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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1992)
Tuesday, October 6,1992 The Battalion Page 5 (the story so far...) by thomas deeny ey" who lov^ "'ey. Iwa 1 kick soi ; cast of at. 'Connoif 'Hivan, tif .op Lam, ;■ She creai. :e withtln are mosllt -inongeis iispositioi ude coldt best scenes ial inni® lively mo- play is ?ie Playss better, tween Oct; People's 1 Larry tie re on sale | Has 1 nJMiex/fip a House ^^ Wi-tm A ickkiblx nsr— rfon^A^ie: a rcwDoacf -tt> puejcwtri .LUCKILY, rfOrflKA rmiARTf/j tmc,Hr a <;oivc ■tb sukUil/al. in situation ^AT-iV UKC -friis. Bt/f OVA LOCAL Auer! (CLO/eXLY p!5<;utirt> AS A HVrtAU BY A Houkju* fieit), VetTKose, 4.K.A. 'vex r. Kme visatkaixv Afren. a tADcsocutsx-iuCf scf£AH WHICH PBeWe -nits Wt rtoRiAR-rf (HoHnu'i (HffMtx) 1b VKpoc CITY. 0' | 4ah.. i aA-no uAvi>J<i -rue hulls i noiJir d ikc -mirr nu-r it ik/Y i ^ The Food Chain MY HOD- vJKAT by fieorfie 99 w LfApef? OF Td£ 'IMPEPEMPENCX | Web CoMRjKwSr R9>tr r SPIES IW PLUS.... I SEE & YouZ SHi(?r /usp Tims’ You ARE - A <3K6'BC-' <5£T MlhAf UeY, ^Kccr MosEtEssr / tAmr tb THaMK. Vcv^Q MUOl FbP 6C?tN6lM(5 NAE" IMTD TUtS, &NJXL Berkeley man faces summons 'Campus crooner' to appear in court THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BERKELEY, Calif. - Add one more name to the list of Berkeley characters: Rick Starr, a campus crooner with a song in his heart and a summons in his pocket. The charge: disturbing the peace. The problem? His somewhat off-key sere nades at the University of Cali fornia, Berkeley are anything but music to Thomas Ventresco. The campus administrator has filed a complaint saying the stress of working 50 yards from Starr's lunchtime performances is causing him to lose sleep at night. That's a review that might have some performers singing the blues, but Starr struck a philosophical note: "You're not going to please everybody." Starr, 46, contends he is pro tected by the First Amendment — the campus, after all, was the birthplace of the 1960s Free Speech Movement. In any case, the bust may turn out to be a boost, Starr said. After pleading innocent last week in Berkeley Municipal Court, he treated court employees and re porters to such Frank Sinatra standards as "Strangers in the Night" and "My Way." the Ha:n :o Human- called “Bf le whoaii rform ilia- : skills, wand, to ;r bread oi oke victim led to pet- ilo fry i| is beene'- nal Theri- and relia- States ani i. "Some here frail - the real 1 Judd You"- ■e"- hesnutt lone by s lir. » Whik . jo yom o kn oWS already ompl eI5 e best of 1 1 kno* aperso" nds on f patient ssts and the stuff nans, s0 sning t" , me. No ivin' o" What’s Up TUESDAY COOPERATIVE EDUCATION: Ca reer fair for all majors from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Zachry Lobby. Co-op jobs, summer jobs, and permanent jobs. For more information call the Cooperative Education Office at 845- 7725. HOWDY CAMP: Counselor applica tions are available through Friday, Oct. 16 in 125 Student Services Building. Previous counselor experi ence in ExCEL, Fish Camp, Howdy Camp, or T-Camp required. A limit ed number of interview slots are available. For more information call the T-Camp office at 862-2521. GYMNASTICS CLUB: Workout in 307 Read from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information call Beth at 764-7566. COTTON BOWL REPRESENTA TIVES: Applications for 1993 Cotton Bowl Representatives are now avail able in the Student Activities Office, 163 Student Services Building. Ap plication deadline is Friday, Oct. 16. For more information call Christi Moore at 845-1135. TEXAS A&M LACROSSE TEAM: Practice Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Polo Fields. Everyone welcome, No experience necessary. Come be a part of the State Championship tradition. For information call Tom Weaber at 764- 7974. WESLEY FOUNDATION: Bible Study and Lunch ($1) at 12:30 p.m. in the Methodist Student Center. For information call 846-4701 TAMU ROADRUNNERS: We met today at 6:30 a.m. as we will every Monday through Friday. If you are interested in running with us, we meet in front of G. Rollie White Coli seum. For more information call Steve at 823-1334. T-CAMP: T-Camp Co-Chair and T- Team Executive Assistant Applica tions are now available. They are due Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. in the Student Activities Office (Room 125 Student Services Building). For more infor mation call 862-2521. UNIVERSITY AWARENESS FOR CULTURAL TOGETHERNESS (U- ACT): The Third Annual U-ACT Stu dent Leader Retreat will take place at the Brazos Valley Camp in Snook, Texas on Oct. 9-10. Come to U-ACT University: The Diversity University and learn about diversity and unifica tion. For more information contact the Department of Multicultural Ser vices at 845-4551 by Oct. 8. NEWLY RECOGNIZED AND RE RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANI ZATION TREASURERS AND ADVI SORS: In compliance with a Univer sity directive requiring fiscal policy and procedure training for all advi sors and treasurers of recognized student organizations, one workshop remains in Room 144 of the Student Services Building: Today at 12 noon. All advisers and Treasurers who did not attend a workshop last year are required to attend. Please call Pennette at 845-1133 if you have any questions. VASA: Meeting in 410 Rudder. For more information call Diana at 846- 6433 for more information. VIETNAMESE-AMERICAN STU DENT ASSOCIATION: Meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 410 Rudder. For more information call Dung at 846-6433. SPANISH CLUB: Play day in Hensel Park at 6 p.m. Volleyball, cultural credit for SPAN 101 and 102, hot dogs. For more information call Melanie at 696-1893, Jennifer at 764-8353 or Amy at 847-2328. .1. .. - \ oj lriprl/f liA GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL: Meeting at 5:30 p.m. in The Gover nance Room of the Student Services Building. Newly elected representa tives will be seated. For more infor mation call Mohan at 847-9234. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COL ORED PEOPLE: Meeting from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in 203 Rudder. For more information call Katina at 847- 2490. RECREATIONAL SPORTS: Entries close for Co-Rec Two Pitch Softball, Putt-Putt Singles, Volleyball Teams and Preseason Volleyball. For more information call the Department of Recreational Sports at 845-7826. FISH CAMP ‘93: Chairperson appli cations now available in room 131 of the Student Services Building. Call 845-1627 if you have any questions. TAMU SCUBA CLUB: Meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 510 Rudder. For more information call Ron at 847-0879. INDIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIA TION: Meeting at 7 p.m. in 404 Rud der. For more information call Asad at 846-7318 or 862-4218. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS: Meet ing at 8:30 p.m. in 601 Rudder. For more information call Brandi at 693- 5362. AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN’S GROUP (STUDENT COUNSELING SERVICE): Screening for members from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. For more information call Brian at 845-4427. CARIBBEAN STUDENTS ASSOCI- ATION-.Meeting at 7 p.m. in Bizzell Hall West Basement. For more in formation call Janine at 823-2937 or Nicholette at 696-7398. MSC ALL NIGHT FAIR COMMIT TEE: Presenting The Spencers, a magic and illusion show at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theatre. Tickets on sale at Rudder and at the door. For more information call Keith at 845-1515. ICARE: Meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 206 MSC. “How to be a Successful Col lege Student Part II.” For more infor mation call Sherri in the Multicultural Services Office at 845-4551. STUDENT TEACHERS: Orientation meeting from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in 226 MSC. All spring, 1993 Student teachers need to attend. If you can not, please call 845-8254. WESLEY FOUNDATION: Men’s and Women's Bible studies at 7 p.m. in the Methodist Student Center. For more information call 846-4701. BONFIRE RELOAD CREW: First training session is tonight in 601 Rudder at 7 p.m. Bring $$ if you want a shirt. Everyone is welcome to attend. See More What’s Up/Page 6 RESEARCH Skin Infection Study VIP Research is seeking individuals 12 years of age or older with uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections. If you have a skin infection, you may qualify for a four week research study using a currently available antibiotic medication. Participants who qualify and complete the study will he paid $200. Genital Herpes Study i Individuals with genital herpes infection are being recruited for a 3 week research study of an investigational anti-viral medication. If you would 1 like to find out more about this study, call VIP Research. $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. CALL ; Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. ft 776-1417 M Class of '93 Council is now accepting applications for the following committees: ** Senior Bash & Banquet ** Class Gift ** Awareness ** Special Activites ** Finance Pick up an application in the Class of f 93 cubicle in the Student Programs Office. They are due Friday, October 9 by 5:00 p.m. Sign up for an interview at this time. 75V vision) (D2S ( D28&*oun<ll Open to Public [ Q ^mQrtl CoUege Station • Hundreds of frames at _ , _ . , .. . 900 Harvey Road these prices • Dr s Rx or lens duplicated (2 biks. w. of Clear plastic lenses * Call 693-5358 for more details Post oak Mail) PARENTS NIGHT OUT Sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega Free babysitting for the students and staff of A8JVI Oct 9th 6:30 - 10 p.m. Room 301 Rudder Questions ? Call Wendell 846-7356 or Adrienne 846-9171 COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Representatives will discuss opportunities for WORK ABROAD Thursday, October 8 3:00-4:00 pm Room 302 Rudder Interested in working for 6 months in England, Ireland, Germany, France, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Canada, Spain, or Jamaica? This meeting is for YOU! Study Abroad Program Office, 161 W. Bizzell Hall, 845-0544 Is your future career in one of these fields? • INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS/RELATIONS • MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ARCHITECTURE/DESIGN • LIBERAL ARTS L» Then enhance your qualifications by joining DiS Denmark's International Study Program Find out more at OVERSEAS DAY Thurs, Oct 8 10 am-2 pm MSC Main Hallway ACCIt BBMWHiiciNfHA i EDOGDDEEEBEIXIX An MSC Student Programs Committee UNEXPECTEDLY WONDERFUL! ENTERTAINING, PROVOCATIVE, piercingly funny and notably sensual.” -Kenneth Turan, LOS ANGELES TIMES THE WATERDANCE C WINNER! Audience Award 1992 Sundance Film Festival/ n n IDOUBY STEREol ® *"* VrseiEc no rxeATner, SAMUEL QOLDWYN COMPANY Thursday, Oct. 8 @ 7:00PM & 9:00PM Admission is $2.50 A PARAMfiUfli CttMMiaiCAnOKS COMPAQ ia b cvrmtr.M. 19?? nr pmmiowh wtniRit /c.' M All RlCMK Friday, Oct. 9 & Saturday, Oct. 10 @ 7:30, 9:45, & Midnight Admission is $2 Call 847-8478 All films will be presented in Rudder Theatre Complex.