Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1978)
SBaiiSaBgSffifflMiMWaiSM tor y °f Jones, sources saijfe c ^ e( J to commjj jP'oit the couj 1 station and t) 1 0 , bea ns, to 'P'es, oran ga Jlt han g>ngiin gating the, Ryan, D-Cal em - all was pteg ; time 1 Thrush, 7|, cultists po S a purple o, oacefullymij. >e repatriatec: it the leadquarteni vn. ymond Godj rooks, 73; C ay Saterwkiti pbell, 6U| was unavaili: ia, 84, hast 1 United Stale the massa® accounted (i| feet in Cm; licides under hom irdensaspat, :s in them ikman % ic«! > of sect mec i her thret Houston baby was born on same date as others in family United Press International HOUSTON — Sabrina Leeann Heinrich was born Sunday, just in time for the birthday celebrations of her grandmother, great-grand mother, aunt, uncle and cousin. Parents Jerry and Sandra Hein rich, both 26, laughed off questions about the family’s Nov. 26 birthday tradition, which happens to fall about nine months after Valentine s Day. “Who knows? Maybe Mother Na- ture is playing tricks,” said Mrs. THE BATTALION Page 7 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1978 Heinrich. “It’s just one of those things,’'" Heinrich said. Sabrina’s brother was horn one day too early to belong to the Nov. 26 club. 'ALTERATIONS' IN THE GRAND TRADITION OF OLD TEXAS WHERE MOTHER TAUGHT DAUGHTER THE FINE ART OF SEWING — SO HELEN MARIE TAUGHT EDITH MARIE THE SECRETS OF SEWING AND ALTERATIONS. DON’T GIVE UP — WE LL MAKE IT FIT!" to N ew yoif °‘Jones reporfl*** [) t0 (Miiot 4* : bor debrirfij . AT WELCH'S CLEANERS, WE NOT ONLY SERVE AS AN EXCEL LENT DRY CLEANERS BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN ALTERING HARD TO FIT EVENING DRESSES, TAPERED, SHIRTS, JEAN HEMS, WATCH POCKETS. ETC. (WE RE JUST A FEW BLOCKS NORTH OF FED MART.) WELCH’S CLEANERS 3819 E. 29th (TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER) vly* »JL» «£>* vL* ^X^ >X» «X» »Xf *s|^ vt* , ✓Jni ✓Js. 'T* 'T' 'T* 'T* ‘T'* 'T'* ^T* i JWL —I■■■■ I' "I* * PIPES SNUFF SPITTONS PIPE RACKS ROLLING PAPER CIGARS - IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIGHTERS/FLUID IMPORTED CIGARETTES CUSTOM BLENDED TOBACCO nL* -X* "sX 1 * nX* %X- sX ^X 'X ^X ^X >X *X^ »X >X -X* "X *X^ >X 'X' —x^^ —y- —y- —y- —y- —y- —y- —y- ^y— —y. —y— ^y- ^y. ^y- -y* —y- ^y^ ^y* -y- -y- —y* Battalion photo by David Owens Junior James Nicolaou chose to display his enthusiasm for tonight’s Bonfire by shaving his head into a block T. Nicolaou and a few other Corps members into either mohawks “Cause it’s Bonfire!” shaved their block T’s. heads Why? §Iumans mail ben^t Heart surgery Mules laden with Blue Maguey pinas on their way to Cuervo’s La Rojena plant. d Larry k 1 ;st. Laytoi tested The removal of certain nerves in he hearts of test animals has been hown by Texas A&M University esearchers to decrease the blood low requirement in the heart and to counts ofmBnerease the number of new blood lyan, thret Vessels in damaged parts of the fector. is already hospitalized sustained leart. The process could eventually irolong the lives of heart patients. Carl Jones, a physiologist in the by and loi Texas A&M University College of dedicine, has been studying car- liac problems since he received his loctorate in medical science 10 ’ 29, thepni /ears ago. He said he began his research on he effects of removing sympathetic lerves from the heart when he came :o Texas A&M in 1976. Sympathetic nerves are the nerves in the heart that cause ad- ricide, wen e keeping ymung mei js Jones loii rter, 28 32. e commune noving these nerves the heart will atsaris, win ss — sent >eat at a peeding with a sni »dy activity increases or decreases, lestined foi 300 sssy spoki Soviet l anericanoi! i tact we k ited toacii ar. ’’ iy 22, ;ast 5,00( m from a ts have boats ks, hum hey destfl d bein; y said, d pock 1 were wail tan, Trei to be ustments in heart activity. By re steady rate up or slowing instead vof dowrufefs [ones said. When coronary occlusion occurs confiscate: (blockage of a coronary artery), the who sat blood supply to a particular region of the heart is cut off completely or ie estimated is greatly reduced, Jones said. By removing the sympathetic nerves before coronary occlusion takes place, the damage to that re- nary vessels will grow toward the damaged region of the heart, thus supplying it with blood, he said. Jones said only three labs in the United States have the knowledge to surgically remove the sympathe tic nerves from a heart. The process has only been tried on experimental animals. Jones said it would be dif ficult to apply directly to humans. “Right now, we are looking at the effects on the heart, not the applica tion of the process to humans,’ Jones said. All of his research has been with animals, but he said that since all mammals’ hearts are basi cally the same, the results could be expected to be the same in humans. Marvin Cannon, an anatomy re searcher at Texas A&M, has aided Jones in his research. The results of the research have brought the process to the attention of the National Institute of Health, which has granted Jones $170,000 to begin further studies in December. “More research is needed to ex plain why removing sympathetic nerves protects heart tissue from the serious effects of coronary occlu sion, ’ Jones said. “Findings might provide improved techniques for treating human heart patients and increasing their chance of survival, Jones said. ■mi •. # , TACOS AL CARBON ' • V- STEAKS MEXICAN STYLE 41.00 A M. - 10:00 P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS -Highway 30 (Huntsville Hwy.): VCollege Station, Texas • 693-5169 SIK^ Since 1795we’ve Blue Magueys for the gentle way Its the old way. And still the best. athered our uervo Gold ".iii 4k At Cuervo we know that there is only one way to make Cuervo Gold perfect. The way we’ve been doing it for more than 180 years. That’s why people still nurture our fields of Blue Maguey plants. And why mules are still used to bring these precious plants to our distillery. Fbr tradition is still the most important ingredient in Cuervo Gold. This is what makes Cuervo Gold truly special. Neat, on the rocks, with a splash of soda, in a perfect Sunrise or Margarita, Cuervo Gold will bring you back to a time, when quality ruled the world. Guervo. The Gold standard since 1795. m* CUERVO ESPECIAL® TEQUILA. 80 PROOF. IMPORTED AND BOTTLED BY ©1978 HEUBLEIN, INC., HARTFORD. CONN. /iththefea gion of the heart will be reduced. The blood flow in the unblocked vessels will increase and new coro- During the past two years, Jones has received $90,000 from the NIH and $10,000 from the American Heart Association. The results are hoped to one day help people with heart problems. Too much turkey? Get ready for Christmas with rail' ite RAPID lUmiCE ~Tm Lose up to 10 POUNDS and 10 INCHES In 10 DAYS) Satisfaction guaranteed! 693-7431 ay night as “well :e” for less the eir go® down Santa Suggests e-ffiMKLT player pianos are back .. . at Keyboard Center. The "Fun and Loving" Gift! E IED UJS ron J0 Be Picky and Give Obvious Quality .. the Alvarez. LAYAWAY LOCAL TERMS BALDWIN FACTORY TERMS (reasonably priced) other guitars also on display ^liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiimiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH It's Sound Center's Anniversary Sale-A-Bration... Technics SL-3200 Turntable KJEIMWOOD Direct Drive DC Servo Motor Strobe Speed Control Semi Auto-Matic * 2 Full Years Warranty $ 134 50 KT-5500 Tuner 139 95 1.9uv Sensitivity 1.0 dB Capture Ratio Dual Tuning Meters KA-5700 Amplifier $ 169 9 5 40 Watts/Channel Less Than .04 T.H.D. Power Meters Hirsch Reports This to be the Best in Its Class. (Nov. 78 Stereo Review) with Super Savings for You! KOSS® "Easy Listener" Stereo Headphones KESMWOOO KX-530 Cassette Deck Convenient Front Loading Dolby Tape Equalization $ 172 LSK-200 2-way speakers Incredible Sound From the Sound Professionals. Now $29 9s KENWOOO *49 50 EACH 5 Year Full Warranty KsyboARd Center Baldwin Pianos, Organs, Fun Machines, Playe ^Pianos. Manor East MaII Bryan • 779-7080 Randy Stuart, Owner OpcN 6 Days Tit 6 PM FALL GRADUATES — 90-DAY DEFiilitiE.i> a >J(UpauUWWflBBSBBB8B*!liJIWIPWJWIIgMWW8!l 3820 TEXAS AVE. 846-3517 (Next to Randy Sims’ BarBeQue) Layaways & Financing Available Free Delivery And Installation r.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiniiiiniiiniiiniiinnniiniiiiiinniinnniiiiiiiiiiiiiininniifH!niiHmiininmniminmuiiii»ii» , ';M ,, »iMi;nifiiiniHM | »»Mr.mM'n.M ! ii««m MnMMtoaMMBWIV