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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1978)
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1978 TWO FREE OFFERS FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD & LOUPOT’S *105°° Value SOySO 1 Application Pac, 5 Solution Books & 40 blank program cards . . . FREE WHEN YOU BUY A HEWLETT- PACKARD HP-67 or HP-97 (Between February 1 & March 31, 1978) Value 5 Solution Books . . . FREE WHEN YOU BUY A HEWLETT- PACKARD HP-19C or HP-29C (Between February 1 & March 31, 1978) HP-29C LOUPOT'S BOOKSTORE Northgate- Across from the Post Office MSC BEAUTY SALON VALENTINE SPECIAL Let a Professional Care for Your Hair Frankie Emilio Complete hair care for men and women. John This coupon is good for: $2.00 off regular price of a haircut or $5.00 off regular price of a permanent. Offer good through February 28, 1978. MSC BEAUTY SALON Please call for appointment: 846-0636 Open Monday through Saturday. County votes $10,000 for Millican land fill By ANDREA VALLS A $10,000 appropriation for the maintenance of the Millican land till was passed Monday at the County Commissioners meeting. Commissioner Bill Cooley, Pre cinct 1, requested the budget change on grounds that the land till at Wellborn was closed last year and residents need a facility to dispose of solid waste. Cooley said the County Health Department is more severe when inspecting the land lill and an appropriation was needed to maintain health standards. The $10,000 was appropriated from the county’s general fund. A Brazos County citizen, Mar garet VanBavel requested that the county appropriate money lor the maintenance of Boonvdie Ceme tery. She also requested restriction of burial to people who are descen dants of those already buried there because the cemetery is a historical site. Judge William Vance said that the county cannot restrict burial to only descendants and still appropriate funds for the maintenance of the cemetery. He advised further dis cussion on the matter. In other action, commissioners heard a presentation of a National Flood Insurance program. The pro gram would not include the incor porated areas of Brazos County, Bryan and College Station, because the cities already have city flood programs. A flood plane map was distributed to the commissioners and will be reviewed before further action is taken. A county court order will be needed before the insurance program can be established for: Brazos County. Commissioners also approvedtlie application to the Criminal Justice Division for the second-year fund ingofthe Brindge House, a juvenile detention center. Last year Brazos- County appropriated $14,500 auk | initiation ol the detention centers, program. This year, Urazos (.mints 1 wil appropriate $6,989 for lundingolj Brindge House while the state will appropriate $39,000. In other business, approval ol 1 ] payment of fire calls for January, 1978 was passed. Payment was also | made from the Community De velopment Fund to Bryan Const)® tion Co. for work completed oo,| Phase I of the County Park. h Dorm residents promised end to water interruptions By ANDY WILLIAMS Battalion Staff Dormitory residents at Texas A6cM University can now expect un interrupted water service for the rest of spring semester, said Edward Kozlowski, associate director of maintenance. "If we cut it off any more, it s be cause of some emergency, Koz lowski said. Recent connections of water lines to the library addition Handy Burger 10:30 A.M. - 10:30 P.M. EVERYDAY JUMBO BURGER & ONION RINGS 99c WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 19th HOURS 9:30-11 P.M. 846-7466 203 UNIVERSITY have made some shut-offs neces sary, he said. These usually lasted four or me hours. Kozlowski had no recordd I Do the number of water shut-downs. |licli "I don’t see any reason we would want to keep such a thing, he said In an informal phone survey ol resident advisors conducted Monday, answers to the water shut-down question variedfroiij none to three times. Kozlowski said electrical linestu be tied to the library addition March. “We’re going to try this during the spring break said. This operation will not the dorms, he added. I “After school is out, well prohij bly have to make one more big nection," said Kozlowski. Thisw should be finished between the of the spring semester and the summer session, he said. attention seniors Birdwell, a Well Logging Service Company WILL BE ON CAMPUS FOR INTERVIEWS February 17,1978 GEOPHYSICS, E.E. and M.E. Contact Your Placement Office For Appointment S<'i*mo<3raph Service Corporation A SUBSIDIARY OF RAYTHEON COMPANY P O BOX 1590 • TULSA, OK LAHOMA 74102 • (918)627-3330 VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY TONIGHT Bring in a valentine card and receive a FREE DRINK 25c BAR DRINKS • FREE BEER, WINE, COKES ALL NIGHT LONG the < VARSIT SHOP Hair care for men and women 301 PATRICIA 846 7t Ladies: Free Guys: $3.00 DANCE CONTEST WITH PRIZES PEANUT GALLERY 813 WELLBORN HWY. • COLLEGE STATION • 846-1100 Where everyone meets for a good time . . . for peanuts!