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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1982)
Battalion/Page 5 October 28, 1982 Murder conviction overturned United Press International AUSTIN — The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Wednesday overturned the capital murder conviction of Linda May Bur nett, who was sentenced to death in the 1978 slaying of a 2-year- old Winnie boy. Burnett earlier this month wrote a hand-scrawled letter to a district court judge asking that she be allowed to die without appealing her conviction, but; prosecutors objected and her defense attorneys continued with the appeal over her objec tion. Ii 12 faculty memM eight research I have conducted niming to '0,000 in the pastlnj One of the lv proud of at Tea we have what > unique anthro) t," Bryant said.In iniqueness that has uk h attention botli nd international!' exas A&M is theoi ex as that offers lobotany, a conservation leology. A'e have tried 'ram grow by fim other regional iols are not stra int said. “This is 41 e in Texas thatstuila his material in te Buy this diamond initial charm now and e;et a $ 19.95“S” chain as a bonus! |This 2 inch cockroach, from South America, is being •studied in the Department of Etomology under the direc- exas A&Mwasthes tion of Dr. Keeley. By documenting the effects of diffe- >nal institution inti™ rent chemicals on the roaches’ brain, creating new pesti cides is no longer a hit or miss job. nsect control researched n the insects physiological offer advanced ling in the area of archaeology, dirffl e of die world’ aeologists. he anthropology ug to receive pH by Jane North in the next tWOOlB, Battalion Reporter 5 to 0 |f er a (lociorH exas A&M University scien- Brvant said tisls are hoping that the neuro- hormones that control the •» Hwth, reproduction and phy siological balance of insects may •; H provide a way to control in- . ’ h set pests without insecticides, w I ICUllUpThe scientists are trying to t t leain enough about neurohor- k /-yi vs Hinfltnjnes. which are manufactured -*he Drains of insects, to make jHm artificially. They hope 1 ggpdHv then could block V Lt TOLU; n J, roS e cret i ons j and disturb theii aneer in the seartf'balance, opment on Ne* HSince neurohormones are so ilture will speal® important to the insect’s phy- af Agriculture" FflSi(logical process, you should lie bidder Tower, able to disturb the process and . Richard S. MaAldolurol the insect population,” • of the RobertSiJDi|. Larry L. Keeley, professor dation for ArcMoflentomology, said, ver, Mass., willdisHThe research in this area is he conducted in Vi! theoretical since little is outh America duwknpwn about insect neufohor- and 1970s. mjnes, he said. Scientists do icNeish has writwRnpw neurohormones affect sological artidfiHod sugar balance, water ba- and has o rfence, blood fat levels and pro- eological field tein synthesis. About a dozen than 30 years, neurohormones are known, but J received hisbfcnly two have been chemically r’s and doctoral ^characterized by finding their he University of 1 femitto acid sequences, Keeley g the 1940s. sa ' ( l speech, sponsoretH'Our primary interest is to A&M College of-fhiid out what processes are reg- n chaeology progritdated by them and then what tments of HiswHir structure is,” Keeley said, aphy, will begin; Once the structure is known, in- Imission is free, hibitors or mimics of the neuro- hormones can be made. Keeley is conducting the re- Jrch on a variety of large tro pical cockroaches from Central America. They are better to use at this stage in research because they are large, easily handled, — foundant in body tissue and PPEIlfpve a large brain, lie said. But —77i'™anyof the insects must be used [because each insect produces only several hundred billionths ofagram of neurohormones, he said. | In order to study the effect of lurohormones, they first must ■ extracted. This is done either Jy isolating the gland in the 'P aili producing them, or by cut- t|ig off the insect’s head and ex- ro tracting them with solvents. Once extracted, the neuro hormones are purified and in jected into a live insect. Such physiological effects as the blood sugar level then are monitored to see if they have changed since the injection. Neurohormones are proteins and cannot be absorbed through the insect’s cuticle (the horny outer covering) as are insecti cides. For that reason, Keeley said he hopes to develop a man made non-protein analog (diffe rent from the structure of neurohormones, but similar in action) that mimics or inhibits the neurohormone’s actions. The inhibitor compound would block the neurohormone at the tissue where a certain phy siological process takes place. For example, if the inhibitor was made to block blood sugar up take into the cells, it would re tard the tissues which would then become energy-deficient, and the insect would die. The neurohormone mimic would cause an opposite reac tion. It would cause a hyper response — an overload of the insect’s system. If the mimic was made to affect water secretion, the insect would excrete large amounts of water and would die from dehydration. These chemicals would be de veloped to affect only a particu lar type of insect, so the general animal population would re main unharmed. “I am optimistic that in the future, some practical applica tion of these chemicals for speci fic insects will result,” Keeley said. “But I think we have to be cautious until we understand the neurohormone systems better.“ s County Alone, this two- diamond initial charm in 14 karat gold is one beautiful buy at *39.95 But, when you add our 16-inch 14 karat gold “S” chain (valued at $19.95) as your fabu lous bonus with each diamond initial charm purchase, that’s an absolutely fantastic buy. A super value too! But hurry! Quantities are limited. Sock It Away! Zales Layaway ZALES CREDIT INCLUDING “90-DAY PLAN —SAME AS CASH” MasterCard • VISA • American Express • Carte Blanche • Diners Club • Illustrations enlarged. ANNA WHO? 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