Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1982)
local Around town Library to have Halloween contest The Sterling C. Evans Library will be celebrating Hallo ween tomorrow. Displays have been prepared by various library divisions and departments for the Library Staf f Asso ciation’s third annual Halloween display contest. This year, library users will act as judges for the contest. After 10 a.m. tomorrow, a ballot box will Ire set up in the card catalog area on the first floor. The voting will continue until all ballots have been used and the winners will be announced Friday at the Library Staff Association’s Fall Party. Orienteers place in Houston contest Three members of the Texas A&rM Navy-Marine ROTC Unit took honors at a recent Houston Orienteering Club meet. Tony Cannata of Company P-2 in the Corps of Cadets took third place in the 15-18 year old age group. Mike Krivdo, a U.S. Marine sargeant attending Texas A&M, took first place in the over-21 year old age group. In the elite class. Major Bob Fawcett, Marine Officer instructor with the TAMU NROTC, took second place. The two-day orienteering meet, which consisted of map and compass courses set in the woods of Sam Houston Na tional Forest, took place on Oct. 28-24 and drew over 200 competitors from as far away as New Mexico, Louisiana and Kansas. Runners competed in various classes based on their age and experience to navigate over a set course using a map and compass and reach the finish line in the fastest time possible. The Texas A&M Health and Physical Education Depart ment teaches a one hour course in orienteering each semes ter and the Naval ROTC Unit sets up practice orienteering in the local area for those who are interested. Corps trip to Dallas this Saturday Corps Commander Michael Holmes, of Grand Prairie, will lead the corps through the streets of Dallas Saturday, on this year’s first corps trip. The parade includes the Parson’s Mounted Calvary and the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band and will step off at 9 a.m. at the corner of Griffin and Young in Dallas. The corps will march down Griffin, turn right at Commerce and continue down Commerce to Harwood where the units disband. Maj. Gen. Waymond C. Nutt (USAF), commander of the San Antonio Air Logistics Cen ter, will receive the salutes from a reviewing stand at Com merce and Ervay. TAMU book collectors win awards Five Texas A&M students have won awards in the 10th Annual Texas A&M University Students Book Collectors’ Contest. Allen Pecotte, a graduate student in range science, won the $ 100 Charles Thurston Award for his collection of cultu ral geography. Paul T. Schertz, a senior in mechanical en gineering, won the $100 Robert Stewart Award for his col lection, “Humanism in Western Philosophy of the Last 150 Years.” Marilyn R. Kok, a graduate student in English, received the $100 Sid Cox Memorial Award for her collec tion entitled, “A Collection of Books for Children by Au thors Who Usually Write for Adults.” Beverly Ann Kreme- nak, a graduate student in geography received the $100 Frontier America Corporation Fred White Jr. award for her collection on geographic perspectives of Texas. John A. Adams Jr., a graduate student in history, received a $25 honorable mention for his collection entitled “Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck: TAMU in Print.” The contest was sponsored by the Friends of the Texas A&M Sterling C. Evans Library. Engineering profs receive grant Texas A&M University has been awarded a $28,000 gift from the Halliburton Foundation, Inc., of Dallas, to be used to reward three distinguished engineering faculty members and aid placement office support at the University. The engineering grant will supplement, through Awards of Excellence, the salaries of Dr. L.S. “Skip” Fletcher, Dr. John Lee and Prof. John E. “Jack” Flipse. The Halliburton Company, which has such operating un its as Brown & Root Inc., Imco Services and Otis Engineer ing, is a Dallas-based international oil field services and engineering construction organization. If you have an announcement or interesting item to submit for this column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed McDonald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2611. Now you know United Press International SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Em ployee training increases pro ductivity, improves employee morale and reduces employee obsolescence, say executives of many top companies in the Un ited States. A recent survey by a South- field training and communica tions firm found 94 percent of executives from 125 of the na tion’s top firms also found the leaders felt training plays an im portant role in their firms’ fu tures. Most such training goes to higher level employes, accord ing to the Sandy Corp. study. Ninety-eight percent of super visory personel receive some kind of training, compared with only 75 percent of clerical and other staff. HU lllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIII , B Anthropology asks OFFICIAL NOTICE | fOT OWO ( 101 )c l i t 111C1 General Studies Program by Tracy Johnston Battalion Reporter Texas A&M University has Students who plan to Pre-Register for the Spring Semester in the General Studies Program are URGED to pick up a Pre-registration Form in Room 100 of Harrington Tower from Oct. 26 thru Nov. 12. submitted a proposal to the Texas Goordinating Board for higher education that officially would create a department of anthropology — splitting it from the sociology department. Dr. Vaughn Bryant, head of the anthropology program, said the program has been operating on a departmental level since 1975. “In essence, since 1975 the only difference between our anthropology program and a department has been certain types of recognition,” Bryant said. “For example, a lot of our mail still comes to sociology and we don’t get a vote on the acade mic council.” In 1975, the lilieral arts dean decided to split the sociology and anthropology department into two separate budget accounts. This gave the anthro pology program more freedom over its curriculum. In 1976, the anthropology program received approval to offer a master's program. The anthropology program has 50 undergraduate students and 65 graduate students along with 12facultymei use eight research and have conducted Teller 2 is Cash. AGGIES... There's a Teller2 — pulse location near YOU. First City's Convenient Banking Center is located at the corner of Dominik and Puryear in College Station. How you can get the cash you need, whenever you need it. YOU MAY USE THESE FAMILIAR CARDS AT THE TELLER 2 - PULSE LOCATION: Anytime Quicksilver Boss Banker Dough Boy Mini-Bank Ready Bank Southwest Banking Card REACHING FURTHER. DOING MORE. riRSTClTY First City National Bank of Bryan Member FDIC amounting to $500,000 in the pastfaj “One of the really proud of at Tea that we have what very unique anthro| ram," Bryant said. In its uniquenessthathas so nuicn attentionbotli Iv and internationallv,' Texas A&M is the in Texas that offers ethnobotany, and conservation archeology. "We have tried to program grow by that other regional sc hools are not sti Bryant said. “This is place in Texas that stud: get this material in thesti Texas A&M was the h cational institution intit| to offer advanced training in the area of ter archaeology, dn some of the wodi .n c haeologists. fheanthropolog hoping to receive within the next mooi| is 2 inch c< died in the 1 n of Dr. Kec by Jane 1 Battalion R years to offer a doct® ■ exas A&M l i gree, Bryant said. dsts are hoping ll hormones that growth, reproduc flogical balance I) provide a wa; /\ rr-ri^nlfiiFP^ 5 Gthoui ICUlUL'The scientists ■|m enough ab< 'I j-j j-j jj'jjrmtjnes, which are discussed beg— Ihiivthe brains of in TJm artificially. ||v then nairosecretions and disturb theii A pioneer in (he seaidMam e development on Ne* B'Since newrolx agriculture will speakotinfcortant to the gins of Agriculture" Fnjsiolngical process, 601 Rudder Tower. ®e to disturb th Dr. RichardS. Macwfcjurol the insec rector of the RobertSJ Dr Larry L. Ret Foundation for ArchafCbiefitomology, s; Andover, Mass., will distal The research work he conducted inf still theoretical and South America duaktlnwh about ins 1960s and 1970s. mines, he said. MacNeish has wrilttiMjw neurohor archaeological article’blond sugar bala books and has cofflalce, blood fat I archaeological fields 'lein synthesis. A more than 30 years, neurohormones a He received his ba(®nlv two have be master’s and doctoral Wiaracterized by f rom the University of (J during the 1940s. His speech, sponsor#' Texas A&M College of .1) ture, archaeology progrs Departments of Hi* heir structure is Geography, will beginai: Once the slructur and admission is free, acid sequ Brazos County cn STOPPE ■“Our primary find out what pro 'ulated by them ibitors or mimic lormones can be Keeley is cond rch on a varie :al cockroaches America. They at atlthis stage in re: y are large, e lundant in bo< ve a large brail any of the inseci cause each in ly several hum a gram ofneun CLIP ft SAVE TRAFFIC ft PUBLIC PARKING TIPS FOR SMU GAMES AT TEXAS STADIUM CLIP ft SAVE jin order tea stm lurohormones, [extracted. Thi: isolating the ain producing t hg off the insect DO NOT proceed to the parking area surrounding the stadium UNLESS you have a Blue Parking Coupon in your possession! BUT PLEASE 00 Proce.d to Public Parking lots located on the north side of Highway 114. Watch for traffic directors on Highway 1M and Spur 482 who will direct you to rood) leading to the Public Parking areas. Have exact change — three dollar bills— which will eliminate change making and speed entrance to the parking lots. The charge for RV's or Mobile Homes is $6.00, Anticipate how long it will take to drive to the Stadium and leave 30-45 mingles earlier than you think necessary. Clip this ad including the map and take with you for reference as you drive to the Stadium. CLIP ft SAVE