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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1978)
f Pago 8 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1978 IVSINESS CflUM Inquire About Our Term Starting January 2 Phone 822-6423 or 822-2368 For more information call 822-6423 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 SALE RUNS THROUGH DEC. 2 Items Already On Sale Not Included MEN'S FASHION JEANS 15%orr JfMJ 111 BOYETT Open Thursday til 7 p.m. 846-5580 Williams, Brown win Cowbelle awards Standard OH Co. chairman honored Harold J. Haynes, board chairman of Standard Oil of California, was presented with the first Texas A&M University Geosciences and Earth Medal for Distinguished Achievement. The medal recognizes a former Texas A&M student who has served the University for con tributions to the field of earth re sources through management, engineering or science. Haynes presented the College of Geosci ences with a seismic truck and equipment. Haynes is a 1946 graduate from Texas A&M Uni versity with a civil engineering degree. He was presented with a NOTICE It has been RUMORED THAT * Chasing girls ^0% tf,- ★ Watching T.V. 3n^ r>r» XAr ★ Getting caught by Aggies ^Old Servl Djy ★ Partying ^ ^ r °^h * Studying (???) wiber 8th. ** ★ BEATING THE HELL OUT OF IOWA STATE * Is more fun than WASHING CLOTHES. If you agree with the above, bring your wash to the AHONflVT where our courteous attendants will wash, dry and fold for you. (Attendants will hang wash and wear clothes but will not steam press them — Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. only. THE AHdNnVT is OPEN 7 DAYS/WEEK 24 hours/day FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE DO IT YOURSELFER the AHONflVT 3702 S. College A LARGE VARIETY OF TITLES * INCLUDES CHILDREN’S BOOKS Puzzles \ Pleasure \ s V * *» Gift Giving Books at Vs to Vs Publishers List Price! (TEXAS A&M BOOR6TOC In the Memorial Student Center Campus Names Susie Lyn Williams and Jac quelyn Lee Brown won the first Texas Cowbelle Scholarships. The recipients were named at the Annual Texas Cowbelle Awards Luncheon held at the Dallas Hilton in October. Williams is majoring in Agricul ture Communications at Texas A&M University and Brown is majoring in food and nutrition at Texas Tech The two $500 schol arships were given for academic achievement. The scholarships were funded in part by the Cow- belles and in part through other donations. Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1974. The presentation was sponsored by the Geosciences and Earth Resources Advisory Council. Szabuniewicz honored as emeritus prof Dr. Michael Szabuniewicz was recently designated professor of emeritus of Veterinary Physiol ogy and Pharmacology. The emeritus designation is granted by the board of regents in recog nition of long and distinguished service to the University. Szabuniewicz taught for 13 years in the areas of pharmacology and toxicology before retiring in 1975. Szabuniewicz has recently returned to Texas A&M after serving three years as a visiting professor in Iran and Venezuela. Dixon has done research on the influence of specific soil minerals on soil behavior. He is currently investigating minerals in the soils of Saudia Arabia to help expand food production in the arid zone. Kohel has done research on cotton genetics, identification and linkage of qualitative genetic characters, and breeding metho dology. Kohel holds degrees from Iowa State University and Purdue University. Dixon is the contributing author of the book titled “Minerals in Soil Environ ment”. College Unions-International table tennis tournament at Texas A&M University. Andy Agosto and Mike Surman, both from Seabrook, won the doubles com petition. Mike Bearrow of Hous ton placed second in the singles division. The tournament was msored by the Memorial Stu- Edt spor deni lent Center Recreation Commit tee. The four winners will com pete in the ACU-I regional tour nament next February in De nton. Debaters win fourth in senior division Team places second in meat judging test Drs. Dixon, Kohel named agronomy fellows Dr. Joe B. Dixon and Dr. Rus sell J. Kohel were recently named to the Fellows of the American Society of Agronomy in Chicago. Dixon is a professor of soil mineralogy at Texas A&M University and Kohel is a re search geneticist and research leader for cotton genetics and coordinator for cotton research. Fellows are chosen by the soci ety for their professional achieve ments and meritorious service. Michael Shelby and James Starr, of the Texas A&M Univer sity Debate Team, won fourth place in senior division of cross- examination debate at the Uni versity of New Mexico last weekend. Shelby and Starr won preliminary rounds over Air Force, Arizona State and Texas Tech. The team will travel next weekend to Harvard for the Har vard Invitational tournament. Debate coaches Dorothy Kirn and Wayne Kraemer will accom pany the team. The Texas A&M University Intercollegiate meat judging team placed second at the American Royal Meat Judging Contest this month at Emporia, Kans. The team took fourth place in beef judging, fifth in lamb judging and beef grading, and seventh in pork placing. Gary Newman was fourth highest ranking individual in the contest. First place was won by the Uni versity of Tennessee. Glen Dolezal is the coach of the team. University ma J orIn g in c 0|]1 munications and business, from Richardson. Pigg has ^ named Distinguished Student^ 1978 and the undergrade chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, m, tional journalism fraternity ^ ject is a member of the Century Jij intert gers and dormitory represent,, tive to the Student Council, n,, 1979 Maid of Cotton will tourtl, t globe during her six-month o®. cial tour as ambassadress fortf l( American cotton industry. D,,,. ing the tour, the Maid of Cotton will meet with top govemmem officials at all levels and will make presentations to eivj c groups coast to coast. I their tified. itory Ping pong tourney winners announced Randall Levy of Houston took top honors in the Association of Pigg is finalist as Maid of Cotton Deliorah Lynn Pigg has been named among the 18 finalists in the 1979 Maid of Cotton Selec tion, in Memphis, according to the National Cotton Council. Pigg is a junior at Texas A&M Adams made director of continuing ed Dr. B.J. Adams has been pro. moted to director of the Tea A&M University Office of Coj. tinning Education beginning Friday. The appointment mS approved Tuesday by the Tea A&M University System BoarJ of Regents. Adams will continue as director of the Executive De. velopment Programs, assistani dean of business administrate and assistant professor of man agement. Adams is a IDil graduate of Texas A&M. He la received a masters degreem business administration fron Tulane University and a doctor ate in business administration from Texas A&M. He joinedtke Texas A&M faculty in 1966 OUR ANNUAL CANDLE LIGHT CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE WILL C - BE HELD SUNDAY AT L- ft P.M. AND WEDNES DAY AT 10 P.M. Oh, Como, Oh, Como, Emmanuel UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 315 N. Main — B4&-S6B7 Hubert Beck, Pastor Lonely Americans need, want attention WorvMp S*rvlc»» at •: 13 m m. and o \ EV stopp the < house walk lights Th. who i they 1 home We comp that, 1 gone TH on the third bring: open, agero to see “Sh behim “Dc Nancy “Sh after r TH] "her ca call he jack t< house At t side th doctor his go' -month At t Coll new to CD United Prcvi IntcrnoliontA IOWA CITY, Iowa — Have you ever wondered why sa people will wait patiently at an airport for a chance to reach outwil ^ * touch President Carter for a second or get a live glimpse of his smile' ^ The rationale behind such behavior probably is fairly complicated but at tVie bottom of it somewhere may he just p)ain )one)/ness, m! Richard Yates, a psychological counselor at the University of Iowa. Many Americans are not demonstrative,” he said. Someofustaj ' reach out naturally to bug a friend who has won a prize or canputaii arm around the shoulders of a neighbor whose home has burned. Yates said when such contacts cannot be made comfortably or warmtb sbmvn, "were apt to feel frustrated.“ He said withdrawing into an impersonal shell to cover emotional inadequacy can generate loneliness. Even the John Waynes among us have moments of yearning to be looked after, to have others care what happens to us, he said. Soa Jimmy Carter can meet this need momentarily — make us feel we belong to someone.” Yates said understanding emotional inhibitions is the first step to- vwiMrd overcoming them. He said emotional stiffness could have begun <Q AGGIES! Douglas Jewelry in childhood if you did not feel Hilly accepted and loved by ypw parents.” Another possible cause is adolescence. You could have grown away and never made it back to the warmth you felt when you were held and rocked and read to. It's normal for teen-agers to loosen home ties and develop outside friendships. Wist parents find other ways to keep close to their adolescent children Yates said some people avoid becoming close to others because they re afraid they won’t measure up and will be rejected. Young people, particularly, need to find their strong points and get some successes under their belts to offset such insecurity and becomedk to reach out to others.” “We’re too preoccupied to find out that a next door neighbor lias beeriJi^theJiosjjitaMoi^wc^veeks/^lfatessaid. offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of *50 00 or more 10% off of under $ 50 00 NEWS OFFICE SUPPLY CASH PURCHASE ONLY We reserve the right to regulate the use ot this privilege. 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN 108 COLLEGE MAIN 846-2522 ptestype special ••• 50 a sheet til DECS We re cleaning house on our old & shelf-worn sheets. L VSUPPue.e> for your ppattins EXceLiatf Court Yard flUffl ImportcrsJL©' purveyors of the worlds finest wines & foods. 49C1 Cbrtcf Creek Pky Dryan.Tx. 77801 779-6930 (Specialty meats and cheeses and Ghflees and Teas and (Spices and Caviar and Rite and Cksta and ftrty trays for special occasions and Bulk olives and Gift baskets and French cookware and... The most anginal R>Boy in the world. New Open mgrei “W quern Th, ment Th, reguh Th, shoul yet ft Th, cated and ii lieve cepta ing ai Ad exten bette: Barcelona APARTMENTS NEWLY REMODELED! ALL UTILITIES PAID and Individual Heating and Air, Cable T.V., 3 Laundry Rooms, Swimming Pool, Security Guard, Party Room, and Close to Campus. 693-0261 700 Pominik, College Station