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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1982)
*#Vi5 Tit t <///////, ( local / state Battalion/Page 5 December 1, 1982 55000.00 In ~ 5 Rwresi $34.95 52 - Welconn t sale, Ags asked to mail cards to military riON nt of western fe Ytackofal tioned off. ty s 14”, 15’, It -Tan, Circle Y. Saddlery sad- in ranch sad- rens saddles, er Show sad- ddles have a! ntee. by Kim Schmidt Battalion Reporter Christmastime is a time for Santa Claus and mistletoe and a time for families to get together. And it’s a time for spreading goodwill and cheer. * And this Christmas season, Texas A&M students will have a chance to spread holiday heer to servicemen stationed throughout the United States through the Armed Forces Mail Call. Sponsored by Keathley Hall residents, the program allows students to send Christ- trtas cards and letters to ser vicemen who might not other- wise receive them or who are elebrating Christmas away irom their families and lomes. ' Cards will be sent only to servicemen in the United States because the deadline lor submitting overseas cards SPECIAL NOTICE iRIVING RANGE ised and Bonded. 6417 >y*77± POLICY (table in hill payment it be made on ut be picked »P* which they‘Kl** Looking for the special gift. Try a visit from Santa Claus. Pro- it,: fessional Santa Claus availa- ble for parties and home or dorm visits. 696-8008. 64111 has passed. The program, sponsored nationally by the United Ser vice Organization, is not com pletely new to Texas A&M. Although this is the first year the program will operate Uni versity-wide, it was initiated last year as a dorm function by Keathley Hall. Keathley residents col lected and sent 33 cards and letters in 1981, said Karen Crotty, Keathley’s program director and head of this year’s Mail Call. When a letter of thanks came from the USO director of the Armed Forces Mail Call for only 33 cards, Keathley re sidents realized how much servicemen appreciated and needed those few cards, Crot ty said. Residents hope to collect at least 200 cards this year. Crotty feels the program is particularly suited to Texas A&M because of its affiliation with the military through the Corps of Cadets. Furth ermore, many college stu dents can relate to the feelings of servicemen alone at the holidays. “As college students, we know what it’s like to look in to see an empty mailbox even on special days,” Crotty said. To help see that no service man is without mail this holi day season, Keathley resi dents are asking students to contribute cards and letters this week. Card collections be gin today and will end Friday. Students who want to parti cipate should follow these guidelines: •Write a Christmas card or letter telling about them selves, their hobbies, Texas A&M and any of their other interests. •Include only a return address on the envelope. Be cause the letters will go to anonymous servicemen in all branches of the military, an address is not required. The return address, however, will enable servicemen to write back if they wish. •Do not attach a stamp. •Drop the sealed letter — along with 20 cents for post age and handling — into de signated boxes at the Com mons main desk or the secre taries’ island in the Student Programs Office in the Memorial Student Center. Former diplomat to speak today Hrs: Mon-Sat 3-9 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30. ” Service Road Going South - V* | miles. 8t20 The former Polish ambassa dor to Japan will discuss the “Soviet Union after Brezhnev” at 3:30 today in Rudder Forum. Zdzislaw Ruraz, an expert in international economics and foreign trade, defected f rom Po land last year after the declara tion of martial law and is now a guest in the United States. Ruraz has served as an econo mic advisor to the Polish cabinet arid was.ambassador to the Phi lippines before he served as ambassador to Japan. Dr. Richard Thomas, dire ctor of Texas A&M’s Center for Strategic Technology — which is sponsoring Ruraz’ appearance — said the speech promises to be far-ranging in its scope. Thomas said Ruraz is concerned with both the political situation in Europe and U.S. policies which could help the evolution of free dom in Europe. The lecture is free and open to the public. 1982 NORTH AMERICAN TOUR * FREE POSTERS * free tour t-shirts * FREE CONCERT TICKETS to win sta y tuned to Jail guard arrested for drugs United Press International RICHMOND, Texas — De puties held a state prison guard Tuesday on charges arising from the attempted sale of 26 pounds of marijuana to under cover narcotics agents. The Major Crimes Task Force of Fort Bend County arrested Herriberto Estrada, 29, ajester II Unit farm guard, and his roommate Jose Munoz, 25, Monday night in a Rosenberg shopping center parking lot. They were to have gone be fore a justice of the peace for a bond hearing late Tuesday. Authorities said the men were trying to sell marijuana worth about $15,000. The arrests were made without inci dent and a loaded pistol was found in the suspects’ car, agents said. A Texas Department of Cor rections spokesman said Estrada had worked two years as a guard in the agricultural sector of Jes ter II, which is between Rich mond and Sugarland. Agents said Estrada and Munoz carried drivers licenses with Harlingen addresses and had an apartment in Fort Bend County. The agents refused to say where the men lived. Jester Unit Warden Dave Myers was informed of the arrest. Frulau, Saturday, Sunday, 31 '^December 3, Thursday. Friday, Saturday ^December 9, JO, 11 . 1 jfcs Cfiristmos season .Journey ^iroualt time to a JtjWntli century Emlisn Vi llaye. browse through a Merchants' Market singers, moatc/ans <5- troubaJours an the M$C MaJrmf dinners for a delicious holiday feast With dejjyhtful eniertainment Come! <R^use jour tanlcard 6-Jom tkjun. 7V(SC Main CBartrc Iroom ♦ Seating jvr dir, 'inner at 7:15 ♦ Tickets an sale now in the MSC Tnpc Office k Student tickets — $ 10 * Jilon student ticlutts — | COM IIV AT YA! PizzaDeliveryNow NORTHGATE Introducing Speedy 30 Minute Delivery FAST and FREE from your Northgate Pizza Hut® restaurant TRY US! Call 260-9060 Sunday-Thursday 5:30 pm-12 midnight Friday and Saturday 5:30 pm -1 am Limited Delivery Area Northgate and A&M Campus AGGIE INTRODUCTORY COUPON oo OFF $2.00 OFF ANY LARGE 15” PIZZA OR $1.00 OFF ANY MEDIUM 13” PIZZA LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PIZZA EXP. Dec. 17, 1982 501 UNIVERSITY DR. <® TAUBER PH. 260-9060