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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1982)
Men charged with extortion in ‘Army of God’ kidnapping United Press International EAST ST. LOUIS. III. — Three men arrested in the “Army of God” kidnapping of The Diamond Store Introduces A Special Texas A&M University Student Charge Account If you are a junior, senior or graduate student, stop by Zales and apply for your account today. * Brakes McPherson Manor East Mall 822-3731 Post Oak Mall 764-0016 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 “A Complete Automotive Service Center” Tune-Ups Clutches Struts Front End Parts Replacement Air Conditioning Service All American Cars Datsun-Honda Toyota (Master Card & VISA Accepted) Dr. Malon Sutherland, left, assistant vice president for student services and Brent McCaleb, president of the Student ‘Y’, present Stacey Graf, the pres ident of the Residence Hall Association, with an Loses temper on stand VALENTINO B> LEON BEC K Sentinel Reporter C'ountrs entertainer Valentino Enrique Hernandez is being touted by his management. Pro Media, and by his label. RC‘A Records, js country music's first teen idol The teen market is ripe lor a country idol, ami it just might be 21-year-old \ alcntino. who was discovered by Happy Shuhan who brought Johnny Rodriquez to country music Valentino romance, he says), recently played Gilley's on a Saturday night, the lirst dale on his current lour He just wrapped up m New York with a blitz ol teen mags — Teen Magazine. Tiger Beat and Teen Bag "They told me that they’re getting a demand and a push for country artists m their magazines." says the artist who calls himself a romantic country music singer " Valentino was born on Feb 13 and he landed his lirst recording contract w ith RC A Records on Feb. 1.3. I‘ISO His first release. "She Took the Place of You." made a dent on the national chans but failed to lire up his career. His next release. "Somebody's Heaven Is Missing An Angel Tonight." is the one that is going to fuel his career, his management says He was born in Toledo. Ohio, but his family moved to San Antonio when he was a year old. he recalls between shows in a trailer parked behind the club My father is Spanish and my mother is German and he met her in England. He didn't like the cold weather in Toledo so we moved to San Antonio. " His mother named him Valentino, he says, "because she vs anted a star in her family." From the beginning. Valentino seemed destined to be an entertainer Little Valentino used to stand in Iron! ol the mirror with a hairbrush when he was 4 and 5 years old and sing the songs of Elvis and Jim Reeves "All my life they trained me and pushed and prepared me." And in the last three years. Happy Shahan has held the reins on his career Happy Shahan owns Alamo Village, the site where several films, including "The Alamo." "Bandolero." and "Barhar- osa" were shot The village is located in Bracketts die. and features a western town, gunfights. a stagecoach and other forms of entertainment When Valentino was 1.3 he met Happy I auditioned for him and he told me to keep in touch." Valentino says. At the age ol 19. after playing the music circuit in San Antonio and chalking up a year of college. Valentino returned to Alamo Village He performed in gunfights and live music shows a day lor the tourists Other work I did was anything from building fences to riding horses, riding the stage, cleaning bathrooms and working movies, " But Valentino and Happy didn't neg lect his development and potential as an entertainer "Over the last three years he has been working with me. couching me and getting me ready . We've been taking one Johnny Rodriquez was a happening. Valentino says Tsc been played like a football team. We've made our game plan and we followed it and we re going lor a touchdown And part of that game plan to make that touchdown was Nashville The first journey for Valentino and Happy was in the winter of 1979 “He thought it was time to introduce me to Nashville and to his people " Valentino made demo tapes and contacts on his first trip Then they returned during the w inter of 1980 This time RCA like one of his demos. "She Took the Place of You" and he latched on to a recording contract His producer is Norm Wilson, who has produced records lor the likes of John Anderson. Jerry Reed and Charley Pride But Valentino does not have the country edge that those singers do "He has an entirely different feel with the cuts that we have done compared to some of the people he's worked with." Valentino says He defines his music us "Valentino." "For the simple fact." he says, "that I don't do just ballads and I don’t do just country I like to do everything And that includes an uptempo Mexican song, he says, along with country and rock n' roll His stage show is "high energy and upbeat" and "covers all bases Valentino's exposure to country music was rather limited during his early years In I9PK. he recalls, he was listening to 5()s rock n' roll His knowledge ol country music was restricted to Bob Wills and Hank Williams. I listened to all the rock n' roll and then when disco came out. I really went country Influences on the young singer were rather a blend of artists From Elvis and Bobby Darin to Hank Williams. Faron Young and Ray Price When he was 11. he learned how to play the guitar Then he played the dance and wedding circuit My grandmother had 2.3 children so we had lots ol weddings." he grins Then Valentino evolved from the concert stage to television in San Antonio and Monterrey when he was 12 "During the break I would come out with my guitar In luet I didn't know the guitar well enough, and I had to have someone tune it lor me It I broke a siring, someone would have to change it lor me. I didn't know how The hands that Valentino played included Valentino and the Cosmic Armadillo Band. Sundance, the Branded Men and Sagebrush He has appeared as an extra in several films, including Willie Nelson\s new film. Burbarosu." and The Code of Josey Wales " His lirst acting role was in the PBS production of "Juan Sequin ' • It didn't last very long." he laughs 'I got up against the wall and I was shot That was quick SOUTHERN COUNTRY NOW OPEN Across from Texas World Speedway Hwy. 6 (formerly Mickey’s) Harrelson ‘despises’ United Press International SAN ANTONIO — An irate Charles Harrelson said Monday that his testimony “doesn’t mat ter” and contended he was framed in the shooting death of federal Judge John H. Wood. Harrelson, who lost his tem per several times during cross- examination, told Assistant U.S. NOTICE What are you really earning on j variable annuities. Call Larry] and Swede to find out 693-6030 Attorney Ray Jahn that he “de spises” federal authorities. Wood was shot to death out side his San Antonio apartment the morning of May 29, 1979. Testimony in the trial was to resume Tuesday. “I wouldn’t tell you people the time of day if you were dying needing to know,” Harrelson said Monday. “I despise you people. “It doesn’t matter what I say or said in the past. You can turn it around to where I was setting up an alibi or withholding infor mation. You’re very adept at that.” $1°° off admission at door w/coupon AGGIES!! CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS IN AGGIELAND December 6-8 MSC Arts Committee sponsors CHRISTMAS GIFT SALE 24K gold plated jewelry items 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. November 29-December 3 MSC Hallway The outburst was triggered when Jahn pointed out inconsis tencies between Harrelson’s tes timony to a grand jury in Octo ber 1979 and his testimony at the trial. The accused hitman com plained the most damaging testi mony in the trial came from Joe Chagra, his former attorney and cocaine connection, who pleaded guilty of conspiracy in Wood’s death and then agreed to testify in return for a lenient sentence. Chagra, of El Paso, testified Harrelson told him he tried to kill Wood in Midland before making the hit in San Antonio, using a Weatherby Mark V hunting rifle. Harrelson has maintained that a gambling buddy, Pete Kay of Huntsville, framed him by making it appear Harrelson stalked Wood and then killed him with a gun Harrelson’s wife had bought. “From your own informal Pete Kay was shopping aro for someone to Wood,” Harrelson said. “K| ing the kind of heat iui come up with and knowM reputation, my past (as ad victed hitman), 1 can’t ( anyone better to take thej than myself.” Harrelson said Kaywasjl $200,000 by gambler . Chagra, Joe Chagra s brotlif Las Vegas, for having Woodl led. Chagra faced a drugsi® gling trial in Wood’s cowl; feared a life sentence. Harrelson claimed Ka) i him to bring his wife’s tat Midland May 15 when 1ft was holding court, there) then sent him to San Ar| the week before Wood wa] led, Harrelson said. “I believe someone conscious effort to have] there,” he said. Hostages freed from hospital United Press International HOUSTON — A former mental patient, who walked into a private psychiatric hospital and then demanded to see a doc tor, held 33 patients and staff members hostage before releas ing them and surrendering to police. There were no injuries in the incident Monday, although the unidentified former patient had a .22-caliber pistol. He had been a patient at the Spring Shadows Glen Hospital two months ago. Houston police SWAT team officers said the man releast but one hostage after aid but kept registered muse 11 Blackwell with him until: tor would agree to speak 1 him. Blackwell described| man as slightly agitated; slightly depressed. Hospital administratoijl Mueck said the man entereJf hospital about 3:45 p,m.anl gan arguing with hospital' cials. He surrendered topoliul out 8 p.m. No charges havei filed. Get Your Xerox Copies in the MSC Main Lounge December 6 12-1 December 7 12-1 December 8 12-1 The Symphonic Band will perform holi day music. The Revelliers continue the festivities with a variety of songs. The Women’s Chorus closes out the pro gram with a medley of Christmas carols. Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony December 6 8 p.m. with Dr. Vandiver; Miss TAMU, Miss Gina Geiger; and an open concert by .. The Singing Cadets Tr sponsored by the MSC Christmas TT Program Committee at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market We do all kinds of Typing! AGGIELAND PICTURES (Jrs., Srs., Grad Students) being taken at Yearbook Associates 1700 Puryear 9 a.m.-S More information 693-6756 Something Else Hair Salon * Student Papers -¥• Resumes + Letters -^Technical Reports ■¥■ Theses ¥ Dissertations