democrat* in otate Convention at Lonaview he hai announced. YUCOS RELEASE YANKS BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA, Sept, ft—(AP)—Three U. S. acid- *ni a ire* ted at the Trieete fron- Monday were releaaed laat rjHmy according to information fonaidered reliable. T8UN GETS LAW CO-ED AUSTIN, TEX.. Sept ft^(AP) —The Law School of Texa* Sute Univeraity for Negroea now haa !** f* r *t co-ed atudent. She waa Mra. Fannie Uaaery Brown, S4. Th# achool now haa three student* and five profeaaora. J- L Volume 47 PUBUSBED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER AJtM COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (AftlsUnd), TEXA*, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1947 Number 35 Five cadet aeniora pledge fall cooperation. around*table* Hea^TStii,*1^7^11! ’G^bM iTcbJur'l^"t' io L * rr m r# * Mi U r, * M Bra,. I'realdent of the Hoard; '*• <>lie f e; G. H. White. '■ ^ ■ <Tk~ »• TV A # ri ’ —-T.tRtpr,,,).' C^STSSSX,.rTTVSTSSIr^lL.TJSIa : Five Aggie Seniors Pledge Full Cooperation wincjell T() TOl R BU88IA NfWYORE, Sept, ft—(AP)— Walter Winchell, atUcked by Sov. ^ M ip inter An- ar#^ Vlahinaky aa a “jaunty chat- w ho la famoua for hia utterly abaurd liea. b declared he would be glad to accept Viahinaky’a invitation to tour Ruaaia. TArPTOPUSHCONGEMM * PORTUND. ORE,, Sjpt ft- |AP)—A powerful campaign to force early action by Congreaa on ao-called "aoclar' Itgialatlon la mnpM by Senator Taft (R-Ohio) aa an apparently InUfral part 0 f hia expected bid for the 194H Re publican prraidential nomination. SKEPTICS ABOUtTaLEBTINK LONDON, 8 *p t 2i>- (AP)w Aruba, Jew* a»d aome Briton* greeted with akaptlciam Colonial Bamtary Arthur Creech Jones' ■totaMt hederr <he UniUad Na- tfcma yesterday that Britain waa willing to furrander her Pale*tina mandate and ready to withdraw her troop* from the Holy Land. GOSPEL TO THEATRES? SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Sept, ft -MAP)—A Texas Methodist. Rev. Paul Quillian of Houaton, advo cate* use of newspapers, radio, theater and movies to bring the Christian gospel to those who do not go to church. “The masse* of the unchurched are not going to be reached by service* conducted in church build- iutu*" Dr. Quillian told fellow de- w*****", to the lint postwar world Methodist Conference. I HUKHALHAP8 SEIZE MAYOR MANILA, Sept. 29 (AP)-The Philippine Military Police Com- mand reported today that Huk- balahap raider* seised the mayor and vice mayor of Majayjay 'in laguna Province after a fight in which the dissident peasant leader was slain. ?T, W n “ * h " l»(„, tw Hoard of IN*,. - “ -* apJSLTrStSr ?: SoS WTAU Workshop Offers Thesp ians Experience on Air WTAW Worshop—a radio dra matic group composed of students and other local people—will pre- *ent a series of classical dramas over the college radio atation this Fall. "ally Pierre, assistant manager of WTAW, and Richard Gottlieb, chief announcer, are holding the first meeting of the group Th Proceed on Plans to Erect One Building at Each School Bond Covering US Property in Use at A & M Increased 1 o $1 Milliom Junction CitizenH Say ‘All In Ready’ By Charlie Murray Five A4M seniors appearing be- fore the collt^e Board of Direct ors Friday afternoon in San An- tonio pledged the wholehearted dav : I *‘iPP ort of the Senior Claaa to the I* o/a? Jl? 0, O** 0 ** 1, *• udmlniatration for 1947-4H ’ mSL t]00r 0t the Ad ' C * d0i C *P u » n Flmo C. Llying- nmistration Building. , .ton, president of the Senior Clas* h very one is eligiklr for try-outs ,lctwl »pokesman for the group in this dub. Since the programs, »trodo«in| each of the other four sponsored under the a us WT‘ I TAW, will be presented in the interest of public service, anyone from the rollege, College SUtion, Bryan, or vicinity ia eligible for auditions. Through try-outs, the applicants will be narrowed down Antenlo. Applications Still Accepted For PositionsInStudenl Government g i ■tudent* Livingston told the dir ector* that the Senior Haas had voted unanimously to send ihem U> appear for the betterment of A. * M. He declared that thla year’s Senior Class is “more together, more settled, and more determined H tW *". ty . or tw * nt y-f«v* mem- to AAM the school It ought hSlity. basis of their Deadline Set for 5 Tuesday; 13 Now Fileti in Student Life Ran- Turkey School Planned By om m ^i!i ngS 4 for the va ,7 w U8 in the new student a 8t,ll ^ e,n K accepted, according to the Stu- n i ^ ^ dent Activities office. Deadline for filing is 5 u m Tuesdav ■ flllltrv Studem Activities Of^'in R^IS: ^P L * ,,r8 ^ thf ‘“*i n M sss gcoi. numuer or CiMUesunts. FYling for this iwsltion are 1 to attend a two-day turkey grad -T CRASHES * Sept, ft BERGSTROM PI.ANC CHESAPFAXE. (T I AP)—Fourteen peitsons aboard ag Army C-41 froai Bergstrom Field escaped injury yesterday in an emorgency landing at the Hunt- uiftoii Airport when the craft plowed into five private planes parked on the field. LETS TAKE TURKEY pittsbvrqh. sept. »- Tarkey, regal adornmeat of • holiday tabls, waa advert one downtown market hers cents a pound . Lowly “hot dogs" in the saiM store cost 62 cents a pound. POLIO HITS GERMANS BERLIN, Sept, ft—(APt-Thc toll of a prolonged infantile pan- lyala epidemic haa mounted in Ber lin to U67 cases and 109 deaths NTSC ADDS TEACHERS DENTON, TKX., Sept. »-(AP) —Aa effort to meet the needs of its largest enrollment in history, 4484 students, North Texas State Collage has added 60 new teach eta to the faculty for the fall. President W. J. McConnell h« an nounced. t •'-? ' NEW JET BOMBER—YIMS LOS ANGELES, Sept, ft (AP) Northrop Aircraft’s jet bomber, i the Tailless YB—49, comes out of its hangar today with all eight engines roaring. The big flying wing will not fly today, hut will l be exhibited. NEW DaTlmAIRMAN WASHINGTON, Sept 2»-(AP) —Robert E. Raanigan will resign Oct. ft as chairman of the Demo cratic National Committee and be i sucaaedad by Senator James How ard McGrath of Rhode Island. Hannegan announced today ha is reaigpmg because of health and that PriaUsnt Truman “Indicated hia aegreval” of MeOreth Traffic Accident Claims Life Of Houston Aggie bent, selected on rmdio-dramatica! The club will present only bet ter scripts available. Included in the present list are such dramas as: "Tartuffe" by Moliere, “Pil lars of Society” by Ibsen, "She Stoop* to Conquer” by Goldsmith and “The Alchemist" by Jonson. People who do not desire to act may serve as producers and direc tors, or may select music to be used. There will he no dues or fees. All the facilities of the station *ill he at the disposal of the club for rehearsal and “On the Air" time. Tentative time for present ing the plays on the radio has been set at Friday afternoons from 4:.10 to 6 p.m. Until the club is Jerry Murphy, 19, Sophonwrc student from Houaton, dit-d at one o’clock Friday afternoon m the col lege hospital. Hi* death resulted frum injuries re<-*ived when the motorcycle on which he wa* rid ing crashed into the concrete rurb- ♦ Farris Block, Arthur E. Brunson ! * n 8 school September .’lO-October 1 . ... William F Bumps-. Walton Hard- L on the college eampu* Pi^^H V**' J I ^’ , w ^ Uixxl. The school, sponsored by the GoSLh wiil and John Huddleston. Jack W. MoOre. allege ,>oultry department in Z W,n * Ct ,,,reftor - John J. Parmelee, John T. Poole, operation with the U. S. Depart Jerry Sutherland, Will H. Than- ™»’ n ‘ of Agriculture, will be held Four H ill primarily to train official turkey CHUUCIHB Y\ III w.. V '*'' Rotary (,o<kI Neighbor Program school, said the first half day of I ^ the short course would be of par- Four Latin-Amcricaii students ticular interest to Brazos county have been invited to b* guest* of breeder* and producers The first th e Liberty Rotary Club at a Ro- illary) n going to do Usually they tell us ! search was amended to include wba* to do." “inatruction* I i me,a ber* of the board each Grant*-in-aid 4rk■><><* 18 P r *l , * n lt the fiv* aenior . ... . . * studenta for their plodgs of work- , } 1 * ,,dlllon ,“*• board acknow- ing together for a greater ARM ,, * T * i nU *i n *«W from Proctor Degn pf Men W. L. IVnherthy! L»n»ble Company for 9L0U0 who was preaent at the open meet- u . V nit * d Hutrt R«bH< ing. said. “I believe wM’ve got H, ‘* llh H V Vk * for • l *6SR for ex- better days ahead.” , P^nmental research to be carried Bhlldhlg Anendmmt Ouestion ° U ! Vrv ‘ Since tho College ^ Building f‘ fU . *** wcepted, in- Amendment of August 2.7 ia now elu ‘ ,in * th * following: in question Presiilent’ Gibb Gil- l 1 - 000 ^ r om E. M. “Ted” Donley chrbd niggestid that “we proceed for th c Dallas New* Opportunity to prepare ope building at each of Award. The winner of this awkn) the four colleges.” '■ Billy O’Nolll Hoskins of Irving, Ip thla raapect he proposed that Toxaa, 1947 honor graduate of P{M* b* drawn up for a Sciem*-1 No,tl, Dallas High School. He la Building at ARM and at North •* ro l | * d buainesa and account- to thc^^'Build&tf JoSlt^fc-«* <• Vmt B’rrth Hillei' Tarleton Agricultural Callage, Foundation s Scholarships. These Whifch Would also house the depart- * w *rd* ,hy the Refugee Student ment of agriculture; and the Art*, i ^,the Chicago Hjllel Foun- jndustrias Building at Prairie ‘‘•tlons were given to George Ken- V'cW ARM. lifter plana for the ,,dl Budapest, Hungary and new AdtninUtration Building there Sabat of Sofia, Bulgaria, arc alrradg'diMkrway., 110,000 ( 2K0'per ywr) on the ^ ^ ^ Garlttton Adam*. A AM system F’ornelia Cooke Smith bequest, ea- prove the conduct of the students ’’ that under preaent ^blishing a Memorial Award En- He in turn thanked the Athletic *n d high prices AAM d owi»*nt. Department for the cooperation I WO * , ' 1 i . • nl >' tJ.000,000 from John C. Van Valken- worth frqin the 15,000,000 in the! o1 Dallaa, for pr«e* in com Building .Amendment. i •««*»♦ u. 1 —-*— L * ' Adams advocated a “feel-out program",' whereby ope building could be built at each of the four school*. He suggested that “we should be conscious of the mon ey we spend. We should not be to J?.- • houW b* the beat!” Bill Brawn, eotonri of the corps, who spoke after Livingston, stated that the corps behind the com mandant. “\¥e have settled down and started to study, and we real- i*e that the Corpa is on trial.” Third student representative to speak before the directors was Asa Holleman. head yell leader, who said that “we are trying to •** heiser, and Sam S Williams. F\»ur members for the committee will be elected from this group. Ri R*f f* the single poeition on the Athletic Council are Clifton Ackerman. Leslie L. Palmer. Ru 'iolph Schodde, and Tommy Tighe. j The 34 poaitiona as Student Life representative are as yet not all filed for. Contestants thus far are '5{ ert * ^ Butler and Virgil Shaw, ing of the traffic rirrie on SuFp'hur fT m Li ^it^r. dorm 6; Spring* Road John T. Miller, dorm 6; Nat R. Murphy, the son of P W. Mur , r *?^' <,orni *; William phey, 1124 Aicrifgg St.. Houston. i" W ®l_ Henr y A. Pate, a * ‘lorm 10; Dav- Bruce, dorm 14; Silver Tape for Murphy •ill Marvin Kiser*. Walton Hall; hr held t4>night. ' Laron, Law Hall; Chariot E. Kirkham, and Arthur session will be held in the campus tar y Ann (ladies auxiliary) meet " * '* ~ ‘ Luia waa a Prs-vet student and a mem- * Matuks. Pu her of “B” Troop Cavalry. He and Westbrook soother member of "B” Troop, J. F. Kasper, were riding the motor cycle to Bryan and failed to make th* turn at th* traffie cirri*. Th* accident occurred at 9:S0 Thurs day night Thr two yougg men w*r* rushed to the colleg* hospi tal shortly after H. ■Tw Hall: Tom " r i r#n Wilson H. Beardtely, Trailer Vil- ftorwa In which no on* has filed xrf t 6. 6. 7, 11, 12, II, 16, 17, H ® rt . »od Biz- ■ell. Also V*t Village No 1. Proj ect House*. College Vl*w Village, and day students of Bryan and YMCA chapel. The remainder of the school i* scheduled in th* Ani mal Industries Building. Inatrurtors and speakers on the short course program include J. A. Bybee, C. M. Evans and John A. Hamman, all of the U. 8. Depart ment of Agriculture. Firm* whoa* turkey grader* qualify at the school are entitled to buy and sell bird* on USDA grade mg next Tueaday Pedfo Luia Mu n°6 of Mexico City; Alberto Van Arken, Buenos Aires; Michael Wi|. Iiama from Monterrey; and En rique Holgin, Ciudad Juarez were chosen to make the trjp. Arrangements for the visit were made by J. J. Woolket. head of the department of modern Ian- In — cooperation extended everyone on the campus Cadet Captain Louie M. Hardy Stamford, spoke next on behalf of > individual units. Commander of Battery D, Artillery, he stated that students are running the out-! fit* to bring order to the sduad and working for another blue star. I Hardy declared that Aggie* were ^ a * D** whole prob- trying to better the corps and in- e,, ' sure the degree of continuance of the corps. F ifth student representative was Jimmie Nelson. Battalion co-editor. Nelson said be preferred to look on the brighter side of life, trying to work with the school ami officials When each of the five student delegates had spoken. John New ton, Beaumont member of the Board of Directors stated. 'This Obtaining AAA Building Presiilent Gilchnut also propos ed AAM take over the former l R'RMmib The large, white L building on the northwest corner of the campus was built by the Department of Agriculture in 1942, UB «. agreeing to pay the college 125,000 ing from $.582 ■ year for five years, and 118,600 dollars, a year for twenty year*. He stated that the contract be tween the college and the Depart- • „ . „ 7. . * •••" t vwicgr mom me i>epari is an excellent omen. He also ex- Went of Agriculture could be ter Dr. J. H. the college ;unges. In cooperation with the „ . . , | -lotory Club’s Good Neighbor pro- Quisenberry, hi»d of gram. The Rotarians will furnlah K ed but will remain in the Infirmary several days longer for observa tion. Vegetable (harden Space Available Space for vegetable gardens will again be made available to veteran sttnlents this fall, according to F. R. Bnaon. professor in the Horti culture department Plots for students living near the College View apartments will be located in that area. Another will be near the Agricultural! headquarter* for those not the College View area Plots assigned for the fall and wiatar gardens may be retained for garden* next spring. Further information may be ob tained by calling at the Horticul- *?» toV'rtnxm, room 907. Agri- bhUding boforo IMakse 4. be loc •lot w rz «i by any applicants The election will take place Oc tober 2. BalloU will be provided by the Student Activities Office and will be distributed to all dorm studanto by thrir respective house- masters. In the corps dorm* the «<Mt officer (highest rank) will be responsible for distributing the balloU. Students living in Bryan or Col lege Station, will vote on balloU printed in The Battalion Ballou will be brought or mailed to the Student Activities Office on or be fore 8 a-m., Friday. October 3. Accounting Meet The Accounting Society will m< * t Tuesday night immediately following yfl practice in build mgK, room 23. TK* society plans to reorganise •ad elect new officer*. Member ship is open to all accounting ma- jorswith at least sophomore .,11 b, .i«,-uJ7 k t. Ub.rtt hTZ Will be smong the short course in. men and hrtn> tk.» l V. . T ■PP«»»wrt poul (•^ TuIkNY on pressed his appreciation to the five studenU who voluntarily appeared Friday. “I am particularly impressed with your seriousness and deter mination to do something fer the college,” Tyree L Bell of Dallas stated. G. R White, Brady, chairman of tbe boatd, said, “I was appointed to the board before you fellows were born. This Is quite a differ- *nt spirit from that shown by ta! ^ sj !i?£r "*"■ “ Co1 - . >f* the next day. ^ that ever told us what they are Aggie-Tech Game Quite Colorful, ■ Even to Most Saturated Watchers The new Aggie uniforms and the flashy gridiron work of some half- dosen Farmer players weren’t the only examples of color at the Tech game in San Antonio Saturday night. The crowd of over 20,000 provided its share of interesting sidelighU, some colorful, some "off colloF’ but all typical of what hap- pens—people, alcohol and football of form a happy union. rasaed One thoroughly saturated citi- »en of uaknowa origin (Tech root ers certified he was obviously of Wert Texas extraction), created quite a disturbance through meet of the opening quarter when he proclaimed to one and all that right confuting ,n nJ! h i?f coa ‘ dn ’ t * womew the Aggie* ” Fro been following AAM football teams since Urn days of Joel Hunt and I’ve never seen ’em ia white. Obvioasly." ha ee* tinned, I'm in the wrong place.” Say buddy, can you tall horn to get to th* Stadium where the Ag- gies are playing?” No amount of pogsuasion. vocal or aftoralas, could convince the “spirited” faa, that h* WAS seeing > he Aggies. Hr finally wandered off, muttering to hiasaelf, in quest already well- rs fuel to hia already J anatomy. 1 • The reaction* of Various fans to the plane which flew low over the rtadium and had the huge letters Texas’’ written aero*# the bot- tda* surface of it* wings, won in some cases, down- m" meant Texas AAM and that sht thought it was quite unfriend ly to send planet around over football teams advertising state- supported eollagw. The Aggie fan wjs convinced the “Texas* meant Texaa Tech”, and ahe likewise ex pressed her indignation an the sub- jort. The argument was hrouirht to a sudden end when a third party intervened and explained that the •Texas” meant not AAM or Tech, but, quite simply, “Texas”. The tw« women returned their friend •hip at that point, said fri prevailing undtr a slightly Utestsphu i for the of the game. Tho Aggie student caught the implications of the aer- ial “flort-our right away ial “float promptly (Bee _g*v* “h COLOR on rtinaerd at any lime. Kyle Field Beatiag The oo*rd unanimously approv ed the appropriation of $133,000 tor improvements on Kyle Field. These improvements would includ additional offices, dressing roomi anil training rooma under the ilium, a new electric sCnrcboa.^, and the addition of 6,000 tempof- *jy for the Thankagivii sy game. I The electric scoreboard has ■0ta|)#4 ind Bhould U* ha* beqn in opef. ation for the Baylor game on Ot- tober 25. The Former StudenU Assort*, tion plans to undertake a program to increase the Mating capacity for Kyle Field. Under the proposed •ft-up, each subscriber will pay 050 a seat, which will entitle him to that Seat for a certain number wf yaaraJ’ J.^*** 1 *" * minimum of 3,000 seats on the Foraior Stu denU in order, to get a reasonable cost. New (4art Okayed organisational chart of * w ®^ c * 1 P rov ides for executive officers in charge of each branch college waa unanimously passed. The following appropriation* w«» approved for AAM branch colleges: ■ W.Ooo for Prairie View for addi- tMH jBMUalqr .daaks and pur- due* of aurplua equipment; JUNK) for NT AC for additional classrooms to accomodate the in- creased enrollment; 116,966 for NT AC to convert temporary building into aemi-per- maaent building. The chief executive's title at FriRHa Ylmr was changed from principal to -dean".^T An cafiter appropriation of »45.- “"O u •net greenheusee fer re- i • .i. , I i L petition on landscape design prob lems among senior students in the Mjartmafli | $24,000 from Clarence L Korth bequest, known as “Ruby Korth Trust.” This money will be invert ed in governnjent bonds a* a per manent memoriul endowment, ami the income will be used to help Texas h(»ys attend, college. ROTC Road --ri |< Th< board au(>oitized President Gilchrist to inc the college co property in use ft This increase cause the govern plying AAM wit military equipm. Meloy Jr., comm mates the value bond of Army 'j train- | million •v nr now au its la. Colonel G. . now Mt lipment in use at AAM at more than two million dollars, over •ninety percent of which haa been furnished since (Ree BOARD on Page 4) TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION* Tubrrcultm*: The earlier found the eoouer cured Tuberculosis is caused by an organism (germ) which when seen un- dor th# microscope looks lik* a tiny rod. The shape of toe tu berculosis org a n i s m was used by G. H. Brock whan he mad* the design of the bor der and headini of this •pace. This design has been officially appro?- •d by the National Tu berculosis Association.