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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1995)
4 Italy Spring c 96 for Future Teachers! Study with TAMU in Castiglion Fiorentino at the TAMU Study Abroad Center in Europe! Your international experience could be your students’ first look at the world! Interested? Please come to an informational meeting in Bizzell Hall West on: Tuesday, April 25 5 - 5:45 Room 251 Tuesday, April 25 3-4 Room 154 Wednesday, April 26 4-5 Room 154 For more information, contact: Prof. John Hoyle Prof. Lynn Burlbaw 203 HECC 330 HECC M-F 9:30 - 11:30 T,R 11-2 M,T,R 2 - 3:30 M,W, R 3 - 5 845-2748 845-6195 Study Abroad Programs • 161 Bizzell Hall West • 845-0544 AGGIE RING ORDERS THE ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER DEADLINE: APRIL 27, 1995 2. Undergraduate Student Requirements: You must be a degree seeking student and have a total of 95 credit hours reflected on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System. (A passed course, which is repeated and passed, cannot count as additional credit hours.) 30 credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University if you successfully complete one semester at Texas A&M University prior to January!, 1994. 60 credit hours must have been completed in residence at Texas A&M University if your first semester at Texas A&M University was January 1994 or thereafter. Should your degree be conferred with less than 60 resident credits, this requirement will be waived after your degree is posted on the Student Information Management System. You must have a 2.0 cumulative GPR at Texas A&M University. You must be in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. Graduate Student Requirements If you are a May 1995 degree candidate and you do not have an Aggie ring from a prior degree year, you may place an order for a ‘95 ring after you meet the following requirements: 1. Your degree is conferred and posted on the Texas A&M University Student Information Management System; and 2. You are in good standing with the University, including no registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, returned checks, etc. If you have completed all of your degree requirements and can obtain a “Letter of Completion” from the Office of Graduate Studies, the original letter of completion may be presented to the Ring Office in lieu of your degree being posted. 2. Procedure To Order A Ring: If you meet all of the above requirements, you must visit the Ring Office no later than Thursday, April 27, 1995, to complete the application for eligibility verification. If your application is approved and you wish to receive your ring on June 7, 1995, you must return and pay in full by cash, check, money order, or your personal Visa or Mastercard (with your name imprinted) no later than April 28, 1995. Men’s 10KY-$308.00 14KY - $420.00 Women’s 10KY - $174.00 14KY - $201.00 Add $8.00 for Class of ‘94 or before. The ring delivery date is June 7, 1995. AGGIE RING ORDERS THE ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER ATTENTION: JUNIORS. SENIORS & GRADUATE STUDENTS If you are not currently eligible to order the Aggie ring, but will be eligible after the Spring ‘95 semester, please do the following: 1 Visit the Ring Office to complete an application for eligibility verification and receive a price list beginning May 4,1995. (Please wait until this date, since all the information will not be available until then.) 2. Upon completing the application, you may request a mail order form if you will not be in the Bryan-College Station area to place your order in person between May 25 and June 13, 1995. TL * TUTOAJALQ 260-2660 FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE TICKETS ON SALE APRIL 30th FROM 6 - 8 P.M. MON. MAY 1 TUES. MAY 2 WED. MAY 3 THRS. MAY 4 CHEM 102 3 - 5 PM CH 32 CH 30 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B CHEM 102 5-7 PM CH 32 CH 30 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B CHEM 102 7-9 PM CH 32 CH 30 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM-B CHEM 102 9-11 PM CH 32 CH 30 PRAC. FINAL EXAM-A PRAC. FINAL EXAM B PHYS 202 11 PM - 1 AM CH 41 CH 42 CH 44 PRAC FINAL EXAM MON. MAY 1 TUES. MAY 2 WED. MAY 3 THRS. MAY 4 ACCT229 3-5 PM FINAL REV. NEW MATERIAL FINAL REV. PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 PRAC. FINAL EXAM ACCT 230 5-7PM FINAL REV NEW MATERIAL FINAL REV. PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 PRAC. FINAL EXAM ACCT 229 7-9 PM HNALREV. NEW MATERIAL FINAL REV PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 PRAC. FINAL EXAM ACCT 230 9-11 PM FINAL REV NEW MATERIAL FINAL REV. PART 1 FINAL REV. PART 2 PRAC. FINAL EXAM FINC 341 11 PM - 1 AM CH 17 CFI 18 CH 19 CH 5, 8 CHEM 112 LAB, CHEM 111 LAB, CHEM 222 SUN. APRIL 30 6-7 PM CHEM 112 EAB, RPT 33, REV FOR FINAL EXAM 7 - 8 PM CHEM 111 LAB. RPT 1 2, REV FOR FFNAL EXAM 8-10 PM CHEM 222, REV FOR FINAL EXAM Page 4 • The Battalion ASS ieli f e Wednesday • April26, £oiia^aiooza (995 THE LINEUP Sonic Youth Hole Cypress Hill Beck Sinead O’Connor Pavement The Jesus Lizard The Mighty Mighty Bosstones Sinead O’Connor Beck Lollapalooza lineup leaves lots to be desire[ The lineup for Lollapalooza ’95 has finally been announced on the festival’s Internet net work. A good lineup? Yes. As good as it could be? Um ... no. With Hole, Sonic Youth and Cypress Hill as the leading contenders for the headlining spot, the top of the bill is solid. But there are many bands that could probably make the festival an extraordinary one. Nine Inch Nails is the most obvious one. From the enough of a dedicated following to give the headliners a run for their money. The inclusion of Sinead O’Connor, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Beck is curious at best. PJ Harvey, Oasis, Throwing Muses and Belly would have been much better choices. But it’s hard to question Lol- la-ruler-supreme Perry Farrell. After all, along with creating a legendary band (Jane’s Addic tion) and the best touring rock festival in recent memory, Far rell is one of the most innovative and creative voices in music. Hot Chili Peppers and the BeastieBo«| took care of that. II seemed this year would be nodiffer*^ E as Farrell spoke of his desire to haveSm Jg 3-1157- Doggy 1 >')uu as the headliner this year. ||g snob; ‘Snoop is what’s happening,” Farreii in a Rolling Stone interview. ompanyi Aha. Snoop is happening. Well, so Base and Boyz II Men, hut something v/e"u-,me success of The Downward Spiral and singles “Closer,” “March of the F’igs” and “Hurt,” it seemed Trent Reznor and the musicians he likes to call a band would’ve been a lock for the headlining position. Even more startling is the omission of -Live. If one band has become a radio staple in the past year, it’s Live, with irresistible songs like “Selling the Drama,” “I Alone” and “Lightning Crashes.” The band has the mass-market appeal and But the debate of Lollapalooza has always centered around the balance of music and money. Farrell insists the focus is providing the best cutting-edge music around. And with past performers such as Rage Against The Machine, A Tribe Called Quest, Siouxsie & The Banshees and Ministry, Lol lapalooza has accomplished that. But those bands weren’t the headliners, and those bands didn’t make the money. Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Red me they won’t bo appearing on holla) •( any time soon: But Snoop fell through, which leave! with the big three — Hole, CypressHi| Sonic Youth. It will be a pleasure to see thesebai we can stay interested through the five 1 leading up to their performances. I camj but think Beck and O’Connor will ber' i snoozers, and I hope The Jesus Lizard;:| Pavement can keep the crowd’s enthusief up until the big three hit the stage. Music fans l ike myself will go to LA] palooza, and I’m sure we will enjoy it.® the best ticket of the summer. And the second stage hasn’t even bee: nounced yet. It just might be the main attraction. GRAND SLAM SPORTS CARDS Complete Line of Sports and Non-Sports Cards All Sports, All Years Sets, Singles, Supplies Thousands of Commons to Complete Sets 1995 Baseball arriving weekly, LIMITED PRODUCTION Open 7 Days A Week Inside Manor East Mall * 725 Villa Maria Rd. Bryan, Tx 77802 409-775-1798 LOOKING FOR A JOB? how about a CAREER!! COME EXPLORE YOUR FUTURE AT THE NATURAL RESOURCE CAREER FAIR & EXPOs^ S£A W oR lD O/lf/f THURSDAY, APRIL 27 IN THE MSC FLAGROOM 9:30 am TO 4:30 pm TEXAS ^e S & WW Sponsored by the Wildlife Biology Society and The College of Agriculture 4HD Ml FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL MICHELLE AT 822-3624 DEAI great scores { lsat Y great skills.., Kaplan students get the most complete test preparation materials available including computer-analyzed practice tests, home-study materials, a training library and teachers that really care. Call: 696-3196 points* get a higher score KAPLAN As documented in the May 1994 Kaplan LSAT Performance Study conducted by Price Waterhouse. HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARf CELE GOING TO DO WITH YOURLIFffc^ , r TOUl UNDECIDB\ are HA 0PTI H OWC AR' H( MPC CONFUSED? SCARED? "DISCOVER YOUR OWN TRUE IDENTITY This unique class will introduce you to the process which you can build yourself and design your I iff maximally benefit you and enrich the world you live I DATES: Tuesday's beginning May 9, 1 995 for 9 weeks TIME: 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. COST: $1 5.00 per class due at each class WHERE: CENTER FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1005 UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST, SUITE 100 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 SPACE LIMITED TO THE FIRST TEN REGISTRANTS TO REG^ 1 OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 846-0880. TRY