Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1992)
*> Business Hours Call or visit us: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fax us at 845-5408 Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication VISA, MasterCard accepted —J ’AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads S10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchandise is priced $ 1000 or less (price must O appear In ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. LU If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is scheduled C3Lb to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made CO if your ad Is cancelled early. Notice Services Travel PIANO LESSONS "A Lifetime Resource" E.N. RUTHERFORD, B.A. Pianist-Teacher 822-2242 Help Wanted AIR FORCE ROTC UNITS FILLED TO CAPACITY NOT! Don't believe everything you hear. The Air Force continues to seek outstanding students to fill future officer requirements. See yourself becoming a leader, graduating from college as an Air Force officer with fully developed qualities of character and managerial ability. Notice, too, the opportunities. Like eligibility for scholarship programs that can pay tuition, textbooks, fees...even $100 in tax-free income each academic month. Visualize a crisp uniform that reflects pride in yourself and your ability to accept challenge. Get the picture? Now make a call! Contact Capt. Johnson 845-7611 AIM HIGH-AIR FORCE BUSINESS OFFICE CLERK Excellent part-time opportunity for responsible college student in our Acute Care Center. Must posses two years of experience in general office duties. Performs a variety of tasks under limited supervision. Utilizes knowledge of areas of insurance, registration, filing, medical records, collections, financial counseling, and general clinic functions to provide patient care. Must be able to work Mon-Fri 4pm-8pm and every-other-weekend. MEDICAL RECORDS FILE ASSISTANT Excellent part-itme opportunity for an eager college student in our department of medical records. Responsibilities of a File Assistant include editing, retrieving, filing, and creating new medical records. Must be able to meet work schedule of Mon-Fri, 5pm-10pm. Scott & White offers excellent benefits for full-time & part-time positions. Apply in person at: SCOTT&WHITE 1600 University Drive East College Station EOE Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue (6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m ), Fri. (6- 10p.m.)-Sat. (8-12noon), Sat. (8-4:30p.m.). Across the street from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome. $20.00 per class. 411 Texas Ave. South. 693-1322. For Sale DIAMONDS FOR AGGIE RINGS Highest quality, lowest prices 776-3069 For personal appointment Roundtrlp air to Portland, Oregon $129. Leave 10/8 or other preferred weekend ASAP 696-1084 or 845-3465. Ask for Amanda. Sleeper sofa queen size with Inner spring mattress, 6,1/2 ft. long, navy blue With dark red pillows, nice, $265. Negotiable. 260-9738. 1988 Honda NX250 motorcycle. Only 2000 original miles! Always garage kept, pampered. Immaculate. Come see It. 260-1907. $1950. Hurry! CUSTOM BUILD; SAVE THOUSANDS You pick the colors, carpet, floorplan and save thousands on 2,3,4,5 bedroom singles and doubles during our fall sale. Palm Harbor or Fleetwood Call today for FREE Factory Bro- chure. 1-800-880-1376. Great prices on 2&3 bedroom homes starting at $3995. Cash talks but financing is available. 1-800-880-1376. Spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath, $189.28 per/mth; 180 mos, 9.25 APR, 15% down. Must quality 1-800-880-1376. NEW HOMES 5% DOWN! Special financing package available on spacious 2,3,4,5 bedroom homes. Low monthly payments include delivery, set up, & A/C. Limited time only!! Payments start at $209.11 per/mth; 24 mos, 10.99%. Call 1-800-880-1376. Mountain Bicycle New Schwinn 21SPD. Complete ex- trasl Ready for rough ride. Bargain at $300. Must see accessories! Leave message 693-8061. 85 Nissan Stanza 4 dr. automatic, loaded great condition $2,900 764-7122. n 11th ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS BREAK STEAMBOAT DECEMBER 12-19 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS JANUARY 2-16 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS *—'-9° I VAIL/BEAVER CREEK DECEMBER 14-21 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS / JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS BRECKENRII JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS f-" 11th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATIONTRESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 1987 Honda Elite 50 Scooter. 45 mph. $450; includes helmet. Call Staci at 847-0431. Negotiable. Selling wooden paddles for sororities and fraternities with designs/pattems of your choice. Call Rose Betty at (409) 825-7869. Womens senior boots size 8. excellent condition $300 696-2216. Ask for Pat. NEED CHEAP CAMCORDER? ONLY $380 W/CASE BOSE AM5II SPEAKERS LIKE NEW $550. CALL 696- 1896 LEAVE MESSAGE. Mary Kay products discounts available 779-1844. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED. 89 MERCEDES $200; 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100; 65 MUS TANG $50; CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS START ING $25. FREE INFORMATION-24 HOUR HOTLINE. 801-379-2929 COPYRIGHT #TX14KJC. Computers Tandy 1000TL2 IBM compatible 768K RAM. Includes monitor, printer, 20meg smartdrive, 3,1/2 In. drive lots of software, great system. $600; negotiable 847-1050. Adoption ADOPTION We want to give your baby a warm and loving home, excellent education and quality of life. Allowed by law, we will pay for medical and legal expenses. Please call collect Doris (915) 585-2099. Loving, professional couple (doctor, full-time mom) ready to share their hearts, devote their lives to your newborn. Confidential/Legal Allowable expenses paid. Call Nancy collect 0-919-942-9666 | National Collegiate Ski Week | 1 800 232 2428 Ski Breck! SKIING Luxury Townhouse in Red River N.M. near Taos & Anglefive. Sleeps 17. $125-$350 night. 846-8916 Ask for John. For Rent Luxury 2,1/2 four-plex near ASM, shuttle, W/D, $475, 693-0551, 764-8051. Gigantic 2bdrm apartment available now, 3 miles from campus, semester lease okay. 822-5752. Roommate Wanted Female roommate wanted to share 2bd/1ba condo 3 blocks form campus. Call Paige 845-2652 from 8-5 or 846-8160 evenings. Personals MISS SHERI LIVE 1-900-084-9993 $2 5/CALL 1 -900-454-4722 $2.99 minute / no minimum DIVERSIFIED ENTERPRISES Lake Worth, Florida 18^ TENSION HEADACHE STUDY Subjects with a history of tension headaches needed to participate in a short research study with a single dose of a marketed medication. NO BLOOD WORK. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR - seeking RN, LVN, or individual with medically related college degree to Join local established professional pharmaceutical re search firm. Salaried position. Must be willing to work long hours. Biologica Inc. 776-0400. Need worker yard, painting, mlsc. Hours Flexible. $5/hr. 764-7363. Looking for a top fraternity, sorority, or student organiza tion that would like to make $500-$1500 for a one week marketing project right on campus. Must be organized and hard-working,. Call 1-800-592-2121 ext. 308. $$$$, FREE TRAVEL AND RESUME EXPERIENCE!! Individuals and Student Organizations warrti- i to promote SPRING BREAK, call the nation's lead? •, rtT-Campus Programs 1-800-327-6013. MEDICAL BILLING. Opportunity as a license in your area for national healthcare company. Do Electronic Medical Insurance claims processing for medical practitioners. $30,000 PART-TIME to over $80,000 FULL-TIME. Com pany training Initial capital required $6,298 plus PC. For more Information by mall call (803) 745-9043 ( 24 hours). Full-time, part-time position In Health Care facility. Apply Mon-Tues. 8:30-4:00. 209 East University (next to Black- Eyed Pea). Mature person to work in busy ophthalmology office fulltime. Experience helpful but not necessary 774-7177. EARN CASH! $110/MTH. AND UP. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students a s regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Wetborn Road 846-8855. INDEPENDENT RECORD LABEL SEEKING HIGH- ACHIEVING SENIOR STUDENT WITH MARKETING, ADVERTISNG PUBLICITY, OR MUSIC INDUSTRY SKILLS. SEND RESUME: ATT: PERSONNEL, HCO 3, BOX 196, HORSEHOE BAY TEXAS 78654. Help Wanted Part-time Hardware/Software/Service/Design help needed. Ask for ext. 400 for job description 764-8578. Part-time evening floor maintenance. Weekdays starting wage $5/hr. Call for appointment 823-5031. Full-time professional carpet upholstery fire and water restoration technician. No experience necessary. Will train. Call for appointment. 823-5031. ASSEMBLERS: Excellent Income to assemble products from your home. 504-646-1700 DEPT. P777. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn $2,000+/month + world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holi day, summer and career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program call 1- 206-545-4155 ext, C5855. $200-$500 WEEKLY. Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed, FREE lnformation-24Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copy- righttf TX14KDH, Experienced nursery worker needed Sunday mornings and occasional evenings. Apply at St. Paul's UMC 2506 Cavltt. Live In sitter over 18. Up to $825/mo. plus tuition assis- tance 713-789-2360. New Physical Therapy Clinic accepting limited part-time volunteers with possible future employment. Send re sume picture to P.O. Box 3218 Bryan. Texas 77805. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help Infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Brlarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Services * * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ * * *-¥■ *-¥■ * AMMMHfe FREE PREGNANCY TESTING •Confidential Counseling •Good Samaritan •Pregnancy •Testing & Counseling 505 University Drive Suite 602 (Behind Nutrl-System) 846-2909 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■a- AgaieUision video yearbook Joy's Professional, Typing, Word Processing, Resume Service, Laser Printer; 764-8538. Professional word processing, $1.50 per page. Resumes applications and desktop publishing also available. On campus pickup/delivery. 696-7512. now going on at 230 Reed McDonald 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Monday - Friday QUICK MOVING SERVICE FOR APARTMENTS AND DORMS. CALL FOR PRE-ESTIMATE 823-3935, 779- 2796. f Please bring student ID3 Page 6 The Battalion October 6,1! Rescue teams search crash site for hundred buried under wreckagf THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — With little hope of finding anyone alive, workers searched carefully Monday for hundreds feared en tombed in the tottering ruins of an apartment building torn open by a crashing El A1 jumbo jet. Fourteen bodies had been re covered, and authorities said 250 people were unaccounted for. But it was not known if all were at home Sunday evening when the pilot lost an eight- minute struggle to get his crip pled Boeing 747 cargo plane back to Schiphol Airport and slammed into the angle of the V-shaped building. As the country struggled to cope with its worst disaster in four decades, investigators said it was too early to determine what caused the two engines on the Is raeli plane's right wing to tear away shortly after it took off. The pilot, Yitzhak Fuchs, had reported that two of the jet's four engines were on fire. Dutch televi sion said the plane circled twice in a vain attempt to get lined up with the runway. All four people on the jet died. The disaster could prove to be the worst plane crash involving casu alties on the ground worldwide. Hutton Archer, spokesman foi[ International Civil Aviation Orj nization in Quebec, said a Boe 707 cargo plane crashed in San Cruz, Bolivia, in 1976, killing! on the ground and injuring 78i riously. Smoldering and falling detn prevented all but the mostu; tious search at the cordoned-t site. Dutch television quotedofi cials as saying parts of bodii could be seen under charredn twisted steel, concrete and akR lues pieces. Huge chunks of concretepb meted onto a pile of rubble tin stories high as workmen usir; cranes tried to shore up thecni!' bling edges of the 10-story stni ture. Dogs were being used): search for survivors. Butexce; for a few pets that crawled tob ty, there were no signs of life: the interiors of dozens of apat ments with all their furnishing eerily exposed. "We are trying to recover«• tims. But because of the danp collapse, the recovery is very cult and will take very lone,"san a police spokeswoman, Elly Fin rax. At a news conference justafte dawn, a shaken Mayor EdVai Thijn said, "At this moment,w only know that the size of the cat astrophe is incredible." Employee strike causes USAir to cancel flights THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IMPERIAL, Pa.- Ground crews for USAir, the nation's sixth-largest airline, walked off the job Monday in a dispute over job security, canceling flights for thousands of people. Flight attendants voted to hon or the picket lines, which sprout ed at dawn at airports around the country, including USAir hubs in Charlotte, N.C., and Pittsburgh, where 28 strikers were arrested. Airline pilots said they would continue to work. USAir said three-quarters of its 2,600 daily departures were tak ing off and other carriers were ac cepting stranded passengers. Some travelers forced to find oth er ways home didn't have much sympathy for the strikers. "Look at that. Canceled, can celed, canceled. Every 15 minutes it changes," said Philadelphia- bound Sherry Parisi, who was stuck in Charlotte with her sister- in-law, Janice Graf. "I don't know how anybody could do this in this economy," said Graf. "It takes a lot of nerve." The striking union, the Interna tional Association of Machinists, represents about 8,300 employees and many of them said the main issue was job security. At the newly-opened Pitts burgh International Airport, 25 people were arrested Monday af ternoon for trespassing, and three for allegedly carrying brass knuckles. The Association of Flight Ate dants, which represents 9,000IS Air employees, said the leaders^ its USAir group had voted to hoi) or the strike. The USAir unit of the Airlim Pilots Association said its mem bers would fly. USAir said its overseas flights were not affected, norwerethe USAir Express and USAir Shuttle services. At the Pittsburgh airport,pH sengers had more time than t\f expected to enjoy the mall-like; mo sphere in the $800 millioi Midfield Terminal, which opens Thursday. The amenities range from fast food restaurants and fern bars to upscale stores selling books, cos metics, jewelry, sunglasses anil gifts. Union and airline negotiators were unable to agree on a new contract after lengthy weekend talks that lasted into Monday morning. National Mediation Board spokesman Lew Townsend said no other talks were sched uled. USAir is asking all employees for wage, benefit and work rule concessions, so it can cut costs by about $400 million this year.Pilots agreed to salary concessions in June. Chairman Seth E. Schofield ac cused the Machinists of being "unwilling to make the same con tribution and sacrifices as other USAir employee groups during this difficult economic period." More What’s Up Continued From Page 5 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion in the Rainbow Center from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Call the Center for Drug Pre vention—The Rainbow Center at 845-0280 for more information. of the Department of Multicultural Services, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in A-1 Lounge. For more information call Theo at 847-4770. PREPARATION FOR THE GRE: Test-taking tips for success on the verbal portion of the GRE from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in 242 Blocker. Sec ond in a three part series. Free. Register in advance in 243 Blocker. For more information call the Cen ter for Academic Enhancement at 845-2568. PHILIPPINE STUDENTS ASSOCI ATION: Meeting in 302 Rudder at 8:30 p.m. Picture for Aggielandin Lachry at 7:30 p.m. For more infor mation call Alain at 847-1408. PSYCHOLOGY CLUB: Meeting i 106 Psych Building at 7 p.m. RUSSIAN CLUB:Meeting at 6 p.m. in 206 Academic Building. RIO GRANDE VALLEY HOME TOWN CLUB:Meeting and pictures for the Aggieland from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in 104 C Zachry. For more information call Jo Ann at 693-1703 or Melinda at 764-8870. NUTRITION SOCIETY: Meeting at 7 p.m. in 127 Kleberg. Anyone in terested is welcome. For more in formation call Roselina at 693-4214. CHRISTIAN EDUCATORS ASSO CIATION: Meeting from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. in 231 MSC. For more information call Scott at 847-3039 or Patti at 589-3302. MINORITY EDUCATORS: Meeting from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in 502 Rudder. For more information call Monica at 846-2157. TAMU INLINE SKATING CLUB: Skating clinic and free skating at 7 p.m. in PA 71. No experience nec essary. For more information call Shawn at 764-7830. SCHUHMACHER HALL: Guest Speaker Kevin Carreathers, director Items for What's Up should be submit ted to The Battalion, 016 Reed Mc Donald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. Vis only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion ser vice which lists non-profit events anil activities. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have any ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-331S. T( pi n< 1 "fas spoi wor its r son Anc first mar mor mea fulc ble ‘ will it or sion V Phil Penj ever Hoc worJ Cha: mos and If why the 1 the e flOLU danc Hop Mag corru alon; hottc Cotti T1 leagi wart Lem leagi form Chic risin; same Blacl ry, a: thet mg a hook