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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1980)
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1980 eni er traditional French cuisine changing Author says changing lifestyles alter meals; scoffs at ‘novelle cuisine' ' H ^raaroinj# United Press International Wets to cut^. PARIS — French food, one of the y 10 petcj,! iorld’s great cuisines, has changed Blrkahly during the past 20 years, Braniffeit l utt ^ c nouvelle cuisine,” or new leadersthtj jisine so widely trumpeted by some iu ld follow J iph thefs is a myth, said a French lay cut co:. lotiscwife-mother-grand mot her we also (WV auld becotk I ”' u ‘ re is o nl y a new approach to jaditional French cuisine,” said niff employ pisette Bertholle, one of France’s sfmancialn, KSt^known cookbook authors and vrence Br! teachers, ley say’ll “Til e traditional cuisine still is the empttofastM You are finished if you don’t ■class aiiLuHthe basic rules,” Bertholle said ;ulation in K 11 an interview following publication mudimn,.; Itlf American edition of her third t roT M'‘ FrenchCuisinefor Al1 ”(Dou- aniffsubo£tT Vr 9 ?-' ^ f ° Urth b ? ok ’ e time tk® onal Cookin g’ 15 a curr ent best m y ellerin France and soon to be trans- “There is only a new approach to traditional French cuisine, ’’saidLouisette Bertholle, one of France’s best known cookbook authors and cooking teachers. “The traditional cuisine still is the base. You are finished if you don t have the basic rules. ” akes d The interview took place in snapped op' J r p H lter ’ S Left Bank a P art ment 11 1 !l “Ranted to write of the changes '> die airliif4 French cooking from the years es where I first studied cuisine*in 1950 establish'ffil970 — tremendous changes,” lied outofv:,ptholle said, “but only now can we it had enter : fee them because they came very flights, ilowly.” nonths Br I ft 6 sai ^ changes did not mean snfpm’nuB’-afilod nouvelle cuisine, that it of it!lW en over a l ianc fi u l °f Paris res- omc of to :W' $ anC * stormec l Frenc fi res- ...j „„„ u.Hits across the United States. Hie friendly, auburn-haired au- hof laughed at some nouvelle " ' Hie restaurants she visited re- i many profcLifiy j n the United States, which clear assets !:' W fl)pose” handsome plates of food ensive andt£|jtj stripes of multi-colored veget- erseas routtii.ylhere, a tiny piece offish there, eveloped, "In one restaurant in Boston we ivith Eastern iHed pieces of ice atop raw veget- dving Brail; hies,” she said, id with Mid-C; She said changes in approach to S. MidwestkE 1967, Brani’i^ •a Airlines, food exist in France not just in res taurants but also around the family table. The latter are reflected in “French Cuisine’for All. ” “French cooking has changed be cause French stomachs have changed,” she said. “Before, we had time to sit down for long lunches. Now a man is working, traffic is heavy, he has no time to go home to lunch. He goes to restaurants for business lunches and that makes the cuisine of France still live in res taurants at least. “People are also more active. Women work. They don’t have time to simmer one of those brown sauces on the stove for six hours.” Her latest American edition, for example, tells how to degrease soups and other dishes. That, said Berth olle, is the basis of the so-called new method. Much lighter dishes. “I cer tainly don’t eat like I used to 30 years ago — that was too heavy. “Now there is a tendency among families to skip the first course or to serve a cold first course, and have one main dish which can be a big soup with meat, or a ‘ragout’ or bourguignon’ (stew). The one-dish meal is coming in seriously in France in homes.” A comparison of her third cook- ESISD renews murch’s permits ize w I |By JENNIFER AFFLERBACH Battalion Staff i College Station school board proved a six-month extension of ool facility use by three local brehes at its meeting Monday ht. Recording to board policy, the jiches must make a new request Mb' six months for permission to ischool buildings as temporary jting places while their own faci- ties are being built, flowing the churches to use ol buildings is “one way we can nore use for our buildings” and iort the community, said John C. |or, school board president. Tie hoard also approved the dis- Js audit reports for the fiscal year |nd ng August 31, 1980. School |d Trustee Bruce Robeck com- Hjented Donald Ney, assistant su- dntendent, William Goodwin, ptor of business services, and all > who worked on the reports for i^oming through with essentially “i marks from the auditors.” THIS GIFT COULD MEAN MORE i _ THINK! And if you have a gift to buy for a special person who travels, then here's truly a unique idea. A Cessna $20 Discovery Flight Gift Certificate will put that person in the pilot’s seat flying an airplane under the guidance of a professional Cessna Pilot Center flight instructor. Best of all your special person will get the facts on how safe, fast and rewarding flying can be. [Askforafree copy of the Answer Book. It’s full of answers about learning to fly. Include it with the $20 Discovery Flight Certificate in one Holiday gift package. The $20 Discovery Flight Certificate and Answer Book are available at Cessna^ mOTGENUR tU&WO’ftyjut) BRAZOS AVIATION 696-8767 EASTERWOOD AIRPORT COLLEGE STATION FLYCBSSNR THE CPC WHY! book with her first — “Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol. I” — written in collaboration with Fren chwoman Simone Beck and Amer ican Julia Child — shows the older book calling for flour in many sauces that Bertholle now makes without flour. Bertholle, in private life the very traditional Countess de Naleche, re mains devoted to many old methods. She has no food processor in the kitchen of her country home in Vouzeron, south of Orleans, where she has lived since her husband, Henri, died last year. Processors were invented in France and those designed for home use at first were sold only abroad because French consumers, slow to accept new ways, were not interested. Only in the past year or so have they suddenly discovered the ap pliances. “It’s unbelievable how many young'French women are buying those processors to make purees, she scolded. “I put vegetables through a sieve twice to make a puree. I don’t think those machines save time. You have to wash all the parts each time. Twice a year I use a blender to make brandade de morue (cod with garlic and mashed pota toes). However, the non-sticking pans are popular in France and I like those. Barbecue and fireplace cook ing also are new to France.” Bertholle is well known in France as a writer for the Paris newspaper France Soir and as a cookbook au thor. Her second book, “Secrets of Great French Restaurants,” has been published in eight languages, including English. “Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol. I,” published in En glish only, made Bertholle and her co-authors household idols in the United States, but the book and Child are quite unknown in France. In the 1960s, Bertholle, Beck and Child ran a cooking school in Paris. Most of their pupils were Americans, Bertholle recalled. “They always asked why, why, when I would tell them to do some thing,” she said. “To ask why is very American. “I told them there was a little girl and she wanted to look at what was inside her beautiful doll. So she opened the doll with scissors and then there was no more doll. “Too much precision in cooking will kill the beauty of the dish.” MANOR EAST MALL 3 MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 AND ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE KTAM FAMILY NIGHT AT MANOR EAST III ON TUESDAY NIGHT EACH WEEK. Adults Only $2.50 Children 14 & UNDER FREE WITH PARENT Wednesday Special Monterey Dinner Resta Dinner 3 3 99 REG. 4.55 69 REG. 4.15 Enchilada ^89 Dinner £* REG. 3.35 6UU RESTAURANTS 1816 Texas Avenue 907 Highway 30 The board voted to submit a re quest for $180,212 in funds from the Department of Education Regional Office in Dallas for the 1981-82 Head Start Program. The funds will be shared by the College Station Inde pendent School District and the Bryan Independent School District. College Station will have 75 students participating in the program and Bryan will have 275. “We should be able to get (the grant) without any trouble,” said Assistant Superintendent H.R. Bur nett. In information items, Ney announced that, in accordance with a state law requiring all taxing jurisdic tions to use a market valuation of 100 , percent, CSISD will switch from its current 80 percent ratio beginning with the 1981 tax roll. “We’re not changing the tax dol lars we are collecting up or down,” Reagor said. This is just another way of calculating the tax amount, he said, which should be simpler for the tax payer in the long run. Bank on Brazos Savings. Write checks and earn 5V4% interest. A Brazos Savings MoneyStore checking account pays you 5 1 /4% interest on the balance in your account. You pay no service charges with a minimum balance of $300. (If your balance falls below $300, there is a $10 fee but no matter what your balance, we still pay you 5 1 /4%, compounded continuously.) There is no extra charge for telephone bill paying or automatic bill paying (if you choose to use either or both of these exclusive MoneyStore features). 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