Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1947)
t E 1 J v" ’ * * y Li ED B a t ( a I i 0 n ITORIALS Page 2 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1947 “Little Legislature” ,.. Recent Ulk of calling a special session of Congress to settle problems which have arisen since adjournment last July, has brought up the question of an interim legis- lature. To be made up of;a group of con gressmen acting as a standing committee, the body will serve in lieu of the regular .ftftaffc! f 1 . 4 Several states have started actions along this line. Kansas formed a "little legislature" in 1983 and found it a general success. Spon sored by the Kansas State Chamber of Com merce, the council made recent surveys of state penal and charitabt^ institutions. Its 27 members made recommendations after 18 months whidt'Were adopted by the leg islature. Wisconsin is another state with a legis lative council. Its twelve members are allot- •d |80,tHH) a year with which to investigate and prepare bills in!the next two years. The council takes the place of all interim com- mm' 1 Of Interest Is Secretary of State Mar shall's suggestion to the U.N. Assembly that It operate an Interim group «»f representa tive* durlnv the period* between session*. The need of such action in legislative hodie* is becoming more apparent a* time goo* on. These small legislature* tould sene a very JUMP** AT A CONCLUSION useful purpose in the present-day world of fast events. ] Given limited i»wer to conduct tempo rary legislation subject to later approval of the Congress, itself, the legislative council could study and decide on such issues as may arise during an adjournment period of Con gress. Sen'ing as an executive group of the Congress, the council could work with the President in giving him a signal of congres sional thought on dbmestic and foreign pol icy. ' It could also lessen the load of the regular session by making advance studies and writing bills in the interim periods. A national legislative council, carefully chnnen, could give adequate legislation at all times during the year. In Texas, a "little legislature" would come very handy. Scheduling the regular aqairiph of the state^legislature < years has created a long period of inactivity during which time many issues arise that need congressional attention. An arrange ment on the order of some of the other states' legislative councils could care for thpse problem* end take action on items involving investigation and study prior to action in the regular congress.;/' A/VV Time. Not Money, Hard to Spend In Hollywood / BY BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD. Sopt »-<AP) -Spending money ia The Nation Today Radio Towers Will Be Taller Than Empire State Building BY MAX HALL (For lame* Martov) WASHINGTON, ^opt. »-<AP) America’* era of btnWinf aoartng VtTC TCVMNL *’ 4 i if, B u radio tower* aiW gaohteg thoir ateel apine* higher M>d high er. Soon they may xurpass office budding* aa the tallest wructurea ev«r created by man. ifM Empire State building, hetd in place by wide-apreadir wire*, ia roughly tha same aa the building at 00 Wall New York, which ia th« third tall est akyrraper in the world The aocond tallest radio an ter- * na, 0t7 feet, la that of station WXAX at Yankton, South Dak ota, owned by the Cowles Broad casting Company. The Oklahoma CKy and Yank ton shafts are reported tci be ex- nittiog t Tintinabulation of the 3ells... Platitudes you can hear any day. but it is not every day that you sec proof uf them. Our text for today is "The pen isYnightier than the sword.” In the Battalion of Monday, SeptemlnT 22, 1947, one of the more serious editorials had to dio with the dearth of telephones in this paper’s office. Aur viziers and thamber- lains had at that time been talking up a storm trying to get service. That short, un assuming editorial did what the self-styled wheels could not. Now this is the point—if in our despera- »lion we had charged into Southwestern Slates Telephone company’s offices brand ishing cut lasses and demanded a telephone, we would by now be enjoying private rooms with padded walls. , But by using our heads for something besides hat racks and our typewritera for something more than finger exercisers we accomplished our purpose without causing undue wear and tear on anybody but the printers. This is not ‘ Fifteen for the Bait", but a note of thanks to Southwestern States Tel ephone Co. Ah MaoKenzie Sees It... • British Palestine Withdrawal Easement, But Not a Solution By DrM ITT Miu KKXSIK AC r»r.ta« Affair* A naif* The (rsfle Jewl*h Arab prwhkm (he Holy Land ha* a*wn Mnna.hnl in I'nlralltu’ may find tcm|Htr*r> and dcatnirUon develop .mt of iha eu-eno nl, but little which will con-! difference r , U» a uw'ful aohitlon, la | | n itm tho Hrltlah ansounce.1 a Hritain ■ announcement that ahe ..i,,, for „iUihh.hmcnt of a nil! end her MindaW if the fnited 1, , ri *|„tie # council, but that waa Nation* doean t work out a aottls- r cU. ( icd by the Araba. The pro|K. inent aatiafactory to b«»th aidea M | pgt forwanl again In HW» Them will In* an4 | WM turned down by both eaaemrnt be- Aral* and Jewa. cauae the quar- . Thcn in , M7 thf Brili , h p^.) o’ f.V V* !» Roysl Commiaaion, having a|H‘nt D t 1 ' I * R •Ha Mm^awdWa loa l..a• SotAaeuwam- ing money is no problem akycrapen has ended, and may not for the glitter queens and king* return of the movie factories, but spend ing timers another matter. I An impendent survey (conduct ed by this reporter > shows that 1 movie star*, who work a theoreti cal eight-hour day, spend an ave- { rage of only 53.2 minute* of actual fedt and 102 stones tall, has emoting before the tamers* _ this vastly unscientific report de- > yekr* now, and among office build- er at Budapest, Hungary ft .was dares, they donate 67J minute* ings then* are no rivals in sight, blasted dawn by the Germans when for makeup (double this for wo- The largoat buildings that are they fled Budapest. The Hangar- men), 12 minutes to studying the planned nowaday* are not mere ian legation said today that it ha* script, 17 for arguing with the dir than about 30 stories. Many archi- beep restored, and that K ia 314 ector, 14 for press interviews, 25 tects think this is the “economic meter* high. That would he 1,030 for miscellaneous functions. limit.” j feet This leaves a whopping amount Harvey Wiley Corbett, the noted New radio towers are coming in of time to kill, and some slay thg Ntw York architect, told me that this country. New kinds of broad- hours aimlessly, others make use higher building* have too imuch casting- frequency modulation (F- of them. Joan Crawford, for ex- of their space taken up with hleva- M) and television—are short in ample, is an inveterate knitter, as tors. He said skyscrapers in gen- range but can extend their range are Deborah Kerr and Jane Pow- eiwl have been financial failures gruatly by using high towers, ell. Ronald Reagan and Robert But what of the towers of na- The Cowles Broadcasting Com- Taylor talk politics with anyonejd^D? ji j pany is planning an KM and tele- > any around. Fred MacMurray, s inis-' Today the tallest radio trated artist, sketches anything in in the country—so far as sight, pausing now and then to read (he stock market report*. Cary Grant indulgra in guessing r wer vision tower near Des Moines, In can wsi that will rise to the astonish- scenes and she always has a phon ograph playing the latest records. Gene Kelly figures out his next dance routine. Ixtretta Young sews things fer her children. Van Johnson answer* his. fan mail. Clark (iahl* pull* a rhalr out on the set an*! shifts the hreege with the trew, Olivia iicHavlltahd read* palms, Rnlwrt Mit<hum gribes. (Kd, Notes Huppose he picked that up playing M. cadht in WNRI.f) Then there are some who spend the time laboring over a hot rac ing form But they prefer to re main anonymous loam—rises M0 feet above the m^hei^ht of 1,520 feet. ••rth .It is the transmitter qf sta-1 That’s more than a quarter of a tkm WKY at Oklahoma Cityl own-! mile, straight up. It’a almost rTj. . ir-. . ■ jpto This slender steel marvel, held' Bo the race ia on. < ary uram indulges in guessing (am n * i at Ukialmma Ulyl own. mile, straight up It a almost a game*. Una Turner Is one of the <4 by the Oklahoma Publishing hundred >*«!* taller than the em- few who reads book* between Compasy. pire Ktale building. an A. * OeWlNl , , seven months in Palestine review- Jews has K ro * r i njt t he aituation, recommendeil ,, .. ! . Ar * 1 ’ thJ JrariwH- of This proposition was turned RlO (srailde (illll) the mandate down by both Jew* ami Arabs, power in the Hisordert again swept the land. Holy Land has These have continued ever since U-corne intokr- w * th varying degrees of intensity i able to the Jew - —clashes between Jew* and Arabs, ish inhabitants ■ * n d clashes between British and A* thing* now stand M’s better Jews. that the British clear out. ' Now a majority of the U. N. However, one of the world's Palestine committee ha* recom- most difficult questions will re- mended that the Holy Land be div- mqin to be answered by the Unit- ided into two states, with Jerusa- • . r , ed Nation*. That ia how to fulfill Km—sacred city of ChH«tianity, to secure an accurate appraisal OI nis abut- Britain'* Balfour Declaration of Judaism and Mohammedanism Vocational Guidance Proved... .\fldntUznes, when vocational guidance | testing ia being discussed, the obj.ect is <ties and interests SO that he may engage in l‘*17 by providing “a national home neutral district. Again the Arabs thrown up: *^ut’s very nice in theory, hut the proper field of higher education. for the Jewish pimple. . . it being are expressing disapproval of th* a 11 14 a*i 4l**wv**aj A attillcmt ti*Vwt ia intarwl irniiLwl ' cl^ATly OIKf^ffttOOCi tlUlt flOtllltlff KMfR, thniw tnOW tO IK* ft Neal Calloway of Elsa was elect ed presk^mt of the Rk) (.'ramie Valley Club at its first meeting of the year. Other officer* are Harry Rob ert*. Edinburg, vice-president; Bob , Scoggins, Rio Hondo, trrasurdr; * Gus Celaya, Brownsville, siyrota- nr; Neal Steitx, I>onna, and Jerry McManus, Raymondville, roportets. The club will meet every sec»hd | and fourth Thursday. OPEN AT 5 O’CLOCK No cover charge for dining diningI dancing Food prepared by chef from Balinese Room Specializing in Sea Foods and Mexican Foods FIN FEATHER CLIB Fin Feather Road Ph. 2-1673 all it ia, is theory. XT' One of the largest heavy manufacturing concerns in the country ap]>arently thinks otherwise. Allis - Chalmers Manufacturing Company has issued a pamphlet on "Scien tific Selection of Engineering Personnel.” iir which they tell of remarkably good result* they have had from using guidance tests, in placing engineering school graduates in the ’mvftioiui of the company best suited to the .talents ef the new men.* - ' Speaking of the broader suajecr of selec tion- tests in college, the pamphlet says: Many colleges are efcpanding their coun seling service, esjieciaUy for new students en tering’these institutions. Severs) universi ties have been selected by ths Vetersns Ad- XUnistration to provide this testing and ling service to servicemen who want enter • university. In some universities ting end counseling is a part of the en- Irsnce program. Through such testing and counseling, the student has tint op|>ortunity A Renurrectfd Bumho ... ML, / .i . j ' If you regularly gel tho Solerejumt, you hud about one chance in five of leai’niug Mental Resources Neglected for yourself whv publinher* sometimes go I n IMiift . . . mad and advertiser* go madder. The Aug r .uat 23 issue of the magazine came up with 1 really wonderful ex-ample of that old nem- lasis—ridiculous juxtaposition. That is an •♦td that waa iwrfectly a k. by itself ran next 4o a stor)' that was also perfectly o. k. But when you put them together-touchi The ad in question, for Columbia Rc- ^cords, plugged Ezio Pinza, “the magnificent 4yric baaso of the Metropolitan Oi>era," and 3an a handsome picture of the gent. Rut the •rtrtory on the adjoining page, the seventh nhstalment of an eight part aerial, was called Vina of the Corpse. — .No one noticed this gixify propinquity ■ftli about 800,000 copies ha^ r»«red off the press. Then things started to pop. The awful hews went up the chain qf command. Terse enters came down. The presses stopped, Col- A student who is counseled and guided “ n,1rn, V* 0 ’? that nor J\‘. nr _ ^ ru.M ..r,ii « shall be dene which may propudic*' diviMon of opinion smonf th«- TmbTne proptr \ocatlonal field, Wlllviave a ^ rt ,|i(p OU s right* of Jews, some of whom are against much better chance of completing his school „j* t inr non-Jewish communiUe* it studies and achieving greater success in his (the Arabs) in Palestine." So the next step i* up i° tbe tdiosen field after graduation. Before the generation which ha* clap- U. Nn ami the problem is more war. some engineering colleges had a mor- ^ V 1 *** th * 1 l ,l< ‘ <, K r *** given, complicated than ever. tality rate of 50 |>er cent in the first year, j -r 1 Those who have analyzed the reason for this high l^atc report that a lack of interest and ' (ir ability in mathematics or science was largely res|>onsible. Had these same men received counseling on the basis of i»y- chological tests and been advised to enter the schools of business administration, med icine, law. commerce or some other course, many more wi-ukl have completed college. As h re*qlt of the experience in testing . and counseling under the Veterans Admm- i/jnikin i R.-pt IP FnrlUrH «Hular concrou- used oil ■ Ur*e iatratJon. it is h«>|>ed that other universities »h<>«bi u*c her scientist* to buttle in Sweden will decide to extend service to all atudents economic difficultic* the war she N** productionj meth«Ki* Ujam entrance. This should Improve our used (hem to help win victories ■"““'d d«Kslo|>e<i. odurtiUontl .y.trm more th.n ^ t,fir Worker, declared heir In a re- •"•‘ of our own ju.i because port on science and the economic " ur SIT loo .mill »o use (hose of tho U. 8. A., |he State- Greater efficiency In coal and **•'’* »ledl pixMlurtton and major aain* Reoosrrh In tiansportatian oper- In other Industrie* are predicted *dott is noodod. And skleiice In ,lf Britain turn, her M-lentl.t* to «lir,eulturo can r* for toward tnak , ! the present crisis. Britain solf-supportlng In food, Turnlrif at least one third of the commllUe .Ute. n , a t Uf ft\l tha nrlontiflc menpowor, Vsbeivker- ^ Our trilmtp for thin week goes to \Vcl>-' w ,uipment of Great Brit- 1 n^,,,ncUK, ln th * w ‘ ono 4* lc here, the group urge* a t|ew effort ft Scientists Could ^ in British Economic Battle, 11 Allowed By Sclenee HervWe ♦ Sept, (g—England < ‘ fll i ul ** r roncroU- used AIR CONDITIONED Opens 1:00 p.m. I*h. 4-1181 — I-AST DAY — INTttHISl JOEL McCREA VERONICA LAKE Isleoied *rw UNHID AltlStS M - BEGINS TOMORKOM — GlIION HALL MONDAY — TUESDAY tiny other qingle factor untbiu’" ud was switched with one for Gain es Meat, | if dou food, and IUMMUmm) -iYt‘»re SatevciMihts rolliMl out without Incident. fiareing Elected Navarro President .. , je* and equipment of Great Brit - step, the ,\rir York Herald Tribune Car- wn'* armed force* to civilian pro- - tLL _ . tiKinist, for his delightful series. The Vneeen duetton is one step proposed h> |,cltnc# for thv of Audience, and his cheerful criticism of ra-1 thej-ommlttw. . . „ • dil, A recent Job we Hk«l reprei.ll>- Aowrel an enchanted citizen hhtening to the follow- ule . ing upside-down commercial coming from tv Edition «.f three scientific hlH mdio: h i . . I and three tcchntau'MtmberB to the | “ Thid remedy i» not et M like « doctor', AHimy Mure*. S-eH U TV N...rr. Con, MM Cli, prencnprion. On the contrary it has only ( ,.. . . p 1 held it* firat meeting Thunuiay nt°i r^ 0n ^ Cir ^ nat0 ° f ^ Kia *u d u of^J and technology^ in Brit- m * ht Thi * mwlin * »» or - httle horse-radish for flavoring. We call the lsh irdustn and „rlraRure. g*n>Mtional purpom* hJC. Ware- produd Zo/ft for no good reason, and if it Even more extensive pooling of MiMd Vice-President aniusas you to apell it backwards, go ahead, scientific renearch and develop- and (4 p Ranking Treasurer. H. Zoz will occasionally relieve an attack of nient in essential industries than c Minyani ia the new Secretary indigestion. Some day when you happtMt to 4° n « during the war. and L M. Harris has assumed the be In a dn<^ store buy a bottle. It coats 98 Formation of regional research dutie* at Social Chairman. councils. 1 h '*'1 Other business discussed in- Represcntation of scientific and eluded a revision of the constitu- technical worker* on existing pro- don of the club, the payment of duetton committee*. , <lurs for the year, and social plans Here is the way the committee * or ^ K ‘ ct,m * n Z oe met ter. A LOVE WAS STOIEN M ’THI GHAT WAITT’I •• • |iri M-G-M re-bihodwa [ . h mmeJ-iMk Nil THE “ l thi ^maiit<wiiN nwrtsi IUISI fittUND - MtUIA I RAjNER; GRAVE! • KORJUS '/ wm4 MKDNEMDAY BRYAN MON. — TUEftS. cents and ti (uickagc.' ia ho large, economy-size Battalion 1 newspaper ol the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City is published five time* a wook and eirculab'd every Monday through Friday ** The Battalion, official Of. CoUcgc Station, Texas. afleruoon, cxkept during holiday* and examination period*. During the sumnser The’Battalion is pub lished semi-weekly. Subscriptio* rate $4 per school year. Advertising rates furnished on request believe* science can help England close the critical gap between ex ports and imports: More efficient use of coal would mean more coal. Raising the ave rage efficiency of caul utilization from 20'• to 25'- would add M million more tons of coal each News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office. Room 201, Good win Hall. Classified ads may be pbteed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student'Activities Office, Room ’ ,109, Goodwin Hall. ^ ■ j Oxygen used instead of air Tht Associated Press Is entitled exclusively tn the u*a for repahllcation of all news dispatches eredi- 'hullalMteen*401!*^ bath RussU or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin pubbshed herein. roghbliytloiy^f all other mstu-r hcraia are ako reserved. Bawi«4 as WmaS-clMs sm«Ut „ *t Col Urn- Stalwe, T»ia». Art *T Cisgrw W M*r»h ». IStO th. A( CHARLIE MURKAv7JIMMIE NEUON._ Member Aiiociaced College Pfris R<enwstaa aatt-iastty tnr MsUaaal A4- '•■rtirtas SwnrWw. lire., at Now Ywrt CU*. CkMOu, Lw Awi< Uw. m4 Saw PrSarMau. NuMm. J. T. NUkr 1 Mtefsa, kteartk Is-mI T», krt J* Jr. • * ir» Mthir . Msasgtsa Mu-wft re.-, Cwitorr Mflar reJfmHP* Wrpsrt — .re'-hauistt FoalJterUa t ikaa MSMktua Artiwr Mo«*iU SimrU Mttur Lanr Uontwts Asa? Malals. apart* Wnim ssm uaraM w « .rwtiM*. t Of#» CsnsMuas •Swrtw* MwavM m,' .L ■ . . Am«rti*(>« > rTw, • - —.—...., '.'‘M -lsMo* Easew and the V. 8, Other aavings in steel could come from more care ful calculations ofistrassea. from standardisation and from cloaer contact between producers and us ers. Waste products in the chemical, inetal. brick and cement industries ihould be tumdl buck into raw materials Timber, bndks and ce ment should be saved by devekip- !rt* the Wtp-«t:i'ss«d rotef-rrad erd Dr John S. C aldwell Optometrist CaldweU’t Jewelr) Store Bryan, Texaa The AVALON CLUB M ML W. Bryaa—Hwy 21 Solicits your patronage W* serve the beat of food— SKA FOODS IN SKASON K C. STEAKS SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Air Conditioned - RrKut'fu! Dance viear, r*r Peaar. - Wt«r«t (ft THURSDAY vS' ir* •THt COMING FRIDAY & S ATI R DAY OCT. 3rd. I 4th. AND LOOK FOR* AHD TO— re/r sryo****** mr ntATi ovr-orWifi**: ^ DANE CLARK MARTHA VICKERS A WTggiTH^ftgr SWGfiEMEEf-ALAN HALE isumwiasxwwM**, FREDERICK do CORDOVA lauaevt