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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1992)
Tuesday, October 6,1992 Texas A&M University A.RTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Battalion Tuesc DESIGN YOUR CAREER AT THE FALL 92 CO-OP FAIR ATTEND BOTH DAYS Learn about the following companies and their co-op jobs, summer jobs, and permanent jobs Monday, October 5 8:30-3:30 Zachry Lobby Tuesday, October 6 8:30-3:30 Zachry Lobby ABB Vetco Gray Alcatel Champion International DSC Eastman Chemical Freese & Nichols GPM Gas Corporation Houston Lighting & Power L.G. Balfour McNeil Consumer Products Miles Mobil Chemical NASA-Johnson Space Center Occidental Chemical Quantum Rhone-Poulenc Southwest Research Institute Trane Company United Parcel Service Advanced Micro Devices Arco Exploration ARCO Chemical Army Corps of Engineers City of Houston CompuServe Cryovac Dow Dupont Enron Gulf Coast Chemical I.B.M. National Instruments Natural Gas Pipeline Texas Instruments Learn more about your career options now. Spring T 93 This time don't be left in College Station. Attend our informational meeting: Tues, Oct. 6 1:00 -2:00 p.m. at 251 Bizzell Hall West Or come by the Study Abroad Program Office 161 Bizzell Hall West 845-0544 Fine acting saves "Other People's Money' By ANAS BEN-MUSA Reviewer of THE BATTALION "Other People's Money" Written by Jerry Sterner Starring John Flores, Paige Griggs, Debby Gonzales, J. Craig Headley, Christina Vela O'Connor Directed by Robert Wenck Rudder Forum Aggie Players opened their season Thursday night with "Other People's Money," a drawn-out, irritating play about a small wire and cable company being bought out by a corporate raider. Thankfully, the fine perfor mance by the actors makes this play worthwhile. The play contrasts small New England town life and the evil corruption and immorality of urban life. Andrew Jorgenson, played by Paige Griggs, is the president and majority owner of the New England Wire and Cable Com pany. A sentimental middle- aged man, Jorgenson believes in the strong family values of the company. Jorgenson is a pathetic charac ter who spends the whole play ious, corrupt man who love only one thing— money, hi hoping Larry would kicks® reality into Jorgenson. Howev er, the irri tating char acters and sappy script did not over whelm the good per- ROBERT /. REED/The Battalion J. Craig Headley plays Lawrence ’The Liquidator” Garfinkle in ’’Other People's Money,” which showed Oct. 1-3 in Rudder Forum. reminiscing about the "good old times." I thought I was going to get a sugar rush after the first five minutes of his storytelling. After the first act, I was so irri tated by Jorgenson that I began to root for the corporate raider, Lawrence Garfinkle (nicknamed Larry the Liquidator), played by J. Craig Headley. Headley's Brooklyn accent and attitude were enjoyable to see. Larry is an immoral, obnox- formances by the fine cast of at tors. Christina Vela O'Connoii portrayal of Kate Sullivan,! lawyer trying to stop Lam, helped the play along. Shecreat ed a feeling of balance with! other characters, who are mosllt either nerds or money-mongen Larry's smart-ass disposita and Kate's savvy attitude collidt to create some of the bestscena in the play. Their sexual innuen does provide some lively iw ments. Jerry Sterner's play is mediocre, but the Aggie Players help to make the play better. If you have time between Ort 7-10, go see "Other People's Money," and root for Larry the Liquidator. Tickets are on sals in 146 Blocker. The Magic Touch Duo dazzles audiences with illusions By JULIE POLSTON Feature Writer of THE BATTALION Have you ever had the urge to make a loved one disappear, or maybe put a few swords in somebody's side? For Kevin and Cindy Spencer, a married couple/duo illu sionist act, these urges are reality in their daily world of magic. The Spencers will perform at Texas A&M tonight at 7:30 in Rudder Theater. Their per formance is sponsored by the MSC All Night Fair Committee. Jennifer Cheng, public relations executive for All Night Fair, said the Spencers are one of the most requested entertainers on the college circuit and have been nominated for College Campus Entertainer of the Year several times. The touring illusion team combines illu sions with comedy, special effects and audi ence participation for their performance enti tled "The Spencers - Magic for the '90s." "They do a lot of the old Houdini material. but they are primarily a magic and illusion show," Cheng said. Cheng said she feels the show will be a suc cess based on a survey taken by the committee last year after Ronny Romm's extra-sensory perception show. "The majority of the people there wanted to see a magical, illusionist show," she said. Keith Swinarsky, chair of All Night Fair, said he saw the Spencers in Huntsville last year and decided to try to get the act to come to A&M. "Most pther colleges do not have this type of entertainment opportunity concerning nov elty and variety shows," he said. The Spencers also perform in theaters and resorts and for cable and network television and provide special entertainment for corpo rate events. The couple were chosen to entertain at the World Youth Congress ift Mexico and at the National Junior Wheelchair competitions, and performed before 17,000 leaders and scouts at the National Boy Scout Jamboree in Chicago. Recently, the Spencers won the Ham Chapin Award for Contributions to Humaiii ty. In 1984, they began a program called l Healing of Magic" to help people whoafi physically challenged. Kevin said learning how to performil- sions can help people improve basic skills. "If you can learn how to float a wand,! you're going to learn how to butter bread cut a cake," he said. "And if a stroke victim can learn three or four steps needed to '[*!, form a trick, he. can remember Jhow to fry; egg." ... noner tit seffAH u, iui rtoKw SM'tw**) rt 1H£ l£AP£ iNJOtf-Cc COOl reer f. to 3:3 jobs, : jobs. Coopi 7725. "The Healing of Magic," which has been eJ dorsed by the American Occupational Then py Association, is used by hospitals and reliJ' bilitation centers across the United States anil in nine other countries. "Magic wands don't always belong will black hats and rabbits," Kevin said. "Some times they belong in hospitals where frail hands learn tricks and the magic - the real magic - is in the healing." See Jish Hinoi OS3. perform at Tuesday, ■ ,0 6°pmf ,h ' 110 College Main (409) 846-0017 College Station, TX 77840 Fax: (409) 846-3133 Association of A&LM GUITARISTS Top 5 most requested songs 1. "Hunger Strike"— Temple of the Dog 2. "Sent By Angels"— Arcangels 3. "What God Wants"— Roger Waters 4. "Jeremy"— Pearl Jam 5. "November Rain"— Guns 'N' Roses 1. "End of The Road"— Boyz II Men 2. "Barbie"— Meryn Cadell 3. "Sesame Street"— Smart E's 4. "I'd Die Without You"— P.M. Dawn 1. "No One Else On Earth"— Wynonna Judd 2. "If I Didn't Have You' Randy Travis 3. "We Shall Be Free"- Garth Brooks 4. "Shake The Sugar Tree"— Pam Til I is 5. "Bubba Shot The 5. "Erotica"— Madonna Jukebox"— Mark Chesnutf Look Out World! I Have Extra Money Life! I never thought I would be counting nickels and pennies-fuzve to be counting them! Did you ever have to go for fast food and pay for it with nickels and dimes rolled up in plastic wrap and some quarters taped together? You look the cashier straight in the eyes and say something like "this is my little nephew's." Now wipe that picture of me out of your mind. Everything is a lot better. I get good additional money for doing a good deed-about one thousand five hundred dollars a year! Cash, on the spot. Nothing taken out. All mine. Think of what you could do with a guaranteed $120 extra a month. If there were two of in husband and wife...boy friend - girl friend, we would have $ payment? vacation? some dynamite clothes? You see how it works. It's not that I am idling away the long sunny hours between birth and rheumatism but-things are clicking! Like I said, it's a good deal for a good deed. I donate blood plasma. This takes about an hour and a half each time, at the Westgate Plasma Center. It's not complicated like giving blood and you don't feel tired or stressed. You sit and talk or read (the students study) during the procedure. It is decorated like a place serving movie stars. Thick leather couches, soft colors, and every magazine in the world! The staff is very nice, friendly and no one is a stranger for more than 5 minutes. If you look around you, you will see your neighbors & friends donating. Seven hundred local people a week volunteer their plasma, so you are in good company. (It has become an A&M tradition.) You do get a pin prick and the rest is automatically done by > little machine pulled up beside your lounging chair, ft machine is very "high tech" with funny little beeps. While you’re reclining there you can read, as I said, or talk to you friends or meet some new ones. It is all gentle. Who kno« 'who' you will meet there-two engagements have already happened. On your first visit a doctor will give you a complete physical-free! The plasma center looks for donors in the best el health. I can't tell you everything technical about plasma, but 1 kno# it is vital in a number of areas. Vital to the point that a person with hemophilia (the hereditary bleeding disease) depends onil to live. It takes about 40 gallons a year to supply one padent Plasma is also the base for a variety of medical tests and treatments. In this world tens of thousands depend on the stuff if they are going to have a tomorrow. You get the picture. Plasma only comes from humans, so only a human can save another human. I feel just fine about doing that. This is what's happening in my life now: I have cold cash put in my hand each time. No more saran-wrapped, scotch-taped coins for me and livin' on little. And I’m doing good. Look out world. I have extra money-regularly! Paid Advertisement Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd. Bryan, Texas 77801 846-8855 Call for an Appointment Paid Advertisement HOW, lions < Oci. 1 Build! ence Camp ed nu availa theT- GYMf 307 R p.m. at 764 con TIVEJ Bowl I able ir 163 S plicatii Form Moore texa Practii 4 p.m. Everyi neces State i inform 7974. WESL Study in the inform tamu r~ vip unco infect avail; the st Indiv reseat like t paid t Vc