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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1982)
features Battalion/Page 13 November 18, 1982 New exam for teachers ims to prove competence NOTICE I What are you really earning on (variable annuities. Call Larry | and Swede to find out 693-6030 as a watcl IlHerillgM United Press International ||Arnerican folk wisdom holds: Whose who can, do; those who 'ton, thef can't, teach; those who can’t on’s exea teach, teach teachers.” though But folk wisdom has no place re corre(t|in the nation’s classrooms or )fgovei!'|ttachers’ colleges, and there is a ave not fafcrisis of competence on the ng now Iriteaching front, as a result, takentheif. A newly revised National to ; hi-!teacher Examination is sup- nis or eliAsed to help solve the crisis, rmed the providing a kind of key guaran- lieing that “those who can” get Be teaching jobs and those who can’t are kept out until they can meet high standards. The test examines teacher fendidates in reading, writing and arithmetic. It also tests gen- d eral knowledge, including sci ence. I Listening and other com munication skills also are obed. One would hope that new Reeves t fathers know how to write and ailing ah: *' sten > hut a number of teachers ihnent. in recent years have not been n. Reeves i^hooled in such basics. That is them wiif tfie view recently expressed to of hazanliN Education Testing Service e fired lir l% some 3,000 teachers, parents nganddrf* 1 '^ administrators concerned With the quality of teaching. The railroad in Princeton, N.J., adminis- Lonnie lers the National Teacher Ex- lier testl ^"'nation. ;n was told: | As a result - the N rE * R lven rot to beer 1950, has been revised top test firinjl rehired, ese people rnett ask > at this pa will be " btearnsl enough o agement to bottom for the first time. Some 10,000 college seniors, majoring in education, sat through the first administration of the new and tougher test Nov. 13. Among other firsts in the his tory of the NTE, the teachers-to- be had to write an essay. By year’s end, all those headed for teaching jobs will A recent survey showed education majors have the lowest SAT verbal and math scores among 12 groups of college ma jors. have taken the harder test. Scores will help when they apply for a job — providing evidence they have the competence needed to function in today’s complex schoolhouse. A recent survey showed edu cation majors have the lowest SAT verbal and math scores among 12 groups of college ma jors. The essay comes in the com munications skills “core battery” section of the test. Teacher can didates also were tested on their ability to listen to, comprehend, analyze and evaluate messages about teacher-related and gen eral topics. The “core battery” test — three tests of two hours each — is in addition to tests that future teachers must take to proVe competency in subjects they in tend to teach. Gregroy R. Anrig, president of ETS, the outfit that also runs the Scholastic Aptitude Tests taken by more than 1 million high school students each year, said the NTE and 25 specialized subject area exams are used in six states for teacher certifica tion. These include Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. In addition, Anrig said, 25 states use the examina tion for other reasons including selection, licensure and prog ram evaluation. School districts making use of scores from one part or more of the NTE tests in selecting new teachers include Baltimore City, Md.; Jersey City, N.J.; Pitt sburgh, Scranton, Philadelphia and Williamsport, Pennsylva nia; Memphis, Tenn.; Fairfax County, Va.; and Milwaukee, Wis. The NTE scores are accepted as an alternative to some re quirements for regular certifica tion in California, Colorado, Maine, New Hampshire, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Anrig said the NTE Policy Committee’s, decision to expand the basic skills testing of new teachers is a spillover from pub lic worries over poor basic skills of many high school graduates. Anrig was asked if the better One would hope that new teachers know how to write and listen, but a number of teachers in recent years have not been schooled in such basics. National Teacher Examination might be of use to school dis tricts wanting to test the com petency of teachers on the payroll. “This test is good for measur ing knowledge needed for entry to the teaching profession,” he said. “But after that, nothingcan take the place of direct observa tion, supervision and assistance to the teacher by the principal and others in the administra tion. “I say this as a former princip al, as a former superintendent and as former commissioner of education in Massachusetts.” dlhcuinj’ii Aunt Hy Hraufrutt (Ultnmaa a yin Nnu. 17-20 iSuli&rr (Hljeatre Tickets on sale now at MSC Box Office. Theatre Arts Program Production )wed Robe: sre related ees and be: m a “lenienf the moral cottage red >s Grace Sd ie voice Ity, whichsk times in It bing, is til :r laugh, duced aboil Ipecker cat >ed by mm’sdepii? ly profottii gift of grtl n did notit isonianbi woodpeds touse, aduii Valt Disney restricted« promotion ;r has nets h a ;h he was tin it song. the Sn# as the hi[ work for ll< .«JUV4.V