Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1978)
■ Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11, 1978 Sweaters Cleaned Back-To-School Special fDirector urges agriculturalists University Cleaners 112 College A/lain — Northgate & University Cleaners # 2 West Bypass at Southwood (Next to Doux Chene Apts.) Offer Good Thru Jan. 31 mmm to work on increasing funds Scientists with the Texas Agricul tural Experiment Station were served a number of challenges here Wednesday, Jan. 4., including those of advancing technology and the constant problem of adequate fund ing of research. Dr. Neville P. Clarke, Experi ment Station director, told about 500 researchers from throughout the state that there has been a change in thinking on providing money for research and that agricul tural scientists will need to adjust to those changes. Most funds in the past have been provided on a national level through the traditional Hatch Act formula- based system, Clark said. Increased emphasis is now being placed on competive research grants. On the national and state level. there is more demand for explicit details on how research money is to be used, said the director of the state’s agricultural research agency. He added that President Carter’s balanced budget announcements may have a limiting effect on re search support. He also said there is “similar caution on the state level. Clarke urged Experiment Station scientists to communicate more ef- THESE PRICES COOP 1HURS.,FRI, &SAT* JAN .12,13, £14,1978 Friday the 13th f IS LUCKY IF VOU SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLYf Jf- NEUHOFFS FRANKS Regular or Beef 12 oz. plcg. • • # • SIRLOIN STEAK Swift Proten lb. |48 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED HALF HAMS Neuhoff Hickory Smokod %&NUm Butt cut lb. Ploy the oil New Series *3 A» rf W, 1977 gamerama PJIK remaining oops for opps for opps for VALUE • OF PRIZES 1 «t.r» *i«i* 5 rtifr mrt, to rtart ritlti 1,000.00 100.00 20.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 M.I *0F PRIZES 268 548 2,043 7,071 48,830 58,779 211329 15,053 7,362 1,975 571 83 >• I I 1» 1 t. I I. I »* I 42,466 »< 1 3,011 ta | 1,472 ta 1 395 ta I IH 17 21,233 ta I 1,«K ta I 736 t. I 69 *• 1 n* pmt it to*, fk,.< m Ik. ajMr-tN Wi„lf Stmt ItttltJ it Ntrfhtttf Ttmt, Stuthtm Arktnttt, Xtthm Mittittifpi W Umtknt, LOCAL GAMERAMA WINNERS LISTED AT ALL STORE LOBBIES NEUH0FFS HICKORY SMOKED SHANK PORTION lb. Family Pack CUTUP FRYERS Fresh Water Bone-In Woody's 8 ct. plcg. 21 oz. pi ■ 2U *j: yte §M«h 4 1 CATFISH STEAKS CORNY DOGS HOT LINKS FRYER 5ib. J2 59 LIVERS Leo Trevinos 89 •J29 89 69 SMOKED NwWf OIWISCI/ *A1Q SAUSAGE » | iy # I Neuhoff 12 oz. SMOKIE LINKS DINNER TIMER “ FRANKS ... ^ Nouhoff assorted MEATS _ . 6 «*• Piq- Armour Star CORNISH HENS 99 i 89 I 49 L_ each J 16 oz. size S COFEE Maryland Club LIMIT I with *7*° or more purchase 1 lb. can 68 1 HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS CONTAC ^ c ‘f sul,s 10 «■ i*9- Ho? List ^ 1 TOOTHBRUSHES 3 fcr *| Si— mJ CLOSE-UP Toothpaste 6.4 oz. tube Ust*1 6s FROZEN FOOD OEPT. 994 (SPECIALS PIZZAS x 70, ... . al kinds 13 oz. pkg. » y * CHICKEN fried 2 ^ TATER TOTS Ore-ii* HOUR GLADIOLA U CRISCO 3 lb. can Coke or Tab 12 oz. cans CRACKERS RAISINS ICE CREAM Nabisco 1 lb. box PiggV Wiggly saedkMS 15 oz. I 5 ’ 119 59* 79* WOOD Just one of the hundreds of topics in VOLUME 22 BRITANNICA JUNIOR ENCYCLOPAEDIA Old Milwaukee Blue Bell $4c<} ... 1/2 GaL ctn. ■ BEER A 99 — 12 oz. bottles f *300 PORK 8 BEANSt?4'LV M COOKIES 4 8 ” 5 Sunbeam assorted KING KOOLER p!m Pkjll liter Drinks ^ BMNS»-£7 0 “7S”3« s '1 PUDDINGS . 4 i!' 69* mmioM CUCUMBERS LEMONS YELLOW ONIONS NAVEL ORANGES ?"? •* .fcj. Su f" Suntet ^ US1 US1 5* 99* 19< f*....3!«. 39* ii-. 15* ... WAXED RUTABAGAS 15* ★ 4300 Texas Ave. ★ 3516 Texas Ave. ★ 200 East 24th St. ★ 9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION and BRYAN, TEXAS Double fi&H Green Stamps every Tuesday vvrth^2.^Oor more purchase. GIVE Texa uth' ursd fectively with legislators represent ing urban areas, to plan and detail research more efficiently, and to be sure that basic research is goal- oriented and related to the public good. He said the Experiment Station’s current flexibility in research is “very fortunate.” He challenged conference members to maintain that advantage. |ougai lolisei The director also called for moiMgies collaborative research within station, which he said is more in pressive to fund sources than an fragmented and individual researd) projects. Clarke’s final challenge was a quest for improved communicatii with such sources of funds as busi ness and industry. pier tl An impromptu appearance at ttftre tl conference was made by Dr. Janiatouj E. Miller, president of Texas A&Hgo w University and immediate pastifowni rector of the Experiment Static (rdfo Director Clarke presented the prt- igre r< ident with an engraved plaque layer recognition of Miller's “outstandi (forked leadership and dedicated service”k tony n the station. Isiarea Following the presentation, M ereste ler told the group that the A&S hursd Board of Regents appreciates an i go, i wants “top flight agricultural i t 'onigli search. ” T lople. He said that as president hei [The meeting many leaders in business gh26 industrial and scientific fields wl tonl; tell him A&M graduates ai mpts superior and perform well in the 35 fi careers. argin The guest speaker at the confet Mete ence’s opening session was T.J. Bi ig lin low, chairman of the board and chi! y. F( executive officer of the worlcl&Ms largest oilseed crusher — Anderst pec. 6, Clayton and Company of Houston yat’ He described the Experimet Both Station’s research and developm« fecial (R&D) as “impressive and out stain ilidate ing,” and essential to agriculture rm a economic health. He noted thi [yans U.S. agricultural exports are help ents ing “keep this country afloat’ an adenl are paying for much of the oil in itil M ports from the Middle East. enty ithga R&D is costly and time consul ing, whether it is with the Texas '^■st th ricultural Experiment Station; jg p Anderson, Clayton and Compan®j es , but the need is always there, tl U speaker emphasized. BUD WARD VOLKSWAGEN INC. 693 3311 Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize )n Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — AW watehfte'we'A'j Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-581 PREPARE FOR: MCAT • DAT • LSAT GMAT • OCAT • VAT r Our 40th I Year J GR SA NMB I,I,HI, ECFMG-FLEX*VQE NATL DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours There IS a difference!!! EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 For Information Please Call: 11300 N. Central Expwy. Suite 407 Dallas, Tx. 75243 (214) 750-0317 in College Station: 846-1322 PLEASE VISIT OUR CENTER CLASSES FORMING NOW for SPRING '78 EXAMS /vjyfnamb m Eddie Dominguez Joe Arciniega 7 ■■ I