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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1995)
■April 26, 'X’OONS Brad & Alvaro YIvVv V4ILU 5TXCK WUJ. HC ' K2crT(?psV iSQOX^KEll— . X5 r^K td vs ak1A1o^£?... V/E\_L... XX5 NOT LIKE T WANNK MISS (AH CL^SLS A\fHT^lvXv SuT ^ TO f LfeC TWI*JKT£5>- )VIii\TIJR1LS Ii\ AORIKI^IND By The Battalion • Page 5 Simpson trial resumes LOS ANGELES (AP) — After two days of questioning rebel lious jurors, the usually easy-go ing Judge Lance Ito got tough Tuesday, snapping orders, eject ing spectators and making clear he will tolerate no further delays in O.J. Simpson’s trial. “He appears to be a man with a mission to end this case,” said Loyola University law professor Laurie Levenson. “It’s as if he made a promise to those jurors and he’s going to make good on it.” Testimony resumed after a four-day break with cross-exami nation bf police criminalist An drea Mazzola, who was unruf fled by tough questioning about her collection of crucial evidence in the slayings of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Ito, who halted the trial last week after jurors rebelled, repeat edly objected as defense attorney Peter Neufeld took a confronta tional approach with Mazzola. When Neufeld tried to ask Mazzola about her work on two previous crime scenes, Ito, who has been criticized for letting the trial meander, stopped him: IG UNFORTUNATELY, MyF*l£*D5 usually POINT THESE OUT TO ME AFTER THE COMIC HAS ALREADY RUN IN THE BATTALION ■ SO I'VE INCLUDED ALL OF THE WORDS,COMMAS, APOSTROPHES, AND other punctuation stuff that have been missing from my cartoons OVER THE PAST TWO SEMESTERS. FEEL FREETO CUT THESE OUT AND GO BACK AND INSERT THEM IN THEIR PROPER PLACES IN THE COMIC STRIPS - • * - J } X , . .AND , , . : ’nevertheless, - - j -- Behoove . Musk ox, " >. > Ambiance ,f..,CROISSANT,.. OH YEAH,... AND HERE'S THE GUY!s ARM THATX LEFT OUT IN THE JANUARY H* 1 CARTOON By Quatro be no dittei to have Si) this year, g,” Farrel! me Boc>iL-r rvoises -that JUST DOWNRIGHT ANNOYING: SNOBBY SNIFFLE : RARE, YOU'LL ICislOW XT WHEN HEAR XT. USUALLY A C-- iMPAnYING some cocjcy 'ARP'S EVEN COCKIEK , • —.OGAMT STATEMENT. imetmnmBi.,me anp my mew <m hi Lollat -towe taice any one of you! Well, so e SUCX-IIsJC. OME'S -TEETH: A worlp class annoyance. FULLY CAPABLE OF CAUSING A ROOM EULL OELAW-ABIPING PEOPLE TO WANT TO STRANGLE THE LiulMG PAYLIGHTS OUT OF SOME CRETKM WH O REFUSES -TO EL OSS. 0£ATH BY TOOTHP?CJCS ) PArtN_YOU l . THE SMOICER'S hack-.- TWiyGES OF SP/NE-T/NGL/NG AGONY! APART FROM HAVING TO LI STEW TO A hltC-OTlNE: ^UMICIE STfcAfN THEIR TRA CHEA , THERE Always exists THE FEAR OF WHAT THEIR PHLEGM-CHURNING PROCESS Will actually turn up. "DEEP- FROM-TH E - BOWELS" GAS Groans -. usually most annoy XNG to The poor SAP WHO HAS THEM. THEY DEFINITELY PUT A DAMPER ON TRYING TO GET THROUGH AN EXAM. WHAT'D YOU GET FOR NUME.EC Four t lich leave;) '/press i these bi jh the five ices. I cani: ■ will be as Lizard i’s enthi stage. I go to Loli ; enjoy it. ft even bee: attraction. Today ling low clouds with patchy fog 'ly ... becoming mostly sunny, gh near 80. Southeast winds 10- aph. Tonight creasing cloudiness with the low near 60. Southwest winds 5- 10 mph. Thursday Patchy drizzle and fog early ... becoming mostly cloudy with isolated showers or thunderstorms. High near 78. Southwest winds 10- 15 mph. Source - A&M Chapter of the American Meteorological Society Thursday Night Cloudy with isolated showers. Low near 59. Friday Partly cloudy with high near 76. "He [Ito] appears to be a man with a mission to end this case." — Laurie Levenson, Loyola University professor “Counsel, I’m not really interest ed in the other crime scenes.” At another point, Ito halted a line of questioning, saying, “This is interesting, but not particu larly relevant.” When defense attorney John nie Cochran Jr. asked to speak, Ito gave him 60 seconds. As tes timony got under way, Ito oust ed two spectators in the back for whispering to each other. Ito’s tough demeanor emerged after he met behind closed doors with unhappy jurors, among them a woman who threatened to bolt from the sequestered panel, saying, “I can’t take it anymore.” Last week, he removed three sheriff’s deputies from jury guard duty because of com plaints from a few panelists. The move set off a revolt by 13 other jurors who wanted the deputies to stay. With his inquiry into jury problems continuing, Ito refused to unseal transcripts of his con versations with jurors and alter nates. But their demeanor — and his — indicated a deal of some sort had been struck. The jurors were businesslike and attentive in court, but they took not a single note during Neufeld’s cross-examination of Mazzola. Gone were the black clothes they wore Friday that symbolized the jury protest; they reverted to coordinated dresses and suits. ALLEN HONDA 7600 Hwy. 6 P.O. Box GA 409-696-2424 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 % (5 ’-3624 WOT 'ENTlH process 1 /our you I dear graduating senior: CONGRATULATIONS!!! WE AT ALLEN HONDA •RE PROUD OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! TO HELP CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT, WE iNVITE YOU TO COME IN AND PICK OUT YOUR EW HONDA! NOW THAT YOU HAVE EARNED Your valuable decree from Texas a&m and RE JOINING THE BUSINESS WORLD, IT CAN BE Hat SIMPLE. WE HAVE SEVERAL FINANCING Options available - so let us show you HOW EASY IT IS TO GET YOUR FIRST NEW AR WITH LITTLE OR NOTHING DOWN. HONDA HAS BEEN NAMED NUMBER ONE IN IMPORT LOYALTY FOR THE SIXTEENTH YEAR IN A ROW. 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